[comp.mail.maps] UUCP interim map update for d.usa.nc.1 d.usa.nm.1 d.usa.oh.1 d.usa.ok.1 d.usa.pa.1 d.usa.tn.1 d.usa.va.1

uucpmap@rutgers.rutgers.edu (05/03/87)

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	d.usa.nc.1
#	d.usa.nm.1
#	d.usa.oh.1
#	d.usa.ok.1
#	d.usa.pa.1
#	d.usa.tn.1
#	d.usa.va.1
# This archive created: Sun May  3 16:06:19 1987
# By:	The UUCP Project (Dave Wecker Midnight Hacks)
echo shar: extracting d.usa.nc.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.nc.1
#N	.app.edu
#F	(none)
#O	Appalachian State University
#C	Kenneth H. jacker
#E	mcnc!ecsvax!khj
#P	Dept of Math Sciences, Boone, NC  28608
#R	inquiry
#W	10/20/86 MRH from ecsvax!khj

echo shar: extracting d.usa.nm.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.nm.1
# Doug McCallum <dougm@ico.ISC.COM>; Sun Apr 19 13:37:25 MST 1987

#N	.dspo.gov, hc
#F	hc.dspo.gov
#O	Los Alamos National Laboratory -- MEE-10/Data Systems
#C	Bob Tomlinson, Dave Tallman
#E	tomlin@dspo.gov, tallman@dspo.gov
#T	505-667-8495
#P	Box 1663, MS K-488;  Los Alamos, NM  87545
#L	35 53 N / 106 19 W city
#U	lanl acg hi
#R	applied
#W	tallman@dspo.gov (Dave Tallman); Thu Feb  5 13:42:52 MST 1987
hc	.dspo.gov
hc	dspo.gov
hc=	hc.dspo.gov
hc	lanl(DIRECT), unm-la(DIRECT), unmvax(DEMAND), acg(DIRECT),
	uxgcc(DEMAND), cacilj(DEMAND), ames(DIRECT), hi(DIRECT)

#N	.unm.edu, unmvax
#F	seismo.css.gov
#O	University of New Mexico
#C	Lee Ward, Eric Engquist
#E	lee@UNM.edu, eric@unm.edu
#T	505-277-6524
#P	Dept of Computer Science, Farris Engr., albuquerque nm. 87131
#L	35 04 55 N / 106 37 46 W city
#U	unm-la unmc nmtvax sandia
#R	registered
#W	10/20/86 MRH from unmvax!lee
unmvax	.unm.edu
unmvax	unm.edu
unmvax=	unm.edu
unmvax	nmtvax(EVENING), anl-mcs(EVENING), unm-la(HOURLY), ucbvax(EVENING),
	convex(EVENING+LOW), lanl(EVENING), gatech(EVENING+HIGH),
	csu-cs(EVENING), losa(WEEKLY+LOW), pur-ee(EVENING+LOW),
	rice(WEEKLY), ogcvax(EVENING+LOW), sandia(EVENING), hc(EVENING),

