This is a summary of the responses I received via e-mail and those that were posted to on possible methods of filling out the Federal Standard Form 171 (standard U.S. Government job application). Michael Carr ( just typed his (obviously with an elite typewriter!). J. Keith Alston ( says that there is a software package available from Datatech Distributors, 4820 Derry St., Harrisburg, PA 17111, called "Quick and Easy for the SF-171". This packages sells for between $49.95 and $399.95, depending on the number of users. Platform (IBM or Mac or other) was not indicated. Wes Wheeler ( mentions "True Form Fill-Out" from Adobe Systems, which he saw demonstrated on a Macintosh. No idea of cost, though. Dave Bursik ( says that there is an SF-171 template available for the "if:X" forms package from Softview, makers of MacInTax. He says you probably have to buy the basic program and them buy the SF-171 template separately. This runs on the Macintosh. Ihor J. Kinal ( suggests using a photocopier to enlarge the form a bit, typing in the information, and then reducing the form to original size. Finally, Phil Roberts (proberts@disk.uucp) mentions that he has seen software for filling out the SF-171, but can't recall names or manufacturers. He suggests looking in the _Washington Post_ where he has seen ads for this type of software. So. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, but scanning the forms into a Macintosh and then using a paint program to fill them in is pretty high on the list (since I can borrow a Mac soon). Thank you very much for all the replies, and I hope that this summary is timely enough to help anyone in need. As a general disclaimer, please note that neither I nor any of the people who have helped me on this topic recommend or work for any of the companies mentioned above. Also, all software package names are probably trademarks of their manufacturers. The SF-171 is a creation of the Federal Government. I need say no more. Thanks again, TSD -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Hill Cabal "Them people'll do anything for money. You'd bwdavies@sunrise.bitnet be surprised. They ain't like us, Doc. They're Christians." -- Seldom Seen Smith