mrr@amanpt1.Newport.RI.US (Mark Rinfret) (07/14/89)
HyperView Systems Corp. Releases New Product! HyperView Systems Corp. is proud to announce the release of their SARA Title III - Compliance Expert. The Compliance Expert is an interactive hypertext information product which is available for the Macintosh and IBM-PC/AT (and compatible) computer systems. It is designed to assist small and medium-sized companies in their compliance with the EPA's reporting requirements related to the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, otherwise known as Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- Know. Many companies are not even aware that they run the risk of fines up to $25,000 per day for failure to comply. Once they realize the need, they can quickly become overwhelmed and confused by the complexity of the laws and regulations imposed by SARA Title III. Utilizing hypertext technology made possible by the power and accessibility of the world's most popular computer systems, the Compliance Expert provides the necessary guidance and direction to quickly identify your compliance needs. Using a mouse and simple "point-and-click" technique, you can quickly access related information through cross-refererences (links) engineered by our information analysts. Here are just a few of the features provided: - a clear summary of the major reporting requirements - complete coverage of the emergency planning process - direct access to all SARA chemical lists - Tier I & II, Form R and MSDS data entry and printing - on-screen pop-up full definitions of terms and acronyms - support for in-house training. The Compliance Expert anticipates your needs and minimizes the risk of errors by helping you answer such important questions as: - Is my business a regulated facility? - How do I get started? - What reports must I generate? - What do the laws and regulations mean? The Compliance Expert offers over 500 questions and answers designed to help you determine your reporting requirements. Its database represents over 1200 pages of reference information from the following sources: - SARA Title III - CERCLA Title I - Regulations 40 CFR 302, 350, 355, 370 and 372 - EPA Title III Fact Sheet - EPA Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Questions and Answers - Community Right-to-Know and Small Businesses Booklet - NRT-1 Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide - NRT-1 Glossary, Acronyms and Definitions. Our introductory pricing of $795 will continue through July 14, 1989. Pricing for orders placed on or after July 15, 1989 will be $1499. On July 17, HyperView Systems Corp. will be releasing the SARA Title III - Compliance Expert Executive, tailored to the information needs of corporate executives. This product will be priced at $2349. This short announcement cannot possibly list all of the features and benefits of the SARA Title III - Compliance Expert. For more information, or, if you wish to place an order, please call us at 1-800-842-6758 or write to HyperView Systems Corp. 28 Jacome Way Middletown, RI 02840 We will be most happy to talk with you and discuss the applicability of our product to your business. VISA, MasterCard, company check, money order or P.O will be accepted. -- { Mark R. Rinfret mrr@amanpt1.Newport.RI.US } { HyperView Systems Corp. Hypermedia Solutions for Documentation/Training } { 28 Jacome Way Work: 401-849-9390 x301 } { Middletown, RI 02840 Home: 401-846-7639 }