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Subject:  AI-Related Dissertations

        The following is a list of dissertation titles and
        abstracts related to Artificial Intelligence taken
        taken from the Dissertation Abstracts International
        (DAI) database.  The list is assembled by Susanne
        Humphrey and myself and is published in the SIGART
        Newsletter (that list doesn't include the abstracts).
        The dissertation titles and abstracts contained here
        are published with the permission of University Microfilms
        International, publishers of the DAI database.  University
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From SIGART Newsletter, No. 101
File 1 of 3

Business Admin through Comput Sci

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00409.
IN New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration
   Ph.D. 1986, 228 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3473.
DE Business Administration, General.  Information Science.
AB     This study involves exploratory research to develop more
   effective approaches to designing man-machine interfaces.  A key
   objective is to improve DSS development methodologies to allow
   incorporation of expert system (ES) and artificial intelligence (AI)
   techniques.  We identify the following problems in using AI
   techniques for DSS development: (1) selection of the software
   component types (a database model, management science model, or
   knowledge representation and inferencing scheme) that best fit the
   tasks to be performed and are appropriate for the users; (2)
   acquisition of the appropriate predefined software components or
   construction of new ones; (3) combination of the heterogeneous
   components into a useful system.
       An Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) has been proposed
   to solve the above problems.  A rough architecture for an IDSS has
   been developed that supports the business problem-solving
   environment by employing a useful subset of knowledge representation
   and inference techniques.  A prototype system for portfolio
   management decision making has been implemented in Prolog to
   illustrate and validate the approach.  The research makes several
   practical contributions in the area of DSS analysis and design.
   Among them are: (1) a new ES development strategy for business
   problem-solving environments; (2) the architecture for the IDSS
   which recognizes the need for multiple knowledge representation
   schemes; (3) the knowledge engineering techniques which can be used
   as guidelines for other ES developers.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03235.
IN University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1986, 223 pages.
SO DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3803.
DE Business Administration, General.
AB     Model management systems (MMS) are the most important but least
   researched component of decision support systems.  Recently,
   research in MMS design has increased dramatically because
   significant progress in artificial intelligence, especially in the
   areas of knowledge representation, heuristics, and automatic
   reasoning, and experience gained from developing knowledge-based
   systems or expert systems, have provided a very good basis for
   developing MMSs.  Successful development of an MMS has now become a
   promising and challenging research topic for researchers in
   information system areas.
       Because of the similarity between a data base and a model base,
   many previous researchers have focused on applying existing data
   models, such as the relational model, to the development of model
   management systems.  However, in addition to the functions similar
   to data base management systems, such as model storage, retrieval,
   execution, and maintenance, a knowledge-based management system
   needs the following two capabilities: (1) Model Integration.  A
   mechanism for integrating existing models so that the model in the
   model base is not only a stand-alone model but also a module for
   creating ad hoc models.  (2) Model Selection.  a mechanism that
   facilitates the process of model selection.
       This dissertation focuses on applying artificial intelligence
   techniques, especially the automated reasoning capabilities for
   model integration and selection.  It first proposes a conceptual
   framework for MMS design which integrates four different
   considerations: three user's roles, three levels of models, three
   views of a model base, and two roles of model management systems.
      Secondly, a graph-based approach to model management is developed.
   The approach formulates the modeling process as a process for the
   creation of a directed network graph, which represents all candidate
   models for solving a problem, and the selection of a path on the
   network.  Mechanisms and strategies for formulating a model graph
   are discussed.
       Finally, two prototypes, TIMMS (The Integrated Model Management
   System) and MODELCAL are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of
   the framework developed in this research.  TIMMS is implemented in
   PROLOG and MODELCAL is developed in TURBO PASCAL.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29661.
IN Harvard University D.B.A. 1986, 448 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3473.
DE Business Administration, General.
AB     The objective of this thesis is to generate knowledge about the
   effects of ESs on the organizations which use them.  Three field
   sites with expert systems in active use are examined, and the
   implications for management are drawn from the empirical
       This thesis uses a comparative, three-site, pre-post exploratory
   design to describe and compare the effects of ES use on three
   organizations: The Financial Collaborative (using the PlanPower
   system), Digital (XCON) and Baroid (MUDMAN).  The study is guided by
   the notions of organizational programs as defined by March and
   Simon, and the information-processing capacity of the firm, as
   defined by Galbraith, to organize, describe, and compare the effects
   of ES use across the sites.  Eleven exploratory hypotheses act as a
   basis for theory-building and further hypothesis generation.
