[comp.doc.techreports] stanford7

leff@smu.CSNET.UUCP (07/10/87)

                                Naomi Schulman
                          COMPUTER SYSTEMS LABORATORY
                              STANFORD UNIVERSITY
                              Stanford, CA 94305

                            RECENT REPORTS & NOTES
                                   LIST #10
                                 JANUARY 1987

To order reports, see end of this announcement.


A Macroscopic Profile of Program Compilation and Linking
M.A. Linton and R.W. Quong
January 1987                                                 15 pages.....$3.25
To  profile the changes made to programs during development and maintenance, we
have instrumented the make utility that is used to compile and  link  programs.
With  minor  modifications,  we  have  used  make  to  find  out  how much time
programmers spend waiting for compiling  and  linking,  how  many  modules  are
compiled  each time a program is linked, and the change in size of the compiled
Our measurements show that most programs are relinked after  only  one  or  two
modules  are  recompiled,  and that over 90% of all recompilations yield object
code that is less than 100 bytes larger in size.  We are using these results to
guide the design of an incremental programming environment,  particularly  with
respect to an incremental linker.  

Post-Game Analysis An Initial Experiment for
   Heuristic-based Resource Management in Concurrent Systems
Jerry C Yan
February 1987                                                18 pages.....$3.40
In concurrent systems, a major responsibility of the resource management system
is   to   decide  how  the  application  program  is  to  be  mapped  onto  the
multi-processor.  Instead of using  abstract  program  and  machine  models,  a
generate-and-test  framework  known  as "post-game analysis" that based on data
gathered during program execution is proposed.  Each iteration consists of  (i)
(a  simulation  of)  an  execution  of  the  program; (ii) analysis of the data
gathered; and (iii) the proposal of a new mapping that  would  have  a  smaller
execution time.  These heuristics are applied to predict execution time changes
in  response to small perturbations applied to the current mapping.  An initial
experiment  was  carried  out  using  simple  strategies   on   "pipeline-like"
applications.    The  results obtained from four simple strategies demonstrated
that  for  this  kind  of  application,  even  simple  strategies  can  produce
acceptable speed-up with a small number of iterations.  

CSL-TR-97-315 also numbered STAN-CS-87-1149
Proceedings from the Nineteenth Annual Meeting
  of the Stanford Computer Forum
Edited by: Katie Mac Millen,
           Ann Diaz-Barriga
            Carolyn Tajnai
February 1987                                              246 pages.....$15.00
Operating for almost  two decades,  the Stanford Computer  Forum is  a
cooperative  venture  of  the  Computer  Science  Department  and  the
Computer Systems  Laboratory (a  laboratory  operated jointly  by  the
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments.  CSD and CSL
are internationally  recognized for  their excellence;  their  faculty
members, research staff, and students are widely known for  leadership
in developing new ideas and trends in the organization, design and use
of computers.  They are in the forefront of applying research  results
to a wide range of applications.

The  Forum  holds  an  annual  meeting  in  February  to  which  three
representatives of each member company are invited.  The meeting lasts
two days  and features  technical sessions  at which  timely  computer
research at Stanford  is described by  advanced graduate students  and
faculty members.  There are opportunities for informal discussions  to
complement the presentations.

This report includes information on the Forum, the program,  abstracts
of the talks and viewgraphs used in the presentations.

Michael Fine
March 1987                                                 248 pages.....$14.90
Local area communications networks based on packet switching techniques provide
simple architectures and efficient and flexible operation.  Various ring
systems and CSMA contention bus systems have been in operation for several
years.  More recently, a number of demand assignment multiple access (DAMA)
schemes suitable for broadcast bus networks have emerged which provide
conflict-free broadcast communications by means of various distributed
round-robin scheduling algorithms.  In some of these schemes, explicit tokens,
i.e., control messages, are used to provide the required scheduling.  Other
schemes use implicit tokens whereby stations in the network rely on information
deduced from the activity on the bus to schedule their transmissions.  In this
work, three basic access mechanisms, according to which these implicit-token
DANA schemes can be classified, are identified.  We describe these three
mechanisms and the various service disciplines achieved by them together with
their network topologies.  We present some representative schemes for each
class, discussing their performance and other important attributes.  We show
that these schemes overcome some of the performance limitations of existing
random access schemes, making them particularly suited to the high bandwidth
requirements of an integrated-services digital local network.  For a more
extensive and detailed evaluation of the performance of these DAMA schemes, we
examine two of them, Expressnet and Fasnet, operating under various service
disciplines.  Throughput and delay characteristics over a range of operating
conditions are presented and discussed.  Lastly we propose a combined
voice/data protocol suitable for DAMA broadcast networks.  Such networks are
well suited to the integration of voice and data since they guarantee bounded
delay and provide high utilization of the channel even at high bandwidths.
Using Expressnet as a representative scheme, we examine the characteristics of
the service that the voice traffic experiences under this protocol.  We show
that the access protocol is able to utilize the channel efficiently to support
a large population of voice sources while maintaining low packet delay and
guaranteeing some prespecified minimum bandwidth for data traffic.  In
addition, we show the advantages of silence suppression, i.e., discarding
speech that constitutes silent periods, and we look at the effects of
overloading the network.

