[comp.newprod] C++ Videotape

mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM (Michael J. Young) (05/18/89)

                   C++ VIDEOTAPE INTRODUCED

      Software Development Technologies, Inc., of Sudbury,
Massachusetts, has announced its first product, a videotape
introduction to the C++ programming language.

      The tape, entitled _What Is C++?_, is a comprehensive and
easily understood overview of the major features of C++ and
object-oriented programming.  It is the first commercially-
available videotape training aid for the language.

      _What Is C++?_ is intended for programmers and technical
managers who need to evaluate C++ for use in current or future
programming projects, as well as for those who simply wish to
satisfy their curiosity about the language without committing the
time required to read an entire book.

      _What Is C++?_ features William M. Miller, president of
Software Development Technologies.  Mr. Miller is a noted
speaker, developer, and author in the C++ field.  His latest work
is the upcoming book, _Hands-On C++ Programming_ (Addison-Wesley).

      "C++ has received a great deal of attention recently,
especially in light of Microsoft's announcements of its future
emphases," said Miller.  "_What Is C++?_ provides a low-cost,
low-commitment vehicle for computer professionals to inform
themselves about this important new language."

      The ninety-minute videotape, which will begin shipping in
April, 1989, is available in VHS format for rental or purchase
directly from the company.  A one-week rental costs $19.95 plus
$4.00 shipping and handling, while the purchase price is $59.95
postpaid.  Both options entitle the purchaser (at additional
expense) to on-line access to the lecturer via BIX, the Byte
Information Exchange, and include a money-back satisfaction

      Software Development Technologies, Inc., specializes in
development tools and training for the C++ programming language.

      For more information, contact:

                  William Miller
                  Software Development Technologies, Inc.
                  P. O. Box 366
                  Sudbury, MA 01776
                  (508) 443-5779

                  Internet: video@sdti.SDTI.COM
                  UUCP    : {harvard|mit-eddie}!sdti!video
Mike Young
Software Development Technologies, Inc., Sudbury MA       Tel: +1 508 443 5779
Internet: mjy@sdti.sdti.com                 UUCP: {harvard,mit-eddie}!sdti!mjy