(Perry Morrison) (01/05/90)
This is just a note to help publicize a forthcoming book in computer ethics. Due out around May 1990 by MIT Press and Basil Blackwell. Computer Ethics Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing by Tom Forester and Perry Morrison CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgments 1. Introduction: Our Computerized Society Some Problems Created for Society by Computers - Ethical Dilemmas for Computer Professionals and Users 2. Computer Crime The Rise of the High-Tech Heist - Is Reported Crime the Tip of an Iceberg? - Targets of the Computer Criminal - Who Are the Computer Criminals? - Improving Computer Security - Suggestions for Further Discussion 3. Software Theft The Growth of Software Piracy - Revenge of the Nerds? Intellectual Property Rights and the Law - Software Piracy v. Industry Progress - Busting the Pirates - Suggestions for Further Discussion 4. Hacking and Viruses What is Hacking? - Why Do Hackers 'Hack'? - Hackers: Criminals or Modern-Day Robin Hoods? - Some "Great" Hacks - Worms,Trojan Horses and Time-Bombs - The Virus Invasion - Ethical Issues - Suggestions for Further Discussion 5. Unreliable Computers Most Information Systems are Failures - Some Great Software Disasters - Warranties and Disclaimers - Why are Complex Systems So Unreliable? - What are Computer Scientists Doing About It? - Suggestions for Further Discussion 6. The Invasion of Privacy Database Disasters - Privacy Legislation - Big Brother is Watching You - The Surveillance Society - Just When You Thought No One was Listening - Computers and Elections - Suggestions for Further Discussion 7. AI and Expert Systems What is AI? - What is Intelligence? - Expert Systems - Legal Problems - Newer Developments - Ethical Issues: is AI a Proper Goal? - Conclusion: the Limits of Hype - Suggestions for Further Discussion 8. Computerizing the Workplace Computers and Employment - Computers and the Quality of Worklife: 'De-skilling' - Productivity and People: Stress, Monitoring, Depersonalization, Fatigue and Boredom - Health and Safety Issues: VDTs and the RSI Debate - Suggestions for Further Discussion APPENDIX A Autonomous Systems: the Case of "Star Wars" Index <<>>