[net.works] real time 68000 operating system


From: epi-dc!shore@nrl-css (John Shore)

I am looking for a small, reliable, real-time operating system for
the Motorola 68000.  I would appreciate pointers to any such
public-domain or commercial systems.  I'll summarize for the net.



From: jc@mit-athena (John Chambers)

Hi!  I work for Codex Corporation (a division of Motorola).  We are 
using the VRTX real-time system from Hunter & Ready.  They are here
in Massachusetts, phone (617)465-9944.

VRTX is a very low-level exec that maintains mailboxes and queues,
and does scheduling of tasks, but not too much else.  It comes in
a single ROM, ready to run, etc.  For what it does, it seems to work
quite well.  Several Motorola divisions have independently settled
on it as the basis for embedded real-time systems.

				John Chambers


From: cyb-eng!topher@ut-sally.ARPA

Look in to PDOS from Eyring Research (801) 375-2434

Topher Eliot
Cyb Systems, Austin, TX