echo shar: extracting d.usa.oh.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.oh.1
#N	.att.com, cbosgd, cbatt, clyde, ihnp4, ulysses, mtune
#F	seismo.css.gov
#C	Mark R. Horton, Dave Presotto
#E	mark@cbosgd.att.com, presotto@research.att.com
#T	614-864-4358, 201-582-5213
#P	Rm 1E-271, 6200 E. Broad, Columbus, OH 43213
#L	39 58 54 N / 82 50 15 W
#U	cbatt
#R	registered
#R	also on CSNET
#W	1/10/87 MRH from cbosgd!mark
cbosgd	.att.com
cbosgd	att.com
cbosgd  .cbosgd.att.com, .mis.oh.att.com, .oh.att.com
cbosgd=	cbosgd.att.com
cbosgd	apr(HOURLY), amdahl(HOURLY), blair(DAILY), cbatt(LOCAL),
	crash(HOURLY), crdnl(HOURLY), cwruecmp(HOURLY), decuac(HOURLY),
	decvax(HOURLY), decwrl(HOURLY), edstb(HOURLY), hplabs(HOURLY),
	ico(HOURLY), jett(HOURLY), mcnc(HOURLY), meccts(HOURLY),
	mirror(HOURLY), ncr-sd(HOURLY), neoucom(HOURLY),
	okstate(HOURLY), osu-eddie(HOURLY), osupyr(HOURLY),
	oucs(HOURLY), philabs(HOURLY), psuvax1(HOURLY),
	rutgers(HOURLY), sdcsvax(HOURLY), seismo(HOURLY), ssbn(HOURLY),
	stargate(HOURLY), starbase(HOURLY), sun(HOURLY),
	talcott(HOURLY), tektronix(HOURLY), ucbvax(HOURLY),
	ukma(DAILY), ulysses(HOURLY+HIGH), usenix(HOURLY),
	utgpu(HOURLY), vortex(DAILY), uvacs(HOURLY), wright(HOURLY),
cbatt	.att.com
cbatt	att.com
cbatt=	cbatt.att.com
cbatt	amdahl(HOURLY), cwruecmp(HOURLY), decuac(HOURLY), cbosgd(LOCAL),
	hplabs(HOURLY), ico(HOURLY), ncr-sd(HOURLY),
	neoucom(HOURLY), okstate(HOURLY), oucs(HOURLY), psuvax1(HOURLY),
	seismo(HOURLY), stargate(HOURLY), ucbvax(HOURLY), ukma(DAILY),
	osu-eddie(HOURLY), ulysses(HOURLY+HIGH), uvacs(HOURLY)
clyde	.att.com
clyde	att.com
clyde   .gang.att.com
clyde=	clyde.att.com
# ihnp4 is a major hub machine, but the superman who used to administer it
# has left, and it's creaking under the load now.  Since there is so much
# traffic going through it, backlogs are often huge, and mail through it
# is slow and unreliable.  We recommend you don't route through ihnp4.
# The machines listed here are those whose main links are to ihnp4, or
# who have netnews links to ihnp4.  If you believe more machines should
# be added to this list, notify cbosgd!uucpmap.
ihnp4	.att.com
ihnp4	att.com
ihnp4=	ihnp4.att.com
ihnp4	alberta(DAILY), cbosgd(DEMAND), chinet(DAILY),
	gargoyle(DAILY), oddjob(DAILY), ptsfa(DAILY),
	utcsri(DAILY/4+HIGH), utgpu(DAILY/4), utzoo(DAILY/4)
# subdomains and their gateways.
allegra .tempo.att.com
ulysses .homer.att.com, .homer.nj.att.com, .nj.att.com
#C	Jonathan Clark
#E	jhc@mtune.att.com
#T	+1 201 957 2586
#P	Rm 3G-314, 200 Laurel Avenue, Middletown, NJ 07748-4801
#L	40 23 N / 74 04 W
#U	akgua mtuxo ariel mtx5c
mtune	.att.com, .nj.att.com, .dptg.nj.att.com, .dptg.att.com
mtune=	mtune.att.com
mtune	att.com
# Backbones and other well-known sites
mtune	akgua(DEDICATED+HIGH), attunix(DEDICATED), bellcore(DEMAND),
	cbatt(DEDICATED), cbosgd(DEDICATED), codas(DEMAND+HIGH), 
	clyde(DEDICATED), ihnp4(DEDICATED), princeton(DEMAND+HIGH),
	research(DEDICATED), rutgers(DIRECT+HIGH), ulysses(DEDICATED)
# AT&T South Jersey ISN sites
mtune-isn = { mtuna, mtunb, mtunc, mtund, mtune, mtunf, mtung, mtunh, mtuni, mtunj,
	olorin, ky2d, lzaz, lzct, lzma, lzmi, lznv, lzsc, lzwi, io, ariel,
	titania, miranda, caelum, mtgzy, mtgzz, mtuxo, snail,
	brandy, edith, exer, grendel, ho-cml, ho-jaa, ho2cad, ho3cad, ho5cad,
	ho7cad, hoacs, hocad, hocat, honcs, hoqua, hotlb, hotld, hotlf,
	hotlg, hotlv, hotlx, hou2c, hou2d, hou2e, hou2f, hou2g, hou2h, houxa,
	houxf, houxm, houem, hound, homxa, homxb, homxc, majic, si1, slhp1,
	wh2cad2, yoda } (LOCAL)
# System 85 links
mtune-85 = { lime, mtexc, mtfma, mtfmc, mtfmg, mtfmt, mtmer, mtlan, mtsba, mtsbb,
	mtsbc, mttac, mtx5a, mtx5b, mtx5c, mtx5d, mtx5e, mtx5t, mtx5w, mtx5x,
	mtx5y, mtx5z, odin, orion, solar } (LOCAL)
# internal AT&T subdomains
granjon .garage.att.com, .garage.nj.att.com
granjon= granjon.garage.nj.att.com
granjon= garage.nj.att.com
granjon= granjon.att.com
granjon= garage.att.com
# The following list is the subset of AT&T Network Action Central that
# have been tested and verified to be reachable from a NAC machine
# other than ihnp4.  There are other AT&T machines that are not NAC
# registered, and there are NAC registered machines that cannot be
# reached using the distributed information.  Only machines that the
# gateways know how to get to are listed here.
ATT-DK = {
	3k,	    achilles,	ak-2ts,	    akgua,	akgub,	    akguc,
	akgug,	    alice,	allegra,    alux4,	alux5,	    aluxa,
	aluxb,	    aluxe,	aluxp,	    aluxs,	aluxz,	    arachne,
	araki,	    arend,	ark2,	    ark3b,	arrow,	    asmodeus,
	asr1,	    asr2,	atlas,	    atomic,	balin,	    bark,
	bashful,    bb013b,	bb033b,	    bb053b,	bearcat,    beehive,
	bentley,    bifur,	bocar,	    bonnie,	bowell,	    brandy,
	bukwheat,   bwkna,	c11ux,	    c53ux,	caiac,	    capek,
	castor,	    cbatm1,	cbatm2,	    cbatm3,	cbatm4,	    cbatm5,
	cbatm6,	    cbatm7,	cbatt,	    cbbca,	cbcams,	    cbcp1,
	cbcp2,	    cbdkc1,	cbdkc3,	    cbema,	cbhercules, cblpe,
	cblpf,	    cbnap,	cbnds,	    cbneb,	cborvl,	    cbosg,
	cbosgd,	    cbrma,	cbrmb,	    cbrms1,	cbrust,	    cbsca,
	cbscc,	    cbscf,	cbsch,	    cbsck,	cbscm,	    cbsds,
	cbstr1,	    cbtaurus,	cbtern,	    cbuxa,	cbuxc,	    cbuxd,
	cbzeus,	    charm,	circe,	    ciss,	clyde,	    conceps,
	cope,	    cord,	corvair,    corvette,	croq,	    ctd3ba,
	ctd3bd,	    daimler,	daneel,	    desoto,	dory,	    dutoit,
	edsel,	    eeyore,	encke,	    erc780,	ercdora,    esmst1,
	fenian,	    ferry,	ficit,	    floyd,	galan,	    garage,
	garamond,   genesis,	giacobini,  gimli,	gmlr,	    gomez,
	gordo,	    granjon,	grigg,	    groucho,	gummo,	    gunn,
	harpo,	    hector,	hekla,	    ho2cad,	ho3cad,	    ho95b,
	ho95c,	    ho95e,	hobcms,	    hocad,	homac,	    homxa,
	homxb,	    homxc,	hopd4,	    hoqaa,	hoqam,	    hoqax,
	hoqub,	    hostc1,	hotel,	    hotlb,	hotld,	    hotlf,
	hotlg,	    hotlv,	hotlx,	    hou2c,	hou2d,	    hou2e,
	hou2f,	    hou2g,	hou2h,	    houdi,	houem,	    hound,
	hounx,	    houpo,	houtz,	    houxa,	houxf,	    houxh,
	houxj,	    houxk,	houxl,	    houxm,	houxs,	    houxu,
	houxv,	    hoxna,	hr1top,	    hr2top,	hr3ar,	    hracms,
	hrals,	    hrb5a,	hrmsd,	    hru3b,	hru3c,	    hrumr,
	hrwhi,	    hudson,	hulk,	    hunny,	hypo,	    icarus,
	ih1aa,	    ih1ab,	ih1am,	    ih1ap,	ih1b15,	    ih1b5,
	ih234,	    ih3b1,	ih4ep,	    ih554,	ihactr,	    ihaxa,
	ihcae,	    ihcdc1,	ihchk,	    ihcup,	ihdes4,	    ihdev,
	ihe5a,	    ihe5h,	ihe5i,	    ihe5j,	ihe5k,	    ihe5l,
	ihe5o,	    ihe5u,	ihe5v,	    iheds,	ihelp,	    ihesa,
	ihexp,	    ihhfs,	ihivs,	    ihjhh,	ihjreid,    ihlpa,
	ihlpd,	    ihlpe,	ihlpf,	    ihlpg,	ihlpj,	    ihlpk,
	ihlpl,	    ihlpm,	ihlpr,	    ihlps,	ihlts,	    ihmax,
	ihmdo,	    ihmds,	ihmlab,	    ihn5s,	ihn5t,	    ihnet,
	ihnp3,	    ihnp4,	ihopb,	    ihps1,	ihps2,	    ihreza,
	ihrjn,	    ihs1k,	ihtenn,	    ihtexas,	ihtnt,	    ihu1e,
	ihu1g,	    ihu1h,	ihu1j,	    ihu1m,	ihu1n,	    ihuge,
	ihuxb,	    ihuxi,	ihuxj,	    ihuxm,	ihuxn,	    ihuxo,
	ihuxp,	    ihuxv,	ihuxy,	    ihuxz,	ihwld,	    ihwpa,
	ihwpb,	    ihwpc,	ihwpe,	    ihwpf,	ihwpt,	    ikeya,
	inuxa,	    inuxb,	inuxc,	    inuxd,	inuxe,	    inuxf,
	inuxg,	    inuxh,	inuxj,	    inuxm,	io,	    iota,
	iwabe,	    iwabf,	iwexp,	    iwfao,	iwfap,	    iwfaq,
	iwfox,	    iwlc2,	iwlc4,	    iwlc5,	iwlca,	    iwlcs,
	iwsag,	    iwsak,	iwsam,	    iwsar,	iwsas,	    iwsay,
	iwsl6,	    iwsl7,	iwsl8,	    iwsla,	iwslb,	    iwslc,
	iwsld,	    iwsle,	iwslr,	    iwslu,	iwtat,	    iwtbn,
	iwtbt,	    iwtio,	iwtjj,	    iwtmc1,	iwu1a,	    iwu1b,
	iwu1c,	    iwvae,	iwvaf,	    iwvim,	ixadp1,	    ixadp2,
	ixadp3,	    ixadp4,	ixadp5,	    ixadp6,	ixe5c,	    ixe5f,
	ixe5g,	    ixe5m,	ixe5n,	    ixe5p,	ixe5q,	    ixeds,
	ixhte,	    ixlpc,	ixlpn,	    ixlpq,	ixlpt,	    ixn5c,
	ixn5p,	    ixn5q,	ixn5r,	    ixn5u,	ixn5v,	    ixpcg,
	ixprg,	    jetta,	jones,	    jorel,	kaiser,	    kalypso,
	kanga,	    ketch,	kwee,	    lccras,	lclmos,	    lcostc,
	lcuxlc,	    lcuxld,	lcuxle,	    lcuxlf,	lcuxlg,	    lcuxlh,
	lcuxli,	    lcuxlj,	lcuxlk,	    lcuxll,	lcuxlm,	    lcuxlq,
	likewise,   ll1,	luong,	    max,	mhdes1,	    mhpat,
	mhuhk,	    mhuxa,	mhuxc,	    mhuxd,	mhuxh,	    mhuxi,
	mhuxm,	    mhuxo,	mhuxt,	    mhuxu,	mhwpa,	    mhwpc,
	mhwpe,	    mhwpg,	mhwph,	    moidas,	moss,	    mrkos,
	mtfmc,	    mtuxj,	mtuxo,	    nebula,	nestor,	    netman,
	nomad,	    nwutb,	nwuxa,	    nwuxb,	nwuxc,	    nwuxd,
	nwuxf,	    oc5esa,	occim2,	    occim3,	occim4,	    occrsh,
	ocetca,	    ocrje,	ocsmb,	    odyssey,	okc5b,	    opus,
	orly,	    packard,	pancho,	    panther,	pepsi,	    physics,
	pierce,	    piggot,	pirate,	    polya,	pruxa,	    pruxb,
	pruxc,	    pruxd,	pruxe,	    putas,	qaplus,	    quixote,
	r70,	    rdtdas,	research,   sapir,	sarts,	    seki,
	sescent,    shannon,	shewhart,   shlepper,	sid,	    siriusb,
	skep2,	    slepian,	snb,	    sola,	sos,	    speedy,
	spit,	    stcub,	stutz,	    swift,	syscad,	    sz3b5,
	tug,	    tukey,	twitch,	    uhclem,	ulysses,    video,
	wayback,    west,	weupa,	    wh-mouse,	whaler,	    wham,
	wham2,	    wham3,	whamm,	    whamr,	whamx,	    whcad7,
	whgsd,	    whuts,	whuxc,	    whuxf,	whuxg,	    whuxh,
	whuxm,	    whwpb,	whwpd,	    wild,	woods,	    yawl,

