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leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (04/20/88)

This is our latest list of abstracts of SEKI REPORTS and SEKI WORKING PAPERS
for both 1986 and 1987.

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SEKI   REPORTS    SR-86-01 bis SR-86-20



Consruction of Equality Graphs

Abstract: The theoretical and practical problems of equality rea-
soning  in  Automated  Deduction  are  notorious. A new method is
presented to cope with the enormous search space that usually ar-
ises  when  equational axioms are present. Starting from an empty
graph a production system constructs graphs which represent solu-
tions  for  simpler problems defined by abstraction. These graphs
contain global information and are plans for guiding  the  search
for  a  proof  of  the original problem, represented in the final
graph. The construction of equality graphs is based on  the  idea
to search for the differences between two terms by seperating to-
plevel symbol and subterms of a functional term.  The  impact  of
the  explicit  representation  of  information  contained  in the
inference system on the control of inferences is  discussed.  Fi-
nally the method is compared to other equality reasoning methods.

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-02    Ch. Beierle, A. Voss

Specification, horizontal  composition  and  parameterization  of
algebraic implementations

Abstract: Loose specifications of abstract data types (ADTs) have
many  nonisomorphic algebras as models. An implementation between
two loose specifications should therefore consider many  abstrac-
tion  functions  together  with their source and target algebras.
Just like specifications are stepwise refined to  restrict  their
class  of models, implementations should be stepwise refinable to
restrict the class of abstraction  functions.  In  this  scenario
specifications and implementations can be developed interwovenly.

        We suggest to have implementation  specifications  analo-
gously  to  loose ADT specifications: Implementations have signa-
tures, models, axioms and sentences thus constituting an institu-
tion.  Implementation specifications are the theories of this in-
stitution and refinements between  implementation  specifications
are its theory morphisms.

        In this framework, implementations between  parameterized
specifications and horizontal composition of implementations turn
out  to  be  special  cases  of  the  more  powerful  concept  of
parameterized  implementations, which allow to instantiate an im-
plementation by substituting a subimplementation by  another  im-

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-03    M.  Reinfrank, M. Beetz, H.  Freitag,  J.

Kapri: A rule based non-monotonic inference engine  with  an  in-
tegrated reason maintenance system

Abstract: KAPRI (Kaiserslautern Augmented Production Rule  Inter-
preter)  uses rules of the form if I unless I then I . For such a
rule to be fired, its monotonic if-antecedents  are  required  to
match  the  current  database,  while  none  of its non-monotonic
unless-antecedents does. The current state of a  KAPRI-system  is
represented  by  a  dependency network composed of assertions and
corresponding justifications for believing in them  in  terms  of
belief  respectively  disbelief in other assertions. This network
is  maintained  by   a   reason   maintenance   system,   KL-DNMS
(Kaiserslautern  Dependency  Network Management System), that re-
vises the current belief status with respect to  every  modifica-
tion due to the firing of a rule or to the addition/retraction of
a basic fact.

In the present paper, we describe a very simple first version  of
KAPRI,  and  discuss  some  key issues that arise from augmenting
production rules by an UNLESS-part, and from integrating  a  pro-
duction  rule-based  inference  engine  with a reason-maintenance

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-04    H. Boley

A Relational/Functional Integration with valued Clauses

Abstract: The RELFUN programming language is introduced as an at-
tempt  to  integrate the capabilities of the relational and func-
tional styles. Definitions of functions and relations are  speci-
fied  uniformly  by  valued  Horn clauses, where rules return the
value of their rightmost premise.  Functional nestings are  flat-
tened  to  relational  conjunctions,  using a purified version of
PROLOG's is-primitive. RELFUN functions may have non-ground argu-
ments, like relations, and/or return non-ground values; their in-
put and output arguments can be inverted like those of relations.
Higher-order   functions   are   definable  as  (function-)valued
clauses, with funarg  problems  being  avoided  by  the  standard
renaming  of  clause variables. RELFUN's operational semantics is
specified as an abstract machine, which  also  yields  its  first
(e-mailable) FRANZ LISP implementation.

