[comp.newprod] ASSESS Expert System Assesment Tool

onders@taac.ipl.rpi.edu (Timothy E. Onders) (08/29/90)

(AsseSSment of Expert Systems Solutions)

Expert systems are a technology of strategic importance to the business
community.  They are the vehicle to distribute expertise throughout an 
organization.  Improper application of this technology arises from 
selection of the wrong project which leads to development of an unsuccessful
system.  Choosing the optimal application is critical to insure success.
This is the purpose of ASSESS.

What is ASSESS?
 ASSESS is a tool for assessment of expert systems solutions.  It is the 
 manager's associate.  ASSESS enhances decisions by objectively analyzing
 all information about an organization and its potential applications.

 ASSESS qualifies the business area impact on each candidate application.  
 This allows objective ranking by factoring in the business area worth to
 yield the application with the highest payback.  Money is no longer wasted
 on the wrong application.  ASSESS recommends the optimal application.

Benefits of ASSESS:
	o Selects the right application
	o Standardizes the assessment process
	o Increases the success rate
	o Achieves a comprehensive assessment
	o Assesses the risk and business need
	o Provides consistent justifications
	o Automates the reasoning process
	o Maximizes the use of resources
	o Helps manage time more effectively
	o Performs departmental comparisons
	o Compares and prioritizes applications

Who Should Buy ASSESS?
 ASSESS is for professionals concerned with the success of their
 organization.  It is for users across many industries:  managers
 of business areas, MIS, and marketing who wish to increase their
 productivity, profit or service levels; technology champions;
 consultants; system developers; and individuals interested in properly
 applying expert systems technology.

How ASSESS works?
 ASSESS is an expert system that employs a comprehensive and proven
 technology assessment process.  It intelligently queries for information
 on topics like expertise, management commitment, user orientation,
 the current process, and the business need.

 An application selection analysis within ASSESS is a function of the
 organization as a whole, business areas, and each application.  Multiple
 applications are considered across many business areas.  The optimal
 application is selected based on quantitative and qualitative analysis.

 ASSESS generates reports.  These reports are interpretations of weights
 assigned to the application and its corresponding business area.  ASSESS
 qualitatively justifies its recommendations which can be interactively

System Requirements
   ASSESS requires:
	o IBM PC AT, PS/2 or compatible with a minimum of 1 MB memory
          running MS DOS 3.x or greater.

Ordering Information
 ASSESS normally sells for $445 (U.S.) but until August 31, 1990 the
 price has been reduced to only $149 (U.S.).  You must write the special
 code "UN149" on the order to receive this special price.  Send checks
	NexTek Intelligent Systems, Inc.
        P.O. Box 1054
        FDR Station
	New York, NY  10150-1054
  Allow four to six weeks for delivery.
	(Net contact: onders@ipl.rpi.edu)

About NexTek Intelligent Systems
 The founders of NexTek Intelligent Systems, Inc. have over 25 years
 of experience in expert systems.  They have performed all phases of
 expert system development for the financial, commercial, consulting, 
 and government contractors sectors.  NexTek is a firm believer that
 expert systems hold great promise to the business community.  For more
 information please write to:
	 NexTek Intelligent Systems, Inc.,  
	 P.O. Box 1054
	 FDR Station
	 New York, NY 10150-1054.