(Zap Andersson) (01/15/91)
Announcing EMT Mechslide! ========================= (And XLIB) EMT Mechslide is an add-on product to the CAD program AutoCAD. It is specially designed to meet the needs of mechanical engineers, designers, and drafters. EMT Mechslide _today_ runs on PC, Sun, Sparc, and is currently being ported to ALL platforms supporting AutoCAD! EMT Mechslide is a powerful tool that allows you to speed up your every day AutoCAD work. Some of the main features: * Enhanced dimensioning! Removes all the hard work in creating accurate dimensionings with AutoCAD. Also contains a database for ISO and ANSI standard tolerances, automatically inserted on your dimensions. * Automatic parts list creation (B.O.M.)! Add your item number balloons to your drawing, while entering data for each part. The parts list is drawn automatically, and may also be output to file/printer/external database/e.t.c. The format of the parts list as well as the drawing sheets, title blocks e.t.c. is easily definable simply by pointing. No trouble to adapt to YOUR company standards! * XLIB! Xlib is a symbol library, activated from an AutoCAD icon menu. To add a symbol to Xlib, simply point to your object, and the storing, naming, and other details are managed by Xlib. The objects is automatically in- cluded in the icon meny, so there is no need to remember paths or file- names; only what your symbol LOOKS like! > > XLIB is also available as a separate product, and is available > > *FREE* with the purchase of AutoCAD R11 from EMT Inc! Xlib symbols can be stored both locally and globally in a network to be accessed by one or all users. * Tablet symbol library! On the Mechslide tablet menu the right part is an exchangable slide. In addition to the standard Mechslide symbol library, a transparent slide is included, where you can add your own symbols. When you click upon an empty square on the tablet, you will recieve a message telling you it is unoccupied. Simply point to the object you want to save to that square, and it is done! Mechslide will also automatically build a special drawing of all stored symbols, and automatically plot it, so you may slide it in under the transparent slide, ready to go! Just as in Xlib, you do not need to bother with filenames or path, only the visual appearance of your symbol. >> The storage capacity of Xlib and the Tablet menu is unlimited! * Standard components! We must not forget one of the key features: Mechslide's standard slide contains over 7000 symbols of standard bolts, nuts, shafts, beams, bearings as well as symbols for welds, surface treatment, and much much more. * Database! All standard components are generated parametrically from a database, where not only dimensions, but things like surface treatment, mass, strength class and many other things are included. * Integrated editor! Mechslide contains a built-in textedtor, for adding your own menu files and AutoLISP programs. These menus/programs are easily accessible from the tablet overlay. * Open arcitecture! Mechslide is filled with doorways for customizing and adding. AutoLISP programs are easily added, as well as custom screen and icon menus. The format of title blocks, parts lists, and drawing sheet are also definable. Standard ISO and ANSI drawing sheets are included in Mechslide. * Center of gravity & engineering calculations! Mechslide will find the center of gravity and moments of inertia for any random shaped object. These data may also be added to your drawing, or ouput to file/printer/custom database. Many other calculations are also included in the standard Mechslide software package, all integrated seamlessly into AutoCAD. * Enhanced AutoCAD commands! Many many enhancements have been made to AutoCAD commands, how about: - Smart HATCHING: Simply enclose the area to be hatched, and Mechslide will do so. No need to break up lines to get proper hatching. - Parallell lines: Draw a series of lines, and a parallell line will be drawn simultaneously, with corners automatically fixed up and trimmed as we go. Allows you for instance to draw walls for a factory floor layout. - Relative points: All Mechslide commands and enhanced AutoCAD commands in Mechslide allows for advanced entering of relative coordinates. A variety of rectangular, polar, as well as use of the 'registers' from the calculator, are allowed. Several typed of relative coordinates may be stacked, i.e. a rectangular coordinate from a polar coordinate given as a coordinate perpendiclar to a line....e.t.c. * These are just SOME of the features of Mechslide, TODAY (90-12-13)!! The program is continuously updated and new features are added con- stantly! * * * If you want to know more, or order the DEMO VIDEO, contact: ^^^^ ^^^^^ U.S.A. Europe: Scandinavia: ================= ================= =================== EMT Inc. #250 EMT Ltd. EMT Ab 199 N. Commercial st. PO Box 103 Box 40 Bellingham, WA Rickmansworth S-178 21 Ekeroe 98255 USA Herts WD3 5RF SWEDEN U.K. Phone: (USA)-206 647 2426 (UK)-923 285 496 (SW)-756 320 20 Fax: (USA)-206 647 2890 (UK)-923 285 496 (SW)-756 346 50 Country codes: USA = 1, UK = 44, SW = 46 --