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-05    H.-J. Buerckert

Some Relationships between  Unification,  Restricted  Unification
and Matching

Abstract: We present restricted T-unification that is unification
of  terms  under a given equational theory T with the restriction
that not all variables are allowed to be substituted. Some  rela-
tionships   between   restriced   T-unification,  unrestriced  T-
unification and T-matching (one-sided  T-unification)  are  esta-
blished.  Our  main result is that, in the case of an almost col-
lapse free equational theory the most general restricted unifiers
and for certain termpairs the most general matchers are also most
general unrestricted unifiers; this does not hold for  more  gen-
eral  theories. Almost collapse free theories are theories, where
only terms starting with projection symbols may collapse (i.e. to
be T-equal) to variables.

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-06    R. Goebel

Completion of Globally Finite Term Rewriting Systems  for  Induc-
tive Proofs

Abstract: The Knuth-Bendix Algorithm (KBA) is not  able  to  com-
plete term rewriting systems with cyclic rules such as the commu-
tativity. This kind of rules cause cycles in a  reduction  chain.
This problem may be solved by an extension of the KBA for global-
ly finite term rewriting systems.  For  a  globally  finite  term
rewriting  system, cycles may occur in a reduction chain, but for
each term there is only a finite set of reductions.  A  confluent
and  globally  finite  term rewriting sytem R provides a decision
procedure for equality induced by R:  Two  terms  are  equal  iff
there is a common term in their reduction sets.

This extension requires new methods for testing the  global  fin-
iteness  and a new confluence test, because local confluence does
not imply global confluence for  globally  finite  relations.  In
this paper we give a theoretical framework for this extension. We
will show how this theory can be applied to term  rewriting  sys-
tems, if we are mainly interested in the initial algebra which is
induced by the set of rules.

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-07    M. Schmidt-Schauss

Unification Properties of Idempotent Semigroups

Abstract: Unification in free idempotent semigroups is of  unifi-
cation type zero, i.e. there are unifiable terms s,t but there is
no minimal, complete set of unifiers for these two terms.  Unifi-
cation  in  free idempotent semigroups is strongly complete, i.e.
the unification problem <x =AI t> is always solvable with unifier
{x , t}, even if x occurs in t.

We give a generalization of the usual unification  hierarchy  and
demonstrate   that  the  number  of  independent unifiers in A+I-
unifier sets is not bounded.

It is known that there is a conditional, canonical term rewriting
system  for idempotent semigroups.  To strengthen this result, we
show that there can be no unconditional and finite rewriting sys-

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-08    M. Schmidt-Schauss

Some Undecidable Classes of Clause Sets

Abstract: The undecidability of finitely generated stable transi-
tive  relations  on free terms is proved in an elementary way and
then used to show the undecidability of the  implication  A^B  of
two  clauses  A and B. The implication is decidable in the case A
has at most two literals that are complementary unifinable  after
renaming.  Application  of the undecidability of transitive rela-
tions yields more classes of clause sets that have an undecidable
satisfiability  problem:  clause  sets  consisting of two clauses
with two literals each (2-clauses) and in addition 2  ground  un-
its, clause sets consisting of a single 3-clausse and arbitrarily
many (non-ground) units and clause sets conssting of  a  4-clause
and  arbitrarily many ground units. Finally we show the undecida-
bility of the so-called D-clause sets,  where  a  D-clause  is  a
Horn-clause of the form

Q1(x1) Y<Y  Qn(xn) ^ Qn+1(t) .

SEKI-REPORT-SR-86-09    W. Olthoff

The Augmentation of Object-Oriented Programming  by  Concepts  of
Abstract Data Type Theory: The ModPascal Experiences

Abstract: Object-oriented  programming  and  abstract  data  type
(ADT)  theory  have emerged from the same origin of computer sci-
ence: the inability during the early seventies to deal efficient-
ly  with programming in-the-large. Each of the approaches has led
to significant practical and theoretical results resp.  Neverthe-
less  it  is still unsatisfactory that the mutual influence up to
now seems to be limited to more or less syntactical issues  (e.g.
the provision of packages, clusters, forms).

In this paper we report on the object-oriented language ModPascal
that was developed as part of the Integrated Software Development
and Verification (ISDV) Project.We show how the essence  of  con-
cepts  of  ADT  theory  as algebraic specifications, enrichments,
parameterized specifications or signature morphisms  as  well  as
their  semantics  can be consistently integrated in an imperative
object-oriented language. Furthermore, as the experience of using
ModPascal  as  target  language  of the ISDV System has shown, we
claim that without similar support of theoretical concepts  tech-
niques  as formal specification of programs and algebraic verifi-
cation loose their power and even applicability.


