[comp.mail.maps] UUCP map for network DONE

uucpmap@rutgers.UUCP (04/29/87)

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	network
# This archive created: Wed Apr 29 03:18:53 1987
# By:	The UUCP Project (Dave Wecker Midnight Hacks)
echo shar: extracting network
cat << \SHAR_EOF > network
# This is the current list of machines that have agreed to make the UUCP
# map available to the UUCP community (or some subset of).  The maps on
# these machines are the same as posted here, although they are updated
# more frequently than once per month.  If you missed a file or need
# an update in the middle of the month, please use the machine on this
# list which is closest to your area, and abide by the rules set up by
# the administrator of that machine.  Also, please keep in mind that
# the entire UUCP map is posted every month, so if you can wait
# for the next posting, we encourage you to do so.  This is a service provided
# on a volunteer basis by these machines, and if the privilege is abused,
# it will likely disappear.
# The map posted monthly has been checked as a unit for errors; the daily
# maps sometimes contain errors which are cleaned up in the monthly posting.
# 	Mark Horton
# 	The UUCP Project
# 	cbosgd!mark
# -------------------------
# Site ihnp4 - AT&T Bell Laboratories
# 	     Naperville, IL
# To pick up the UUCP map from ihnp4, use the command:
# 	uucp -m ihnp4!~/uumap/.info !~/uumap/
# 		After you receive notification:
# 	cat /usr/spool/uucppublic/uumap/.info
# 		and follow the instructions.
# If ihnp4 has a direct connection to your system, an alternative is:
# 	uux ihnp4!uupub uumap
# 		ihnp4 will send the uucpmap database to your
# 		system!~/uumap/ and will mail you notification.
# 	Gary Murakami
# 	ihnp4!gjm
# --------------------------
# Site rutgers - Laboratory for Computer Science Research
#                Hill Center - Busch Campus
#                Rutgers University
#                PO Box 879
#                New Brunswick, NJ 08855
#                (201) 932-2023
# Rutgers has automated its map updating procedures.  As map updates reach
# rutgers, we will process them and pass them on to anyone wishing to
# receive them via uucp.  Under normal circumstances we can handle
# traffic only within the state of New Jersey.  However, if you have a
# special need, contact us.  We may be able to help.  We do not maintain
# a public uucp login.  To receive map updates, you'll need to contact
# us and establish a uucp login.  Once established, any part of the maps
# may be retrieved.
#      Mel Pleasant
#      uucp: {ames, cbosagd, harvard, seismo, shasta}!rutgers!pleasant
# ---------------------------
# Site astrovax - Princeton University, Dept. of Astrophysics
#                 Princeton, NJ 08544
# 		(609) 452-3586
# The uucpmap information will be available to our uucp neighbors as files in
# the directory /usr/spool/uucppublic/uumap  == ~uucp/uumap == ~/uumap .
# Please pick them up outside of working hours, preferably from 12 am. to
# 8 am. Eastern time.
# I suggest first pulling over the file astrovax!~/uumap/LISTING which
# contains the list of uucp map files in the astrovax!~/uumap directory.  Then
# pull over the files listed in that file.  That way if the connection is hung
# up by line noise the transfer will not have to restart from the beginning.