       ESs address ill-structured problems.  Ill-structured problems
   are those problems for which the solution methods and criteria are
   either ill-defined or non-existent.  In investigating three
   large-scale ESs in use, this researcher discovered that these
   systems seem to create a phenomenon referred to as "progressive
   structuring." This process alters the nature of the underlying task
   and the organizational mechanisms which support it.  This phenomenon
   is dynamic and evolves over time.
       All the ESs seemed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency
   of the user firm.  The price of the benefits was an increased
   rigidity in the task.  In considering ESs a manager should be
   concerned not only with the ES itself, but with the process by which
   the ES is adapted, and the overall process of creating and using the
   ES.  In addition, the manager needs to consider the effects of the
   ES on the uncertainty associated with the task and should
   consciously manage that uncertainty to foster the level of
   adaptation necessary to keep the ES alive and viable in the

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01132.
IN University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 260 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3846.
DE Computer Science.
AB     The difficulties of learning in multilayered networks of
   computational units has limited the use of connectionist systems in
   complex domains.  This dissertation elucidates the issues of
   learning in a network's hidden units, and reviews methods for
   addressing these issues that have been developed through the years.
   Issues of learning in hidden units are shown to be analogous to
   learning issues for multilayer systems employing symbolic
       Comparisons of a number of algorithms for learning in hidden
   units are made by applying them in a consistent manner to several
   tasks.  Recently developed algorithms, including Rumelhart, et
   al.'s, error back-propagation algorithm and Barto, et al.'s,
   reinforcement-learning algorithms, learn the solutions to the tasks
   much more successfully than methods of the past.  A novel algorithm
   is examined that combines aspects of reinforcement learning and a
   data-directed search for useful weights, and is shown to out perform
   reinforcement-learning algorithms.
       A connectionist framework for the learning of strategies is
   described which combines the error back-propagation algorithm for
   learning in hidden units with Sutton's AHC algorithm to learn
   evaluation functions and with a reinforcement-learning algorithm to
   learn search heuristics.  The generality of this hybrid system is
   demonstrated through successful applications to a numerical,
   pole-balancing task and to the Tower of Hanoi puzzle.  Features
   developed by the hidden units in solving these tasks are analyzed.
   Comparisons with other approaches to each task are made.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29669.
IN City University of New York Ph.D. 1986, 184 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3846.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Development and design of data models plays an important role in
   the mechanization of solution of problems.  In this dissertation, we
   discuss mechanization of the design of data models.
       We focus our attention to the micro-world of combinatorial
   problems, their solutions, and the data models for the solutions.
   We show how a model can be constructed for the micro-world.  We
   discuss how a machine can learn to construct such a model when it is
   provided with a rudimentary data model consisting of rules and
   definitions of a problem.
       For this purpose, we interpret the states of the problem and the
   actions that connect the states, as place-nodes and transition-nodes
   respectively, of a Petri net: a bipartite directed multi-graph.  The
   petri net is thought to represent the dynamics of the problem.  A
   compatible data model based on the Petri net is constructed which
   supports and drives the Petri net.  This enables the machine to
   solve the combinatorial problem at hand proving the effectiveness of
   the data model.
       We use a heirarchical learning process to enable the machine to
   construct the Petri net and the corresponding data model.  This
   evolutionary approach to data model design is viewed as
   mechanization of design of such models.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02684.
IN The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986, 328 pages.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4216.
DE Computer Science.
AB     One interesting issue in artificial intelligence (AI) currently
   is the relative merits of, and relationship between, the "symbolic"
   and "connectionist" approaches to intelligent systems building.  The
   performance of more traditional symbolic systems has been striking,
   but getting these systems to learn truly new symbols has proven
   difficult.  Recently, some researchers have begun to explore a
   distinctly different type of representation, similar in some
   respects to the nerve nets of several decades past.  In these
   massively parallel, connectionist models, symbols arise implicitly,
   through the interactions of many simple and sub-symbolic elements.
   One of the advantages of using such simple elements as building
   blocks is that several learning algorithms work quite well.  The
   range of application for connectionist models has remained limited,
   however, and it has been difficult to bridge the gap between this
   work and standard AI.
       The AIR system represents a connectionist approach to the
   problem of free-text information retrieval (IR).  Not only is this
   an increasingly important type of data, but it provides an excellent
   demonstration of the advantages of connectionist mechanisms,
   particularly adaptive mechanisms.  AIR's goal is to build an
   indexing structure that will retrieve documents that are likely to
   be found relevant.  Over time, by using users' browsing patterns as
   an indication of approval, AIR comes to learn what the keywords
   (symbols) mean so as use them to retrieve appropriate documents.
   AIR thus attempts to bridge the gap between connectionist learning
   techniques and symbolic knowledge representations.
       The work described was done in two phases.  The first phase
   concentrated on mapping the IR task into a connectionist network; it
   is shown that IR is very amenable to this representation.  The
   second, more central phase of the research has shown that this
   network can also adapt.  AIR translates the browsing behaviors of
   its users into a feedback signal used by a Hebbian-like local
   learning rule to change the weights on some links.  Experience with
   a series of alternative learning rules are reported, and the results
   of experiments using human subjects to evaluate the results of AIR's
   learning are presented.

AN This item is not available from University Microfilms International
IN The University of Western Ontario (Canada) Ph.D. 1986.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4217.
DE Computer Science.
AB     An obstacle to practical logic programming systems with equality
   is infinite computation.  In the dissertation we study three
   strategies for eliminating infinite searches in Horn clause logic
   programming systems and develop an extension of Prolog that has the
   symmetry, transitivity and predicate substitutivity of equality
   built-in.  The three strategies are: (1) Replacing logic programs
   with infinite search trees by equivalent logic programs with finite
   search trees; (2) Building into the inference machine the axioms
   that cause infinite search trees; (3) Detecting and failing searches
   of infinite branches.
       The dissertation consists of two parts.  General theories of the
   three strategies identified above are developed in Part I. In Part
   II we apply these strategies to the problem of eliminating infinite
   loops in logic programming with equality.
       Part I. General Theories.  We introduce the notion of
   CAS-equivalent logic programs: logic programs with identical correct
   answer substitutions.  Fixpoint criteria for equivalent logic
   programs are suggested and their correctness is established.
   Semantic reduction is introduced as a means of establishing the
   soundness and completeness of extensions of SLD-resolution.  The
   possibility of avoiding infinite searches by detecting infinite
   branches is explored.  A class of SLD-derivations called repetitive
   SLD-derivation is distinguished.  Many infinite derivations are
   instances of repetitive SLD-derivations.  It is demonstrated that
   pruning repetitive SLD-derivations from SLD-trees does not cause
       Part II.  Extended Unification for Equality.  An extension of
   SLD-resolution called SLDEU-resolution is presented.  The symmetry,
   transitivity and predicate substitutivity of equality are built into
   SLDEU-resolution by extended unification.  Extended unification, if
   unrestricted, also introduces infinite loops.  We can eliminate some
   of these infinite loops by restricting SLDEU-resolution to
   non-repetitive right recursive SLDEU-resolution; this forbids
   extended unification of the first terms in equality subgoals and has
   a built-in mechanism for detecting repetitive derivations.  The
   soundness and completeness of non-repetitive right recursive
   SLDEU-resolution are proved.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01100.
IN The University of Texas at Arlington Ph.D. 1986, 117 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3847.
DE Computer Science.
AB     The absence of a common and consistently applied terminology in
   discussions of knowledge representation techniques and the lack of a
   unifying theory or approach are identified as significant needs in
   the area of knowledge representation.  Knowledge representation
   viewed as a collection of levels is presented as an alternative to
   traditional definitions.  The levels and their associated primitives
   are discussed.  The concept of levels within each knowledge
   representation technique provides resolution to many of the
   controversies and disagreements that have existed among researchers
   concerning the equivalency of representation methodologies.
       A statement of the equivalence of a certain class of frame
   knowledge representation and a certain class of logic based
   knowledge representation is presented.  Definitions of the classes
   are included.  Algorithms to convert from each class to the other
   are given as evidence of their equivalence.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03200.
IN University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1986, 235 pages.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4219.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This thesis develops a theory and methodology for integrating
   observations from multiple disparate sensor sources.  An
   architecture for a multi-sensor robot system is proposed, based on
   the idea of a coordinator guiding a group of expert sensor agents,
   communicating through a blackboard facility.  As description of the
   robot environment is developed in terms of a topological network of
   uncertain geometric features.  Techniques for manipulating,
   transforming and comparing these representations are described,
   providing a mechanism for combining disparate observations.  A
   general model of sensor characteristics is developed that describes
   the dependence of sensor observations on the state of the
   environment, the state of the sensor itself, and other sensor
   observations or decisions.  A constrained Bayesian decision
   procedure is developed to cluster and intergrate sparse, partial,
   uncertain observations from diverse sensor systems.  Using the
   network network topology of the world model, a method is developed
   for updating uncertain geometric descriptions of the environment in
   a manner that maintains a consistent interpretation for observations.
   A team theoretic representation of dynamic sensor operation is used
   to consider competitive, complementary, and cooperative elements of
   multi-sensor coordination and control.  These descriptions are used
   to develop algorithms for the dynamic exchange of information
   between sensor systems and the construction of active sensor
   strategies.  This methodology is implemented on a distributed
   computer system using an active stereo camera and a robot-mounted
   tactile gripper.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02882.