Chr. Lingenfelder

Transformation of Refutation Graphs into Natural Deduction Proofs

Abstract: Most computer generated proofs are stated  in  abstract
representations  not normally used by mathematicians. We describe
a procedure to transform proofs represented as  abstract  refuta-
tion  graphs  into natural deduction proofs. The emphasis of this
investigation is more on stylistic aspects rather than  theoreti-
cal  issues.  In particular the topological properties of refuta-
tion graphs can be successfully  exploited  in  order  to  obtain
structured proofs.


R. Socher

Verification of COBOL-Rrograms

Abstract: The use of COBOL for program verification leads to some
special problems enforcing the restriction of a verification sys-
tem to a small subset of the language. This report  descibes  the
language Ass Cobol, a subset of the COBOL standard from 1974. The
semantic of  this  language  is  given  by  translations  of  the
language into PASCAL statements. Based on this semantic, a system
of Hoare-style inference rules is constructed and its correctness
is shown.

Two examples demonstrate the complexity of the correctness proofs
even of small Ass Cobol programs.


(meanwhile published in the Springer Informatik Fachberichten No.

Not available from us any more!

F. Puppe

Associative Diagnostic Problem Solving  with  the  Expert  System
Shell Med 2

Abstract: The motivation, the structure, the  use  and  also  the
restrictions  of the expert system shell for classification prob-
lem solving are described. Its architecture is based on  the  in-
tegration   of   typical   classification   strategies  including
hypothetico-deductive reasoning being complemented  by  standard-
ized  preplanning  of  diagnostic  tests, differential diagnosis,
separation of database and diagnostic reasoning, and the combina-
tion of several criteria for hypothesis evaluation.

        The efficient implementation of these mechanisms is based
on  the  concentration  of a small set of suspected hypotheses in
the working-memory and the aggregation  of  related  symptoms  to
questionsets   providing   an   adequate  abstraction  level  for
hypothetico-deductive  reasoning.  Criteria  for  evaluating  hy-
potheses  include categorial and probabilistic rules, a predispo-
sition score and an indicator in the value of a diagnosis for ex-
plaining  symptoms. All rules can be qualified by exceptions. For
retracting premature conclusions, an  efficient  belief  revision
algorithm  is  used. Its correctness depends on blocking circular
conclusions at run-time which is implemented in MED2. It is  also
used  for  evaluating  follow-up  sessions in which the change of
symptoms with time yields additional diagnostic evidence.

Developing, changing and testing of a knowledge base are support-
ed  by  the knowledge-acquisition component, the use of which re-
quires no knowledge in programming languages, and by the explana-
tion  component,  which separates between a user and a knowledge-
engineer mode. Currently two major knowledge  bases  exist  in  a
medical  and  a  technical  domain.  MED2  runs  on various LISP-
dialects including COMMONLISP on the IBM-AT and  has  a  size  of
about 600 K byte.


Chr. Beierle, A.Voss

Hierarchical  structures  and  dynamic  parameterization  without

Abstract: Hierarchical structuring and parameterization  concepts
are  investigated. It is argued that such concepts can be studied
independently of a particular domain of application and  orthogo-
nally  to the design of the +flat` objects. A dynamic parameteri-
zation concept which disposes of the static declaration of formal
parameters  is  proposed  and  realized in a hierarchy definition
language. The methods suggested are illustrated by applying  them
to algebraic specifications, and it is shown how the approach ex-
tends the notion of an institution by a general  structuring  and
parameterization concept


Chr. Beierle, A. Voss

On implementation of loose abstract data type specifications  and
their vertical composition

Abstract: In an approach for the implementation of loose abstract
data  type  specifications  that completely distinguishes between
the syntactical level of specifications and the semantical  level
of  models, vertical implementation composition is defined compa-
tibly on both levels. Implementations have signatures, models and
sentences  whrer the latter also include hidden components, which
allows for useful normal form results. We illustrate the stepwise
development  of  implementations  as well as their composition by
some examples and describe the incorporation of the concept  into
an integrated development and verification system.


