(Bob Weissman) (12/19/89)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kent Winton, OMNI Solutions 415/966-1025 Mark Evans, Bricker Evans Loomis 408/970-0361 NEW SUN 22 MIP SERVER BENEFITS FROM OMNI 300 INTRODUCTION December 6, 1989 -- Mountain View, California -- According to OMNI Solutions President, Ron Cornell (former Sun executive in charge of server products), the introduction of the SPARCserver 490 by Sun Microsystems will be greatly enhanced by the recently announced OMNI Solutions product. The OMNI 300 RISC Server (TM) is a Sun server enhancement product announced on December 6, 1989, at the Sun User Group Show in Anaheim, California. The OMNI 300 is designed to extend the performance of any Sun server product. Thus explains Cornell, "When Sun announces a CPU speed increase from 16 MIPs to 22 MIPs, it means our products will further increase that performance proportionally. Sun continues to develop excellent hardware and we provide the software that increases performance many times over that provided by the new hardware alone. We continue to find our plans in step and entirely compatible with Sun." The Sun announcement indicates Sun's continued development of hardware-based technology to solve the performance needs of its server customers. The OMNI 300 RISC Server is primarily a software-based solution for enhancing that performance. It is totally complementary with Sun's products and workgroup networking strategies. OMNI Solutions, Inc., was founded in September 1988 by Dr. Cornell and key technical managers in server and communications development and marketing. OMNI Solutions designs, manufactures and markets high performance workstation networking products based on an open systems design strategy. The OMNI 300 RISC Server is the first in a family of server enhancement and server system products available in 1990. OMNI 300 RISC Server is a trademark of OMNI Solutions, Incorporated. SPARCserver is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated. -30-