stevew@uunet.UU.NET (Steve Wilson) (03/20/91)
MetaWare Announces Version 2.8 of Professional Pascal (R) Compilers for MS-DOS 80x86 and Extended-DOS 386/486 Santa Cruz, CA Q March 1, 1991 P MetaWare Incorporated announces Version 2.8 of its Professional Pascal locally optimizing compilers for MS-DOS 80x86 and Extended-DOS 386/486. The 386 compiler supports full power of protected mode on the 386 and 486 in conjunction with DOS extenders such as Phar Lap's 386|DOS- Extender. Optimized support for the 486 is provided under toggle control. Version 2.8 enhances program development with an editor and MetaWare's DOS Helper (TM) (a set of UNIX-style utilities for MS-DOS). Professional Pascal boasts powerful C-like extensions, many compiler controls for maximum customization, and several enhancements for system-level programming. MetaWare-compiled modules can be linked with modules from MetaWare's High C (R) Version 1.7, and modules compiled with other C, Pascal, Ada, and FORTRAN compilers. Professional Pascal allows you transparently to port IBM VS Pascal applications to DOS. Professional Pascal supports conformant arrays, _near, _far, and _huge addressing, and five different memory models. The compiler emits CodeView debug records. Professional Pascal allows you to move your applications to other platforms without compatibility worries. Professional Pascal is available for Sun-4, OS/2, and System V r3.2 UNIX for 386/486. Registered licensees of Professional Pascal Version 2.7 who are currently covered by a technical support program can upgrade to Version 2.8 for no charge. Customers who do not have a technical support policy or who are using other versions of Professional Pascal can contact MetaWare for upgrade information. The manufacturer's suggested retail license fees for Professional Pascal locally optimizing compiler Version 2.8 are $495 for MS-DOS 80x86 and $795 for Extended-DOS 386/486. MetaWare Incorporated, headquartered in Santa Cruz, California since 1979, is a leading supplier of advanced-technology Pascal and C native and cross compilers for professional software developers. Please refer inquiries to MetaWare Incorporated, 2161 Delaware Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060-5706, Phone: (408) 429-6382, FAX: (408) 429-9273. # # # MetaWare, the MetaWare logo, High C, and Professional Pascal are registered trademarks of MetaWare Incorporated. All other company and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Contact: Kevin Grimes (408) 429-6382