uucpmap@rutgers.rutgers.edu (05/08/87)
: This is a shell archive. : Remove everything above this line and : run the following text with /bin/sh to create: : u.usa.ca.2 : This archive created: Fri May 8 03:35:49 1987 echo shar: extracting u.usa.ca.2 cat << 'SHAR_EOF' > u.usa.ca.2 #N 3com1 #S AT&T 7300; UNIX System V, Release 1 #O 3Com Corporation (Applications Software Division) #C Marc Lavine #E 3com1!marc #T +1 408 970 1857 #P 2950 Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA #L #R #U #W 3com1!marc (Marc Lavine); Fri Aug 1 22:15:30 PDT 1986 # 3com1 3comvax(DIRECT) #N acacia #S FORTUNE 32:16; FOR:PRO 1.8.4 #O Acacia Technology Corporation #C Mark E. Bowles #E acacia!Postmaster #T +1 415 341 7673 #P 1583 Brandywine Road, San Mateo, California 94402, USA #L 122 17 59 W / 37 32 57 N #R small system, limited forwarding capability, irregular hours #U #W acacia!bowles (Mark E. Bowles); Tue Jan 14 13:22:00 PST 1986 # acacia fortune(DAILY) #N acad #S Sun 3; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Autodesk #C Robert Wenig #E acad!robert #T +1 415 332 2344 #P 2320 Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965 #L 37 52 29 N / 122 15 44 W #R #U well #W acad!robert (Robert Wenig); Sun Feb 1 14:35 PDT 1987 acad well(HOURLY), sun(DAILY) #N acornrc #S DEC VAX 11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Acorn Research Centre #C Bob Weissman #E acornrc!usenet #T +1 415 424 1936 #P 5 Palo Alto Square, Suite 910, Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA #L 37 25 N / 122 8 W #W acornrc!bob (Bob Weissman); Wed Feb 11 14:42:16 PST 1987 #U ames decwrl # acornrc ames(DIRECT+HIGH), apple(DEMAND), decwrl(DIRECT), magic(DIRECT), oliveb(DEMAND), shasta(DEAD) #N alameth #O Alameth Systems Consulting #S Digital PDP-11/73; Unix 2.9BSD #C Carl S. Gutekunst #E alameth!csg #T +1 415 961 5426 #P P.O. Box 391223, Mountain View, CA 94039-1223 #L 37 25 40 N / 122 04 30 W #U #W alameth!csg (The Wizard of Eburgard) Wed Jan 7 23:10:20 PST 1987 # alameth pyramid(DIRECT), ucat(DIRECT) #N alien #S JCS 184 (68000); Unix V7+ #O JCS Technology #C Chase B. Bailey #E alien!chase #T +1 408 866 6106 #P 14125 Capri Dr., Suite #1, Los Gatos, CA 95030 #L 122 34 20 W / 36 51 20 N [Los Gatos CA] #R This site does not dial or call out. Does run 4.2 uucp. #U #W alien!chase (Chase Bailey); Mon Jan 26 17:32:35 PST 1987 # alien olympus(EVENING/2) #N altera #O Altera Corporation #S Pyramid 90x; OSx 3.1 #C Mark Deason #E altera!postmaster,altera!usenet,altera!mark #T +1 408 984 2805 x2212 #P 3525 Monroe Street; Santa Clara, CA 95051 #L 37 21 N 121 56 W city #U pyramid #W altera!mark (Mark Deason) Mon Nov 24 10:14:13 PST 1986 #R Manufacturer of Erasable Programmable Logic Devices # and development system software. # # Pyramid is the only site we currently talk to. We are willing # to take on a few other sites with uucp's callback mode. # # Cost General Meaning # ---------- --------------- # DEDICATED Hardwired RS232 # DIRECT Local # DEMAND Near Long Distance # DEMAND+100 Far Long Distance # altera pyramid(DIRECT) #N altnet #S Altos 2086; Xenix 3.3a #O Altos Computer Systems #C Eric D. Christensen #E altnet!edc #T +1 408 434 6688 #P 399 West Trimble Road, San Jose, CA 95131 #L 121 47 W / 37 13 30 N city #R #U altos86 auspyr catsim gilligan #W edc@altnet.UUCP (Eric D. Christensen) ; Mon Feb 16 16:51:14 PST 1987 # altnet altos86(DIRECT), unirot(WEEKLY), auspyr(DEMAND), dlb(DAILY), quest(WEEKLY), peregrine(DAILY), catsim(DEMAND), gilligan(DIRECT) #N altos #S #O #C #E altos!root #T #P #L #R #W # #altos amd(DAILY) #N altos86 #S #O Altos Computer Systems #C Michael Thompson #E ucbvax!lll-crg!vecpyr!altos86!mickey #T (408) 946-6700 x4130 #P 2641 Orchard Parkway, San Jose, CA. 95134 #L #R #W edc@altnet.UUCP (Eric D. Christensen) ; Mon Feb 16 16:51:14 PST 1987 # altos86 illogica(DEMAND), elxsi(DEMAND), multivu(DEMAND), grinch(DEMAND), pesnta(DEMAND), sun(DEMAND), quest(DAILY), altnet(DIRECT) #N altunv #S Tandy 6000/XENIX 3.1 #O The Alternate Universe #C Brad Silva #E altunv!usenet (or brad) #T +1 707 538 9084 #P 11 Redwood Ct., Santa Rosa Ca. 95405 #L 122 44 W / 38 27 N (city) #R interested in computer simulations, including games #U gilbbs #W gilbbs!mc68020 (Tom Keller); Sat Dec 28 18:41:00 PDT 1985 # altunv gilbbs(DAILY), rs7755(DAILY), ogne(WEEKLY), scwa1(WEEKLY) #N amador #S Pyramid 90/XX #O Stanford University Center for Integrated Systems #C Mark Linton #E amador!postmaster #T #P CIS Building, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # amador csl-vax(POLLED), glacier(POLLED) #N amd #S VAX-11/750 running 4.2 BSD UNIX. #O Advanced Micro Devices, Applications #C Severn Ferdun #E amd!usenet #T +1 408 982 6556 #P 901 Thompson Place, P.O.Box 3453, MS#6, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 #L 37.2 N / 122 W(approx), Santa Clara(CLose to San Francisco) #R #U amdcad pesnta vecpyr #W amd!severn (Severn Ferdun); Wed Jun 11 12:00:00 PDT 1986 # # hourly local calls amd amdcad(HOURLY), amdahl(HOURLY), cae780(HOURLY), decwrl(HOURLY), dual(HOURLY), fortune(HOURLY), hplabs(HOURLY), idi(HOURLY), intelca(HOURLY), megatest(HOURLY), onyx(HOURLY), pesnta(HOURLY), qubix(HOURLY), qumix(HOURLY), spar(HOURLY), sun(HOURLY), turtlevax(HOURLY), ubvax(HOURLY), voder(HOURLY), zentec(HOURLY) # # restricted local calls amd sco(EVENING), varian(EVENING), vecpyr(EVENING) # # long distance calls amd akgua(EVENING), allegra(EVENING), clyde(EVENING), floyd(EVENING), gatech(EVENING), ihnp4(EVENING), masscomp(EVENING), nbires(EVENING), noao(EVENING), rocksvax(EVENING), wjh12(EVENING) #N amiga #S SUN 2/170; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Commodore-Amiga Inc. #C Neil Katin #E amiga!usenet #T +1 408 395 6616 #P 983 University Ave, Bld #D, Los Gatos, CA 95030 #L 121 58 W / 37 15 N #R #U pyramid #W hplabs!fowler (Greg Fowler); 6/26/86 # # these are the sites that amiga currently connects to: # edjr Perrenial Inc. # r2d2 Sprocket Industries - not listed [name collision] # pyramid Pyramid Technology Corp. # amiga edjr(DAILY), pyramid(DEMAND) #N anaheim #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University SUNDEC project/GSB #C Jim Lewinson #E anaheim!postmaster #T #P #L #R #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # anaheim glacier(POLLED) #N analog #S VAX 11/750 running 4.1BSD #O Analog Design Tools #C David Mount #E analog!david #T (415) 328-0780 #P Suite 217, 800 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 #L #R #W ksh per newsite 6/7/84 # analog hplabs(POLLED), menlo70(POLLED), lpi3230(POLLED), sunncal(DEMAND) #N apple #S VAX 11/750, 4.2BSD #O Apple Computer Educational Research Group #C Johan Strandberg #E apple!johan #T #P Cupertino, CA #L #R #W GAF 10/27/85 from epicen!jbuck # apple mtxinu(DEMAND), dual(DEMAND), epicen(DAILY), idi(DEMAND) #N arete #S Arete 1100; ARIX 3.5 (UNIX 5.2) #O Arete Systems, Inc #C Stephen Myers #E arete!steph #T +1 408 263 9711 #P 2040 Hartog Drive, San Jose, CA 95131 #L 121 55 W / 37 23 30 N #U #W arete!foxy!sheba!stone (David Stone); Wed Jul 30 16:27:23 PDT 1986 # arete vlad(DEDICATED), sun(DIRECT), babel(DIRECT), thirdi(DIRECT), foxy(HOURLY), dlb(DIRECT) #N arete2 #S ARETE 1200; ARIX system V.2 #O The Fair, Isaac Companies #C Athan Pasadis #E arete2!asp #T +1 415 472 2211 #P 120 North Redwood Drive, San Rafael, California, 94903 #L 122 32 W / 38 02 N #R #U #W arete2!asp (Athan Pasadis); Tue Dec 9 15:56:35 PST 1986 arete2 dual #N atari #S DEC VAX-11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Atari Corporation #C Landon Dyer #E atari!postmaster #T +1 408 745 4987 #P 1196 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 #L 37 22' 50" N / 121 59' 12" W #R #U vecpyr portal #W atari!jwt (Jim Tittsler); Sun Aug 3 16:02:05 PDT 1986 # atari dscsc73(DIRECT), portal(DIRECT), vecpyr(DIRECT+HIGH), sun(DEMAND+LOW), pyramid(DEMAND+LOW*5), lll-lcc(DEMAND+LOW*2), hoptoad(DEMAND+LOW*3) #N atd #S VAX 11/750 4.2BSD #O Advanced Technology Division, Ampex Corporation #C William J. Anderson #E atd!wja #T (415) 367-2594 #P 401 Broadway, MS 3-54, Redwood City, CA 94063-3199 #L 37 29' 04" N / 122 12' 01" W #R #W 850620 avsdT:wja # atd avsdS:(DEDICATED), avsdT:(DEDICATED+LOW), avsdF:(DEDICATED+LOW), dsd(DEMAND), hplabs(DEMAND), ucbvax(DEMAND), turtlevax(DEMAND) #N avsdF #S PDP 11/70 Version 7 #O Audio-Video Systems Division, Ampex Corporation #C William J. Anderson #E avsdT:wja #T (415) 367-2594 #P 401 Broadway, MS 3-54, Redwood City, CA 94063-3199 #L 37 29' 04" N / 122 12' 01" W #R #W 850620 avsdT:wja avsdF avsdS:(DEDICATED), avsdT:(DEDICATED+LOW), atd:(DEDICATED+LOW) #N avsdS #S VAX 11/780 4.2BSD #O Audio-Video Systems Division, Ampex Corporation #C William J. Anderson #E avsdT:wja #T (415) 367-2594 #P 401 Broadway, MS 3-54, Redwood City, CA 94063-3199 #L 37 29' 04" N / 122 12' 01" W #R #W 850620 avsdT:wja # avsdS dsd(DEMAND), avsdF:(DEDICATED), avsdT:(DEDICATED), atd:(DEDICATED), ascvax(DEMAND), datacube(POLLED) #N avsdT #S VAX 11/780 4.2BSD #O Audio-Video Systems Division, Ampex Corporation #C William J. Anderson #E avsdT:wja #T (415) 367-2594 #P 401 Broadway, MS 3-54, Redwood City, CA 94063-3199 #L 37 29' 04" N / 122 12' 01" W #R #W 850620 avsdT:wja avsdT avsdF:(DEDICATED+LOW), avsdS:(DEDICATED), atd:(DEDICATED+LOW) #N dsd #S PDP 11/44 Version 7 #O Data Systems Division, Ampex Corporation #C Richard C. Bascove #E dsd!rcb #T (415) 367-4476 #P MS 10-05, 440 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063 #L 37 29' 04" N / 122 12' 01" W #R After 7/29/85 will be VAX 11/780 4.2BSD #W 850620 avsdT:wja # dsd atd(DEMAND), avsdS(DEMAND), fortune(DEMAND) #N atlas1 #S 3B2; System V #O Acceleron #C Glenn Boozer #E atlas1!boozer #T +1 408 744 0800 #P 1290 Lawrence Station Rd, Sunnyvale, Ca 94089 #L 122 8 2 W / 36 52 58 N #R #U #W atlas1!boozer (Glenn Boozer);Mon Jun 09 14:25:00 PDT 1986 # atlas1 leadsv(DIRECT), pyramid(DIRECT), sun(DIRECT), fortune(WEEKLY) #N aurora #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O NASA Ames Research Center #C Kate Rosenbloom, James Woods #E aurora!postmaster, postmaster@ames-aurora.arpa #T +1 415 694 6436 #P MS 239-19, Moffett Field, CA #L 122 3 26.7 W / 37 25 2.1 N #U ames #W aurora!kate (Kate Rosenbloom); Thu Dec 11 14:41:21 PST 1986 # aurora ames(DEDICATED), borealis(LOCAL+LOW), yquem(DEDICATED+LOW) #N aussjo #S UNIX System V, Release 2 3B5 Version 2 #O Austec Inc #C Joe Angelo #E aussjo!usenet #T (408) 279-5533 #P 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95110 #L 121 47 W / 37 13 30 N #R Questions about Austec products can be sent to !aussjo!joe and will #R be forwarded to either Technical, Support, or Marketing personal. #U auspyr #W aussjo!joe; Mon Dec 22 15:36:45 PST 1986 # # POLLED -> we don't call them. # DEMAND -> called anytime. # DAILY -> we call them on demand, but connections are not guaranteed. # WEEKLY -> site polled by us weekly. # LOCAL -> internal ethernet. # DEDICATED -> internal, 19200 baud. # # usa connections: # aussjo amdahl(DEMAND), necntc(DAILY), sdencore(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND), cbatt(DEMAND), dana(DEMAND), unimax(DEMAND), styx(DEMAND), ptsfa(DEMAND) # # international connections: # aussjo ausmelb(POLLED) # # internal connections, limited interest to the outside: # aussjo aus400(DEDICATED), nscpv2(DEDICATED), auspyr(DEDICATED), ausvax(DEDICATED), ausmax(DEDICATED) # # xref: # amdahl aussjo(DEMAND) necntc aussjo(DAILY) sdencore aussjo(DEMAND) cbosgd aussjo(DEMAND) cbatt aussjo(DEMAND) dana aussjo(DEMAND) unimax aussjo(DEMAND) styx aussjo(DEMAND) ptsfa aussjo(DEMAND) ausmelb aussjo(DAILY+HIGH) #N auspyr #S Pyramid 90x; OSx 2.5; UNIX 4.2BSD/5.2ATT #O Austec Inc #C Joe Angelo #E auspyr!usenet #T (408) 279-5533 #P 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95110 #L 121 47 W / 37 13 30 N #R Questions about Austec products can be sent to !aussjo!joe and will #R be forwarded to either Technical, Support, or Marketing personal. #U imagen #W aussjo!joe; Mon Dec 22 15:36:45 PST 1986 # # POLLED -> we don't call them. # DEMAND -> called anytime. # DAILY -> we call them on demand, but connections are not guaranteed. # WEEKLY -> site polled by us weekly. # LOCAL -> internal ethernet. # DEDICATED -> internal, 19200 baud. # # usa connections: # auspyr aussjo(DEDICATED), necntc(DAILY), sdencore(DAILY), styx(DEMAND), gould(WEEKLY), imagen(DEMAND) # # internal connections, limited interest to the outside: # auspyr ausvax(DEDICATED), ausmax(LOCAL) # # xref: # necntc aussjo(DAILY) sdencore aussjo(POLLED) styx aussjo(DEMAND) gould aussjo(POLLED) imagen aussjo(DEMAND) #N ausmax #S Multimax; UMAX 4.2 #O Austec Inc #C Joe Angelo #E auspyr!usenet #T (408) 279-5533 #P 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95110 #L #R Questions about Austec products can be sent to !aussjo!joe and will #R be forwarded to either Technical, Support, or Marketing personal. #U #W aussjo!joe; Mon Dec 22 15:36:45 PST 1986 # # POLLED -> we don't call them. # DEMAND -> called anytime. # DAILY -> we call them on demand, but connections are not guaranteed. # WEEKLY -> site polled by us weekly. # LOCAL -> internal ethernet. # DEDICATED -> internal, 19200 baud. # # usa connections: # # internal connections, limited interest to the outside: # ausmax auspyr(LOCAL), aussjo(DEDICATED) #N bbs #S HP 9000/320; HP-UX, version 5.1 (based on Bell System V) #O None #C Dave Taylor #E bbs!postmaster #T +1 408 244 6168 #P 1090 Reed Avenue, #9, Sunnyvale, CA, 94068 #L <unknown> #U hpldat #R bbs is currently an experimental system only. #W bbs!taylor (Dave Taylor); Mon Jun 14 17:15:43 PDT 1986 # bbs hpldat(DIRECT) #N bene #S Plexus P/60; UNIX System V release 1.4 #O Benetics Corporation #C Steven List #E bene!usenet #T (415) 940-6312 (voice mailbox 312) #P 325 E. Middlefield Rd, Mt. View, CA 94043 #R site includes one node (bene) and three local leaves (ziggie,greg,luke) #U oliveb