IN Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 187 pages.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4219.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Hitech, the Carnegie-Mellon chess program that recently won the
   ACM computer chess championship and owns a USCF rating of 2352, owes
   its success in large part to an architecture that embraces both move
   generation and position evaluation.  Previous programs have been
   subject to a tradeoff between speed and knowledge: applying more
   chess knowledge to position evaluation necessarily slows the search.
   Recent experience with chess programs such as Belle, Cray Blitz and
   BEBE has shown that a deep search solves many problems that a
   shallow search with deep understanding cannot cope with.  With this
   new architecture, Hitech is able to search both deeply and
       Chapter 2 gives some background and describes previous hardware
   move generators.  This chapter discusses the requirements of the
   move generator in light of the performance of the (alpha)-(beta)
   search.  Chapter 3 presents a new architecture for move generation
   which allows fine-grained parallelism to be applied with very
   effective results.  Although the amount of hardware required is
   substantial, the architecture is eminently suited to VLSI.  This
   chapter also gives the details of the move generator used by Hitech,
   which comprises 64 identical custom VLSI chips.  This move generator
   is able to judge moves much more effectively than previous move
   generators because it knows all the moves available for each side.
   Since the efficiency of the (alpha)-(beta) search depends on the
   order in which moves are examined, this ability of the move
   generator to order moves extremely well results in a very efficient
       Chapter 4 describes the requirements of position evaluation and
   discusses how this architecture can be used to perform evaluation as
   well.  This includes a description of a VLSI implementation that we
   propose for position evaluation.  Chapter 5 describes the other
   Hitech hardware and software.  Chapter 6 presents a performance
   analysis of Hitech as a whole and the move generator in particular.
   Based on these measurements, some ways to improve the move generator
   performance are discussed.  Finally, we draw some conclusions about
   the effect of the architecture presented in this thesis on the
   problem of chess.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01496.
IN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1986, 259
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3848.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This thesis describes a resolution based theorem prover designed
   for users with little or no knowledge of automated theorem proving.
   The prover is intended for high speed solution of small to moderate
   sized problems, usually with no user guidance.  This contrasts with
   many provers designed to use substantial user guidance to solve hard
   or very hard problems, often having huge search spaces.  Such
   provers are often weak when used without user interaction.  Many of
   our methods should be applicable to large systems as well.
       Our prover uses a restricted form of locking resolution,
   together with an additional resolution step.  Pending resolvents are
   ordered using a priority-based search strategy which considers a
   number of factors, including clause complexity measures, derivation
   depth of the pending resolvent, and other features.
       Also described are transformations that convert formulas from
   one to another.  One is a nonstandard clause-form translation which
   often avoids the loss of structure and increase in size resulting
   from the conventional translation, and also takes advantage of
   repeated subexpressions.  Another transformation replaces operators
   in first-order formulas with their first-order definitions, before
   translation to clause form.  This works particularly well with the
   nonstandard clause-form translation.  There is also a translation
   from clauses to other clauses that, when coupled with some prover
   extensions, is useful for theorem proving with equality.  The
   equality method incorporates Knuth-Bendix completion into the proof
   process to help simplify the search.
       Some implementation methods are described.  Data structures that
   allow fast clause storage and lookup, and efficient implementation
   of various deletion methods, are discussed.  A modification of
   discrimination networks is described in detail.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01292.
IN The University of Texas at Arlington Ph.D. 1986, 220 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3849.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Reasoning processes for knowledge-based systems have in the past
   focused on maintaining a current database with a single context and
   a given set of data.  These methods for reason maintenance do not
   suffice in domains in which data is acquired during the solution
   process and in which there is a constraint on time to decision.
       A reasoning process is proposed for these data acquisition
   time-constrained problems that allows multiple contexts and
   contradictions to exist.  This flexibility, in turn, simplifies the
   retraction of data for nonmonotonic inferencing and allows direct
   assessment of goal state progression.
       This reasoning process is designed to function within the
   architecture of a knowledge-based system which itself was developed
   to meet the requirements of data acquisition time-constrained

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00203.
IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 268 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3849.
DE Computer Science.
AB     The term "Logic Programming" refers to a variety of computer
   languages and execution models which are based on the traditional
   concept of Symbolic Logic.  The expressive power of these languages
   offers promise to be of great assistance in facing the programming
   challenges of present and future symbolic processing applications in
   Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based systems, and many other
   areas of computing.  The sequential execution speed of logic
   programs has been greatly improved since the advent of the first
   interpreters.  However, higher inference speeds are still required
   in order to meet the demands of applications such as those
   contemplated for next generation computer systems.  The execution of
   logic programs in parallel is currently considered a promising
   strategy for attaining such inference speeds.  Logic Programming in
   turn appears as a suitable programming paradigm for parallel
   architectures because of the many opportunities for parallel
   execution present in the implementation of logic programs.
