[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/sunybcs.x

leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (05/18/88)



Following are technical reports published by the Department of Computer
Science, University at Buffalo.  Reports may be ordered from:

		  Library Committee
		  Department of Computer Science
		  University at Buffalo (SUNY)
		  226 Bell Hall
		  Buffalo, NY  14260

Payment should be enclosed with your order (unless we have a free exchange
agreement with your institution, in which case the reports are free).
Please make checks payable to "Department of Computer Science".

If your institution is interested in an exchange agreement, please 
write to the above address for information.

%A S. Chakravarty
%A H.B. Hunt III
%T On Computing Test Vectors for Multiple Faults in
Gate Level Combinational Circuits
%R TR 87-01
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D January 1987
%K multiple functional gate faults, multiple stuck-at faults,
single stuck-at faults, test vectors, testing combinational circuits
%O 43 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A John Case
%T Turing Machines
%R TR 87-02
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D February 1987
%K analysis of algorithmic computation, cognitive science, learning
artificial intelligence, feasible computations
%O 5 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A S.N. Srihari
%A W.J. Rapaport
%A D. Kumar
%T On Knowledge Representation Using Semantic
Networks and Sanskrit
%R TR 87-03
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D February 1987
%K artificial intelligence, shastic Sanskrit, natural language understanding,
linguistic case frames, semantic network processing, machine translation
%O 14 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A James Geller
%A Keith Bettinger
%T UBGCCS-87: Proceedings of the Second Annual UB
Graduate-Conference on Computer Science
%R TR 87-04
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D March 1987
%K vision, knowledge representation, diagnostic reasoning,
hypercube algorithms, program semantics, naive physics,
natural language semantics
%O 77 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A S. Chakravarty
%T A Note on Random versus Deterministic Testing of
Gate Level Combinational Circuits
%R TR 87-05
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D April 1987
%K deterministic testing, random testing, pseudorandom testing
%O 10 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A S. Chakravarty
%A H.B. Hunt III
%T On the Generalized Probability Problem with Application to
Testing and Reliability Analysis
%R TR 87-06
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D May 1987
%K bridging faults, built-in self-test, detection probability,
multiple faults, random testing, pseudorandom testing, self-checking circuits,
signal detectability, signal maskability, signal probability,
signal reliability, signal unreliability
%O 58 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Mingruey R. Taie
%T Representation of Device Knowledge for Versatile Fault Diagnosis
%R TR 87-07
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D May 1987
%K device modeling, device representation, diagnostic reasoning,
versatile diagnosis, semantic networks, expert systems,
knowledge-based systems
%O 231 pages
Price: $3.00 USA and Canada, $4.00 Others

%A George L. Sicherman
%T A Model of Probabilistic Inference for Decision-Making under
Risk and Uncertainty
%R TR 87-08
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D June 1987
%K artificial intelligence, diagnostic systems, confidence measures,
probability models
%O 67 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A A. Hanyong Yuhan
%A Stuart C. Shapiro
%T Design of an Incremental Compiler for a Production-System
ATN Machine
%R TR 87-09
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D July 1987
%K re-entrant state module technique, augmented transition network,
ATN compiler, search control
%O 38 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Michael J. Almeida
%T Reasoning About the Temporal Structure of Narratives
%R TR 87-10
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D July 1987
%K narrative now-point, basic narrative-line, artificial intelligence,
temporal knowledge representation, frame adverbials, time adverbials,
non-narrative frame adverbials, semantic networks, temporal logic,
large-scale narratives, natural language parser
%O 184 pages
Price: $2.00 USA and Canada, $3.00 Other

%A Laurence Boxer
%A Russ Miller
%T Parallel Dynamic Computational Geometry
%R TR 87-11
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D August 1987
%K parallel algorithms, systems of moving objects,
nearest (farthest) neighbor, closest (farthest) pair, collision,
convex hull, containment, dynamic problems, steady-state problems,
concurrent read, exclusive write parallel random access machine,
%O 23 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Cheeha Kim
%A A.K. Agrawala
%T Analysis of the Fork-Join Queue
%R TR 87-12
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D September 1987
%K parallelism, synchronization, response time, single server queue,
virtual waiting time, parallel processing systems
%O 18 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Sreejit Chakravarty
%T Testing of Non-Feedback Bridging Faults
%R TR 87-13
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D October 1987
%K built-in self-test, detection probability, random test length,
VLSI testing
%O 24 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Xin He
%T Efficient Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for
4-Coloring Perfect Planar Graphs
%R TR 87-14
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D December 1987
%K planar graphs, perfect graphs, 4-coloring problem,
sequential algorithms, parallel algorithms
%O 33 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Sreejit Chakravarty
%T FTMC: A Fault-Tolerant Multistage Cube Network
%R TR 87-15
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D December 1987
%K generalized cube network, extra stage cube, switch-box failures,
link failures, reconfiguration algorithm, multistage interconnection networks,
redundant links
%O 22 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Jan Rutten
%A Jeffery Zucker
%T A Semantic Approach to Fairness
%R TR 87-16
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D December 1987
%K fairness, semantic domains of metric processes, fair infinite
iteration, alternation of random choice
%O 25 pages
Price: $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A Sreejit Chakravarty
%T Computing Detectability is Harder than Computing
Test Vectors
%R TR 87-17
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D November 1987
%K #P-hard, detectability, NP-hard, random testing, random
test length, test generation
%O 22 pages
Price:  $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other

%A S. Chakravarty
%A S.J. Updhyaya
%T A Unified Approach to Designing Fault-Tolerant
Processor Ensembles
%R TR 87-18
%I Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY), Dept. of Computer Science
%D December 1987
%K binary tree, fault-tolerant architectures, hypercube,
mesh, parallel architectures, processor ensembles, pyramids,
reconfigurable architectures, X-tree
%O 32 pages
Price:  $1.00 USA and Canada, $1.50 Other