tolerant opusys engfocus #W bene!ziggie!itkin (Steven M. List); Tue Dec 11 14:56:51 PDT 1986 # bene cdp(DAILY), engfocus(DIRECT), greipa(DEAD), idi(DIRECT), nti1(DIRECT), oliveb(DIRECT), opusys(DIRECT), plx(DIRECT), pyramid(DIRECT), tolerant(DEMAND), wjvax(DEMAND), ziggie(LOCAL), greg(LOCAL), luke(LOCAL) #N ziggie #S Plexus P/75; UNIX System V release 1.5 #O Benetics Corporation #C Steven List #E bene!steven #T (415) 940-6312 (voice mailbox 312) #P 325 E. Middlefield Rd, Mt. View, CA 94043 #R site includes one node (bene) and three local leaves (ziggie,greg,luke) #W bene!ziggie!itkin (Steven M. List); Tue Dec 11 14:56:51 PDT 1986 # ziggie bene(HOURLY) #N greg #S Plexus P/75; UNIX System V release 1.4 #O Benetics Corporation #C Steven List #E bene!steven #T (415) 940-6312 (voice mailbox 312) #P 325 E. Middlefield Rd, Mt. View, CA 94043 #R site includes one node (bene) and three local leaves (ziggie,greg,luke) #W bene!ziggie!itkin (Steven M. List); Tue Dec 11 14:56:51 PDT 1986 # greg bene(HOURLY) #N luke #S Plexus P/75; UNIX System V release 1.4 #O Benetics Corporation #C Steven List #E bene!steven #T (415) 940-6312 (voice mailbox 312) #P 325 E. Middlefield Rd, Mt. View, CA 94043 #R site includes one node (bene) and three local leaves (ziggie,greg,luke) #W bene!ziggie!itkin (Steven M. List); Tue Dec 11 14:56:51 PDT 1986 # luke bene(HOURLY) #N blia #S VAX 750, 4.2BSD #O Britton-Lee, Inc. #C Eric Allman #E eric@Berkeley.ARPA, ucbvax!eric #T (415) 548-3211 #P 1919 Addison, Suite 105, Berkeley, CA 94704 #L #R #W Eric Allman, 7/13/84 # blia bang(DAILY), mtxinu(DAILY) #N blit #S NSC Sys32; 4.1 BSD UNIX #O National Semicondictor Corporation #C Jonathan Ryshpan #E blit!jon #T +1 408 721 5481 #P 2900 Semiconductor Dr, MS D3645, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090, USA #L 120 0 25 W / 37 22 48 N #U #W blit!jon (Jonathan Ryshpan); Fri Jul 18 12:10:59 PDT 1986 # blit nsc(HOURLY*3), nsc16(HOURLY*3) #N bluebell #S Sun2/120; 4.2 BSD UNIX (Sun Release 2.0) #O University of California at Davis #C Michael Russell #E bluebell!postmaster #T +1 916 752 2017, +1 916 752 7004 #P Division of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, California 95616 #L 121 44 58 W / 38 32 16 N #W bluebell!russell (Michael Russell); Thu Jan 16 21:38:33 PST 1986 # # Ethernet connections bluebell UCDCSEECHEM-NET #N bnrmtv #S IBM 3083/J; UTS (UNIX System 5.2) #O Bell Northern Research, Mountain View Lab #C Earl Stahl #E bnrmtv!earl #T +1 415 940 2478 #P P.O. Box 7277, Mountain View CA 94039-7277 #L 122 04 W / 39 41 N #R #U tssun #W bnrmtv!earl (Earl Stahl); Wed Feb 4 13:57:06 PST 1987 # bnrmtv 3comvax(DAILY), amdahl(DEMAND), hplabs(DIRECT), csi(DEMAND), elan(DIRECT), ames(DIRECT), tssun(DIRECT) #N borealis #S PDP 11/70, V7+ #O NASA Ames Research Center #C Kate Rosenbloom, James Woods #E aurora!postmaster, postmaster@ames-aurora.arpa #T +1 415 694 6436 #P MS 239-19, Moffett Field, CA #L 122 3 26.7 W / 37 25 2.1 N #R Previously known as "ames" #U ames aurora hplabs #W aurora!kate (Kate Rosenbloom); Thu Nov 20 14:57:23 PST 1986 # borealis ames(LOCAL+LOW), aurora(LOCAL+LOW), bellcore(DAILY*2), decwrl(DIRECT), dual(DIRECT), hplabs(EVENING), ihnp4(DEMAND+LOW), lll-crg(DIRECT), ptsfa(DIRECT), research(DAILY), vortex(DEMAND), yquem(DEMAND+LOW) #N bridge2 #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Bridge Communications at Mt. View, CA #C John Williams #E bridge2![jfw,postmaster] #T 415 969 4400 #P 2081 Stierlin Rd., Mt. View, CA 94043 #L #R #W #U elxsi # bridge2 elxsi(DAILY/4) #N cadvax #S #O Megatest Corp. #C Larry Mongin #E ucbvax!Shasta!megatest!mongin #T (408) 298-6850 #P 1090 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose, CA 95131 #L #R #W # cadvax p500vax(DAILY) #N cae780 #S DEC VAX-11/780; 4.3 BSD UNIX #O Tektronix Inc. (CAE Systems Division) #C Daniel J. Robinson #E cae780!dan #T +1 408 748 4789 #P 5302 Betsy Ross Drive/#58137, Santa Clara, CA 95054-8137 #L 122 01 W / 37 25 N #R #U amdcad leadsv ubvax weitek #W cae780!dan (Daniel J. Robinson); 4/7/86 # cae780 amd(DEMAND+LOW), amdcad(DIRECT), excelan(DEMAND), hplabs(DEMAND), idi(DEMAND), leadsv(DIRECT), qubix(DEMAND), resonex(EVENING), ubvax(EVENING), weitek(DIRECT) #N calma #S Pyramid 90x; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Calma Company #C Tim Radzykewycz #E calma!system #T +1 408 434 4894 #P 525 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035-7489 #L 37 10 N / 122 16 W #R Should use gecalma instead of calma. # News will soon be moved to gecalma. #U sun #W calma!radzy (Tim Radzykewycz); Tue Sep 23 10:54:58 PDT 1986 #W jso@edison.GE.COM (John S. Owens); Wed Nov 26 12:48:58 1986 EST # calma = calma.GE.COM # calma gecalma(LOCAL), sun(DIRECT), ucbvax(HOURLY), gewest(HOURLY*4), dual(DEMAND), aptos(DEMAND), sivax(DAILY), calmasd(DEMAND), edison(DEMAND), masscomp(DAILY), pyrcorp(DAILY) #N camelot #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University SUNDEC project #C Peter King #E camelot!pierre #T #P LOTS, CERAS, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # camelot glacier(POLLED) #N cascade #S VAX 11/750, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University Center for Integrated Systems #C Brian K. Reid #E cascade!postmaster #T (415) 497-1169 #P CIS Building, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # cascade glacier(DEMAND) #N catsim #S Digital Equipment, uVax ULTRIX-32m V1.2 #O Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc. #C Tony Cratz #E {hplabs|decwrl|oliveb|qantel|scgvaxd|amd|amdcad}!intelca!catsim!tony #T 408-980-9144 #P 4051 Burton Dr., Santa Clara, Ca. 95054 #L 122W / 37N #R updated to 2.11 and added sites altnet, dgcad, unixprt #U intelca, altnet, dgcad, unixprt #W Tony Cratz; Thu Feb 12 17:46:01 PST 1987 # catsim intelca(HOURLY), altnet(HOURLY), dgcad(DAILY/6), unixprt(DAILY/4) #N cdp #S Plexus P/60; System V 1.2 #O Community Data Processing (CdP) #C Scott Weikart #E cdp!postmaster, cdp!scott #T +1 415 322 9069 #P 1944c University Avenue, East Palo Alto, CA 94303 #L 037 33 40 N / 122 15 55 W #R not-for-profit (donate us your unneeded hardware for a tax deduction!) #U glacier #W cdp!scott (Scott Weikart); Sat Oct 26 11:42:52 PDT 1985 # cdp glacier(DIRECT) #N chablis #S Fortune System #O Zehntel Automation Systems, Marketing Communications group #C Gary Hammer #E zehntel!chablis!gary #T +1 415 932 6900 #P P.O. Box 8016, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 #L #U zehntel #W zehntel!berry (Berry Kercheval); Wed Feb 12 09:57 PDT 1986 # chablis zehntel(DIRECT) #N cheops #S Pyramid 90x; Pyramid 2.5 #O ESL Inc (Advanced Technology Laboratory) #C Michael Mc Namara #E esl!mac #T +1 408 738-2888 Ext 5204 #P 495 Java Drive, MS 302, Sunnyvale CA 94088-3510 #L 37 25 N / 122 01 W #R #W esl!mac Wed Sep 10 09:06:10 PDT 1986 #U esl # cheops esl(DIRECT) #N chkpt #S PC/AT; Microport System V/AT 1.3.6 (SVR2) #O CheckPoint Computing #C Chuck Collins #E chkpt!cpc