       This dissertation presents an efficient parallel execution model
   for logic programs.  The model is described from the source language
   level down to an "Abstract Machine" level, suitable for direct
   implementation on existing parallel systems or for the design of
   special purpose parallel architectures.  Few assumptions are made at
   the source language level and therefore the techniques developed and
   the general Abstract Machine design are applicable to a variety of
   logic (and also functional) languages.  These techniques offer
   efficient solutions to several areas of parallel Logic Programming
   implementation previously considered problematic or a source of
   considerable overhead, such as the detection and handling of
   variable binding conflicts in AND-Parallelism, the specification of
   control and management of the execution tree, the treatment of
   distributed backtracking, and goal scheduling and memory management
   issues etc.
       A parallel Abstract Machine design is offered, specifying data
   areas, operation, and a suitable instruction set.  This design is
   based on extending to a parallel environment the techniques
   introduced by the Warren Abstract Machine, which have already made
   very fast and space efficient sequential systems a reality.
   Therefore, the model herein presented is capable of retaining
   sequential execution speed similar to that of high performance
   sequential systems, while extracting additional gains in speed by
   efficiently implementing parallel execution.  These claims are
   supported by simulations of the Abstract Machine on sample programs.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01190.
IN University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 150 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Most computational models of the nervous systems in the past
   have been developed at the level of a single cell or at the level of
   a population of uniform elements.  But neither the absolute temporal
   activity of a single neuron nor some steady state of a population of
   neurons seems to be of utmost importance.  A spatio-temporal pattern
   of activities of neurons and the way they interact through various
   connections appear to matter most in the neuronal computations of
   the vertebrate retina.
       A population of neurons are modelled based on a connectionist
   scheme and on experimental data to provide a spatio-temporal pattern
   of activities for every cell involved in the cone-pathways for a
   patch of frog's retina.  The model has discrete representations for
   both space and time.  The density of each type/subtype of neuron and
   the existence and the size of the connections are based on
   anatomical data.  Individual neurons are modelled as variations of a
   leaky-capacitor model of neurons.  Parameters for each type of model
   neuron are set so that their temporal activities approximate the
   typical intracellular recording for the corresponding neurons given
   the known visual/electrical stimulus patterns.  Connectivity was
   thought the single most important factor for network computation.
   Computer simulation results of the model are compared with
   well-known physiologic data.
       The results show that a network model of coarse individual
   neuronal models based on known structures of the vertebrate retina
   approximates the overall system behavior successfully reproducing
   the observed functions of many of the cell types, thus showing that
   the connectionist approach can be applied successfully to neural
   network modeling and provide an organizing theory of how individual
   neurons interact in a population of neurons.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02078.
IN Case Western Reserve University Ph.D. 1986, 104 pages.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4221.
DE Computer Science.
AB     The causal model approach to expert knowledge representation and
   reasoning, which is based on making the causal domain relationships
   explicit, is a focus of current research in expert systems.
   Currently existing model-based algorithms are, however, limited in
   the complexity of domains to which they can be applied.  Recently, a
   semiquantitative simulation method integrated with a symbolic
   modeling approach based on functional and organizational primitives
   has been described.  It has the ability to handle problems in
   complex domains involving nonlinear relationships between the
   causally related nodes.  Its performance, however, requires the
   availability of the initial states used in the simulation.  The term
   "initial condition" is used here to mean the specification of the
   values of all variables in the model at a given instant in time.
   These values, when then used for simulation, are "initial" in that
   they precede all simulated values.
      This thesis describes a new algorithm, called semi-quantitative
   inverse reasoning, for deriving a complete set of possible current
   state descriptions of an arbitrary complex causal model from partial
   specifications of the current state.  Algorithms of constraint
   propagation by inference and hypothesis, hypothesis generation, and
   hypothesis conformation are developed to support the
   semi-quantitative inverse reasoning technique.
       Therefore in application to the medical domain, this technique
   can derive a complete set of primary diagnoses given medical data
   and an appropriate causal model.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00230.
IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 171 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852.
DE Computer Science.
AB     In this dissertation, we consider the problem of whether the
   branching time or linear time framework is more appropriate for
   reasoning about concurrent programs in light of the criteria of
   expressiveness and complexity.  We pay special attention to the
   problem of temporal reasoning under (various) fairness assumptions.
   In particular, we focus on the following: (1) The Model Checking
   Problem--Given a formula p and a finite structure M, does M define a
   model of p? (2) The Satisfiability Problem--Given a formula p, does
   there exist a structure M which defines a model of p? Algorithms for
   the model checking problem are useful in mechanical verification of
   finite state concurrent systems.  Algorithms for testing
   satisfiability have applications not only to the automation of
   verification of (possibly infinite state) concurrent programs, but
   also in mechanical synthesis of concurrent programs where the
   decision procedure is used to construct a model of the specification
   formula from which a concurrent program is extracted.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-20896.