# 	Bill Sebok
# 	(ihnp4, cbosgd, princeton, akgua)!astrovax!wls
# ---------------------------
# Site cadre - University of Pittsburgh
# 	     Pittsburgh, PA 15261
# 	     (412) 624-3490
# Cadre will have map accessable to all our directly connected uucp
# sites via uucp/uusend and mail service depending on neighboring site policies
# on thru uucp traffic. The mailbox cadre!usenetmap will provide information
# on map access once map is in place. We will not be servicing arpanet community.
# A reasonable person policy is the only restrictions planned for map access.
# 	Russell Yount
# 	(pitt, vax135)!cadre!ry
# ---------------------------
# Site nbires - NBI, Inc.
# 	      P.O. Box 9001
# 	      Boulder, CO 80301
# 	      (303) 444-5710
# Directly connected sites will be able to get the map and I am
# willing on a trial basis to allow other sites to call in to get
# the map.  Since nbires is a busy machine during the day, I would
# like to restrict access to the map to the period between 11PM and 6AM
# Mountain Time.
# The files are available in nbires!~uucp/uumap.  A current directory listing
# is kept in nbires!~uucp/uumap/.info.  It is best if individual uucp's are
# done for each file begin retrieved.
# Connection information is:
# 	phone:  303 443-1846
# 	login:  uucpmap
# 	password: UUCPmap
# Contact person:
# 	Kirk Webb
# 	postmaster@nbires.UUCP, or kwebb@nbires.UUCP if you
# 		prefer the personal touch.
# -------------------------------
# Site seismo - Center for Seismic Studies
# 	      Arlington, VA 22209
# 	      (703) 276-7900
# On seismo, the uucp map will be available in the directory ~uucp/uumap.
# Each state,etc. will have a file containing the data for uucpsites
# in that state. The filename will be the same as that used for the Usenet
# map (e.g. usa.va, usa.oh, eur.nl, can.on, etc).
# A listing of the files in the directory can be obtained by running
# 	uux seismo!listmap user@site.UUCP
# where user@site.UUCP is a return address for mail.
# Sites already having uucp connections with seismo may uucp the map at
# any time, but should initiate the call if it is long distance.
# ARPAnet sites will find the data in the same format in ~ftp/uumap on seismo.
# It may be ftped with the standard anonymous login.
# 	Rick Adams
# 	seismo!rick
# --------------------------------
# Site zaiaz - Zaiaz Communications, Inc.
#              Huntsville, AL.  32805
#              (205) 881-2200
# The computer phone number is (205) 881-2595.
# A login for uucp use is "nuucp", password "hellozaiaz".
# The files are in /usr/map/uucp
# The preferred hours are 6pm to 8am 7 days a week.
# 	Bill Welch
# 	(akgua,jett)!zaiaz!bill    aka   (akgua,ihnp4)!jett!bill
# ----------------------------------
# Site harvard - Harvard University
#                Cambridge, MA 03128
# 	       (617) 495-3864
# three sites:
# 		filenames same as in Usenet map ( usa.ma etc )
# 		please access between 1AM and 6AM E?T
# 	ARPAnet access
# 		site harvard:
# 		data in ~ftp/uumap for standard anonymous login
# 	BITNET access
# 		site harvunxt:
# 		execute the net command SENDUUM filename
# 	UUCP access
# 		site talcott:
# 		data in ~uucp/uumap
# 		uucp login uucp, no password
# 		phone # (617) 495-8741
# also on talcott:
# 	~uucp/pathalias/data
# is a file ( updated daily ) of the map information without the "#" lines
# much shorter if someone wants to get that.
# 	Scott Bradner
# 	Harvard University
# 	(617)495-3864
# 	sob@harvard.{arpa,uucp,csnet}
# 	sob@harvunxt.bitnet
# ---------------------------
# Site gatech - Georgia Tech
# Gatech supports transfer of map portions (or the whole map) to current
# uucp "neighbors."  