[net.works] WORKS Digest V4 #18


From:  "Robert W. Kerns" <RWK%SCH-GODZILLA@MIT-MC.ARPA>

    Date: 16 Apr 84 21:17:26-EST (Mon)
    From: ihnp4!drutx!houxe!hogpc!houti!ariel!vax135!floyd!clyde!
    From: watmath!utzoo!utcsrgv!peterr @ Ucb-Vax
Hippity hippity hop.
    Subject: Time for keyword parameters for prog. lang's

(Lots of assemblers and things have always supported keyword arguments,
especially in macros for some reason.  VMS makes big use of it, both
in languages and in commands).

    Still, the added typing, with increased chance of typos, *would* be a
    nuisance.  Fortunately, the technology is with us to avoid this extra
    typing.  A language-based editor can easily maintain a database of
    procedure parameters and present a procedure call template on demand.
    For example, if one types Lookup( then it could complete the
    statement, resulting in Lookup(name: _____, symIndex: ______) and
    position the cursor at the first field (type and parameter kind (pass
    by value, value-result, reference, etc.) information could also be

    If anyone knows of a programming environment that supports such a
    scheme, I'd be grateful to hear about it.  Ada and, I believe, Mesa
    support keyword parameters, but I don't know if the APSE or Cedar
    environments have procedure call templates... does anyone out there

Zmacs (the editor on the Lisp machine), together with Zetalisp or Common
Lisp, provide you with aids along a somewhat parallel line.  While
you're typing in the arguments to a function, you can type
Control-Shift-A, and the argument list for the function will be
displayed at the bottom of your screen.  You still have to type in the
keywords (or positional arguments), but you don't have to remember how
to spell them.  It even tells you the default values, and if multiple
return values are declared, it tells you about those as well.

But this doesn't address the issue of saving typing.  I have had some
experience with template-based tools, in an editing package I put
together in EMACS for an experimental lisp-based languaged that was used
in Macsyma at one time.  I found there is a fundamental incompatibility
between keyword arguments and templates.  One of the most important
points to keyword arguments that they are amorphous.  You don't have to
include them all, and you don't have to include them in any specific
order.  I found I had to do nearly as much work to DELETE extraneous
keywords from the list as I would to type them in by hand.

The big advantage of templates, either in positional or keyword
syntaxes, is in the prompting they provide.  Zmacs provides this
quite handily.  But it would be fairly easy, now that I think of
it, to provide COMPLETION of keywords in Zmacs.  I think this would
come close to providing the best of both worlds.

Masinter.pa@Xerox.ARPA (04/16/84)

In reply to the message from Peter Rowley


The history of programming language design is one going back and forth
trying to achieve incompatible goals. In this case, the goals are that
programs should be both easy to read and easy to write; easy for novices
and people unfamiliar with the program they are working on, but also
easy for experts and those intimately familiar with the program.

Keyword parameters are nice if you are reading a program with calls to
subroutines you don't recognize, or if you are writing in a language
where you remember the procedure names but not the argument order.

Keyword paramters areso nice because they tend to make programs more
verbose, and require you to type a lot of stuff that would otherwise be

Making them optional doesn't help much, because the keywords tend to
help the novice and get in the way of the expert, both of whom might be
working on the same program.

As you mentioned, a language-based editor can help quite a bit. For
example, Interlisp has a command, "?=", which  means 'show me the
argument names'), in a variety of contexts. If you are typing something,
it will show you the argument names for the function you are in,
including the correspondence between formals and any actuals you've
already typed.  If you are reading a program with the editor and want to
know what arguments are being passed to what, you can find out again
using the "?=" command. This is different than your suggestion, because
the names don't actually appear in the program; it is just that the
environment makes them visible when you want to see them. 

Similar facilities could exist in other interactive programming
environments, as long as you were able to separate the 'text' of the
program some from its structure and the system was willing to parse what
you were typing as you typed it.  One could possibly extend this in
interesting ways, e.g., allow the programmer to type procedure calls in
either way (keywords or not) and display them either way depending on
some modes in the editor. The key is to separate out the 'program' from
the characters that represent it; given the same program, you can look
at it in a variety of different ways, none of which is necessarily