Chr. Beierle, A. Voss

Stepwise development:  Combinig  axiomatic  and  algorithmic  ap-
proaches in algebraic specifications

Abstract: Much of the software development activity can  be  car-
ried out using formal specifications that have a precise and well
defined semantics, making it  possible  to  formally  verify  the
correctness  of  the  development steps. In order to support this
claim we present an algebraic specification method that  provides
both  axiomatic  and  algorithmic techniques and illustrate it by
working through an example development. Our method is realized in
the  specification  development  language  ASPIK, which is a core
component of an integrated software development and  verification
system.  The  semantics  of  ASPIK  is based on the new notion of
canonical term functor which generalizes the notion of  canonical
term  algebra,  and  we show how this notion allows a uniform in-
tegration of axiomatic and algorithmic constraints.


A. Herold

Narrowing Techniques Applied to Idempotent Unification

Abstract: A complete unification algorithm for  idempotent  func-
tions  is presented. This algorithm is derivated from the univer-
sal unification algorithm, which is based on the narrowing  rela-
tion.  First an improvement for the universal algorithm is shown.
Then these results are applied to the special case of idempotence
resulting in an idempotent algorithm. Finally several refinements
for this algorithm are proposed.


G. Smolka

Order-Sorted Horn Logic: Semantics and Deduction

Abstract: This paper presents a typed definite clause logic  with
equality.  The  type  structure accomodates subtypes and multiple
type declaration for functions and predicates. We show  that  the
semantic  and  deductive methods developed for untyped equational
logic genaralize smoothly to this framework.


R. Goebel

Ground Confluence

Abstract: In this paper we introduce a  test  for  confluence  on
ground  terms.  This test allows us to prove the ground cofluence
of term rewriting systems where the Knuth-Bendix  Algorithm  does
not terminate.

Ground Confluence of term rewriting systems is sufficient, if one
is interested in congruences on ground terms. This is for example
the case in the domain of inductive proofs or in  the  domain  of
program synthesis.


J. Siekmann, P. Szabo

The Undecidability of the DA-Unification Problem

Abstract: We show that the DA-Unification problem is undecidable.
That  is, given two binary function symbols v and , variables and
constants, it is undecidable if two terms built from  these  sym-
bols can be unified provided the following DA-axioms hold:

        (x v y)  z  = (x  z) v (y  z)

x  (y v z) = (x  y) v (x  z)

x v (y v z) = (x v y) v z

Two terms are DA-unifiable (i.e. an equation is solvable  in  DA)
if  there  exist terms to be substituted for their variables such
that the resulting terms are equal in the equational theory DA.

This  is  the  smallest  currently  known  axiomatic  subset   of
Hilbert's  Tenth  Problem  for  which an undecidabilty result has
been obtained.


H.-J. Buerkert, A. Herold and M. Schmidt-Schauss

On Equational Theories, Unification and Decidability

Abstract: The following classes of equational theories, which are
important in unification theory, are presented: permutative, fin-
ite, Noetherian, simple, almost collapse free,  regular,  and  W-
free  theories. The relationships between the particular theories
are shown and the connection between these classes and the unifi-
cation  hierarchy  is  pointed  out. We give an equational theory
that always has a minimal set of unifiers for  single  equations,
but  there  exists  a system of two equations which has no set of
unifiers. This example suggests that the definition of the unifi-
cation  type  of an equational theory has to be changed. Further-
more we study the conditions, under which minimal sets  of  unif-
iers always exist.

        Decidability results about the membership  of  equational
theories  to  the classes above are presented.  It is proved that
Noetherianness,  simplicity,  almost  collapse  freeness  and  W-
freeness  are undecidable. We show that it is not possible to de-
cide where a given equational theory resides in  the  unification
hierarchy and where in the matching hierarchy.


The SEKI Working Paper series was established in 1986.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-01 (in German)

        F. Puppe, H. Voss

        Qualitative Modelle in wissensbasierten Systemen

Abstract: An overview on the representation and use  of  qualita-
tive models in knowledge based systems is presented. It is divid-
ed in two parts: first,  we  discuss  several  papers  (CADUCEUS,
ABEL,  Long's system, and Davis' system) using different kinds of
causal models.