chkpt!root #T +1 408 241-4798 #P 3356 Lindenoaks, San Jose, CA 95117 #L 121 57 20 W / 37 18 48 N #U #W chkpt!cpc (Chuck Collins); Mon Mar 16 15:17:00 PST 1987 # chkpt pyramid(DIRECT), harvax(DEMAND) #N cti #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Cornerstone Technology, Inc. #C Eric Black #E cti!postmaster #T +1 408 734 8533 #P 238 Caribbean Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 #L #R #U wdl1 pyramid amdcad #W cti!eric (Eric Black); Mon Aug 25 17:59:30 PDT 1986 # cti sun(DIRECT+HIGH), pyramid(DIRECT), wdl1(DAILY/2), amdcad(DEMAND+LOW), hplabs(DAILY/3), lewey(DIRECT), megatest(DIRECT+HIGH), chronon(DIRECT) #N clover #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O University of California at Davis #C Michael Russell #E clover!postmaster #T +1 916 752 2017, +1 916 752 7004 #P Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, California 95616 #L 121 45 5 W / 38 32 15 N #R This is also CSNET PhoneNet host UCD. #W clover!russell (Michael Russell); Thu Jan 16 21:38:33 PST 1986 #R Clover is on an Ethernet, and therefore acts as a gateway for the #R other systems on the Ethernet. While mail between Clover and the #R other Ethernet systems is transferred via SMTP/TCP/IP, and the #R address form of choice is user@host, we have set things up so that #R UUCP-form addresses are also allowed. That way, off-campus users #R need not know the local topology to mail to a user here. Also, #R the Clover-UCDavis link is via BerkNet protocol, but again we #R allow UUCP-form addresses in addition to the BerkNet-form addresses. #R The Clover-Mordor link is actually UUCP, but its use has been for #R the most part administratively limited to file transfers between the #R two machines for reasons of cost, and therefore that link isn't #R really available to the general public for use as a mail path. # # UUCP connection clover mordor(DAILY) # BerkNet connection clover ucdavis(DEDICATED) # Ethernet connections - sites "odie" and "jasmine" are also in the # UCDCSEECHEM-NET but their names duplicate other sites. We do not wish # to change their names at this time. UCDCSEECHEM-NET = {clover, bluebell, heather, laurel, mustard, phlox, poppy, sage, surya, thyme}(LOCAL) #N cogsci #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.3 BSD UNIX #O University of California at Berkeley Institute of Cognitive Studies #C David Muir Sharnoff #T +1 415 642 1663 #P 218 Building T-4, Berkeley, CA 94720 #L 37 52 28 N / 122 13 47 W #R This is also COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU [] on the internet #U #W ucbvax!muir (David Muir Sharnoff); Thu Oct 9 00:27:19 PDT 1986 # cogsci .cogsci.berkeley.edu cogsci well(DAILY/5), abel(DAILY*2), ucbcad(LOCAL), ucbvax(LOCAL) #N compcon #S Zilog System 8000 Model 11+/Zeus 3.2 #O COMPCON Spring Organizing Committee #C Doug Coffland #T (415) 423-7867 #P Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808 L-72 Livermore, CA 94550 #E lll-crg!coffland coffland@lll-crg.ARPA #L 121 42' 38" W / 37 41' 02" N #R #W George Pavel 22 May 86 # compcon mseonyx(DAILY) #N convexw #S CONVEX C-1, 4.2BSD #O Convex Computer Corporation #C Alan Bonander #E bonander@convexw.UUCP #T +1 408 275 0844 #P 2099 Gateway Place, San Jose, CA 95110 #L 32 52 12 N / 96 43 30 W #R #W convexw!bonander Mon Feb 23 12:57:56 CST 1987 convexw convex(DAILY/4), hanawma(DAILY/4), tracer(DAILY/4), uw-chem(DAILY) #N coraki #S Sun 100U, Sun Unix 4.2 #O #C Vaughan Pratt #E coraki!postmaster #T +1 415 494 2545 #P 2215 Old Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 #L 122 9 46 W / 37 23 38 N #R cor'-a-ki, n. [Australian aborig.] confluence of streams #U #W coraki!pratt (Vaughan Pratt); Sat Dec 28 07:30:58 PST 1985 # coraki navajo(DIRECT), sun(DIRECT), diablo(DIRECT) #N coraki #S Sun 120, Sun UNIX 4.2 #O #C Vaughan Pratt #E coraki!postmaster #T +1 415 494 2545 #P 2215 Old Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 #L 122 9 46 W / 37 23 38 N #R cor'-a-ki, n. [Australian aborig.] confluence of streams #U #W coraki!pratt (Vaughan Pratt); Wed Nov 26 10:12:43 PST 1986 # coraki sun(DIRECT) #N coyote #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University Computer Science/Robotics Project #C Sathya Narayanan #E coyote!postmaster #T (415) 497-0030 #P Cedar Hall B-12, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94305 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # coyote glacier(POLLED), navajo(POLLED) #N cromemco #O Cromemco, Inc. #S Cromemco System 300, Uniplus+ System V #C Neal Savage #E cromemco!nagel #T +1 415 964 7400 #P 280 Bernardo Avenue, P.O. Box 7400, Mountain View, CA 94039-7400 #L 122 0 3 W / 37 23 18 N city #U #W pyramid!csg (Carl S. Gutekunst) Tue Aug 13 13:48:16 PDT 1985 # # Who we talk to: # pyramid Pyramid Technologies, Mountain View, CA (news feed) # cromemco pyramid(DAILY/3) #N csi #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.3 BSD UNIX #O Communications Solutions Inc., Software Engineering Group #C Gary M. Gere #E csi!ggere, csi!usenet, csi!uucp, csi!postmaster #T +1 408 725 1568 #P 992 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, San Jose, California 95129-2793 #L #U epimass nsc sono (full feeds); bnrmtv vlsvax1 varian (ba.* ca.*) #R networked hosts not listed #R Modems operate at 300, 1200 and 2400 baud #W csi!ggere (Gary M. Gere) ; Wed Mar 18 07:23:38 PST 1987 # # Every hour on the hour we run uucico -r1 # Who are these sites we talk uucp to? # bnrmtv Bell Northern Research, Mountain View Lab, Mountain View, CA # epimass Entropic Processing, Inc., Cupertino, CA # nsc National Semiconductor Corp., Sunnyvale, CA # sono ACUSON, Mountain View, CA # sri-spam SRI International, Information Sciences and Technology Center, # Menlo Park, CA # varian Varian Instruments, Walnut Creek, CA csi bnrmtv(DEMAND), epimass(DIRECT), nsc(DAILY), sono(HOURLY), sri-spam(HOURLY), varian(WEEKLY) #N csuchic #S AT&T 3b5; UNIX System V Release 2.0 #O California State University, Chico #C Thomas Gadd #E csuchic!postmaster #T +1 916 895 6481 (ATSS 459-6481) #P Department of Computer Science; CSU Chico; Chico, California 95929 #L 40 30 N / 121 50 W #R #W csuchic!thomas (Thomas Gadd); Fri May 16 11:21:02 PDT 1986 # csuchic csucxnx(DEDICATED), csustan(DEMAND), csun(DEMAND) #N csucxnx #S Intel 310/286, XENIX v3.3 #O California State University, Chico #C Thomas Gadd #E csuchic!postmaster #T +1 916 895 6481 (ATSS 459-6481) #P Department of Computer Science; CSU Chico; Chico, California 95929 #L 40 30 N / 121 50 W #R #W csuchic!thomas (Thomas Gadd); Fri May 16 11:21:02 PDT 1986 # csucxnx csuchic(DEDICATED) #N csuh #S Pyramid 90x / OSx (4.2 W/ System V) #O California State University, Hayward #C Tadd Ottman #T +1 415 881 4168 (ATSS 533-4168) #P Mathematics & Computer Science Dept., CSU, Hayward, CA 94542 #E lll-crg!csuh!tadd #L 37 40 N / 122 05 W city #R department faculty login network status #R ------------------ ----- -------------- #R Bill Nico (chair) nico active (various) #R Chris Morgan morgan active (acm sig-graph) #R Eddie Reiter reiter active (various) #R Louise Moser moser active (various) #W web per dkt@csun per Tadd Ottman 1/2/86 # csuh lll-crg(DAILY), lll-lcc(DAILY), csustan(DAILY) #N csusac #S Perkin-Elmer 3220; Edition 7 UNIX #O California State University, Sacramento #C Dick Smith, Tim Eliseo #E csusac!postmaster #T +1 916 278 6834 #P Computer Science Dept., 6000 J. St., Sacramento, CA 95819 #L 38 34 N / 121 26 W #R Our gateway machine (can you say di-no-saur?) #U csus-athena #W csus-athena!eliseot (Tim Eliseo); Sat Aug 16 03:33:11 PDT 1986 # csusac = csus-csusac, csusac.csus.edu csusac unify(DIRECT), csus-athena(DEDICATED), smiths(DIRECT), ucdavis(DEMAND), pesnta(DEMAND), csun(DEMAND+LOW), csustan(DEMAND), psrcsus(DEDICATED), polyslo(DEDICATED+LOW) #N csus-athena #S DEC VAX-11/785; Ultrix-32 V1.1 #O California State University, Sacramento #C Dick Smith, Tim Eliseo #E csusac!postmaster #T +1 916 278 6834 #P Computer Science Dept., 6000 J. St., Sacramento, CA 95819 #L 38 34 N / 121 26 W #R #U #W csus-athena!eliseot (Tim Eliseo); Sat Aug 16 03:33:11 PDT 1986 # csus-athena = athena.csus.edu csus-athena csusac(DEDICATED), unify(DIRECT), smiths(DIRECT) # # the following don't have real map entries yet unify csusac(DIRECT), csus-athena(DIRECT+LOW) smiths csusac(DIRECT), csus-athena(DIRECT+LOW) # csustan csusac(DEMAND) #N csustan #S PDP 11/44; BSD 2.9 (August '85 seismo/Bostic release) #O California State University, Stanislaus #C Casey Leedom #E csustan!casey #T +1 209 667 3185 #P Computer Science Department; CSU, Stanislaus; Turlock, California 95380 #L 37 29 N / 120 50 W city #R Maybe we should call ourselves "turkey-tech" ... #U #W csustan!casey (Casey Leedom); Fri Jun 20 01:43:50 PDT 1986 # # # Lawrence Livermore National Labs (ARPA SITE): Computer Researcg Group (crg) # (mail link) and Lab Computer Center (lcc) (news feed). # csustan lll-crg(DEMAND), lll-lcc(DEMAND) # # California State Universities, # Northridge, Los Angeles, Hayward, Fullerton, San Luis Obispo, # Fresno, Chico, Sacremento # csustan csun(DEMAND), csla34(DEMAND), csuh(DEMAND), csuf(DEMAND), polyslo(DEMAND), csufres(DEMAND), csuchic(DEMAND), csusac(DEMAND) # # Robert Zeff's "Zapco Electronics" # csustan zapco(DEMAND) #N cygnet #S #O Cygnet Systems, Inc. #C Karl Danz #E hplabs!cygnet!kwd #T (408) 773-0770 #P 601 W. California Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086-4831 #L #R #W cygnet!karl, 12/4/84 # cygnet hplabs(DEMAND) #N daisy #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Daisy Systems Corporation #C C. W. Chung #E daisy!postmaster #T +1 415 960 9580 #P 700 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View CA 94039-7006 #R This is known as daisyvax #U nsc #W daisy!cwc (C.W.Chung); Mon Dec 30 16:40 PDT 1985 # daisy nsc(DIRECT), sci(DIRECT), ghsvax(DEMAND) #N dana #S DEC MicroVAX-II; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Dana Computer, Inc. #C Ken Klingman #E dana!postmaster #T +1 408 732 0400 #P 550 Del Rey Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 #L 37 23 30 N / 122 1 0 W #U dlb #W dana!kck (Ken Klingman); Sat Jan 3 12:01:00 PDT 1987 # dana hplabs(DIRECT+HIGH), mips(DIRECT), ridge(DIRECT), aussjo(DIRECT), dlb(DIRECT) #N decwrl #S VAX-11/750; Ultrix #O Digital Equipment Corporation, Western Research Lab. #C Carol Kiefer #E decwrl!uucp, decwrl!usenet, decwrl!postmaster, decwrl!kiefer #T +1 415 853 6670 #P 100 Hamilton Ave. UCO-3, Palo Alto, CA 94301-1616 #L 122 9 41 W / 37 26 35 N #R Mail gateway to DEC ENET: ...!decwrl!node.dec.com!user. #U adobe amdcad decvax hplabs muscat pyramid sun turtlevax spar ucbvax #W decwrl!johnsson (Richard Johnsson); Sat Nov 29 16:23:12 PST 1986 # # All net and mod newsgroups are forwarded into the # DEC internal network (ENET). # decwrl = decwrl.dec.com decwrl = decwrl.arpa decwrl acornrc(DIRECT), adobe(DIRECT), allegra(DEMAND), amd(DEMAND+LOW), amdahl(DEMAND), amdcad(DEMAND), borealis(DIRECT), cae780(DEMAND), cbatt(DAILY), cbosgd(DAILY), csu-cs(DAILY), decsrc(DEDICATED), decvax(DEDICATED), dual(DEMAND), fluke(DEMAND), glacier(DEAD), hplabs(DIRECT), idi(DEMAND+LOW), ihnp4(DEMAND+LOW), imagen(DEMAND+LOW), intelca(DEMAND), logitech(DIRECT), microsoft(DEMAND+LOW), mips(DIRECT), mordor(DEMAND), muscat(DEMAND), nsc(DEMAND), olympus(DIRECT), purdue(DEMAND+LOW), pyramid(DIRECT), qubix(DEMAND+LOW), research(DEMAND), riacs(DIRECT), sci(DEMAND+LOW), sequent(DEMAND+LOW), sgi(DIRECT), spar(DIRECT), sun(DIRECT), turtlevax(DIRECT), ucbvax(DEDICATED), utcsri(DAILY*2) #N decwse #S Vax 11/785, Ultrix-32 (4.2-4.3 BSD) #O Digital Equipment Corp. #C Armando Stettner #E decwrl!aps #T (415) 853-6713 #P 100 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301 #L #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/28/85 # decwse decvax(DEMAND), decwrl(DEMAND), ucbvax(DEMAND) #N diablo #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University SUMEX Project #C Bill Burgess #E diablo!postmaster #T (415) 497-5141 #P SUMEX, Stanford Medical Center, Stanford CA 94305 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # diablo shasta(DEMAND), navajo(DEMAND), whitney(DEMAND), glacier(DEMAND), gregorio(DEMAND), pescadero(DEMAND), carmel(DEMAND), coyote(DEMAND), leland(DEMAND), cascade(DEMAND), csl-vax(DEMAND), decwrl(DEMAND), sun(DEMAND), allegra(POLLED), spar(DEMAND), flair(DEMAND), coraki(DEMAND), metaphor(DEMAND) #N disc #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V version 2.0 #O Digital Information Systems Corporation #C Rod Creason #E disc!postmaster #T +1 916 635 7300 #P 11070 White Rock Road, Suite 210; Rancho Cordova, California 95670 USA #L 121 29 W / 38 35 N Sacramento/Rancho Cordova #R We are not connected to USENET #U #W disc!chris (Christopher Yau Choy Young); Tue Dec 31 11:03:45 PDT 1985 # disc ucdavis(DAILY*3) #N dolbysun #S SUN 2/170; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Dolby Laboratories #C Mark F. Davis #E dolbysun!postmaster #T +1 415 558 8984 #P 100 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103-4813 #L 122 16 44 W / 37 47 29 N #R #U empiric mordor #W dolbysun!mfd (Mark F. Davis); Wed Feb 5 16:33:00 PDT 1986 # dolbysun empiric(DAILY/4), mordor(DAILY/4) #N doveco #S Fortune Systems XP30, 68000, For:Pro 1.8.2 #O DoveCo #C Michael E. Dove #E doveco!mike #T +1 415 547 2428 #P 5 Admiral #312, Emeryville, CA 94608 #L 122 16 11 W / 37 52 55 N (within 5 miles) #R #W doveco!mike (Michael E. Dove); Thu Mar 20 17:50:50 pst 1986 #U ptsfa # doveco ptsfa(DEMAND), dmax2(DEMAND), fortune(DEMAND) #N drivax #S DEC VAX-11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Digital Research, Inc. #C Karl T. Braun #E drivax!uucpadm #T +1 408 647 6112 #P BOX DRI, Monterey, California, 93942 #L 36 35 N / 121 52 W city #R #U amdahl #W drivax!braun (Karl T. Braun); Tue Mar 03 14:16:00 PST 1987 # drivax amdahl(EVENING), ihnp4(DEAD), ucscc(DEAD), mot(DEAD) #N