herle@serc.nl (Erik Herle) (05/16/91)
Anyone out there who has a nice picture where racing bicycles (in action) are involved? Please, let me know if you have one (together with a short description of the contents) if you don't mind sending it to me by E-mail. Met vriendelijke groeten, Erik Herle' -- ____ / / / / - | Erik Herle', herle@serc.nl | One of the / /- /---/ - - | Software Engineering Research Centre | knights who \__/ /___ / / - - | Utrecht, The Netherlands | say "aNIta"!
skk@sparc.UUCP (Stuart Kreitman) (05/22/91)
In article <6408@serc.serc.nl> herle@serc.nl (Erik Herle) writes: > >Anyone out there who has a nice picture where >racing bicycles (in action) are involved? Please, let me know >if you have one (together with a short description of the In action by themselves or perhaps with riders doing the riding?? Stuart Kreitman (415) 493-6912 Faster Raster Software Engineering 767 Loma Verde Ave, Suite D Palo Alto, CA 94303 _______________ __o _________________ -\<, ......O/ O