(Matthew Roccella) (12/18/90)
Hello, I have a few questions about DYNASPELL, the spelling checker for OS9. In order for the software to work properly, the manual says to specify a GOTO_XY file with the SPELL command. When I try to run Dyanaspell with my COCO3 and specify the COCO3 xy module, I still get a masseage that tells me that operator assistance is required. When the computer uses carriage returns to clear the screen, the cheching process is extremely slow. Also, when I try to spell check a document that is longer than 10 pages, I get a message to specify more memory when I use the SPELL command. It seems that the maximum memory I can reserve is 48k. Is there a way that I can get around this. If anybody has DYNASPELL and knows how to use it, can you please help me out? Also, Does anybody know any good communications programs out there that run under OS9, emulate a VT100 terminal, and can use a modem connected to the built in serial port? Please pass this information along, also. Thank you, Matthew Roccella
ekuns@kilroy.UUCP (Eddie Kuns) (12/27/90)
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