[comp.newprod] Boost NFS performance with eNFS

cdc+@andrew.cmu.edu (Carolyn D. Councill) (02/16/91)

Introducing eNFS, a software-only product that can improve NFS write
speed anywhere from 2 to 5 times:

          o Full compatibility with the NFS protocol
          o Easy server-only installation
          o Transparent to all vendors' NFS clients
          o Designed for virtually all large file applications
          o Toll-free phone number for technical support
          o 30 day money-back guarantee

Installed on your Sun server, eNFS intelligently allocates server
resources to provide more efficient disk scheduling, reducing seek
operations by as much as 80%.  eNFS provides better utilization of
NFS daemons and expanded NFS buffering, increasing server capacity
and reducing the need for retransmissions.  The bottom line is
improved server response and increased network throughput.

How eNFS Helps You Build a Better Network

Use eNFS is you're involved with CAD/CAM/CAE, image analysis,
project management, records management, technical publishing or
other applications that require moving large amounts of data
across the network frequently.

If your network is relatively efficient, today's NFS will handle
write requests at about 120KB/sec., NFS' maximum speed.  With its
proprietary disk scheduling algorithms and optimizing capabilities,
eNFS can increase your network's speed to anywhere from 200 to 600KB/sec.

The specific amount of improvement in NFS write performance and
network throughput you receive will depend on a number of factors:
type of disk and disk interface, number of writes performed, network
data loss, server processor speed, and network interface.  Applications
with more than 10% NFS writes and utilizing high-speed SCSI, IPI,
and SMD disks will show the largest increases.

If your network throughput is significantly lower than 120KB/sec.,
the problem may not be poor NFS server write response time, but
other factors such as slow disks, slow network interfaces, networks
with high data lossage, or mismatched clients and servers.  In
these instances, optimizing server writes with eNFS may not help
the problem.

Easy Server-only Installation

eNFS is dynamically loaded into your Sun server's kernel; no kernel
build or reboot is necessary -- just add a single command to your
server's startup script.  A benchmark test program, supplied as part
of the eNFS distribution, lets you monitor the write performance of
your NFS server, both before and after you install eNFS.

Supported Hardware and Operating System Configurations

eNFS supports all manufacturers' clients and is implemented for Sun
Microsystems servers.  eNFS implementations for non-Sun servers are
not available at the time of this announcement.  Currently, eNFS
supports SunOS versions 4.1 and 4.1.1 for the Sun-3, Sun-4,
SPARCstation, and SPARCserver technologies.

INTERSTREAM pledges to provide updates compatible with subsequent
releases of SunOS in a timely manner.

Distribution Media

INTERSTREAM supplies the eNFS product on a 3 1/2" diskette, 8mm tape,
or 1/4" streaming tape.

Committment and Support

eNFS comes with a one year support agreement including: a toll-free
number for product questions, problem reports, and technical support;
new revisions of eNFS without charge; and a newsletter, published 3
times per year, to acquaint customers with new products.

INTERSTREAM is so confident that eNFS will improve the performance of
your NFS environment, we provide you with a 30 day money-back guarantee.
If you're not completely satisfied with eNFS, you can return it within
30 days and receive a full refund.

Contact INTERSTREAM for details at 1-800-677-7876.

1501 Reedsdale Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15233-2329

NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SunOS, Sun-3, Sun-4, SPARCstation, and SPARCserver are trademarks of
Sun Microsystems, Inc.