Timothy A. Gonsalves
March 1987                                                 216 pages.....$13.30
Recently, local area networks have come into widespread use for computer
communications.  Together with the trend towards digital transmission of
telephone signals, this has sparked interest in the use of computer networks
for the transmission of integrated voice/data traffic.  This work addresses two
related aspects of local area network performance, a detailed characterization
of the performance of Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD), and the comparative performance of several broadcast bus networks
with voice/data traffic.

While prior analysis of CSMA/CD has shown that the protocol achieves good
performance with data traffic over a range of conditions, the widely used IEEE
802.3 (Ethernet) implementation of the protocol has several aspects that are
not easily amenable to mathematical analysis.  These include the
binary-exponential back-off algorithm used upon collision, the number of
buffers per station, and the physical distribution of stations.  Performance
measurements on operational 3 and 10 Mb/s networks are presented.  These
demonstrate that the protocol achieves high throughput with data traffic when
the packet transmission time is long compared to the propagation delay, as
predicted by analysis.  However, at 10 Mb/s, with short packets on the order of
64 bytes, performance is poorer.  The inflexibility of measurement leads to the
use of simulation to further study the behaviour of the Ethernet.  It is shown
that, with large numbers of stations, while the throughput of the standard
Ethernet is poor, a simple modification to the retransmission algorithm enables
near-optimal throughput to be achieved.  The effects of the number of buffers
and of various distributions of stations are quantified.  It is shown that
stations near the ends of the network and isolated stations achieve lower than
average performance.

The second focus of this research is the performance of broadcast bus networks
with integrated voice/data traffic.  The networks considered are the
contention-based Ethernet and two contention-free round-robin schemes,
Expressnet and the IEEE 802.4 Token Bus.  To accommodate voice traffic on such
networks, a new variable-length voice packetization scheme is proposed which
achieves high efficiency at high loads.  While several studies of voice/data
traffic on local area networks have appeared in the literature, the differing
assumptions and performance metrics used render comparisons with one another
difficult.  For consistency, a network-independent framework for evaluation of
voice/data networks is formulated.  Using simulation, a systematic evaluation
is undertaken to determine the regions of good performance of the networks
under consideration.  Interactions between the traffic types and protocol
features are studied.  It is shown that the deterministic schemes almost always
perform better than the contention scheme.  Two priority mechanisms for
voice/data traffic on round-robin networks are investigated.  These are
alternating round mechanism and the token rotation times mechanism which
restricts access rights based on the time taken for a token to make one round.
An important aspect of this work is the accurate characterization of
performance over a wide region of the design space of voice/data networks.

Jose Manuel Rego Lourenco Brazio
March 1987                                                 295 pages.....$17.25
A packet radio network is a collection of geographically distributed packet
radio units communicating over a shared broadcast channel.  Usually not all
radio units are within hearing range of each other, and thus multihop operation
is required.  These networks represent the natural extension of point-to-point
packet-switched data networks when mobile operation is desired.  An important
difference exists, however, with respect to the latter: due to the multiaccess
nature of the radio channel, the success of a packet at a destination depends
on the activity, during the transmission of the packet, of the neighbors of the
destination, and on system parameters such as the type of signaling and
received power levels.  The conditions under which a packet is successfully
received in the presence of interfering packets are designated as the {\sl
capture mode.
Due to the existence of multiuser interference, some form of coordination among
the users is required when accessing the channel.  This purpose is accomplished
by the {\sl channel access protocol.}
This  thesis  deals  with  the  problem  of the capacity analysis of a multihop
packet radio network; namely,  given  a  network  specified  by  its  topology,
traffic pattern, channel access protocol, and capture mode, finding the maximum
feasible  link  traffics  compatible  with  the given traffic pattern.  In this
thesis we start by examining  the  capture  behavior  obtained  from  different
signaling  methods,  and  the  question of the feasibility of implementation of
different protocols under different signaling methods.  The  signaling  schemes
that  form  the  basis  of  the  discussion  are narrowband and direct-sequence
spread-spectrum.  We  then  formulate  a  Markovian  model  that,  through  the
appropriate setting of its parameters, allows the representation of the capture
behavior  of  the  different  signaling  methods, and the representation of the
actions of the protocols in a general class that  includes  some  of  the  main
protocols  of interest for packet radio applications.  Examples of protocols in
this class are Carrier Sense  Multiple  Access  (CSMA),  Busy  Tone  protocols,
Disciplined-ALOHA,  and  ALOHA.  From this model we derive throughput measures,
and develop algorithms for finding the network capacity under a  given  traffic
pattern.   We then apply the analytical framework developed to the study of the
relative performance of a number of channel access  protocols  in  some  simple
topologies,  and of the influence on this performance of system parameters such
as the type of signaling, the bit durations and, for spread  spectrum  systems,
the type of code assignment.  