dual #S Dual System 83/240 68000; System V UniPlus+ #O Dual Systems Corporation #C Bridget Dobbins #E dual!postmaster, dual!bridget #T +1 415 549 3854 x29 #P 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702, U.S.A. #L 37 52 55 N / 122 16 11 W #R #U basis ihnp4 ptsfa ucbvax unisoft #W hplabs!fowler (Greg Fowler); Tue Nov 18 18:16:09 PST 1986 # # DIRECT means we will call these sites whenever we have anything queued # for them. # EVENING+HIGH means that these are toll calls, so we call only between # 6 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. during the week, and any time on the weekend. # EVENING+LOW means we will call between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. during # the week and any time on the weekend. # DAILY+HIGH means these sites call us at least once a day. # DAILY means that these sites call us periodically, perhaps weekly. # dual amd(EVENING+LOW), amdcad(EVENING+LOW), ames(EVENING+LOW), apple(DAILY+HIGH), basis(DAILY+HIGH), bigtuna(DAILY), cbosgd(EVENING+LOW), cogent(DAILY),commem(DIRECT), csi(EVENING+LOW), darwin(DAILY), dbi(DAILY/2), decwrl(EVENING+LOW), dmsd(DAILY), edfca(DAILY+HIGH), fortune(EVENING+LOW), ihnp4(EVENING+LOW), isg(DIRECT), islenet(DAILY+HIGH), jasmine(DIRECT), lll-crg(DAILY+HIGH), lll-lcc(DAILY+HIGH), lurnix(DIRECT), micropro(EVENING+LOW), mordor(DAILY+HIGH), mtxinu(DIRECT), netword(DAILY), novat(DAILY), oakhill(DAILY), pbmnms(EVENING+HIGH), ptsfa(DAILY+HIGH), pyramid(EVENING+LOW), qantel(EVENING+LOW), ska(DAILY+HIGH), sun(EVENING+LOW), rtech(DIRECT), ucbvax(DIRECT), ucdncoh(DAILY), ucsflmb(EVENING+LOW), unicom(DAILY), unisoft(DIRECT), unison(DIRECT), uworld(DAILY), varian(DAILY+HIGH), vecpyr(DAILY+HIGH), waldo(DAILY), well(DIRECT), wu1(DAILY), wrs(DAILY+HIGH), zehntel(DAILY+HIGH), # # These sites have been recently disconnected. dual ARETE(DEAD), bcc0(DEAD), kt(DEAD), proper(DEAD) #N dymsj #S Tandy 6000 HD;Microsoft XENIX #O Matchmaker Group #C Richard S. Terrill dymsj!ma253 #T +1 408 984 3619 #P 2900 Semiconductor Drive, MS CT040, Santa Clara, CA 95051 #L 37 27 11 N / 121 59 19 W #R #U #W dymsj!ma253 (Richard S. Terrill); Sun Feb 01 13:51:22 PST 1987 # dymsj voder(DAILY), petro(WEEKLY*2) #N edjr #O Perennial Software Services Group #C #T (408) 727-2555 #P 3130 De La Cruz Blvd, Santa Clara CA 95050 #E #L #R #W GAF 3/15/85 from cadtec!rick edjr cadtec(DAILY) #N eeg #S Masscomp MC500 RTU 2.2a System V Unix #O EEG Systems Laboratory #C Bryan Costales or Morgan #E ptsfa!eeg!{bcx,morgan} #T (415) 621-8343 #P 1855 Folson Street, Suite 610, San Francisco, CA 94103 #L 37 46' 1" N, 122 24' 52" W #R #W eeg!bcx # eeg eeg2(DEDICATED), ptsfa(DIRECT), ski(DIRECT) #N eeg2 #S Masscomp MC500 RTU 2.2a System V Unix #O EEG Systems Laboratory #C Bryan Costales or Morgan #E ptsfa!eeg!{bcx,morgan} #T (415) 621-8343 #P 1855 Folson Street, Suite 520, San Francisco, CA 94103 #L 37 46' 1" N, 122 24' 52" W #R #W eeg!bcx # eeg2 eeg(DEDICATED) #N elan #S DEC MicroVax-II; Ultrix (4.2 BSD) #O ELAN Computer Group #C Ken Greer #E elan!postmaster #T +1 415 948 8193 #P 260 Alta Vista Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94022, USA #L #R #U #W elan!kg (Ken Greer); Wed Apr 16 20:50:08 PST 1986 # elan hplabs(DAILY), bnrmtv(DAILY) #N elandes #S IBM PC-AT; XENIX V2.0 #O ELAN designs #C Dave Mathis #E elandes!postmaster #T +1 415 378 8616 #P 12778 Lantana Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070 #L 37 17 N / 121 59 W #R Micro systems consulting and design #U oliveb(DAILY) #W Dave Mathis ; Jan 26, 1987 # elandes oliveb(DAILY) #N elxsi #S ELXSI System 6400; ENIX BSD 11.2 #O ELXSI #C Gary Winiger, Terry Layman, Bill Petro #E elxsi!usenet, elxsi!postmaster, elxsi!gww, elxsi!terryl, elxsi!billp #T +1 408 942 0900 x7008, +1 408 942 0900 x7224, +1 408 942 0900 x7248 #P 2334 Lundy Place, San Jose, California 95131 #L 37 24 40 N / 121 53 25 W #R Gateway to all Elxsi systems #U altos86 styx #W elxsi!gww (Gary Winiger); Thu Oct 30 16:47:13 PST 1986 # elxsi altos86(DAILY/4), styx(HOURLY), sun(DAILY/2), tataelxsi(DAILY) #N epicen #S VAX 11/750; VMS V4.4 and Eunice 4.2 #O Entropic Processing, Inc. #C Joseph T. Buck #E epicen!jbuck #T +1 408 973 9800 #P 10011 N. Foothill Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 #L 37 19 N / 122 03 W #U epimass #R @#$%%^! Eunice! #W epicen!jbuck (Joseph T. Buck); Wed Nov 5 17:37:58 1986 # epicen epimass(LOCAL) #N epimass #S Masscomp 5600; RTU 3.0 #O Entropic Processing, Inc. #C Joe Buck #E epimass!jbuck; epimass!usenet #T 1 408 973 9800 #P 10011 N. Foothill Blvd, Cupertino CA 95014 #L 37 19 N / 122 03 W #U epicen csi ucat #R We also exchange ba.all, ca.all, and local news with oliveb. #W epicen!jbuck (Joseph T. Buck); Wed Nov 26 15:07:30 1986 # epimass epicen(LOCAL), pesnta(DAILY), csi(DIRECT), oliveb(DIRECT), tymix(DIRECT), ucat(DIRECT), apple(DIRECT), epiwrl(EVENING) #N eps2 #S Sun-2/130 4.2 BSD UNIX. #O Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. #C Janice Landi #E eps2!janice #T (408) 742-9302 #P LMSC, P.O. Box 3504, Dept. 62-16, Bldg. 151, Sunnyvale, Ca. 94088 #L 36 53' N 122 8' W #R #U leadsv #W Janice Landi, 8/27/86 # # These are other Lockheed sites to which we talk. # eps2 leadsv(DIRECT), msunix(DIRECT) #N fdlrsgrn #S Codata 3300; Version 7 UniPlus+ #C Doug Faunt, Mike Farren #E spar!faunt, hoptoad!farren #T +1 415 496 4727, +1 415 655 8604 #P 390 Alcatraz Avenue, Oakland CA 94618-1366 #L 37 53 55 N / 122 14 40 W #R Fiddlers Green-Doug Faunt's personal mail/news system #U none yet #W spar!faunt(Doug Faunt); Mon Jun 2 11:39:49 PDT 1986 # fdlrsgrn spar(DAILY) #N forcm5 #S #O Fortune Systems Corp., Configuration Mgmt. Group #C John Rogers #E decvax!decwrl!amd!fortune!forcm5!jr #T #P Redwood City, CA #L 37 37' 30" N, 122 15' 50" W #R #W ksh per newsite 6/3/84 # forcm5 fortune(LOCAL), proper(WEEKLY/2) #N foros1 #S #O #C #E foros1!jr #T #P #L #R #W ksh per note 9/10/84 # foros1 bragvax(POLLED), fortune(DIRECT), proper, rhino #N fortune #S Fortune 32:16 SX; For:Pro 2.0a/DFS #O Fortune Systems Corporation #C Stan Portner #E fortune!usenet #T +1 415 595 8444 #P 300 Harbor, Belmont, CA 94002 #L 37 31 N / 122 15 W #R # Sites treated as leaf sites #U databd dsd redwood #W Stan Portner (fortune!portner); Wed Dec 3 11:03 PST 1986 # fortune acacia(WEEKLY), allegra(DEMAND+LOW+3), amd(DEMAND+HIGH), amdcad(WEEKLY), bunker(DEMAND+LOW+3), cbosgd(DEMAND+LOW+2), csi(WEEKLY+LOW), dmsd(WEEKLY), dsd(DEMAND), dual(DEMAND+HIGH), harpo(DEMAND+LOW+4), hollywood(WEEKLY), hpda(DEMAND), idi(DEMAND), idsvax(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND+LOW), megatest(DAILY), metron(POLLED), oliveb(DEMAND), redwood(POLLED), sri-tsc(DEMAND), sri-unix(DEMAND), twg(DEMAND), varian(WEEKLY), vixie(WEEKLY), wdl1(DEMAND) #N forward #S #O Forward Technology #C Jim Schmidt #E forward!jims #T (408) 971-6700 #P #L #R #W # forward twg #N fruitfly #S #O University of California, Berkeley #C Gerry Rubin #E ucbvax!molbio!fruitfly!gerry #T +1 415 642-6420 #P Dept. of Biochemistry, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 #L 37deg 52' 28" North x 122deg 15' 44" West #R Internal UC Berkeley UUCP site #W ucbvax!ucbjade!netinfo Sun Oct 13 20:48:20 PDT 1985 # from data supplied by J. Michael Cherry (ucbvax!molbio!mike) 10 Jul 85 # fruitfly molbio(POLLED) #N fuji #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University Integrated Circuits Laboratory #C Michael Eldredge #E glacier!postmaster #T (415) 497-1058 #P AEL 201, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # fuji glacier(POLLED) #N garth #S DEC vax-11/785; Ultrix V1.2 #O Fairchild Semiconducter (APD) #C Doug Waidhofer #E garth!news #T +1 415 858 4542 #P 4001 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304 MS 30 - 0777 #L 37 20 8 N / 122 8 21 W #R We make the CLIPPER #U harvax opusys #W garth!news (Doug Waidhofer); Wed Oct 29 13:21:25 PST 1986 # garth harvax(DAILY/2), opusys(DAILY/5), #N gecalma #S SUN 2/120; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Calma Company #C Tim Radzykewycz #E calma!radzy #T +1 408 434 4894 #P 525 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035-7489 #L 37 10 N / 122 16 W #R This is the preferred uucp path to Calma. # News will soon be moved entirely from calma. #U #W calma!radzy (Tim Radzykewycz); Tue Sep 23 10:54:58 PDT 1986 #W jso@edison.GE.COM (John S. Owens); Wed Nov 26 12:48:58 1986 EST # gecalma = gecalma.GE.COM # gecalma calma(LOCAL), sun(DIRECT), aclark(HOURLY*2), aptos(HOURLY) #N genie #S DEC VAX 11/785; 4.3 BSD UNIX #O Genentech, Inc. #C Scooter Morris #E genie!scooter #T +1 415 266 1068 #P 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd., So. San Francisco, CA 94080 #L #R #U ucsfcgl cfcl #W genie!scooter (Scooter Morris); Fri Nov 21 18:54:46 PST 1986 # genie ucsfcgl(DIRECT), cfcl(DAILY) #N geoff #S #O #C #E #T #P #L #R #W # geoff ucbvax(DAILY) #N gilbbs #S Tandy 6000/XENIX 3.1 #O Gil's Place Public Access Computer Conferencing System #C Tom Keller #E gilbbs!mc68020 #T +1 707 575 9493 #P 894 Santa Ana Dr., Santa Rosa Ca. 95404 #L 122 44 W / 38 27 N (city) #R we are a public access computer conferencing system. We wish to #R encourage tele-conferencing. We are dedicated to the memory of #R Gil Cooper, who founded the system under the name BBS-16. #R we currently only handle mail feeds, but expect to have a news feed #R by February of 1986 #U altunv #W gilbbs!mc68020 (Tom Keller); Sat Dec 28 16:42:00 PDT 1985 # gilbbs ptsfa(POLLED), pthya(POLLED), altunv(POLLED), Quine1(WEEKLY) #N gordian #S AT&T PC 6300; Santa Cruz Operations XENIX #O Gordian Systems #C Jim Lyon #E gordian!postmaster #T +1 415 494 8414 #P 3512 West Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA #L 122 06 45 W / 37 26 06 N #R Mail only; we do not send or receive news. #U #W gordian!jimbo (Jim Lyon); Fri Apr 11 12:07:36 PST 1986 # gordian nsc(DEMAND) #N grape #S Arete 1100; System V Release 2 (Manuf. name: Arix 3.2) #O Grapevine Communications, Inc. #C James Cleverdon #E grape!uucp #T +1 415 379 9980 #P 501 Seaport Court, Suite 108, Redwood City, CA 94063 #L 122 12 40 W / 37 30 17 N #W grape!james (James Cleverdon); Fri Aug 8 13:16:30 PDT 1986 # grape vine(DEDICATED), cdp(DIRECT), thirdeye(DIRECT) #N gregorio #S VAX 11/750, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University Computer Science/Distributed Systems Group #C Lance Berc #E gregorio!postmaster #T (415) 497-4003 #P Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # gregorio glacier(POLLED), diablo(POLLED) #N gsp86 #S #O Intel Corp. #C Phillip Hochstetler #E hplabs!intelqa!phil #T (408) 496-7199 #P 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 #L #R intelqa #W # gsp86 intelqa(DAILY) #N gvgpsa #S DEC MVAX II; Ultrix-32m V1.2A #O The Grass Valley Group, Inc. #C David C. White #E gvgpsa!postmaster #T +1 916 478 3052 #P P.O. Box 1114, Grass Valley, CA 95945 #L 121 8 13 W / 39 14 56 N #U tektools ucdavis #W gvgpsa!davew (David C. White); Mon Mar 2 16:23:03 PST 1987 # gvgpsa tektronix(DEDICATED), tektools(DEDICATED), gvgspd(DIRECT), friday(DIRECT), gvgcca(DEMAND), ucdavis(DAILY) #N gvgspd #S DEC MVAX II; Ultrix-32m V1.2A #O The Grass Valley Group, Inc. #C Mark A. Matthews #E gvgpsa!postmaster #T +1 916 478 3603 #P P.O. Box 1114, Grass Valley, CA 95945 #L 121 0 33 W / 39 14 56 N #U gvgpsa #W gvgspd!mam (Mark A. Matthews); Tue Mar 3 00:13:21 PST 1987 # gvgspd gvgpsa(DIRECT) #N harlie #S IBM PC/AT; Microport System V/AT 1.3.6 (SVR2) #O Lunatic Berkeley Laboratories #C William H. Maddox III #E harlie!postmaster #T +1 415 849 0462 #P 1933 Delaware Street #C, Berkeley, CA 94709 #L 37 52 N / 122 17 W #R Limited access UNIX bbs system (+1 415 848 6006, 300/1200BPS) #W harlie!carl (Carl Greenberg); Mon Oct 27 17:44:43 PST 1986 #U # harlie ptsfa(DAILY) #N harvax #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX; Ethernet LAN to a similar system #O Hunter & Ready Inc. #C Ed Reed #E harvax!ereed, harvax!postmaster, harvax!usenet, harvax!root #T +1 415 326-2950 #P Palo Alto, CA 94306 #L 122 23 W / 37 10 N Palo Alto #R Home of VRTX, (Versital Real Time Executive) #U octopus #W harvax!ereed (Ed Reed); Fri Dec 30 20:30:00 PDT 1985 # harvax hplabs(DIRECT), octopus(DIRECT), vlsvax1(DIRECT), verdix(WEEKLY), mot(WEEKLY), inmet(WEEKLY), ghsvax(WEEKLY), tolerant(WEEKLY), apci_sc(WEEKLY) #N heather #S Sun2/120; 4.2 BSD UNIX (Sun Release 2.0) #O University of California at Davis #C Michael Russell #E heather!postmaster #T +1 916 752 2017, +1 916 752 7004 #P Division of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, California 95616 #L 121 44 58 W / 38 32 16 N #W heather!russell (Michael Russell); Thu Jan 16 21:38:33 PST 1986 # # Ethernet connections heather UCDCSEECHEM-NET #N helens #S VAX 11/750, 4.2BSD #O Stanford University Electrical Engineering Dept. #C Greg Satz #E helens!postmaster #T (415) 497-1004 #P McCullough 176, Stanford Univ., Stanford CA 94306 #L #R This machine is on the Arpanet #W Brian Reid, 1/10/85 # helens glacier(POLLED) #N hippo #S Pyramid Workcenter; OSx 4.0 #O Healthcare 2000 #C Eric Bergan #E hippo!eric #T +1 415 661 4791 #P 258 B Laguna Honda, San Francisco, CA 94116 #L 37 45 00 N / 122 28 00 W #U ptsfa #W hippo!eric (Eric Bergan); Fri Mar 27 11:11:42 PST 1987 # hippo ptsfa(DIRECT), pyramid(HOURLY), osiris(DAILY) #N hoptoad #S Sun3/160C-4; Sun Unix 3.0 #O Nebula Consultants #C Laura Creighton, John Gilmore #E hoptoad!postmaster (preferred), hoptoad!toad, hoptoad!gnu #T +1 415 931 4667 #P 1504 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA 94115 #L 37 48 N / 122 27 W #U ptsfa well lll-crg sun rtech #R Hub of the "funnybone" which distributes net.rec.drugs #W hoptoad!gnu; Thu Oct 16 03:36:19 PDT 1986 # # Local UUCP neighbours -- it's free to call them # hoptoad well(DIRECT), ptsfa(DIRECT), ucsfcgl(DIRECT), rtech(DIRECT), cpsc6a(DIRECT), cfcl(DIRECT), # # Bay area sites we talk to whenever we have traffic. # hoptoad