[comp.doc.techreports] cmu-robotics.z

leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (04/20/88)

The following technical reports are from The Robotics Institute
of Carnegie Mellon University, and may be ordered from
  Nancy Serviou@fas.ri.cmu.edu

Inspecting Money:  How to Avoid Negative Bucks
Robert Thibadeau
January 1987
The focus of the activity of the Inspection Laboratory in the past several
years has been high-speed inspection of patterned surfaces.  The Bureau of
Engraving prints money on a high-speed "web," which means that large sheets
of money are being produced very fast.  The question is raised of how to
inspect for the print quality at those speeds.  People will see either a
blur or only a sample of the print.  In this report, we use our past
experiences to attempt to detail the inspection methods, hardware, etcetera,
which would be needed to construct a hypothetical "inspect-a-buck" system,
and the problems that might be encountered along the way.  @i<(12 pages)>

Problems of Automatic Vectorization of Artwork
Robert Thibadeau
January l987
A number of attempts have been made to scan printed wiring artwork, or
drawings of circuit layouts, for automatic entry into computer aided design
systems.  Several commercial machines are available which accomplish forms
of artwork vectorization.  The Inspection Laboratory, under the sponsorship
of Visual Understanding Systems, Inc., has worked on the problem of
vectorization.  Most recently this work is based on a small, relatively
inexpensive, vectorization system composed of an IBM/XT, custom electronics
hardware, and 300 DPI scanner.  This report will summarize our findings to
date and indicate the capability of current "vectorization" technology.  
@i<(13 pages)>

Prototype Software for Automatic Generation
of On-Line Control Programs for Discrete Manufacturing Processes
Gregg Ekberg and Bruce H. Krogh
February l987
This report describes prototype software for automatically generating control 
programs for discrete manufacturing processes from a high-level description 
of the system control logic.  The control logic is synthesized from a
specification of the physical resource states required for each operation in
the process.  The software described in this report allows the user to
specify interactively the operation sequencing logic and the actuators and
sensors for each stage of the process.  This information is then used to
automatically generate code for on-line control computers.  The current
implementation supports binary sensor and actuator signals.  The methodology
is illustrated for the automatic generation of instruction list (IL) code to
control a conveyor system in an existing robotic assembly plant.  @i<(32

Experimental Evaluation of Nonlinear Feedback and 
Feedforward Control Schemes for Manipulators
Pradeep K. Khosla and Takeo Kanade
March 1987
The manipulator trajectory tracking control problem revolves around
computing the torques to be applied to achieve accurate tracking.  While
this problem has been extensively studied in simulations, the real-time
results have been lacking in the robotics literature.  In this paper, we
present the experimental results of the real-time performance of model-based
control algorithms.  We compare the computed-torque control scheme with the
feedforward dynamics compensation scheme.  The feedforward scheme
compensates for the manipulator dynamics in the feedforward path while the
computed-torque scheme uses the dynamics in the feedback loop for
linearization and decoupling.  The manipulator control schemes have been
implemented on the CMU DD Arm II with a sampling period of 2 @i<ms.> 
@i<(23 pages)>

Choosing Sampling Rates for Robot Control
Pradeep K. Khosla
March 1987
In our previous research, we experimentally implemented and evaluated the
effect of dynamics compensation in model-based control algorithms.  In this
paper, we evaluate the effect of changing the control sampling period on the
performance of the computed-torque and independent joint control schemes.
While the former utilizes the complete dynamics model of the manipulator,
the latter assumes a decoupled and linear model of the manipulator dynamics.
We discuss the design of controller gains for both the computed-torque and
the independent joint control schemes and establish a framework for
comparing their trajectory tracking performance.  Our experiments show that
within each scheme the trajectory tracking accuracy varies slightly with the
change of the sampling rate.  However, at low sampling rates the
computed-torque scheme outperforms the independent joint control scheme.
Based on our experimental results, we also conclusively establish the
importance of high sampling rates as they result in an increased stiffness
of the system.  @i<(15 pages)>

