[comp.newprod] New version of Macintosh Modula-2 compiler

francis@cis.ohio-state.edu (RD Francis) (03/03/90)

I am posting this at the request of Greg Galanos, President of Metrowerks.
Metrowerks is coming out with a new version of their Modula-2 compiler for
the Macintosh; the compiler was previously called Metcom Modula-2.  He asked
that this be released exclusively to the network; he would do it, but they are
having some problems with their UseNet connection.  If you have any questions,
please direct them to him; his InterNet address is listed.  What follows is an
exact copy of what he sent me (barring, of course, transmission
difficulties (:-)

 Metrowerks Modula-2 Compilers are handcrafted one-pass  
 optimizing compilers generating native-code for the Motorola  
 MC68000, MC68020 and MC68030 micro-processors. The  
 bootstrapping compilers, written in the Modula-2 programming  
 language, generate fast, robust code. Metrowerks SP, PSE and  
 MPW compilers generate 32-bit clean code and are upwardly  
 source-code compatible in their support of the Modula-2 language. 
 Metrowerks Modula-2 SP - The StartPak 
 is an introductory-level programming environment published by the  
 Macmillan Publishing Company and supported by Metrowerks. It  
 includes the Modula-2 compiler for 68000 processors, the multi- 
 window text editor and a source-level debugger.  
 Metrowerks Modula-2 PSE - The Professional Standalone Edition 
 is a completely integrated programming environment comprised of a  
 specialized multi-window text editor, a one-pass Modula-2  
 optimizing compiler generating native code for MC680x0 processors  
 and a source-level debugger. The multi-window text editor  
 supports multiple fonts  and offers automatic Modula-2 keyword  
 capitalization. n The editor displays compiler-detected errors and  
 highlights the erroneous statements directly in the Modula-2 source- 
 code text window. n The source-level debugger traps errors and the  
 state of the machine at run time and links up to the source-code  
 instruction that froze the machine. Source-code compatible in  
 Macintosh toolbox and OS calls with Metrowerks Modula-2 MPW and  
 in standard Modula-2 library calls with Metrowerks Modula-2 SP. 
 Metrowerks Modula-2 MPW - Macintosh Programmer's Workshop  
 is a one-pass MPW-based Modula-2 optimizing compiler generating  
 MPW Linker format code for MC680x0 processors and offering full  
 support of the Macintosh toolbox and operating systems calls under  
 MPW. The compiler generates applications, MPW tools and drivers  
 and offers support for XCMD programming. n Metrowerks Modula-2  
 MPW supports both MacsBug and SADE symbol generation and is  
 source-code compatible with the SP and PSE compilers. 
 Language Features 
 -    Separate Module Compilation 
 -    Procedure Variables 
 -    Dynamic Arrays 
 -    Concurrent Process Support 
 -    Conforms to 'Programming in Modula-2', 4th Edition 
 Predeclared Data Types 
 -    16-bit INTEGER and CARDINAL 
 -    32-bit REAL 
 -    32-bit LONGINT and LONGCARD 
 -    64-bit LONGREAL 
 -    32-bit sets 
 Implementation Features 
 -   Selectable Code Generation 68000/68020/68030*** 
 -   Arithmetic Overflow Checking 
 -   Array Index Range Checking 
 -   NIL Pointer Checking 
 -   CODE Support for Macintosh Trap Access*** 
 -   Register Optimization 
 -   INLINE Support for Instruction Inserts in Code Stream*** 
 -   Conditional Compilation*** 
 -   68881 and 68882 Math Co-Processor Support*** 
 -   Address FPU with Direct Code Generation or  SANE*** 
 -   Fast 32-bit REAL Code Generation (Software Selectable)*** 
 -   Unlimited Global Code and Data Size 
 Modula-2 Library Features 
 -   Standard Modula-2 library modules InOut, Terminal, RealInOut,  
     MathLib, GraphicWindows and TextWindows. 
 -   Coroutines and Signals Modules for Concurrent Processing  
     including VBL Deactivation Routines. 
 -   FileIO Module for High-Level Unix-Like File Creation and  
     Manipulation in Buffered and Unbuffered Modes.*** 
 -   ScreenIO Module offers Cursor Addressing, BackSpace handling,  
     Xon/Xoff Support, Terminal Configuration and Direct Window  
 -   Support of QuickDraw Graphics calls.*** 
 -   Encode and Decode Modules for Extensive Numerical  
     Conversion and Formatting options.*** 
 Macintosh Interface Library 
 -    Full Support of all Routines and Data-Structures in the Inside  
      Macintosh volumes 1 - 5.*** 
 -    Automatic Modula-2 to Pascal-string Conversion for Toolbox  
      and Operating System Calls.*** 
 -    All supported procedures and data-types are documented in  
      the Metrowerks Compiler Products Reference Manual. 
 *** PSE and MPW versions only, not available with SP compiler. 
 Product packaging - Metrowerks Modula-2 PSE 
 -    100 Page PSE User's Guide 
 -    550 Page Metrowerks Modula-2 Reference Manual 
 -    Three 800k disks 
 Suggested Retail: $179    
 Required Hardware for Modula-2 PSE 
 -    Macintosh Plus, SE and Macintosh-II Series Computers,  
      Macintosh Portable 
 -    Two 800k Disk Drives. Hard Disk is recommended. 
 -    1 Megabyte of RAM 
 Product Order # : MW-M2PSE 
 Product packaging - Metrowerks Modula-2 MPW 
 -    100 Page MPW User's Guide 
 -    550 Page Metrowerks Modula-2 Reference Manual 
 -    Two 800k Disks (Seven Disks with MPW) 
 Suggested Retail: $150 ($275 with MPW) 
 Required Hardware for Modula-2 MPW 
 -    Macintosh Plus, SE and Macintosh-II Series Computers,  
      Macintosh Portable 
 -    Hard Disk  
 -    2.5 Megabytes of RAM 
 Product Order # :   MW-M2MPW     for Modula-2 compiler without MPW 
                     MW-M2MPW-B   for Modula-2 compiler with MPW 
 Bundle  - Metrowerks PSE &  MPW versions 
 -    100 Page PSE User's Guide 
 -    100 Page MPW User's Guide 
 -    550 Page Metrowerks Modula-2 Reference Manual 
 -    Five 800k Disks (Ten Disks with MPW) 
 Suggested Retail: $299 ($409 with MPW) 
 Product Order # :  MW-M2BND   for bundle without MPW 
                    MW-M2BND-B for bundle with MPW 
 Metrowerks Modula-2 SP published by Macmillan 
 For campus adoption, contact Macmillan at 1-800-428-3750 
 -    180 Page Tutorial Documentation 
 -    One 800k Disk 
 -    Introductory-level compiler package 
 Suggested Retail: $39 
 Product Order # : ISBN 0-02-380810-1 
 Required software for SP, PSE and MPW versions : System Software  
 5.0 or Greater. System Software 6.0 or Greater on Macintosh II series,  
 SE/30 and Portable. 
 In the United States 
 Metrowerks, Inc. 
   The Trimex Building, Route 11 
   Mooers, NY 12958 
   (514)458-2010   Fax 
 Canada and International 
   548 Main, m/s 95 
   Hudson Heights, J0P 1J0 
   QC. Canada 
 AppleLink : D2734 
 Internet : modula2@mips1.uqam.ca 