DAVEM@cc.usu.edu (12/11/89)
TAPEMNGL Multipurpose Tape Utility Features * Supports both reel and cartridge * Easy to use, even for the inexperienced programmer * Designed for use by application programmers, system programmers, and operations staff * Tape mapping facility provides index to files and individual file attributes * Shows detailed tape structure (block by block breakdown) * Recognizes a large spectrum of physical tape characteristics: - Standard IBM label (SL) - No label (NL) - DOS - ATS - COURSEWRITER - PHOENIX - VM - Honeywell - DEC _ PDP, VAX Backup - Sperry OS/3 - ASCII - And others * Recognizes a variety of logical tape attributes: - DS/DSF - SMP (PUT Tape) - FDR - IEBCOPY - IEHMOVE - IEBUPDTE - CMS - PANVALET (registered trademark of Pansophic Systems, Inc.) - And others * Provides tape to tape copy functions, with vary brief JCL: - Single or multi-file - SL to SL - NL to NL - SL to NL, NL to SL - And more * Provides tape to disk (tape/printer) for all or selected files * Facilitates tape conversion from non-MVS to acceptable MVS: - Honeywel and other OCTAL tapes - DEC, VAX, PDP - CMS - And others * Includes ability to modify IEHMOVE files to allow restoration to different device type * Print facility includes selective printing (records (SL tapes), blocks, files) with optional HEX, ASCII, OCTAL translation * Ablity to make up to 14 exact copies of a tape in a single run (can be used to make distribution tapes) * Provides method of recovering remaining data from overwritten tapes ( or other damaged tapes) * Console commands to move data by file or block, tape positioning forward and backward, as well as print, copy, modify selected blocks * May be used to intialize tapes, and write tapemarks Environment * MVS/SP, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA Price * One time charge: $4,000.00 * Optional annual maintence fee: 15% of current price For more information contact: Cache Valley Software Phone: (801) 563-3581 29 N. 376 East Smithfield, Utah 84335