Real-Time Implementation and Evaluation of Computed-Torque Scheme
Pradeep K. Khosla and Takeo Kanade
March 1987
This paper presents the experimental results of the real-time performance of
model-based control algorithms.  We compare the computed-torque scheme which
utilizes the complete dynamics model of the manipulator with the independent
joint control scheme which assumes a decoupled and linear model of the
manipulator dynamics.  The two manipulator control schemes have been
implemented on the CMU DD Arm II with a sampling period of 2 @i<ms.>  We
discuss the design of controller gains for both the computed-torque and the
independent joint control schemes and establish a framework for comparing
their trajectory tracking performance.  Our investigation shows that the
computed-torque scheme outperforms the independent joint control scheme as
long as there is no torque saturation in the actuators.  Based on our
experimental results, we conclusively establish the importance of
compensating for the nonlinear Coriolis and centrifugal forces even at low
speeds of operation.  This represents an important result because it serves
to resolve the controversy about the need to compensate for these forces at
low speeds of operation.  @i<(24 pages)>

An Algorithm to Estimate Manipulator Dynamics Parameters
Pradeep K. Khosla and Takeo Kanade
March 1987
This paper presents algorithms for identifying parameters of an @i<N>
degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulator.  First, we outline the fundamental
properties of the Newton-Euler formulation of robot dynamics from the view
point of parameter identification.  We then show that the Newton-Euler
model, which is nonlinear in the dynamic parameters, can be transformed into
an equivalent modified model which is linear in dynamic parameters.  We
develop both on-line and off-line parameter estimation procedures.  To
illustrate our approach, we identify the dynamic parameters of the
cylindrical robot, and the three degree-of-freedom positioning system of the
CMU Direct-Drive Arm II.  The experimental implementation of our algorithm
to estimate the dynamics parameters of the six degrees-of-freedom CMU DD Arm
II is also presented.  @i<(24 pages)>

Estimation of Robot Dynamics Parameters: Theory and Application
Pradeep K. Khosla
March 1987
This paper presents an algorithm for estimating the dynamics parameters of
an @i<N> degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulator.  In our previous work it
was shown that the Newton-Euler model which is nonlinear in the dynamic
parameters can be transformed into an equivalent @i<modified> model which
is linear in dynamic parameters.  To introduce our identification algorithm,
we cast this @i<modified> Newton-Euler model in a form wherein the joint
torques/forces are expressed as a product of a matrix and a vector of
dynamics parameters.  The elements of this matrix are a function of the
joint variables and the kinematic parameters only.  The dynamics parameters
are then estimated from this linear (in dynamics parameters) formulation
using the least squares estimation method.  We have implemented our
algorithm, and the results of this experimental implementation to estimate
the dynamics parameters of the six degrees-of-freedom CMU DD Arm II are
presented.  The estimated dynamics parameters have also been used to
evaluate the effect of dynamics compensation in model-based manipulator
control methods.  @i<(19 pages)>

Automatic Robot Initialization Using a Planar Target 
Scanned by an Optical Reflection Sensor
R. Q. Yang and M. W. Siegel
April 1987
We describe an automatic initialization scheme for finding a point of
coincidence between a robot's internal coordinate system and the coordinate
system of its work space.  Our method uses an optical transmitter-receiver
pair mounted on the robot end effector to scan a T-shaped planar target
mounted on the work surface.  An automated iterative method for moving a
point on the end effector into precise coincidence with the point of
intersection between a sensed plane parallel to the work surface and a
sensed line normal to the work surface is shown to converge rapidly.
@i<(15 pages)>

Using Goal Interactions to Guide Planning: The Program Model
Caroline Hayes
April 1987
The Machinist program uses a new planning method that is an extension to 
domain dependent planning technology.  It is modeled after the behavior of
human machinists, and makes plans for fabricating metal parts using machine
tools.  Many existing planning programs rely on a problem solving strategy
that involves fixing problems in plans only after they occur.  The result is
that planning time may be wasted when a bad plan is unnecessarily generated
and must be thrown out or modified.  The Machinist program improves on these
methods by looking for cues in the problem specification that may indicate
potential difficulties or conflicting goal interactions, before generating
any plans.  It plans around those difficulties, greatly increasing the
probability of producing a good plan on the first try.  Planning efficiency
is greatly increased when false starts can be eliminated.  The machinist
program contains about 180 OPS5 rules, and has been judged by experienced
machinists to make plans that are, on the average, better than those of a 5
year journeyman.  The knowledge that makes the technique effective is domain
dependent, but the technique itself can be used in other domains.  @i<(17 pages)>

1986 Year End Report for Road Following at Carnegie Mellon
Charles Thorpe and Takeo Kanade
Principal Investigators
May 1987
This report describes progress in vision and navigation for outdoor mobile
robots at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute during 1986.  This research
was sponsored by @c(DARPA) as part of the Strategic Computing Initiative.