James Scott Storey
March 1987                                                 219 pages.....$13.35
In  this  dissertation,  an  integrated  model  of an unslotted spread spectrum
multiple access (SSMA) packet radio network is developed.  The model combines a
detailed model of the radio channel, accounting for the  effect  of  multi-user
interference,  with  a network model that traces the evolution of the number of
interfering transmissons and accounts for the half-duplex nature of the radios.
A new analysis of the performance of  a  Viterbi  decoder  in  a  packet  radio
environment allows the model to be used for a system with convolutional forward
error  correction  (FEC)  coding.  The synchronization process is also analyzed
and incorporated into the integrated model.  The model  makes  use  of  several
approximations  for  tractability.    A  discrete  event  simulation is used to
validate these approximations.
The integrated model leads to numerical results which show the  throughput  and
the  probability of success for a packet as a function of the channel level and
network level parameters.  Specifically, for the radio channel, these parameter
include the modulation format, the received signal power, the  spread  spectrum
bandwidth  expansion,  and  the  presence  or absence of FEC coding.  Also, the
throughput is found as a function of the synchronization  parameters,  such  as
the   detection   thresholds  and  correlation  times,  for  several  different
synchronization circuits and preamble structures.  At the  network  level,  the
parameters  are  the  traffic  rate  and  the  network size.  The random access
protocols considered include unslotted ALOHA and channel load sensing, which is
an extension of carrier sensing to an SSMA network.
The results indicate the effects on the throughput  of  receiver  availability,
channel  errors,  and  the synchronization process.  For each of these effects,
regions are found where the effect is the primary factor limiting  performance.
REsults  for  the  network  with  a channel load sensing protocol showed little
improvement over the results for the network with the simpler  ALOHA  protocol.
Results for the FEC coded and uncoded systems are compared, and it is seen that
the  systems with FEC coding outperform the uncoded systems.  A further finding
is that by using a two stage acquisition circuit, the performance can  be  very
close to the performance achieved with an ideal synchronization process.  

David Hilton Shur
March 1987                                                 218 pages.....$13.40
Packet   switched  networks  provide  an  efficient  and  flexible  method  for
interconnecting geographically distributed users for  the  purpose  of  digital
data  transmission.    In  packet  radio  networks, nodes transmit packets over
multiple-access broadcast radio channels instead of wire, cable or fiber optics
links.  If the destination node of a packet is not within the  power  range  of
its  source  node,  intermediate  nodes  are  needed to deliver the packet in a
store-and-forward fashion.  Therefore, multihop packet radio networks have both
the  multiple-access  feature   typical   of   broadcast   networks   and   the
store-and-forward  feature  of  point-to-point  networks.    Since  only  under
restrictive  assumptions  is   performance   analysis   tractable,   simulation
techniques must be used.
The  basic  behavior of various existing channel access schemes, namely, ALOHA,
CSMA, CDMA, and BTMA, and a new scheme referred to as Coded Activity Signalling
Multiple Access (CASMA) is investigated.  In networks with a regular  structure
and  balanced  traffic  flow,  the effects of transmission scheduling rate, the
ratio of propagation  delay  to  packet  transmission  time,  store-and-forward
buffer  size,  and to some extent network access flow control on throughput and
delay performance are  examined.    We  show  that  contrary  to  the  case  of
single-hop,  fully  connected  networks,  the  performance  of CSMA is not only
substantially degraded due to hidden nodes, but it is also affected to  a  much
lesser  extent  by  propagation  delay.    BTMA and CASMA on the other hand are
observed to achieve a relatively high capacity, and to  be  more  sensitive  to
propagation  delay.    The  performance of a number of variants of a well known
buffer management scheme, the Structured Buffer Pool  (SBP)  is  also  studied.
The  effect  of  the  number  of  buffers per repeater differs according to the
channel access scheme employed.  The performance of ALOHA and CSMA is not  very
sensitive  to  the  buffer  size,  while  BTMA  and  CASMA exhibit up to a 50\%
degradation in capacity in certain examples.  In more general networks, we show
that the CSMA access scheme may exhibit  a  high  degree  of  variance  in  the
achievable  capacity among different PRUs and links, as compared with the other
access schemes.  Simple  sub-optimal  transmission  scheduling  algorithms  are
introduced  to  treat  the  problem  of large-scale realistic networks, and are
shown to perform well in a `real-world' example.  