sun(DEMAND), micropro(DEMAND), nsc(DEMAND), leadsv(DEMAND), unisoft(DEMAND), portal(DEMAND), scampi(DEMAND), vecpyr(DEMAND), atari(DEMAND), rencon(DEMAND), qantel(DEMAND), octopus(DEMAND), pyramid(DEMAND), spar(DEMAND) # # PC Pursuit links, two-way. # ihnp4 gets a bonus because it calls us during the day (Thank you, ihnp4!) # hoptoad frog(EVENING), ihnp4(EVENING+HIGH), # # LLL wants to send us news during the day, so we let them call us. # hoptoad lll-crg(HOURLY+LOW) # # These sites are long distance and we only call them when the rates # are cheap. # hoptoad cbosgd(EVENING+LOW), psivax(EVENING+LOW), utzoo(EVENING+LOW), hoptoad gonzo(EVENING) # # We call these sites but they don't call us. If you drop mail there and # wait for us to poll them, you could wait a long time. # hoptoad gatech(WEEKLY), darwin(WEEKLY), utcs(WEEKLY), cisden(WEEKLY), # # locas calls us, we don't call them. # hoptoad locas(DAILY) # # These links are intermittent. #hoptoad nyfca1, hermes, mumble, riccb # Special purpose links. #hoptoad netword, okstate, voder # #N hpda #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Hewlett-Packard ITG, Cupertino, California #C Bob Desinger #E hpda!postmaster #T +1 408 447 6982 #P 19447 Pruneridge Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 #L #R Gateway for HP Cupertino site and HP south Bay Area #U hplabs dmsd ucbcad hpihoa #U hpdsd hppsdc hpasda hpdb hpdsa hpdsb hpindla hpitg hptabu hppcgo #W hpda!bd (Bob Desinger); Tue Jan 21 11:26:26 PST 1986 # hpda Shasta(EVENING+LOW), blia(DEMAND), compcon(WEEKLY+LOW), dmsd(EVENING), fortune(DEMAND), hpasda(DIRECT), hp-pcd(DEMAND), hpbonsai(DIRECT), hpdsqb(DIRECT), hpfcdc(DEMAND), hpfcla(DEMAND), hplabs(DEMAND+HIGH), hpcea(DEMAND), hppsdc(DIRECT), hp-sdd(DEMAND), nsc(DIRECT), sfyog(DEAD), spar(DEMAND), sra1(EVENING+LOW), sun(DEMAND), ucbcad(DEMAND), ucbvax(DEMAND), thirdi(DEMAND) # # Ethernet-addressed host!user # Mail for anyone on these systems should all get routed thru hpda. # HPDA-ETHER = {hpda, hpcllw, hpcllx, hpdb, hpdsa, hpdsb, hpdsc, hpdsd, hpihoa, hpindla, hpitg, hppcgo, hptabu}!(LOCAL) #N hpdsd #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Hewlett-Packard ITG, Cupertino, California #C Bob Desinger #E hpda!postmaster #T +1 408 447 6982 #P 19447 Pruneridge Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 #L #R Back-door to HP Cupertino gateway (to ease hpda's load) #U hpda hpclla hpscda #W hpda!bd (Bob Desinger); Tue Jan 21 11:31:22 PST 1986 # hpdsd HPDA-ETHER, dmsd(EVENING), hp-pcd(DEMAND), hpclla(DIRECT), hpcsd(DIRECT), hpcup4(DIRECT), hpdsq(DIRECT), hpfcdc(DEMAND), hpfclj(DEMAND), hpfcll(DEMAND), hpfcls(DEMAND), hplabs(DEMAND+HIGH), hppsdc(DIRECT), hpscda(DIRECT), hpsemc(DEDICATED), hpsvla(DIRECT), idi(DEMAND), octopus(DEMAND+LOW), sda(DIRECT) #N hpindla #S #O Hewlett-Packard #C #E #T #P Cupertino, CA #L #R #W Paul Bame (hp-lsd!paul), 7/14/84 # hpindla hpda #N hplabs #S VAX 11/780; 4.2 #O Hewlett-Packard Labs, Computer Research Center #C Mike Rodriquez, Greg Fowler #E ...!hplabs!rodriquez, ...!hplabs!fowler #T (415) 857-8560, (415) 857-8772 #P Bldg 3L, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 #U hpda hpisla tektronix hpcea hao #U felix hp-sdd oliveb pyramid qantel hp-pcd #U sdcrdcf ucbvax sri-unix # Sites treated as leaf sites. #U analog elan fortune motsj1 #U oracle parcvax ridge #L #R #W hplabs!fowler (Greg Fowler); Thu Feb 26 15:03:41 PST 1987 # hplabs-net = {hplabs, hplabsb, hplabsc}!(LOCAL) hplabs allegra(DEMAND+LOW), amd(EVENING), amdahl(DEMAND), amdcad(EVENING), ames(DIRECT), analog(DAILY), atd(EVENING), bellcore(DEMAND), bnrmtv(DAILY), cae780(DEMAND), caip(EVENING), cbatt(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND), cdp(DEMAND), cti(DEMAND), compcon(EVENING), csu-cs(DEMAND), csun(DEMAND), cygnet(DEMAND), decvax(DEMAND), decwrl(DIRECT), dsd(EVENING), duke(DAILY), dysan(DAILY), elan(DEMAND), felix(DEMAND), fortune(DEMAND), gatech(DEMAND), hpgchm(DAILY), hao(DEMAND), harvax(DEMAND), hp-lsd(DEMAND), hp-pcd(DEMAND+LOW), hp-sdd(DIRECT), hpavla(DEMAND), hpbsla(DEMAND), hpda(DIRECT), hpfcdc(DEMAND), hpfcla(DEMAND), hpfeola(DEMAND+HIGH), hpisla(DEMAND), hplvla(DEMAND), hpscda(DIRECT), hpwale(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND), intelca(DEMAND+LOW), isl(DEMAND), kaist(WEEKLY), kddlab(DAILY), lbl-csam(DEMAND), lewey(DEMAND), mcnc(DEMAND), menlo70(WEEKLY), motsj1(DEMAND), mseonyx(DEMAND), munnari(DEAD), mycroft(DEMAND), nsc(DEMAND), oblio(DAILY), oliveb(DEMAND), oracle(DEMAND), parcvax(DEMAND), pesnta(DEMAND), purdue(WEEKLY), pyramid(DIRECT), qantel(DEMAND), rencon(POLLED), resonex(EVENING), riacs(DEMAND), ridge(DEMAND), rutgers(DEMAND), sdcrdcf(DEMAND), seismo(DEMAND), spar(DEMAND), sri-tsc(DAILY), sri-unix(DIRECT), sun(DIRECT), sytek(DEMAND), tektronix(EVENING), topaz(EVENING), trwrb(EVENING), ttihwe(DAILY), turtlevax(DEMAND), ucbvax(DEMAND), unicom(EVENING), usenix(DAILY), utah-cs(EVENING), well(DEMAND), zehntel(DAILY) #N hpldat #S HP 9000/320; HP-UX, version 5.1 (based on Bell System V) #O Hewlett Packard Labs #C Dave Taylor #E hpldat!postmaster #T +1 415 857 6887 #P 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94034 #L <unknown> #U hplabsc bbs #W hplabs!taylor (Dave Taylor); Mon Jun 14 17:14:00 PDT 1986 # hpldat hplabs(LOCAL), hplabsc(LOCAL), bbs(DIRECT) #N hpscda #S HP 9000/500; HP-UX #O Hewlett Packard, Santa Clara Division #C Jack Folchi #E hpscda!usenet #T +1 408 246 4300 #P Hewlett Packard, 5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard #L 121 54 W / 37 21 N #U hpdsd #W hpscda!eric (Eric Flink); Tue Jul 29 19:13:12 PDT 1986 hpscda CTnMKn(DIRECT), dmsd(DEMAND+HIGH), hp-lsd(DEMAND+HIGH), hp-pcd(DEMAND+HIGH), hpbbn(DEAD), hpbbsm(DEAD), hpbid1(DEAD), hpcea(DEMAND+HIGH), hpcid(DEMAND+HIGH), hpciltu(DEMAND+HIGH), hpcmmb(DEMAND+HIGH), hpda(DIRECT), hpdsd(DIRECT), hpfcdc(DEMAND+HIGH), hpfcla(DEMAND+HIGH), hpfcse(DEMAND+HIGH), hpisla(DEMAND+HIGH), hplabs(DEMAND), hplsla(DEMAND+HIGH), hprndlb(DEMAND+HIGH), hpsadlc(DEMAND+HIGH), hpscdb(DIRECT), hpscdc(DIRECT), hpscdd(DIRECT), hpscde(DIRECT), hpscdf(DIRECT), hpscdg(DIRECT), hpscdh(DIRECT), hpscdi(DIRECT), hpscdj(DIRECT), hpscdk(DIRECT), hpscdl(DIRECT), hpscdn(DIRECT), hpscdo(DIRECT), hpscdu(DIRECT), hpscdv(DIRECT), hpscdw(DIRECT), hpscdx(DIRECT), hpscdy(DIRECT), hpscic(DIRECT), hpscle(DIRECT), hpsclg(DIRECT), hpsclh(DIRECT), hpscli(DIRECT), hpsclj(DIRECT), hpscll(DIRECT), hpsclm(DIRECT), hpscln(DIRECT), hpsclo(DIRECT), hpsclp(DIRECT), hpsclq(DIRECT), hpscls(DIRECT), hpsclt(DIRECT), hpsclu(DIRECT), hpsclx(DIRECT), hpscly(DIRECT), hpsclz(DIRECT), hpscrc(DIRECT), hpscrd(DIRECT), hpscre(DIRECT), hpscrf(DIRECT), hpscrg(DIRECT), hpscrh(DIRECT), hpscrk(DIRECT), hpscrl(DIRECT), hpscro(DIRECT), hpscrp(DIRECT), hpscrq(DIRECT), hpsctca(DEMAND), hpsrla(DEMAND), hpycla(DEAD), hpyidla(DEAD), intelca(DEMAND), memorex(DEMAND), onager(DEMAND), rencon(DEMAND+HIGH), seismo(DEMAND) SHAR_EOF : End of shell archive exit 0