Our work during 1986 culminated in two demonstration systems.  The first
system drives the Terregator, a desk-sized robot with six wheels, around the
network of campus sidewalks.  This system, named Sidewalk II, uses a video
camera to follow sidewalks and a laser rangefinder to detect and avoid
stairs.  Sidewalk II makes extensive use of map data, for visual predictions
and for path planning. 

The second system, Park Navigation, uses the Navlab, our new Chevrolet Van
robot.  The Park system concentrated on vision for following difficult roads,
including curves, dirt and leaves, shadows, puddles, and both moving and
fixed obstacles.  We developed vision techniques for handling difficult
roads, and built range finder programs for detecting and avoiding obstacles.

Both the Sidewalk II and Park experiments were built into complete systems
using @c(Codger), a novel whiteboard developed as part of the project.
@c(Codger) provides tools for handling geometry, motion over time, multiple
processes, multiple processors, and multiple languages.

This report is divided into four main sections.  Section 1 is an
introduction and overview, including a chronology for the project and a list
of 1986 publications.  Section 2 describes the Sidewalk II system; section 3
describes the Park experiments, and section 4 is about @c(Codger).  @i<(60

Optimal Design of Robotic Manipulator Trajectories:
A Nonlinear Programming Approach
Mark L. Nagurka and Vincent Yen
April 1987
A nonlinear programming approach for the optimal motion planning of robotic
manipulators is presented.  In this approach, a standard optimal control
problem of infinite dimensionality (in time) is converted into an
optimization problem of finite dimensionality by approximating the
manipulator trajectories by the sum of a polynomial and a set of appropriate
eigenfunctions.  The optimal control problem is then solved via a nonlinear
programming numerical algorithm, given a performance index which is a
continuous (explicit or implicit) function of time.  This method can be used
for trajectory planning of high degree-of-freedom manipulators, once motion
specifications and constraints have been identified.  Examples of trajectory
planning of a planar robotic manipulator with free and constrained final
time and states are presented.  @i<(25 pages)>

Management of Temporal Constraints for Factory Scheduling
Claude Le Pape and Stephen F. Smith
May 1987
In this paper, we present constraint propagation techniques used in the OPIS
scheduling system to update schedule descriptions and detect introduced
inconsistencies.  Our approach is summarized as follows:
A Hierarchical model is used to represent resources and operations to be
performed.  Schedules are developed and maintained at different levels of
precision which are explicitly associated with resources and operations;
constraint propagation is correspondingly performed at different levels.

Various scheduling constraints are attached to resources and operations, and
combined to derive time bound constraints.  A description of the original
constraints that collectively impose a bound is explicitly recorded.

Time bound constraints are maintained by an object-oriented propagation
process:  through messages, resources and operations communicate constraints
and cooperate to compute time bounds.

When time bounds are inconsistent, their origins provide the information
required to construct an appropriate description of the conflicting
situation.  This description provides OPIS with information needed to make
reactive decisions.  @i<(11 pages)>

LISP as a Rapid Prototyping Environment: The Chinese Tutor
Dario Giuse
June 1987
Conventional wisdom has maintained that while LISP is suitable for the 
development of experimental software, it does not support production-quality
systems well.  This report describes a building-block approach where a
complex system (an intelligent Chinese language tutor) was built in a LISP
environment out of a series of powerful tools.  The resulting system does
not in any way sacrifice performance for power and flexibility.  
@i<(14 pages)> 

End of Year Report for Parallel Vision Algorithm
Design and Implementation
January 15, 1986--January 14, 1987
Takeo Kanade and Jon A. Webb
June 1987
The parallel vision algorithm design and implementation project was
established to facilitate vision programming on parallel architectures,
particularly low-level vision and robot vehicle control algorithms on the
Carnegie Mellon Warp machine.  To this end, we have (1) demonstrated the use
of the Warp machine in several different algorithms; (2) developed a
specialized programming language, called Apply, for low-level vision
programming on parallel architectures in general, and Warp in particular;
(3) used Warp as a research tool in vision, as opposed to using it only for
research in parallel vision; (4) developed a significant library of
low-level vision programs for use on Warp.  @i<(24 pages)>