IN The University of Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. 1986, 200 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Pyramid programs and multicomputers appear to offer a number of
   interesting possibilities for computer visual perception.  This
   thesis takes a pyramidal approach for the analysis of the images of
   cells and outdoor scenes.  Transforms that compute relatively local
   brain-like functions are used to extract and combine features at the
   successive layers in the pyramid.  They are applied in a parallel
   and hierarchical manner to model the living visual systems.
       The use of 'key features' in this thesis is an exploitation of
   the generation and use of 'focus of attention' techniques for visual
   perception in a pyramid vision system.  In contrast to many other
   systems, key features are used as the central threads for the
   control process.  They embed naturally into the pyramid structure,
   organizing bottom-up, top-down and lateral searches and
   transformations into a well-integrated structure of processes.
   Moveover, they are also incorporated into the knowledge
   representation and reasoning techniques proposed for the pyramid
   vision system.
       The term 'evidential reasoning' refers to the reasoning process
   conducted by a system on the basis of uncertain and incomplete data
   and world knowledge.  The Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence is
   adapted for evidential reasoning in a multi-level pyramid vision
   system where images are analyzed and recognized using micro-modular
   production-like transforms.  Treated as a belief function, the form
   of the system's knowledge is compact.  The reasoning mechanism
   extends the use of the belief function and the Dempster Combination
   Rule.  While other approaches leave a gap between the feature space
   and the object space, the present mapping between these two spaces
   makes smooth transitions.  The new knowledge representation
   technique and its reasoning mechanism take advantage of the
   set-theoretic formalism, while still maintaining modularity and
   flexibility.  The comparison between the evidential reasoning
   approach and a simple weight combination method shows that this new
   approach makes better use of the world knowledge, and offers a good
   way to use key features.
       The pyramid vision programs using key features and evidential
   reasoning were used successfully on two biomedical images and four
   outdoor-scene images.  The results indicate that this new approach
   is efficient and effective for the analysis of complex real-world

AN This item is not available from University Microfilms International
IN University of Waterloo (Canada) Ph.D. 1986.
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4221.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This thesis presents a robot vision system which is capable of
   recognizing objects in a 3-D scene and interpreting their spatial
   relation even though some objects in the scene may be partially
   occluded by other objects.  In my system, range data for a
   collection of 3-D objects placed in proximity is acquired by laser
   scanner.  A new algorithm is developed to transform the geometric
   information from the range data into an attributed hypergraph
   representation (AHR).  The AHR is a unique representation of 3-D
   object which is invariant to orientation.  A hypergraph monomorphism
   algorithm is used to compare the AHR of objects in the scene with
   the complete AHR of a set of prototypes in a database.  Through a
   hypergraph monomorphism, it is possible to recognize any view of an
   object and also classify the scanned objects into classes which
   consist of similar shapes.  The system can acquire representation
   for unknown objects.  Several AHR's of the various views of an
   unknown object can be synthesized into a complete AHR of the object
   which can then be included in the model database.  A scene
   interpretation algorithm is developed to locate and recognize
   objects in the scene even though some of them are partially occluded.
   The system is implemented in PASCAL on a VAX11/750 running VMS, and
   the image results are displayed on a Grinnell 270 display device.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01195.
IN University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 255 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3853.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Robot systems are becoming more and more complex, both in terms
   of available degrees of freedom and in terms of sensors.  It is no
   longer possible to continue to regard robots as peripheral devices
   of a computer system, and to program them by adapting
   general-purpose programming languages.  This dissertation analyzes
   the inherent computing characteristics of the robot programming
   domain, and formally constructs an appropriate model of computation.
   The programming of a dextrous robot hand is the example domain for
   the development of the model.
       This model, called RS, is a model of distributed computation:
   The basic mode of computation is the interaction of concurrent
   computing agents.  A schema in RS describes a class of computing
   agents.  Schemas are instantiated to produce computing agents,
   called SIs, which can communicate with each other via input and
   output ports.  A network of SIs can be grouped atomically together
   in an Assemblage, and appears externally identical to a single SI.
   The senory and motor interface to RS is a set of primitive,
   predefined schemas.  These can be grouped arbitrarily with built-in
   knowledge in assemblages to form task-specific object models.  A
   special kind of assemblage called a task-unit is used to structure
   the way robot programs are built.
