[eunet.news] Eurolog etc.

andy@hwcs.UUCP (05/14/87)

First European Logo Conference
Dublin, 4 to 6 September 1987

Announcement and Call for Papers

Eurolog '87 will have a varied programme, intended to interest researchers,
teachers and Logo enthusiasts alike. There will be workshop sessions for
beginners; other activities will include keynote addresses, seminars,
workshops, demonstrations and plenary sessions.

Fees: Residential (Includes all meals and receptions) 70 Irish Pounds
      Non residential (no meals)                      25 Irish Pounds
      Non residential, Student                        12.50 Irish Pounds

Call for Papers:
Papers are sought on these topics:
	Relationship of Logo to school curricula
	New ways of using Logo or similar languages in schools
	Extensions to or improvements in Logo
	Classroom experience with Logo
If you want to give a presentation or lead another activity please send a
200 word summary by email to allan@ai.leeds.ac.uk and a paper copy to
Fred Klotz (address follows). Your summary should include a note of the
amount of time you want and the resources you'll need. Closing datee
for submission of papers is 31 May 1987.

Bookings: Before 31 July 1987 please (5 Irish Pounds surcharge after that).
You can book bed and breakfast on the nights of Thurs 3 Sept and/or
Sun 6 Sept in you want, at 12 Irish Pounds per night extra.
Bank drafts in Irish money payable to 'Eurolog '87' to

	F Klotz
	Mathematics Department
	St. Patrick's College
	Republic of Ireland

Phone 01 [Dublin] 376191 Ext 291

Email: No Email to Fred Klotz but allan@ai.leeds.ac.uk will deal with

Article 2 follows, cut here ----------------------------------------------
Subject: Logo Summer Schools 1987

Logo Summer Schools 1987
August 24 to 27 at Southlands College, London.

These workshops are intended to be of value to anyone interested in good
education uses of the micro computer, the programming language Logo
and the educational philosophies which it encompasses of problem solving
and experiential learning.

Those attending will be able to particilate in up to 8 workshop sessions
offering practical help and first hand experience in many areas
including getting started, Logo and control technology, floor turtles,
primary maths, secondary maths, adventure games, music, sprites, science,
Lego, pre-control technology, microworlds, Logo extensions, language and
communication, computer publishing, creative writing, running community
computer projects, computers in youth work and just plain
"Trivial pursuits"!

For further details please write to
	Logo Workshops '87
	British Logo User Group
	P O Box 79
	West Midlands
	England		WS5 3RW

A stamped addressed envelope (international reply coupon) will
be appreciated! The cost of booking is 89 pounds residential
or 59 pounds non residential.

Or phone Chris Robinson 01 [London] 686 3315
Or Email: ken@aiva.ed.ac.uk will try to handle enquiries.

-Andrew Wallace			JANET : andy@cs.hw.ac.uk
				ARPA  : andy@uk.ac.hw.cs
				UUCP  : ..ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!andy