[rec.humor.d] "Play" about the humor discussion

Krulwich-Bruce@cs.yale.edu (Bruce Krulwich) (11/24/88)

Chris Long wrote:

>>A play involving various evil-doers making stupid comments.  I could
>>have let them stand on their own (the gibber content is that high),
>>but I couldn't resist a few cheap jabs.

Here we have Chris's motive: have some fun.  He says here that he's making a
joke and that he should be taken as such.

Nancy Gould responds:

>Which is exactly what they are--cheap jabs.

Here Nancy demonstrates that she can read.  Yes, Nancy, they are cheap jabs,
and they were intended as such as says to be such.  Chris identified his post
as humor, and you recognize that.

Chris's post went on:

>>Cast of characters:
>>The good:  Brad Tempelton, persecuted moderator of rec.humor.funny .
>>The misguided:
>>Jonathan E. D. Richmond, leader of the misguided:
>>Nancy M Gould, his second-in-command:
>>David Makowsky, toadie bigot:
>>Betsy R. Schwartz --aka-- Kinyan Cattery, a random bigot:

To which Nancy says:

>Chris Long has just made a personal attack Jonathon Richmond, David Makowsky,
>Betsy Schwartz, and myself without seriously addressing what we had to say.

No, Chris made jokes about you.  There's a difference.  He started out saying
what he was doing.  Maybe you didn't recognize it??  But above you said you
did.  Oh well, onward...

>If people on the net wish to attack the contents of one's postings,
>by all means, go ahead, but please refrain from making personal
>attacks on one's character (and labeling people who disagree with
>your point of view as "misguided" and "stupid".
>Please, people, let's act grown up!!!

Grown up's don't make jokes??  Chris said he was making a joke, made it clear,
and you recognized that he was doing so.  Why be upset at that??  Is his joke
that bothersome to you that you can't recognize it's a joke??