	3BSSC,	    BIGOAC,	Moon,	    NCSC1,	ODA3B,	    Odhner,
	TB,	    abfli,	abfll,	    abflx,	abfly,	    ablnc,
	acpy01,	    ak-2ts,	akgua,	    akgub,	akguc,	    alfoc,
	alice,	    allegra,	aloft,	    aloof,	alpcn,	    altuxb,
	altuxc,	    alux4,	alux5,	    aluxa,	aluxb,	    aluxbdm,
	aluxe,	    aluxp,	aluxs,	    aluxz,	arachne,    araki,
	arch1,	    ariel,	aries5,	    ark2,	ark3b,	    arrow,
	artvesdm,   asr1,	asr2,	    athq03,	athq07,	    athq08,
	atlas,	    atln1,	atrm01,	    atssc,	attbp0,	    attibr,
	attoak,	    attsa,	attunix,    avphd,	bacyn,	    bakerst,
	bark,	    batavier,	bb013b,	    bb033b,	bb053b,	    bearcat,
	belts,	    bentley,	bkuxa,	    bkuxb,	bkuxc,	    bkuxd,
	bkuxe,	    bkuxf,	bkuxg,	    bkuxh,	bkuxi,	    bkuxj,
	bkuxk,	    bkuxl,	bkuxm,	    bkuxn,	bkuxo,	    boar,
	bocar,	    bonnie,	boojum,	    brandy,	brh,	    bromo,
	bu-3b5,	    bu3b15,	bukwheat,   burl,	burt,	    c11ux,
	c53ux,	    caelum,	caiac,	    castor,	cbatm1,	    cbatm4,
	cbbca,	    cbcams,	cbcp1,	    cbcp2,	cbdkc1,	    cbema,
	cbemb,	    cbhercules,	cblpe,	    cblpf,	cbnap,	    cbnds,
	cbneb,	    cbosg,	cbosgd,	    cbrma,	cbrmb,	    cbrmc,
	cbrms1,	    cbrust,	cbsca,	    cbscc,	cbscf,	    cbsch,
	cbsck,	    cbscm,	cbsds,	    cbsnsz,	cbtaurus,   cbtern,
	cbuxa,	    cbuxc,	cbuxd,	    cbzeus,	ce013b,	    ce023b,
	censs,	    cepnt,	charm,	    chim,	chts02,	    chts04,
	chts05,	    chts06,	chts07,	    cisco,	clyde,	    codas,
	colssc,	    conceps,	cord,	    cpsc50a,	cpsc6a,	    cquxc,
	cquxh,	    csso1,	ctd3ba,	    cuae2,	cuuxb,	    daimler,
	daneel,	    dc003b,	dc013b,	    dc043b,	dencsc,	    desoto,
	dj3b1,	    dory,	drast1,	    druak,	drufl,	    druhi,
	druid,	    druil,	druky,	    drume,	drumn,	    drums,
	drune,	    druny,	druor,	    drupa,	druri,	    drusd,
	drutx,	    druut,	drux1,	    drux2,	druxa,	    druxb,
	druxg,	    druxh,	druxi,	    druxj,	druxk,	    druxl,
	druxm,	    druxn,	druxq,	    druxt,	druxu,	    druxv,
	druxw,	    dwarfb,	dwk01,	    dwmax,	dwx3bN,	    dwx3bS,
	ea013b,	    ea023b,	ea025b,	    ea033b,	ea053b,	    ea055b,
	ea063b,	    ea402b,	earth,	    edsel,	eeyore,	    efp2,
	enigma,	    erc3ba,	erc3bb,	    erc780,	ercdora,    esmst1,
	exer,	    fbg3b,	fenian,	    ficit,	floyd,	    flssa,
	fmg4a,	    fopcwa,	frenzy,	    gaea,	gc3ba,	    gclpaa,
	gcuxa,	    gcuxb,	gcuxc,	    gcuxd,	gcuxe,	    gcuxf,
	gcuxg,	    gcuxh,	gcuxi,	    gcuxj,	gcuxl,	    generic,
	genesis,    glrnet,	gmlr,	    gordo,	greenp,	    groucho,
	gummo,	    hakatak,	hal9000,    harpo,	hbginst,    hekla,
	hermes,	    hl3b5a,	hl3b5b,	    hlsed,	hltech,	    hlwpb,
	hlwpc,	    hlwpd,	hlwpf,	    hlwpg,	hlwph,	    ho-alex,
	ho-djh,	    ho-jaa,	ho-lar,	    ho2cad,	ho3cad,	    ho5cad,
	ho95b,	    ho95c,	ho95e,	    hobcms,	hocad,	    hocpl,
	hocsr,	    hocus,	hoeick,	    hogasp,	hoh-1,	    hoh-2,
	hohum,	    holite,	homxa,	    homxb,	homxc,	    hoofty,
	hoqaa,	    hoqam,	hoqax,	    hoqub,	hostc1,	    hotel,
	hotlb,	    hotld,	hotlf,	    hotlg,	hotlv,	    hotlx,
	hotps,	    hou2c,	hou2d,	    hou2e,	hou2f,	    hou2g,
	hou2h,	    houdi,	houem,	    hound,	hounx,	    houpo,
	houtz,	    houxa,	houxf,	    houxh,	houxj,	    houxk,
	houxl,	    houxm,	houxs,	    houxu,	houxv,	    howpa,
	howpb,	    howpd,	hoxna,	    hr1ar,	hr1top,	    hr2top,
	hr3ar,	    hr4ar,	hracms,	    hrals,	hrb5a,	    hrcca,
	hrmsd,	    hropus,	hru3b,	    hru3c,	htuxa,	    hudson,
	hulk,	    hunny,	icarus,	    icsd,	iguana,	    ih1aa,
	ih1ab,	    ih1am,	ih1ap,	    ih1b15,	ih1b5,	    ih3b2a,
	ihchk,	    ihcup,	ihdev,	    ihe5a,	ihe5h,	    ihe5i,
	ihe5j,	    ihe5k,	ihe5l,	    ihe5o,	ihe5u,	    ihe5v,
	iheds,	    ihelp,	ihesa,	    ihexp,	ihhfs,	    ihivs,
	ihlpa,	    ihlpe,	ihlpj,	    ihlpk,	ihlpl,	    ihmds,
	ihnet,	    ihnp3,	ihnp4,	    ihop3,	ihopa,	    ihopb,
	ihpeg,	    ihps1,	ihps2,	    ihtnt,	ihu1e,	    ihu1g,
	ihu1h,	    ihu1j,	ihu1m,	    ihu1n,	ihuxb,	    ihuxi,
	ihuxj,	    ihuxm,	ihuxn,	    ihuxo,	ihuxp,	    ihwld,
	ihwpa,	    ihwpb,	ihwpc,	    ihwpe,	ihwpf,	    ihwpt,
	inuxa,	    inuxb,	inuxc,	    inuxd,	inuxe,	    inuxf,
	inuxg,	    inuxh,	inuxj,	    inuxm,	io,	    iwabe,
	iwfap,	    iwfaq,	iwlca,	    iwlcs,	iwsag,	    iwsak,
	iwsam,	    iwsan,	iwsas,	    iwsl6,	iwsl7,	    iwsl8,
	iwslc,	    iwsld,	iwslu,	    iwtbt,	iwtio,	    iwu1a,
	iwu1b,	    iwu1c,	iwvae,	    iwvim,	ixe5c,	    ixe5f,
	ixe5g,	    ixe5n,	ixe5p,	    ixe5q,	ixeds,	    ixhte,
	ixlpc,	    ixlpq,	ixlpt,	    ixn5c,	ixn5p,	    ixn5q,
	ixn5v,	    jorel,	kaiser,	    kcda,	kcec,	    kcnd,
	ketch,	    kphpux,	kpsl05,	    large,	lc15a,	    lc20a,
	lc20b,	    lccras,	lclmos,	    lcostc,	lcuxlc,	    lcuxld,
	lcuxle,	    lcuxlf,	lcuxlg,	    lcuxlh,	lcuxli,	    lcuxlj,
	lcuxlk,	    lcuxlm,	lcuxlq,	    left,	likewise,   ll1,
	llatdd,	    llpr1a,	lru3b,	    ls013b,	ltuxa,	    ltuxb,
	ltuxc,	    luong,	lvuxg,	    lz3b5,	lzaz,	    lzfme,
	lzhi,	    lzla,	lzma,	    lznv,	lzpa,	    lzpds,
	lzsc,	    lztn,	lzut,	    lzwi,	m10ux,	    m21ux,
	m3ux,	    majic,	max,	    mdunix,	mduxa,	    mduxb,
	mduxc,	    mduxd,	mduxe,	    mduxf,	mgnetp,	    mgweed,
	mgwess,	    mhltx,	mhspd,	    mhuhk,	mhuxa,	    mhuxc,
	mhuxd,	    mhuxh,	mhuxi,	    mhuxm,	mhuxo,	    mhuxt,
	mhuxu,	    mhuxv,	mhwpa,	    mhwpc,	mhwpe,	    mhwpg,
	mhwph,	    miranda,	ml3b2a,	    moidas,	mork,	    moss,
	mp3bs,	    mtdcc,	mtfmc,	    mtgzd,	mtgzf,	    mtgzg,
	mtgzi,	    mtgzk,	mtgzm,	    mtgzn,	mtgzp,	    mtgzt,
	mtgzy,	    mttac,	mtuna,	    mtunb,	mtund,	    mtune,
	mtunf,	    mtung,	mtunh,	    mtuni,	mtunj,	    mtuxj,
	mtuxn,	    mtuxo,	mtx5z,	    mv-bt,	mvd5a,	    mvd5b,
	mvgpa,	    mvgpb,	mvgpc,	    mvgpd,	mvgpe,	    mvgpf,
	mvgpg,	    mvgph,	mvuaa,	    mvubi,	mvuhi,	    mvuja,
	mvumi,	    mvunu,	mvuro,	    mvuti,	mvuut,	    mvuxa,
	mvuxf,	    mvuxh,	namu,	    naples,	narya,	    ncpe,
	ncpf,	    ncpg,	ncpj,	    ncpk,	ncpx,	    ncsc2,
	ncsc3,	    neade1,	nebula,	    nesac2,	netman,	    neuxa,
	neuxb,	    neuxc,	neuxd,	    neuxf,	neuxh,	    neuxi,
	newpc1,	    njpwr,	njuxa,	    nomad,	ntmgb1,	    nwpel,
	nwpur,	    nwutb,	nwuxa,	    nwuxb,	nwuxc,	    nwuxd,
	nwuxf,	    nwwpa,	nwwpb,	    nycmep,	nyfas1,	    oac,
	oblivion,   oc5esa,     occim2,     occim3,	occim4,
	occrsh,	    ocrje,	ocsmb,	    odutsa,	odyssey,    ohgua,
	ohguc,	    olorin,	opus,	    orlsa,	orly,	    orux6,
	otuxa,	    packard,	pancho,	    pc013b,	pc023b,	    pc033b,
	pc043b,	    pc053b,	pc073b,	    pegasus,	pepsi,	    phoenix,
	physics,    picuxa,	pierce,	    pissa,	pitstop,    pltnnsa,
	pochs,	    popeye,	poseidon,   prop3b,	pruxa,	    pruxb,
	pruxc,	    pruxd,	pruxe,	    punx,	putas,	    quixote,
	ra7300,	    rddes1,	rdtdas,	    rduxp,	research,   rfsc4,
	rg20a,	    rg2b,	rmuxa,	    rmuxb,	robert,	    rwmpc,
	sarts,	    sasales,	scans,	    sdedal,	sdeden,	    sescent,
	sfbai,	    sfbam,	sfbc,	    sfbug,	sfgum,	    sfjec,
	sfmag,	    sfmin,	sfroc,	    sfrod,	sfsup,	    sftig,
	sftor,	    sfwoo,	sfyog,	    shlepper,	sjae5,	    sjdemo1,
	skep2,	    skesoa,	snookie,    so013b,	so1see,	    sobham,
	sola,	    sp3ba,	spastic,    speedy,	spuxa,	    spuxc,
	spuxe,	    spuxll,	stcub,	    stpb,	stutz,	    stuxa,
	subcap,	    svmsg,	sw013b,	    swdc01,	swen01,	    swso01,
	syscad,	    sz3b5,	tarpon,	    topgun,	troll,	    ttbcad,
	ttmcsa,	    ttrdc,	ttrdti,	    twitch,	uhclem,	    ulysses,
	unx23a2,    valha1,	vax135,	    vblsm1,	vertigo,    video,
	vilya,	    wa015b,	warrior,    wbux2,	we22a,	    we22b,
	we22d,	    we53,	weda10,	    westbud,	weupa,	    whaler,
	wham,	    wham2,	wham3,	    whamx,	whcad2,	    whpo1,
	whuts,	    whuxc,	whuxf,	    whuxg,	whuxh,	    whuxm,
	whwpb,	    whwpd,	winken,	    wlgpf,	wlgpg,	    wnutsa,
	wnuxa,	    wnuxb,	wombat,	    woods,	wr3b2,	    wrcola,
	wruxc,	    wruxd,	wruxe,	    wruxf,	wruxg,	    wruxh,
	wruxi,	    wruxj,	wruxk,	    yawl,	yoda,	    zeppo,