In the second part, we describe important aspects of the underly-
ing  methods,  particularly  the object-oriented and the process-
oriented approach. Special emphasis is given to constraint  tech-
niques  commonly  used for implementation. Further topics include
representation methods for temporal and causal relations, the no-
tion  of  object  states,  the  differnce  between  continuos and
discrete variables, and the necessity of hierarchies  of  models.
We close with an outlook on unsolved problems.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-02 (in German)

        H. W. Eiden, M. Linster

        HIQUAL: Implementation of a System for Representation  of

and Causuality

Abstract: Hiqual is a language for representation and analysis of
modularly constructed hierachical physical or technical systems.

Models are  the  basic  elements.  They  allow  the  cause-effect
description of elementary systems on both the causal and temporal

Simple hierachical systems are described  in  aggregates.  Aggre-
gates  combine  models on two levels of abstraction. More complex
hierarchies are described by means of combined aggregates.

The analysis of a model description generates a cyclic graph con-
taining all the possible behavioural sequences of the model.

Aggregates are checked to make sure that the different levels  of
abstraction   describe  the  same,  but  more  or  less  abstract
behaviour.  As  every  model  may  have  an  infinte  number   of
behavioural  sequences,  these  tests  are only executed for user
selected sequences.

The analysis is based upon Allen's temporal relations  and  rela-
tions  among  events  belonging  to  different models and to find
dead-locks caused by inconsistencies.

The present paper describes the implementation and mentions those
problems  that  did  not  find  a satisfactory solution, i.e. the
representation of inequalities and discontinuous values, and  the
computational complexity of the analysis.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-03 (in German)

        M. Dahmen

        Iterativer LISPLOG Interpreter -  Implementierung,  Doku-
mentation und Evaluation

Abstract: This paper discusses the interactive interpreter  LISP-
LOG.2,  which  was  developed  from the earlier recursive version
LISPLOG.1. The goal of the development was to speed up the execu-
tion  of  LISPLOG  programs. A comprision between the two LISPLOG
versions - given in chapter three - shows  to  what  extent  this
goal could be achieved.

The first chapter of this documentation of the  main  aspects  of
LISPLOG.2. Since LISPLOG.2 was developed from LISPLOG.1 it may be
useful to consult the documentation of LISPLOG.1 too.

The appendices include the listing of the  LISPLOG.2  interpreter
abd the programs used for the performance analysis.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-04 (in German)

M. Lessel

micro-UNIXPERT Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Behandlung von

Problemen bei  UNIX-Druckauftraegen

Abstact: micro-UNIXPERT (UNIXR - PERiphery - Tester)  is  an  in-
teractive,  knowledge-based diagnosis system for the treatment of
printer hardware faults and of other problems which can appear in
connection with printing (user errors and software faults).

If possible, the system both generates diagnosis and gives propo-
sals  for  clearing.  The entire knowledge of micro-UNIXPERT con-
sists of a set of PROLOG-Like facts and rules.

The system is implemented in LISPLOG, a  LISP/PROLOG  integration
running  in FRANZ LISP under the UNIX 4.2 BSD operating system on
a VAX 11/750.

After a general introduction into the problems of diagnosis  sys-
tems  and  a  discussion  of  the  most  important micro-UNIXPERT
features (knowledge acquisition,  positive  and  negative  facts,
user acceptance, inference mechanism), the method of operation of
the system is explained by giving full details of the LISPLOG im-

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-05 (in German)

K. Hinkelmann

Uebersetzung von LISPLOG-Programmen nach CPROLOG

Abstract: A LISPLOG program  is  a  set  of  horn  clauses.  Pure
PROLOG+s proof strategy is a kind of resolution. In LISPLOG, how-
ever, LISP by evaluating the LISP functions instead of using  the
resolution  theorem  prover.  To translate a LISPLOG program into
CPROLOG, these function applications have to be transformed  into
applications  of  PROLOG relations. In order to prove these rela-
tions by resolution, new horn clauses have to be added to the da-
tabase. These new horn clauses are created from the definition of
the corresponding LISP function.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-06 (in German)

Juergen Herr

Ein Ansatz fr einen LISPLOG Compiler mit LISP als Zielsprache

Abstract:  This  paper  describes  my  work  on  compilation   of
LISPLOGclauses  into  LISPfunctions and an improved runtimesystem
for LISPLOG, in which these functions will  be  interpreted.  The
first  part  of  this paper introduces and comments on the imple-
mented functions, while the reasons for fundamental design  deci-
sions  will be shown in the second part. Thus the first part is a
program documentation, whereas the second  part  gives  more  de-
tailed informations.