Directions on how to obtain map copies may be
# retrieved by issuing the command:
# 	uux gatech!listmap directions mylogin@mysite.UUCP
# (substituting your mail address for "mylogin@mysite.UUCP", of course).
# The directions for access and transfer will be mailed back to you.
# Gatech's uucp does not support uucp login except by "known" contacts.
# If you do not currently have uucp access to gatech and would like to
# establish such a link, send mail to "postmaster@gatech.UUCP" for details.
# 	Gene Spafford
# 	gatech!spaf
# ----------------------------------
# Site sys1	-  Tandy/Radio Shack
# 		   400 Atrium - One Tandy Center
# 		   Fort Worth, Tx. 76102
# 		   (817)-390-3001
# The uucpmap information is available to our uucp neighbors in
# the ~maps directory on sys1.  The file names follow the normal
# u.* and d.* standards. A current index of the maps is in the
# file ~maps/current-index. The only restriction will be, if you
# queue up any of the maps and your site is long distance from sys1
# they will not be sent to you until you initiate the call.
# A program is available for you to have the maps sent to your
# site in compressed (16 bits) form. The program works as follows
# 	uux sys1!mapsend {filename} {system name} {where you want it}
# where 
# 	uux sys1!mapsend u.usa.tx.1 foovax ~uucp/maps/compressed
# will send the map u.usa.tx.1 into your ~uucp/maps/compressed
# or
# 	uux sys1!mapsend u.usa.tx.1 barvax stdin
# will compress the requested map and send it via uux to the standard
# input of a program called 'maprcv' which needs should be a program
# that can read and uncompress the incomeing data.  argv[1] will
# equal the requested map without the .Z extention..
# Please note: we will only send maps to our uucp neighbors. 
# 		Doug Davis
# { ihnp4 || trsvax || soma || bigbang || motown || ico || uiucuxc }! sys1!doug
# Doug.Davis@sys1.tandy.com or doug@sys1.tandy.com
# ----------------------------------
echo shar: extracting DONE
cat << \SHAR_EOF > DONE
This message is posted after the last part of the map.
The eight bundles, and the individual files in those bundles,
are listed below.

	u.Path.1 u.Path.2
	u.jpn.1 u.kor.1 u.idn.1 u.sgp.1
	u.usa.ar.a.1 u.usa.ca.a.1 u.usa.co.a.1 u.usa.fl.a.1 u.usa.ga.a.1 u.usa.in.a.1 u.usa.la.a.1 u.usa.ma.a.1 u.usa.md.a.1
	u.usa.mo.a.1 u.usa.nc.a.1 u.usa.ne.a.1 u.usa.ny.a.1 u.usa.oh.a.1 u.usa.mi.a.1
	u.usa.ok.a.1 u.usa.pa.a.1 u.usa.tn.a.1 u.usa.tx.a.1 u.usa.va.a.1 u.intl.a.1 u.usa.a.1 u.usa.a.2
	u.aus.dom.1 u.aus.act.1 u.aus.nsw.1 u.aus.nt.1 u.aus.qld.1 u.aus.sa.1 u.aus.tas.1 u.aus.vic.1 u.aus.wa.1 u.nzl.1
	u.can.ab.1 u.can.bc.1 u.can.nf.1 u.can.ns.1 u.can.on.1 u.can.pq.1 u.can.sk.1 u.mex.1
	u.aut.1 u.bel.1 u.che.1 u.deu.1 u.dmk.1 u.fra.1 u.gbr.1
	u.grc.1 u.ita.1 u.isr.1 u.irl.1 u.nor.1 u.nld.1 u.swe.1 u.fin.1 u.yug.1
	u.usa.ak.1 u.usa.al.1 u.usa.ar.1 u.usa.az.1
	u.usa.ct.1 u.usa.dc.1 u.usa.de.1 u.usa.fl.1 u.usa.ga.1 u.usa.hi.1 u.usa.ia.1 u.usa.id.1 u.usa.il.1 u.usa.in.1 u.usa.ks.1 u.usa.ky.1 u.usa.la.1
	u.usa.ma.1 u.usa.md.1
	u.usa.me.1 u.usa.mi.1 u.usa.mn.1 u.usa.mo.1 u.usa.ms.1 u.usa.mt.1 u.usa.nc.1 u.usa.nd.1 u.usa.ne.1 u.usa.nh.1
	u.usa.nj.1 u.usa.nj.b.1
	u.usa.nm.1 u.usa.nv.1 u.usa.ny.1 u.usa.oh.1 u.usa.ok.1 u.usa.or.1
	u.usa.pa.1 u.usa.ri.1 u.usa.sc.1 u.usa.sd.1 u.usa.tn.1 u.usa.tx.1
	u.usa.ut.1 u.usa.va.1 u.usa.vt.1 u.usa.wa.1 u.usa.wi.1 u.usa.wv.1 u.usa.wy.1
	network DONE
#	End of shell archive
exit 0