Yitzhak Birk
March 1987                                                 222 pages.....$13.60
Presently,  most  local-area  networks  employ  a  single  broadcast   bus   to
interconnect  single-transceiver  stations.  In  order  to increase a network's
throughput beyond a single bus's data rate without  using  dedicated  switching
nodes,  multiple  buses and multi-transceiver stations are required. We explore
the design space of single-hop  interconnections  among  such  stations;  i.e.,
interconnections  that  provide  a  passive  transmission  path between any two
stations. For example, we present interconnections whose  throughput  can  grow
{\sl  quadratically} with the number of transmitters and receivers per station.
They consist of a collection of buses,  each  of  which  interconnects  only  a
proper subset of the stations using one of their transceivers. Yet, for any two
stations, there is at least one bus to which they are both connected.  We refer
to  these  as  selective-broadcast  interconnections,  or  \sbis's.  The use of
unidirectional media significantly enriches the design space of \sbis's  since,
unlike   with  bidirectional  media,  the  sets  of  receivers  that  hear  two
transmissions need not be identical or disjoint.  A  graph-theoretic  criterion
for  determining  whether  or  not transmissions over a specified pair of paths
would interfere with each other is established. It is then used in studying the
performance of various \sbis's.  Implementation-related issues, such  as  power
budget  in  fiber  optic  implementations,  are  discussed  in  the  context of
local-area networks.  Lastly, the concept of \sbis's is shown to also apply  to
memory-processor interconnection, as well as to additional domains.
A   spread-spectrum  channel  can  accommodate  several  concurrent  successful
transmissions, and a single-transceiver node can  thus  utilize  only  a  small
fraction  of  the  channel's  capacity.  In  order  to allocate the appropriate
fraction of capacity to a ``busy'' node, we propose to equip  it  with  several
transmitters  and  receivers, thereby turning it into a ``supernode''.  Several
architectures and operation policies for supernodes are suggested and compared;
it is shown that a supernode  can  significantly  outperform  a  collection  of
independent  conventional nodes with the same total numbers of transmitters and
receivers. Packet-radio networks with half-duplex nodes, as  well  as  networks
with full-duplex nodes, are considered.  
M. Mehdi Nassehi
March 1987                                                 165 pages.....$10.75
Local Area Networks have been in common use for data communications for several
years  and have enjoyed great success.  More recently, there has been a growing
interest in using a single network to support many applications (e.g.,  speech,
high-resolution  graphics,  facsimile,  video, etc.) in addition to traditional
data traffic. This leads to so-called Integrated Services Local Area  Networks.
These  additional applications introduce new requirements in terms of volume of
traffic and real-time delivery of data which are not met by existing  networks.
To  satisfy these requirements, one needs a high-bandwidth transmission medium,
such as fiber optics, and a distributed channel access scheme for the efficient
sharing of the bandwidth among the various applications.
As far as the throughput-delay requirements of  the  various  applications  are
concerned,  a  network structure along with a distributed channel access scheme
are  proposed  which  incorporate  appropriate  scheduling  policies  for   the
transmission  of outstanding messages on the network.  The proposed solution is
developed in two steps.  First, considering  each  message  to  be  assigned  a
delay-cost  function based on the application to which it belongs, and assuming
perfect knowledge of all outstanding messages, a dynamic scheduling  policy  is
devised  which  outperforms  all  existing  policies in terms of minimizing the
expected  cost  per  message.    Secondly,  as  required  for  the  distributed
implementation  of  the scheduling policy, a broadcast mechanism is devised for
the efficient  dissemination  of  all  relevant  information.    The  broadcast
mechanism  is based on unidirectional network structures which provide ordering
among the stations.
As far as the high-bandwidth transmission  medium  is  concerned,  fiber  optic
technology  is  considered  in this work.  The physical ordering among stations
which is required by the above access scheme  may  be  achieved  either  by  an
active  configuration,  such  as a ring, or by a passive configuration, such as
unidirectional bus.  In rings, the use of fiber optics does not  introduce  any
new  technical  problems,  since  there exist only point-to-point links between
neighboring stations.  However, in the multi-tapped linear bus, the reciprocity
and excess loss of optical couplers along with the  low  impedance  of  optical
detectors  severely  limit  the number of stations that can be accommodated.  A
number of alternative passive configurations are proposed which  overcome  this
limitation.    Also  presented  is  a  unified  method  for  selecting  coupler
coefficients to minimize the maximum path loss.  This method is used to compute
the maximum number of stations that a configuration can support.  


                          COMPUTER SYSTEMS LABORATORY

                              Stanford University

                              Stanford, CA 94305


                              (Hours: M-Th, 8-1)

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