#N	.ohiou.edu, oucs
#F	uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
#O	Ohio University
#C	Klaus E. Eldridge
#E	postmaster@pdp.cs.OHIOU.EDU
#T	614-593-1242
#P	Computer Science Dept., 423 Morton Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979
#L	082 05 49 W / 39 19 27 N
#U	cbatt crta
#R	registered
#W	Klaus E. Eldridge  Mon Jan 26 11:45:03 EST 1987
oucs	.ohiou.edu
oucs	ohiou.edu
oucs=	pdp.cs.ohiou.edu
oucs	wright(DEMAND), cbatt(HOURLY), cbosgd(DEMAND), cbdkc1(HOURLY),
	cbrms1(DEMAND), cuuxb(DEMAND)

#N	.stargate.com, stargate, starbase
#F	a.cs.uiuc.edu
#O	Stargate Information Service
#C	Mark R. Horton, Lauren Weinstein
#E	mark@cbosgd.att.com, lauren@vortex.uucp
#T	614-864-4358, 213-390-3920
#P	2843 Valcour Ct., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
#L	39 55 28 N / 82 49 16 W
#U	cbatt
#R	registered
#W	3/1/87 MRH from cbosgd!mark
stargate	.stargate.com
stargate	stargate.com
stargate=	stargate.com
stargate=	registry
stargate        starbase(DEMAND), cbosgd(DIRECT), cbatt(DIRECT)
starbase	.stargate.com
starbase	stargate.com
starbase=	base.stargate.com
starbase=	starbase.stargate.com
starbase	stargate(WEEKLY), cbosgd(HOURLY), cbatt(DEMAND)

