[comp.newprod] REFAL

cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (12/19/89)

REFAL-5 is a new implementation of the programming language Refal
released by Refal Systems Inc.  The available package combines a
compiler, executor, and tracer-debugger with an introductory text and

REFAL (for REcursive Functions Algorithmic Language) is a functional
programming language oriented toward symbol manipulation: string
processing, translation, artificial intelligence.  REFAL is one of the
oldest members of the family of functional programming languages.  It
was first implemented in 1968 in Russia, where it is now a dominant
artificial intelligence programming language.  The features included
into REFAL-5 have been tested by time. 

REFAL combines mathematical simplicity with practicality for writing
large, sophisticated programs.  The REFAL-5 system includes a powerful
tracer-debugger, which, among other things, can catch the moment when
the argument of the evaluated function matches any given pattern. 

Because of its fundamental simplicity, REFAL is an excellent choice for
introducing students to functional programming languages.  It has been
taught at the City College of New York for several years, with a very
positive response from students.  REFAL is also an excellent choice as
the language for research in theory of programming languages and program

To get more information or place an order, write to us at the address
below.  The package includes a textbook-manual and a system diskette for
IBM/XT-AT or Macintosh (command interface only); indicate which one you

At present REFAL-5 is available for the price of $20 (send check or
money order), just covering our production and mailing costs. 

          REFAL SYSTEMS Inc
          188 Hiawatha Blvd.
          Oakland, N.J. 07436

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large, cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton NY 13901
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .