[comp.society] Description of Graduate Seminar on Social Analysis of Computing

kling@ICS.UCI.EDU (Rob Kling) (09/28/90)

Some people have asked for course descriptions. This is the first of two
messages .... the second message will list the syllabus.

Rob Kling
Information & Computer Science
University of California, Irvine

 Rob Kling
 Fall 1990

 A first year graduate course:

 A. Goals:

    1. To understand the social issues raised by the use of computerized
    2. To understand the impacts of computer use on people and social groups
    3. To analyze situations in which computerization is important and to
       identify their salient issues.
    4. To encourage you to connect very specific technical activity to a
       broader human context
    5. To help you understand the bases for and character of the social
       controversies about computerization
    6. To encourage you to think carefully about the social role computing
       and the responsibilities of computer professionals
    7. To encourage you to explore your own value positions relative to
       these issues
    8. To introduce you to a variety of thinkers and scholars who have
       carefully studied specific issues.  Thus, it acquaints you with the
       way some of these issues look when studied carefully (rather than just
       bulled about casually.).
    9. Introduce you to the research literature about social aspects of

 B. Role in Information & Computer Science.

    Some computer science students see the discipline as focussed on the
    development of equipment (engineering) or mathematical analysis. In
    contrast, some of the ICS faculty and  other computer scientists see the
    field as having important roots in the social sciences, as well as
    mathematics and engineering. In this view, computerization is a
    fundamentally social process for designing and deploying technologies in
    social settings. Advancing the argument that some technology should be
    developed or adopted are social acts which usually make claims about how
    that technology will alter social life. Designers and developers make
    important social choices in identifying preferences ("requirements") for
    systems, setting priorities, and in convincing people and organizations
    to alter their practices when they adopt new technologies. Some aspects
    of computer systems design are a form of social design.

    For example, a large fraction of the research in software engineering
    aims at changing the practices of software development teams -- and
    hence rests on important assumptions about the ways that organizations
    can and do work. Consequently computer scientists in many parts of the
    discipline often undertake (sometimes very naive) social analyses. This
    course introduces you to the "science" of social analysis and should be
    broadly useful to computer science graduate students with a their major
    interests in software, AI, CAD design, and other areas.

 C. Description:

    This course introduces you to computerization as a social process,
    examines the social opportunities and problems raised by new information
    technology, the ways individuals and group mobilize support for their
    preferences, and the consequences of different choices for different
    groups. Computerization and the quality of worklife, personal privacy,
    organizational productivity, and the manageability, risks and
    accountability of large systems.

 D. Course Organization and Teaching Methods:

    This course is designed to help you think critically about the role of
    computerization in many spheres of social life -- from economic
    competition to warfare, from the quality of working life to the safety of
    complex computer-based systems. The readings serve as an introduction to
    controversies about what computer systems should play in social life, and
    the effects of computerized systems of different kinds. This course
    exposes you to more than one way of viewing what is important about
    computerization and what sense to make of it. This approach requires that
    you read a number of books and articles which represent different points
    of view about the same topic.  You may be reading more pages each week
    (60-120) than in a typical computer science course; but the reading is
    usually less dense. I have chosen a mix of readings that I hope you will
    find insightful, interesting and provocative.

    The class is organized as a seminar with some lecture time. The seminar
    provides an important opportunity to discuss the ideas in the readings.
    I may lecture about about key ideas about a particular topic. I will
    discuss some of the readings in these lectures. I will examine some of
    their key ideas an the relationships between them. But you will get the
    most from the seminar by having read the assigned articles and book
    chapters. The seminar discussion provides an important opportunity for
    you to answer questions which puzzle you and to explore ideas of special
    interest to you.

 E. Reflections: This course differs from many other computer science
    courses since:

    1. Human values are central rather than peripheral to our inquiry.  Some
       of the skills you will learn in this course include understanding the
       interplay between value and technical issues.

    2. We emphasize controversy rather than consensus. In most computer
       science courses, an authority such as a textbook or instructor tells
       you what to believe. You exercise your ingenuity by applying received
       truths to new situations. In this course, you learn about topics where
       people differ in how they view the key issues; you exercise your
       ingenuity by understanding how the same issue can appear from
       different perspectives, and in identifying key issues in complex
       social situations.

    3. We emphasize understandings as much as "findings."  These
       understandings develop in a less sequential manner than in many
       science courses. Our modes of inquiry are much more concentric--the
       same issue is studied in several different settings and therein takes
       on new meanings.

       I have organized the major topics into a sequence that I believe has a
       clear and helpful progression. However, these topics are not easily
       organized or kept so.  My role is raise and refine issues and to
       provide you with leads to other sources rather than to simply transmit
       authorized information.

       We are studying some controversial topics which take the form of
       poorly understood dilemmas.  In contrast, in much of computer science,
       there are, at worst, simply "tradeoffs."  The process of reasoning
       through some of the situations we study is more important than the
       conclusions we reach. (In this way it is like a design course or
       programming course where exercising the skills is more important than
       the particular system which is designed and built.)  Some of the class
       time is devoted to discussing the ideas presented in lectures, in the
       readings, or of particular concern to you.  These discussions provide
       an opportunity to share our ideas, and think aloud.  Many of the
       discussions do not reach a simple set of commonly accepted
       conclusions. Rather, they conclude with a richer and possibly more
       complex and ambiguous view of the topics we started to discuss.  This
       doesn't mean that they are "bull." But they do yield a different kind
       of understanding than that which is emphasized in most science
       courses.  I sometimes take specific stands; but most often, I am
       presenting different ways of viewing a particular issue and
       underlining significant social aspects of computing developments.

 F. Required Texts:

    1. Packet of articles selected from Dunlop, C., & Kling, R.  (Ed.).
       (February 1991).  Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts
       and Social Choices. Academic Press.

    2. Jackall, Robert. - Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers.
       Oxford University Press, pbk.

    3. Zuboff, Shoshana. - In the Age of the Smart Machine. Basic Books,

 G. Recommended Text (paperback)

    1. Perrow, Charles. Complex Organization: A Critical Essay. Scott
       Foresman. 1988.

    2. Perrow, Charles. - Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk
       Technologies.  Basic Books. 1984.