Implementation and Performance of a Complex Vision System
on a Systolic Array Machine
Ed Clune, Jill D. Crisman, Gudrun J. Klinker, and Jon A. Webb
June 1987
Complex vision systems are usually quite slow, requiring tens of seconds or 
minutes of computer time for each image.  As the complexity and experimental
nature of the system increases, the speed is especially low, since all
components of the system must be optimized if the system is to show good
performance.  The FIDO system, a stereo vision system for controlling a
robot vehicle, has existed for a number of years and has been implemented on
a number of different computers.  These computers have ranged from a DEC
KL10 to the current implementation on the Warp machine, a 100 Million
Floating-point Operations Per Seconds (MFLOPS) systolic array machine.  FIDO
has shown an enormous range in speed; its ancestor took 15 minutes per step,
while the Warp implementation takes less than 5 seconds per step.  Moreover,
while early versions of FIDO moved in slow, start-and-stop steps, FIDO now
runs continuously at 100 mm/second.  We review the history of the FIDO
system, discuss its implementation on different computers, and concentrate
on its current Warp implementation.  @i<(18 pages)>

Low-Level Vision on Warp and the Apply Programming Model
Leonard G. C. Hamey, Jon A. Webb, and I-Chen Wu
July 1987
In the course of implementing low-level (image to image) vision algorithms on
Warp, we have understood the mapping of this class of algorithms well enough
so that the programming of these algorithms is now a straightforward and
stereotypical task.  The partitioning method used is input partitioning, which
provides an efficient, natural implementation of this class of algorithms.
We have developed a special programming language called Apply, which reduces
the problem of writing the algorithm for this class of programs to the task
of writing the function to be applied to a window around a single pixel.
Apply provides a method for programming Warp in these applications which is
easy, consistent, and efficient.  Apply is application specific, but machine
independent@y(M)it is possible to implement versions of Apply which run
efficiently on a wide variety of computers.  We describe implementations of
Apply on Warp, UNIX and the Hughes HBA, and sketch implementation on
bit-serial processor arrays and distributed memory machines.  @i<(16 pages)>

The Warp Computer: Architecture, Implementation, and Performance
Marco Annaratone, Emmanuel Arnould, Thomas Gross,
H. T. Kung, Monica Lam, Onat Menzilcioglu, Jon A. Webb
July 1987
The Warp machine is a systolic array computer of linearly connected cells, 
each of which is a programmable processor capable of performing 10 million
floating-point operations per second (10 MFLOPS).  A typical Warp array
includes 10 cells, thus having a peak computation rate of 100 MFLOPS.  The
Warp array can be extended to include more cells to accommodate applications
capable of using the increased computational bandwidth.  Warp is integrated
as an attached processor into a @c(UNIX) host system.  Programs for Warp are
written in a high-level language supported by an optimizing compiler.

The first 10-cell prototype was completed in February 1986; delivery of
production machines started in April 1987.  Extensive experimentation with
both the prototype and production machines has demonstrated that the Warp
architecture is effective in the application domain of robot navigation, as
well as in other fields such as signal processing, scientific computation,
and computer vision research.  For these applications, Warp is typically
several hundred times faster than a VAX 11/780 class computer.

This paper describes the architecture, implementation and performance of the
Warp machine.  Each major architectural decision is discussed and evaluated
with system, software and application considerations.  The programming model
and tools developed for the machine are also described.  The paper concludes
with performance data for a large number of applications.  @i<(25 pages)>

Learning Functions from Examples
B. K. Natarajan
August 1987
This paper concerns algorithms that "learn" functions from examples.
Functions on strings of a finite alphabet are considered and the notion of
dimensionality defined for families of such functions.  Using this notion, a
theorem is proved identifying the most general conditions under which a
family of functions can be efficiently learned from examples.  Turning to
some familiar families, we present strong evidence against the existence of
efficient algorithms for learning the regular functions and the polynomial
time computable functions, even if the size of the encoding of the function
to be learned is given.  Our arguments hinge on a new complexity
measure--the constraint complexity.  @i<(14 pages)>