        Furthermore the paper discusses in  detail  the  question
whether  it  makes  sense  to  use  (portable) LISP as the target
language for a Hornclause compiler. This is the main point of the
second  part of this paper, and I hope it will become apparent by
comparison with Warren+s abstract machine, that  (portable)  LISP
is not very suitable for this purpose.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-07 (in German)

K. Noekel, R. Rehbold

SASL: Implementierung einer rein funktionalen  Programmiersprache

Lazy Evaluation

Abstract: This report presents an implementation of SASL in  Lisp
which  uses  abstraction of variables and reduction of combinator
graphs. Following an introduction to SASL  a section shows in de-
tail  how SASL programs can be translated into compact combinator
graphs, with special emphasis on the methods used  to  deal  with
local  definitions, function definitions that spread over several
lines making use of pattern matching for case selection, and with
ZF-set  notation.  The second part of the report gives a detailed
account of the concrete implementation of an efficient  algorithm
for the reduction of combinator graphs.


Harold Boley (Ed.)

A Bird+s-eye- View of LISPLOG:

The LISP/PROLOG Integration with Initial-cut Tools

Abstract: A combined LISP/PROLOG system was designed, implemented
and  tested,  via stepwise refinement of Kenneth M. Kahn+s opera-
tional LISP semantics for pure PROLOG.

        LISPLOG.1 utilizes the representation of PROLOG terms  as
LISP-S-expressions  for  two generalizations of Edinburgh PROLOG:
varying length structures, and goals with predicate variables. On
the  other hand, a goto > while-like specialization is studied in
this language: the

cut > initial cut restriction, which  improves  both  readability
and parallelization of PROLOG programs.

        For accessing LISP from PROLOG, we permit LISP predicates
as  goals,  and  LISP  functions  as  right-hand sides of the is-

In the other direction, the first n PROLOG solutions can  be  re-
turned as a LISP list.

        LISPLOG.2 augments the  trace  and  break  tools  already
available  in  LISPLOG.1  by an (initial) +cut-indicator+/+manual
cutter+ for making the cuts in the search tree observable and in-

        For improving efficiently, the originally  recursive  in-
terpreter is reformulated iteratively, the binding environment is
represented as an array structure, and the database is indexed by
predicates and arguments.

        As the main application, LISPLOG runs  a  knowledge-based
system, m-UNIXPERT, for diagnosing printing problems.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-09 (in German)

Franz Kammermeier

LISPLOG im Kontext anderer LISP/PROLOG-Vereinheitlichungen

Abstract: Since 1979 a lot  of  functional/relational   languages
integrating  LISP  and  PROLOG have been described in the litera-
ture. In this paper it is tried to find the position  of  LISPLOG
in  the  context of ten important other hybrids, which are mainly
LISP based, e.g. LOGLISP, LM-Prolog and Symbolics Prolog.

After a short introduction and a general view of  these  hybrids,
firstly the integration of programming styles is compared, namely
the correspondence of  LISP/PROLOG data  structures and  the  fa-
cilities   to access one formalism from the other. Implementation
techniques of PROLOG interpreters, like  implementation  of  con-
trol, representation of term instances and database indexing, are
examined in the second part, with the emphasis being on  LISP  as
the  implementation  language.The comparison is supplemented by a
short description of compilation techniques for PROLOG (in  LISP)
used by compilers of the treated languages.

Finally, some conclusions for present and future improvements  of
LISPLOG are outlined.

SEKI-WORKING-PAPER SWP-86-10 (in German)

Ansgar Bernardi

Ein Indexierungskonzept fr LISPLOG-Datenbasen


LISPLOG   is   a   LISP/PROLOG integration   explored   at    the
Universitaet   Kaiserslautern.To  improve   the   performance  of
the   LISPLOG   interpreter,   an  indexing  concept   has   been
developed  and implemented. Higher  efficiency   is   gained   by
eliminating   unnecessary unifications.

Matching clauses are selected using the predicate  and  one  con-
stant atomic argument of the conclusion. A special combination of
shared lists and binary trees is maintained by the indexing  pro-
cedure to make this selection rather fast.The user may optionally
specify the indexing argument; the default-argument is changeable
when  installing the system. The indexing concept and  the imple-
mented  algorithms  and  data structures  are   fully   described
in this paper, together with a

complete source-listing (FRANZ LISP) of the implementation.