[sci.philosophy.tech] Recent Jetai Abstracts

dietrich@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Eric Dietrich) (08/26/90)

			 Recent Abstracts from the 

		Journal of Experimental and Theoretical AI

                           Volume 2   Number 1
			  January - March 1990

           Co-operation of syntax and semantics in flexive languages

                               EMIL PALES

            Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
              Nalepkova 26, 811 01 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

Abstract.  The idiosyncrasies of the flexic Slavonic languages, such
as the rich case system and complex morphology, entail a free
word-order and require a specialized approach when parsed.  We claim
complex morphology is not the only disadvantage of the language.
Augmented transition networks for Slovak are introduced, and their
adequacy for Slovak and comparison to English networks are discussed.
Further, we introduce briefly our concept of semantic analysis, based
on a semantic case system, verb and noun valency frames.  The
phenomenon of nominalization is investigated.  The central theme of
this paper is the close communication of syntax and semantics.  The
sequentially working modules shift misinterpretations and ambiguities
from one to another.  This leads to combinatorial explosions and the
loss of effectiveness.  The communication between the syntactic and
semantic modules enables the exclusion of some syntactically correct,
but semantically nonsensical interpretations in early phases of
sentence processing.  The assignment of semantic roles to the
subphrases immediately when found, requires knowledge of the valency
of the main verb (or head noun) first.  These can be associated in
Slovak (unlike English) by a simple precomputation, based on the
character of the flexive languages.

           Knowledge representation issues in default reasoning

                            J. TERRY NUTTER

               Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
                        Blacksburg, Virginia  24061

Abstract.  Most existing approaches to reasoning under uncertainty and
with incomplete information appeal to formal theories, with relatively
little attention to the phenomena they are intended to capture.  This
has had two major consequences.  First, it has led to spurious
disputes, in which participants criticize alternative approaches in
the belief that they are competing, when in fact they are
investigating different aspects of related phenomena, and should
ultimately be viewed as cooperative efforts.  Second, it has led to
wasted effort on models which fail to reflect important aspects of
kinds of reasoning which they are trying to capture, because necessary
distinctions among kinds of generalization have not been made, and so
the representational requirements have not been adequately spelled
out.  This paper delineates several different kinds of reasoning under
uncertainty, establishes some distinctions within the field, and
attempts to begin setting some ground rules for representational

                    An analysis of expected-outcome

                          BRUCE ABRAMSON

    Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California
                        Los Angeles, CA  90089-0782

Abstract.  Static evaluators have been used in every game program ever
written.  These heuristic functions attempt to differentiate between
strong and weak moves by assigning them values based on directly
detectable game features.  Despite their ubiquity, evaluation
functions are not well understood; the development of a theory of
evaluator design has been too long coming.  In fact, the general
consensus is that no theory is possible, because expertise is
required to develop even a simple evaluator.
  One recently introduced 'generic' evaluation function, the
expected-outcome model, proposed evaluating a node as the expected
value of a game's outcome, given random play from that node on.
Experimental studies conducted on evaluators designed under this model
yielded encouraging results in tac-tac-toe, Othello, and chess.  This
paper analyzes the expected-outcome model on a simple class of game
trees, and shows that the moves recommended under the assumptions of
random play and perfect play are identical.  This vindicates what
appeared to have been an overly naive assumption, and furhters the
claim that statistically interpreted evaluation functions are
powerful, as well as elegant.

             Reasoning situated in time I: basic concepts


             *Department of Computer Science, College of
             Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State
             University, Tempe, AZ  85287-5406 and **Department
             of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced
             Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College
             Park, MD  20742

Abstract.  The needs of a real-time reasoner situated in an
environment may make it appropriate to view error-correction and
non-monotonicity as much the same thing.  This has led us to formulate
situated (or step) logic, an approach to reasoning in which the
formalism has a kind of real-time self-reference that affects the
course of deduction itself.  Here we seek to motivate this as a useful
vehicle for exploring certain issues in commonsense reasoning.  In
particular, a chief drawback of more traditional logics is avoided:
from a contradiction we do not have all wffs swamping the (growing)
conclusion set.  Rather, we seek potentially inconsistent, but
nevertheless useful, logics where the real-time self-referential
feature allows a direct contradiction to be spotted and corrective
action taken, as part of the same system of reasoning.  Some specific
inference mechanisms for real-time default reasoning are suggested,
notably a form of introspection relevant to default reasoning.
Special treatment of 'now' and of contradictions are the main
technical devices here.  We illustrate this with a
computer-implemented real-time solution to R. Moore's 'Brother

			 Abstracts from


                      VOLUME 2   NUMBER 2

		       April - June 1990

          Representational issues in genetic optimization

               GUNAR E. LIEPINS* and MICHAEL D. VOSE**

          *MS 6207 Bldg 4500N, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
          PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN  37831
          email: gxl@msr.epm.ornl.gov
          **Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee,
          Knoxville, TN  37996
          email:  vose@utkcs2.cs.utk.edu

Abstract.  Functions are partially characterized as easy or hard for
genetic algorithms to optimize.  The failure modes of inappropriate
embedding, crossover disruption, and deceptiveness are introduced,
analyzed, and resolved in part.  Virtually all optimizable (by any
method) real valued functions defined on a finite domain are shown to
be theoretically easy for genetic algorithms given appropriately
chosen representations.  Unfortunately, problems that are easy in
theory can be difficult in practice because of sampling error.  Also,
the transformations required to induce favorable representations are
generally arbitrary permutations, and the space of permutations is so
large that search for good ones is intractable.  The space of
inversions is amenable to search, but inversions are insufficiently
powerful to overcome deceptiveness.  On the other hand, affine
transformations (over the diadic group) are shown to be sufficiently
powerful to transform at least selected deceptive problems into easy
ones.  These new results should be useful in guiding empirical studies
and are expected to provide a foundation for further theoretical

       Information synthesis based on hierarchical maximum
                    entropy discretization


     *Department of Computing & Information Science, University
     of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
     email:  dchiu@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca
     **Department of Systems Design Engineering, University of
     Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
     email:  akcwong@watsup.bitnet

Abstract.  This paper outlines a new approach to the synthesis of
information from data.  Information is defined as a detected
organization of data after a process of discretization (or
partitioning) and event covering.  The discretization is based on a
hierarchical maximum entropy scheme which iteratively minimizes the
loss of information according to Shannon.  The event-covering process
is based on an evaluation of the deviation of the observed frequencies
of an event from the expectation due to prior knowledge (defined by
the null hypothesis and/or domain knowledge).  The hierarchical
maximum entropy discretization scheme provides a rigorous and
efficient way in solving the non-uniform scaling problem in
multivariate data analysis.  Because our method refines the boundaries
dynamically depending on the detection of information, it directs the
analysis on the outcome subspace with high information content.  In
addition, it naturally produces a hierarchical view of information so
that data can be analyzed/synthesized with respect to an outcome
context.  The method has been tested using simulated and real life
data with very good results.

                Accelerating search in function induction

                   THONG H. PHAN and IAN H. WITTEN

               Department of Computer Science, The University of
               Calgary, Calgary, Canada T2N 1N4
               email:  ian@cpsc.UCalgary.CA

Abstract.  Inducing functions from examples is an important
requirement in many learning systems.  Blind search is the most
general approach, but is vastly less efficient than specialized
problem-solving methods.  This paper presents a new strategy to
accelerate search without sacrificing generality.  Experiments with
numeric functions show several orders of magnitude performance
increase over the standard search technique.  Two factors account for
this improvment.  First, the new strategy manipulates functions in
groups instead of singly, so that many can be selected or discarded
with only one comparison.  Second, functional equivalence is handled
automatically  by the internal organization of search space.

     A modular translation from defeasible nets to defeasible logics


     School of Computing and Information Technology, Griffith Univ.,
     Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland, 4111, Australia
     email:  ACSNet db@gucis.cit.gu.oz.au


     Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of
     Antwerp, UIA, Universiteitsplein 1, B2610 Wilrijk, Belgium

     Department of Philosophy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Abstract.  The sceptical inheritance nets introduced in Horty et al.
[Proceedings of AAAI-87 (1987):358-363] are translated into a version
of Nute's defeasible logic.  Moreover this translation is modular in
the sense of Thomason and Horty [Non-Monotonic Reasoning.
Springer-Verlag (1989):234].  Apart from the importance of relating
two nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms, this result shows that the
reasoning mechanisms underlying defeasible logic and defeasible nets
are the same.  Yet they were invented independently and set in totally
different contexts.  This is perhaps some evidence that the underlying
nonmonotonic reasoning mechanism is mainly correct.  We also observe
that since defeasible logics can containe both absolute and defeasible
rules, they provided a uniform setting for considering nets which
contain both strict and defeasible arcs.

	Holland's schema theorem disproved?

	James R. Levenick
	Computer Science Dept.
	Willamette Univ.
	Salem, OR

(No abstract)  This theoretical note defends Holland's theorem
against the alledged counterexample of Grefenstette and Baker ("How
genetic algorithms work: a critical look at implicit parallelism,"
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Genetic Algorithms,
Kaufmann, 1989, pp. 20-27.))

	Searle's extension of the Chinese room to connectionist

	Larry Roberts
	Dept. of Philosophy
	SUNY Binghamton
	Binghamton, NY  13902-6000

(No abstract.)  This critical note argues that Searle is unsuccessful
when he tries to extend his famous Chinese Room argument to
connectionist architectures.