#N      .wright.edu, wright
#F      Relay.CS.Net
#O      Wright State University
#C      John Sloan, Sheila Hollenbaugh
#E      postmaster@Wright.Edu
#T      +1 513 873 2491
#P      Department of Computer Science, Dayton OH, 45435
#L      39 47 N / 84 03 W
#U      ncrpcd crdnl
#R      registered on CSNET
#W      jsloan@Wright.Edu (John Sloan); Mon Jan  5 10:38:11 EST 1987
wright	.wright.edu
wright	wright.edu
wright=	wright.edu
wright  crdnl(DAILY), ncrpcd(DAILY), oucs(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND),

echo shar: extracting d.usa.ok.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.ok.1
# Doug McCallum <dougm@ico.ISC.COM>; Sun Apr 19 13:37:27 MST 1987

#N	.decision.com, svo
#F	(seismo.css.gov)
#O	Decision Studies Group
#C	Kurt F. Sauer, Corey E. McCormick
#E	ks@svo.Decision.COM, corey@svo.Decision.COM
#T	+1 918 749 0893, +1 405 278 5257
#P	ATTN: OP-IS, PO BOX 701401, TULSA OK 74170-1401
#L	36 11 N / 097 07 W city
#R	submitted with no forwarder
#U	oktext
#R	SEISMO.CSS.GOV will be forwarder only until other arrangements can
#R	  be finalized.  That information isn't available yet.  Also, as uaual,
#R	  connection information is changing to be more stable and well-
#R	  connected.
#W	ks@svo.Decision.COM (Kurt F. Sauer); Thu Nov 20 14:51:53 CST 1986
svo	.decision.com
svo	decision.com
svo=	svo.decision.com
svo	ihnp4(DAILY/4), nears(DAILY/4), okstate(DIRECT)

echo shar: extracting d.usa.pa.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.pa.1
#N	.bell-atl.com, bpa
#F	seismo.css.gov
#O	Bell Atlantic Company
#C	Bob Esposito, Lee Daley
#E	espo@bell-atl.com, lee@bell-atl.com
#T	(215) 466-6831, (215) 466-6828
#P	Bell of Pennsylvania, 6th Floor, One Parkway, Philadelphia, PA  19102
#L	39 57 N / 75 07 W city
#R	registered
#U	temvax cbmvax mmg sjuvax asi
#W	03/05/87 RJE from bpa!espo
bpa	.bell-atl.com
bpa	bell-atl.com
bpa=	bpa.bell-atl.com
bpa	burdvax(DIRECT), cp1(DEMAND), ll1(DEMAND), sb6(DEMAND), sjuvax(DIRECT),
	cbmvax(DIRECT), temvax(DIRECT), mmg(DIRECT), asi(DIRECT),
	seismo(DEMAND), pyuxv(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND), bellcore(DEMAND),
	ihnp4(DEMAND), vu-vlsi(DEMAND), cdin-1(DIRECT)