       The formal semantics of RS is automata theoretic; the semantics
   of an SI is a mathematical object, a Port Automaton.  Communication,
   port connections, and assemblage formation are among the RS concepts
   whose semantics can be expressed formally and precisely.  A temporal
   logic specification and verification method is constructed using the
   automata semantics as a model.  While the automata semantics allows
   the analysis of the model of computation, the temporal logic method
   allows the top-down synthesis of programs in the model.
       A computer implementation of the RS model has been constructed,
   and used in conjunction with a graphic robot simulation, to
   formulate and test dextrous hand control programs.  In general, RS
   facilitates the formulation and verification of versatile robot
   programs, and is an ideal tool with which to introduce AI constructs
   to the robot domain.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04023.
IN Indiana University Ph.D. 1986, 205 pages.
SO DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4584.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Seek-Whence is an inductive learning program that serves as a
   model of a new approach to the programming of "intelligent" systems.
   This approach is characterized by: (1) structural representation of
   concepts; (2) the ability to reformulate concepts into new, related
   concepts; (3) a probabilistic, biologically-inspired approach to
   processing; (4) levels of abstraction in both representation and
       The program's goals are to discover patterns, describe them as
   structural pattern concepts, and reformulate those concepts, when
   appropriate.  The system should model human performance as closely
   as possible, especially in the sense of generating plausible
   descriptions and ignoring implausible ones.  Description development
   should be strongly data-driven.  Small, special-purpose tasks
   working at different levels of abstraction with no overseeing agent
   to impose an ordering eventually guide the system toward a correct
   and concise pattern description.
       The chosen domain is that of non-mathematically-sophisticated
   patterns expressed as sequences of nonnegative integers.  A user
   presents a patterned number sequence to the system, one term at a
   time.  Seek-Whence then either ventures a guess at the pattern,
   quits, or asks for another term.  Should the system guess a pattern
   structure different from the one the user has in mind, the system
   will attempt to reformulate its faulty perception.
       Processing occurs in two stages.  An initial formulation must
   first evolve; this is the work of stage one, culminating in the
   creation of a hypothesis for the sequence pattern.  During stage
   two, the hypothesis is either verified or refuted by new evidence.
   Consistent verification will tend to confirm the hypothesis, and the
   system will present the user with its hypothesis.  An incorrect
   guess or refutation of the hypothesis by new evidence will cause the
   system to reformulate or abandon the hypothesis.
       Reformulation of the hypothesis causes related changes
   throughout the several levels of Seek-Whence structures.  These
   changes can in turn cause the noticing of new perceptions about the
   sequence, creating an important interplay among the processing

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00791.
IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 143 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3853.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Recent research in the algorithmic aspects of robot motion and
   terrain navigation has resulted in a number of interesting variants
   of the shortest path problem.  A problem that arises when planning
   shortest collision-free paths for a robot is the following: Find the
   shortest path from START to GOAL for a point moving in two or three
   dimensions and avoiding a given set of polyhedral obstacles.  In
   this thesis we survey some of the techniques used and some of our
   recent results in shortest path planning.  We introduce a useful
   generalization of the shortest path problem, the "weighted region
   problem".  We describe a polynomial-time algorithm which finds a
   shortest path through "weighted" polygonal regions, that is, which
   minimizes the sum of path lengths multiplied by the respective
   weight factors of the regions through which the path passes.  Our
   algorithm exploits the fact that optimal paths obey Snell's Law of
   Refraction when passing through region boundaries.  We also give an
   O(n('2) log n) algorithm for the special case of the
   three-dimensional shortest path problem in which paths are
   constrained to lie on the surface of a given (possibly non-convex)
   polyhedron.  Both algorithms make use of a new technique of solving
   shortest path problems; we call this technique a "continuous
   Dijkstra algorithm", as it closely resembles the method used by
   Dijkstra to solve simple shortest path problems in a graph.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29095.
IN State University of New York at Buffalo Ph.D. 1986, 234 pages.
SO DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4584.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Abstraction has often been used to permit one to concentrate on
   the relevant attributes of the domain and to disregard the
   irrelevant ones.  This is accompanied by a reduction in the
   complexity of the domain.  Researchers have extensively studied the
   use of abstraction in programming languages to allow programmers to
   develop software that is precise, reliable, readable, and
   maintainable.  In spite of the amount of research that it has been
   subjected to, data abstraction has been largely neglected by
   programmers, when compared with other abstract methodologies used in
   programming.  One problem is that it is not always easy to
   characterize the correct set of operations that defines an abstract
   data type; and, although many definitions have been presented, no
   precise methodology has ever been proposed to hint at the choice of
   those operations.  A second problem is that there is a discrepancy
   between the formalism used to define an abstract specification and
   the architecture of the underlying virtual machine used to implement
   it.  This discrepancy makes it difficult for the programmer to map
   the abstract specification, written at design time, into a concrete
   implementation, written at coding time.  In order to correct these
   problems, a theory of data abstraction is presented, which includes
   a new definition of abstract data type and a methodology to create
   abstract data types.
