[comp.newprod] Commercial TCP/IP WAN Service

schoff@psi.com (Martin L. Schoffstall) (01/16/90)

PSI introduces high-performance computer 
networking service in the Washington, DC area 
(CAPNet SM ) and Northeast (NYSERNet SM ).

Reston, VA, January 1, 1990 - William L. 
Schrader, President & CEO, Performance Systems 
International, Inc. (PSI), today announced his organi-
zation's new networking services in the Mid-Atlantic 
and NortheastJstates.  "PSI's services will provide 
mature information technology to business and 
industrial applications now dependent on electronic 
communications, data handling and computing."

CAPNetSM, a new Wide Area Network (WAN) service 
in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, has been 
established by PSI and was brought into operation 

The services being provided initially include  WAN 
integration into customer Local Area Networks 
(LAN's) primarily using the TCP/IP and OSI computer 
networking protocols.  This turnkey service will 
minimally support electronic mail, file transfer and 
remote terminal access for users at  the member site.  
These services are augmented by training, 
consulting, individual dialup access, electronic 
WhitePages Directories, and UUCP Mail and News.  

PSI has also signed a $10 million, five-year contract 
with NYSERNet, Inc., a non-profit company in New 
York State supporting research, development and 
education, to provide networking services for the 
current and anticipated NYSERNet membership.  In 
the first quarter of 1990, PSI will be providing these 
services throughout New York, New England, and 
the Mid-Atlantic states.  

Access can also be provided to national and inter-
national networks, called the "Internet", which today 
supports over one million daily users as well as 
electronic mail access to ten million others.  General 
Internet access will be provided to institutions which 
are approved by appropriate government agencies 
as has been the case since the Internet's inception.  

PSI's entry into this marketplace is another example 
of how the research and development community 
progressed from being served by prototype work and 
products delivered primarily by academic organiza-
tions to more cost-effective and reliable commercial 
service.  This was seen during the eighties with 
commercial workstation products developed during 
the seventies.

PSI's organization includes veteran networking 
professionals.  PSI was founded by William L. 
Schrader and Martin L. Schoffstall, who  previously 
co-founded NYSERNet, Inc. where they served as 
President & CEO and Vice President respectively.  
All NYSERNet technical and related professional 
support staff have been hired by PSI.  

PSI Corporate headquarters and research & 
development groups are located in Reston, Virginia.  
PSI network operations is centered in their Albany, 
New York facility.

Software technology and service development work 
will continue by PSI on projects begun earlier by 
NYSERNet, Inc., including SNMP network manage-
ment software, X.500 Directory services, X.400 
multimedia mail services, Z39.50 bibliographic 
retrieval, in addition to other new technologies.

CONTACT:		Martin L. Schoffstall
			Vice President 
			Performance Systems 	
			  International, Inc.
			P.O. Box 3850
			Reston, VA   22091