#N	.villanova.edu, vu-vlsi
#F	(none)
#O	Villanova University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
#C	Rick Perry
#E	vu-vlsi!uuadm
#T	+1 215 645 4224
#P	Villanova, PA  19085
#L	40 02 N / 75 21 W
#R	submitted with no forwarder
#U	cbmvax psuvax1 excalibur hutch devon hvrford drexel
#W	vu-vlsi!perry (Rick Perry); Tue Nov 25 11:41:54 EST 1986
vu-vlsi	.villanova.edu
vu-vlsi	villanova.edu
vu-vlsi= vu-vlsi.villanova.edu
vu-vlsi	pyrnj(DEMAND), psuvax1(DEMAND), excalibur(DEDICATED), drexel(DIRECT),
	cbmvax(DEMAND), hutch(DIRECT), devon(DEMAND), hvrunix(DIRECT),
	bpa(DIRECT), temvax(DIRECT), snark(DIRECT)

echo shar: extracting d.usa.tn.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.tn.1
# empty
echo shar: extracting d.usa.va.1
cat << SHAR_EOF > d.usa.va.1
#	start of d.usa.va.1: Mon Apr 27 13:29:47 EDT 1987
#	maintained by rick@seismo

#N	.bdm.com, bdmrrr
#F	seismo.css.gov
#S	Sun 2/120; 4.2 bsd unix
#O	BDM Corporation
#C	Joel Shprentz, Al Gates
#E	shprentz@bdmrrr.bdm.com, gates@bdmrrr.bdm.com
#T	+1 703 848 7305, +1 703 848 7268
#P	7915 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA  22102
#L	38 55 42 N / 77 13 12 W
#U	vrdxhq potomac
#R	registered
#W	bdmrrr!shprentz (Joel Shprentz); Tue Nov  4 15:40:12 EST 1986
bdmrrr	.bdm.com
bdmrrr=	bdmrrr.bdm.com
# local calls
bdmrrr  seismo(DIRECT), rlgvax(DEAD), psc(DIRECT),
	stratcom(DIRECT), donut(DIRECT), vrdxhq(DIRECT)
# long distance calls on demand (polled at least four times per day)
bdmrrr	afesc(DEMAND)
afesc	bdmrrr(DAILY/4)

#N	.cos.com, cos
#F	seismo.css.gov
#S	Sun 3/160; BSD 4.2, Sun 3.2
#O	Corporation for Open Systems
#C	Andrew Partan
#E	cos!asp
#T	+1 703 883 2796
#P	1750 Old Meadow Road, Suite 400; McLean, VA 22102-4306
#R	applied
#U	hadron
#W	cos!asp (Andrew S. Partan); Fri Mar 27 14:19:40 EST 1987
cos	.cos.com
cos =	cos.com
cos	hadron(DIRECT), sundc(DIRECT), hqda-ai(DIRECT)

#N	.ge.com, edison
#F	seismo.css.gov
#O	General Electric Company
#C	Bruce Garland, Keith Chambers
#E	edison!postmaster
#T	+1 804 978 5000
#P	P.O. Box 8106 Drop d-47, Charlottesville, VA 22906
#L	38 09 N / 78 25 W
#U	uvacs steinmetz xanth ge-rtp
#R	registered
#W	jso@edison.GE.COM (John S. Owens); Wed Dec 17 12:34:15 1986 EST
edison	= edison.GE.COM
edison	.aco.ge.com
edison	.ge.com
# direct connections
edison	proteus(DEDICATED)
# local calls
edison	uvacs(DIRECT), uvaee(DIRECT), kesmai(DIRECT), toylnd(POLLED)
# long distance GE sites
edison	ge-rtp(EVENING), rvsd(EVENING), steinmetz(DAILY),
	gecalma(DAILY), calma(DAILY), calmasd(DAILY+LOW)
# other long distance sites
edison	xanth(EVENING), vtiit1(DAILY), vtisr1(DAILY),
	decuac(DAILY), brl-smoke(DAILY),
	houxm(DAILY), unipress(DAILY),
	hpfcla(DAILY), scgvaxd(DAILY)
# Sites we poll
proteus		edison(HOURLY/4)
uvacs		edison(HOURLY)
uvaee		edison(DAILY)
kesmai		edison(DAILY)
xanth		edison(DAILY)
ge-rtp		edison(DAILY)
decuac		edison(DAILY)
brl-smoke	edison(DAILY)
scgvaxd		edison(DAILY)
hpfcla		edison(WEEKLY/2)
rvsd		edison(WEEKLY)
gecalma		edison(WEEKLY)
calma		edison(WEEKLY)
calmasd		edison(WEEKLY)
houxm		edison(WEEKLY)
unipress	edison(WEEKLY)

#N	.grebyn.com, grebyn
#F	seismo.css.gov
#O	Grebyn Corporation
#C	Karl A. nyberg
#E	karl@GREBYN.com
#T	+1 703 281 2194
#P	P. O. Box 1144, Vienna, VA  22180
#L	38 52 N / 77 20 W
#R	registered
#W	10/17/86 MRH from grebyn!karl
grebyn	.grebyn.com
grebyn=	grebyn.com
grebyn  decuac(DIRECT+ LOW), vrdxhq(DIRECT), isavax(DIRECT+ LOW),
        netword(DIRECT+ LOW)

#N	.kesmai.com, kesmai
#F	none
#O	Kesmai Corporation
#C	Kelton Flinn, John Taylor
#E	kff@kesmai.uucp, jrt@kesmai.uucp
#T	+1 804 973 1040
#P	2780 Hydraulic Rd., suite 1, charlottesville, va. 22901
#L	38 01 70 N / 78 30 39 W
#R	registered with no gateway
#W	kesmai!kff (Kelton Flinn); Wed Nov 5 13:26:21 EST 1986
kesmai	.kesmai.com
kesmai=	kesmai.com
# local calls
kesmai  uvaee(DIRECT),	uvacs(DIRECT), edison(DIRECT), virginia(DIRECT)
# We poll these sites even if we don't have traffic for them
uvaee	kesmai(DAILY)
uvacs   kesmai(DAILY)

#N	.navsea.mil, celpa
#F	seismo.css.gov
#C	Ron Flax (VSE), Greg Foltz (VSE), Robert Calogero (NAVSEA)
#E	ron@vsedev.vse.com, greg@vsedev.vse.com, rc@celpa.navsea.mil
#T	+1 703 769 2865, +1 703 769 2882, +1 202 692 8705
#P	1235 S. Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 900, Arlington, VA. 22202 (navsea)
#R	registered with no forwarder
#R	run by VSE.com, navsea contact is administrative only.
#W	10/20/86 MRH from vsedev!ron
celpa	.navsea.mil
celpa=	celpa.navsea.mil
celpa   vsedev(DIRECT)

#N	.odu.edu, xanth
#O	Old Dominion University
#C	Tad Guy <tadguy>,  Kyle Jones <kyle>, John Owens <john>
#E	postmaster@odu.edu
#T	+1 804 440 3915
#P	Dept. of Computer Science, Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, Virginia  23508
#L	36 53 7 N / 76 18 12 W
#R	registered with CSNET
#R	xanth.cs.odu.edu is the sole gateway and external mail forwarder.
#R	xanth talks to Virginia Tech's machine popeye on demand, but since
#R	at&t has a machine by that name, it is not listed below.
#U	edison mirror virgil brooks
#W	tadguy@xanth.cs.odu.edu (Tad Guy); Fri Mar  6 17:54:32 EST 1987
# Also known as:
xanth	.odu.edu
xanth	= xanth.cs.odu.edu
xanth	brooks(POLLED), chinet(EVENING), decuac(EVENING), edison(DEMAND),
	harvard(EVENING+LOW), hoptoad(EVENING), linus(EVENING),
	mirror(EVENING), mit-eddie(EVENING), nirvana(DEMAND), ricnix(EVENING),
	sun(EVENING), sunva1(DEMAND), uvacs(DEMAND), vinya(POLLED),
edison	xanth(DAILY)
nirvana	xanth(DAILY/3)
sunva1	xanth(DAILY)
uvacs	xanth(DAILY)
virgil	xanth(DAILY)
# Calls through PC Pursuit: (the godsend to telecommunications)
chinet	xanth(DAILY/2)
decuac	xanth(DAILY/3)
harvard	xanth(DAILY/3)
hoptoad	xanth(DAILY/2)
linus	xanth(DAILY/2)
mirror	xanth(DAILY)
mit-eddie xanth(DAILY/3)
sun	xanth(DAILY)

#N	.ori-cal.com, men1a
#F	none
#O	Calculon Corporation
#C	Andrew Sibre, Jasbir Singh
#E	andys@men1a.ori-cal.com, jazz@men1a.ori.cal.com
#T	+1 703 841 0102
#P	Calculon Corporation, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington VA, 22209
#L	38 50 29 N / 77 03 30 W 
#U	vsedev
#R	applied
#W	andys@men1a.ori-cal.com (Andrew Sibre); Tue Mar 10 18:52:00 EST 1987
men1a	.ori-cal.com
men1a=	men1a.ori-cal.com
men1a	seismo(DIRECT), vsedev(DIRECT), rlgvax(DIRECT), cal-uni(DIRECT),
	men2a(DIRECT), men3a(DIRECT), men4a(EVENING), askcs(DIRECT), 

#N	.virginia.edu, virginia
#F	rela.ycs.net
#O	University of Virginia Academic Computing Center
#C	Steve Losen
#E	scl@virginia.EDU
#T	+1 804 924 4548
#P	Academic Computing Center, Gilmer Hall, UVa, Charlottesville, Va. 22901
#L	38 01 70 N / 78 30 39 W
#R	registered
#W	scl@virginia.EDU (Steve Losen); 19 Mar 87
#U	uvacs nrao1 kesmai uvaee 
virginia	.virginia.EDU
virginia=	virginia.EDU
virginia	uvacs(DIRECT), kesmai(DIRECT), seismo(DEMAND), mcnc(DEMAND),
		nrao1(DIRECT), uvaee(DIRECT), rmcash(DEMAND)
# polls
seismo	virginia(DAILY/4)

#N	.vse.com, vsedev
#F	seismo.css.gov
#O	VSE Corporation
#C	Ron Flax, Greg Foltz
#E	ron@vsedev.vse.com, greg@vsedev.vse.com
#T	+1 703 769 2865, +1 703 769 2882
#P	1745 South Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 306, Arlington, VA  22202
#L	38 55 N / 77 03 W
#U	vrdxhq
#R	registered
#W	10/20/86 MRH from vsedev!ron
vsedev	.vse.com
vsedev=	vsedev.vse.com
vsedev  seismo(DIRECT), prometheus(DIRECT), vrdxhq(DIRECT),
	dsi1(DIRECT), celpa(DIRECT), sea1(DIRECT), tlxprs(DEMAND)

#	end of d.usa.va.1: Mon Apr 27 13:29:52 EDT 1987
#	End of shell archive
c,	ixnc