The Metallurgical Database of Aladin--an Alloy Design System
I. Hulthage, M. Przystupa, 
M. L. Farinacci, and M. D. Rychener
August 1987
Aladin is an expert system that aids metallurgists in the design of new
aluminum alloys.  Declarative structured representations in the form of
schemata are used for metallurgical data and concepts.  The representation
is very general: the goal has been to create a representation for all
knowledge about aluminum alloys and metallurgy relevant to the design
process.  This article gives an overview of the alloy database and describes
the architecture of the microstructure database in detail.  The
microstructure of alloys is described by an enumeration of the types of
microstructural elements present along with their characteristics.  @i<(14

Object Recognition on a Systolic Array
Claire M. Bono and Jon A. Webb
September 1987
Computer vision systems for recognition include both the extraction of
features and the matching of those features with a known model.
Traditionally, the most time consuming step has been feature extraction, but
new parallel architectures are removing the bottleneck at this level.  Once
features have been extracted from an image, considerable geometric search is
still necessary to form relationships between the extracted features and to
match those features and feature aggregates with a model.  One can take
advantage of certain constraints about the appearance of an object, but with
complex images or multiple models, intensive processing is still required.
We have developed some algorithms for doing these geometric search
operations in parallel on iWarp, a long linear array of VLSI processing
elements currently being designed by Carnegie Mellon and Intel Corporation.
We have simulated a system which uses these algorithms to do an object
recognition task (after low-level vision) almost completely on a 72
processor iWarp array.  An analysis of this system indicates a speedup by a
factor of roughly 100 to 250 over a sequential version running on a VAX
8650.  @i<(15 pages)> 

The Automated Craftsman, Preliminary Research
David Alan Bourne
November 1987
The Automated Craftsman is a combination of efforts that have resulted from
our past work with Westinghouse, our new work with the Expert Machinist
Consortium, and current support from the Air Force.  The Air Force project
is called the Intelligent Machining Workstation (IMW) and as such is the
major research catalyst for our group.  The IMW project's major goal is to
replace the skills of the metal working craftsman in order to make the first
part right.  The chapters in this report outline the preliminary research of
the IMW group to achieve this end, while integrating the results into the
general objectives of the laboratory: The Automated Craftsman.

The results reported here indicate a strong need to use hybrid qualitative
and quantitative methods for process planning, process control, process
monitoring (i.e., sensors) and workholding (i.e., fixtures and grippers).
To accomplish this, we have knowledge engineered the methods of the human
craftsman and as appropriate, encoded their methods.  Finally, we review
available workstations in consideration of the IMW's implementation.
@i<(116 pages)>

KR: An Efficient Knowledge Representation System
Dario Giuse
October 1987
KR is a very efficient semantic network knowledge representation language
implemented in Common Lisp.  It provides basic mechanisms for knowledge
representation which include user-defined inheritance, relations, and the
usual repertoire of knowledge manipulation functions.  The system is simple
and compact and does not include some of the more complex functionality
often found in other knowledge representation systems.  Because of its
simplicity, however, KR is highly optimized and offers good performance.
These qualities make it suitable for many applications which require a
mixture of good performance and flexible knowledge representation.  @i<(20

NAVLAB: An Autonomous Navigation Testbed
Kevin Dowling, Rob Guzikowski, Jim Ladd
Henning Pangels, Jeff Singh, and William Whittaker
November 1987
The NavLab is a testbed for research in outdoor navigation, image 
understanding, and the role of human interaction with intelligent systems; it
accommodates researchers and all computing onboard.  The core of the NavLab
is the vehicle controller, a multi-processor computer that controls all
locomotion, actuation and physical sensing; it interacts with a computer
host and human operator to implement varying degrees of autonomy.  The
chassis is a modified van with a computer-controllable, hydraulic
drivetrain.  The NavLab supports a choice of sensing to accommodate many
types of navigation research.  The technical report details the control
computing and physical configuration of the NavLab vehicle.  @i<(44 pages)>

Two New Frameworks for Learning
B. K. Natarajan
November 1987
This paper presents two new formal frameworks for learning.  The first
framework requires the learner to approximate an unknown function, given
examples for the function as well as some background information on it.  It
is shown that this framework is no more powerful than a framework that
allows the learner to see examples but not background information.  The
second framework explores learning in the sense of improving computational
efficiency as opposed to acquiring an unknown concept or function.
Specifically, the framework concerns the acquisition of heuristics from
examples over problem domains of special structure.  A theorem is proved
identifying some conditions sufficient to allow the efficient acquisition of
heuristics over the aforementioned class of domains.  @i<(14 pages)>

  Nancy Serviou@fas