D. Allen) (06/04/88)
A friend of mine who has been sent off out west for a conference finds herself with a non-refundable "Tourist" rating space on the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour that she would like to sell to an eager rider (or an eager rider watcher). The tour has 900 riders, runs June 11 and 12, and goes a total of 335km from Carleton U in Ottawa to Queens U in Kingston and back, with overnight accomodation and meals at lovely Queen's University on Lake Ontario. You have to be fit to make this trip, but, gosh, it looks like a lot of fun! Phone (519) 886-6254 and leave a message for "Ian" if interested in taking over this space on the tour; I'll send you the info packet and you can cycle away. The package deal cost her $70. The asking price is $60 now (June 3-4) and goes down by $10 each day until it's free! -- -IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) University of Waterloo