       Because of their complexity, semantic networks are defined in
   terms of a variety of interrelated data types.  The preciseness of
   the abstract data type formalism, and its emphasis on the behavior
   of the data type operations, rather than on the structure of its
   objects, makes the semantics of semantic networks clearer.  In
   addition, the design, development, and maintenance of a semantic
   network processing system requires an appropriate software
   engineering environment.  The methodology of data abstraction, with
   its philosophy of modularity and independence of representations,
   provides this kind of environment.  On the other hand, the
   definition of a semantic network as an abstract data type and its
   implementation using the methodology of data abstraction provide
   insights on the development of a new theory of abstract data types
   and the opportunity for testing and refining that theory.  (Abstract
   shortened with permission of author.).

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05476.
IN Colorado State University Ph.D. 1986, 174 pages.
SO DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4585.
DE Computer Science.
AB     For large expert systems it is well known that better methods
   for acquiring expert decision-making knowledge are needed to speed
   up the development cycle.  For this reason, there has been
   significant interest shown in the possibilities of using an
   inductive learning approach to ease this knowledge acquisition
   bottleneck.  Although quite successful in their ability to generate
   correct and efficient rules, the initial attempts at inductive
   learning systems have failed to take into consideration a very
   important aspect of expert systems, that being the ability to accept
   and reason with uncertain knowledge.  This is known as the inexact
   reasoning problem.
       This thesis describes an approach to inexact reasoning which is
   designed for an expert system environment which allows inductive
   learning as one method of knowledge acquisition.  The system
   presented in this thesis is KNET, a generalized expert system shell
   which provides full support for both knowledge acquisition and
   consultation.  It allows knowledge to be expressed in two forms,
   either as a set of examples or as a decision network.
   Transformations are allowed from one form to another.  Previously
   existing methods of inexact reasoning have not directly dealt with
   these forms of knowledge representation.
       Three phases of the inexact reasoning problem are addressed:
   obtaining probabilistic knowledge during the creation of the
   knowledge base; using and preserving this knowledge during
   transformations from one form of knowledge to another; and reasoning
   with the inexact knowledge during the consultation.  A general
   approach for dealing with inexact knowledge in each of these phases
   is presented.  In addition to presenting this general approach to
   inexact reasoning, special consideration is given to the problem of
   representing uncertainty during the consultation.  Emphasis is
   placed on insuring that the degree of uncertainty reflected by the
   user's answers is also clearly reflected in the certainty assigned
   to each of the possible conclusions presented by the system.
   Several possible techniques for accomplishing this task are explored.
   These are presented as two different models for reasoning with

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00810.
IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 259 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3854.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This dissertation explores the premise that a formalized
   representation of empirical studies can play a central role in
   computer-based decision support.  The specific motivations
   underlying this research include the following propositions: (1)
   Reasoning from experimental evidence contained in the clinical
   literature is central to the decisions physicians make in patient
   care.  Previous researchers in medical artificial intelligence,
   concentrating on issues such as causal modeling, have not adequately
   addressed the role of experimental evidence in medical reasoning.
   (2) A computational model, based upon a declarative representation
   for published reports of clinical studies, can drive a computer
   program that selectively tailors knowledge of the clinical
   literature as it is applied to a particular case.  (3) The
   development of such a computational model is an important first step
   toward filling a void in computer-based decision support systems.
   Furthermore, the model may help us better understand the general
   principles of reasoning from experimental evidence both in medicine
   and other domains.
       Roundsman is a developmental computer system which draws upon
   structured representations of the clinical literature in order to
   critique plans for the management of primary breast cancer.  A
   distance metric has been developed to help assess the relevance of a
   published study to a particular clinical decision.  A general model
   of choice and explanation in medical management has also been
   adapted for application to this task domain.  Roundsman is able to
   produce patient-specific analyses of breast cancer management
   options based on the 24 clinical studies currently encoded in its
   knowledge base.
       Medicine will repeatedly present problem domains for which there
   are no reliable causal models, and in which reasoning from
   experimental evidence may be pivotal to problem-solving.  The
   Roundsman system is a first step in exploring how the computer can
   help to bring a critical analysis of the relevant literature to the
   physician, structured around a particular patient and treatment

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05480.
IN Colorado State University Ph.D. 1986, 238 pages.
SO DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4586.
DE Computer Science.
AB     The increased emphasis on fifth-generation computers has
   prompted much attention on the study of artificial intelligence and
   the sub-field of expert systems.  Expert systems are computer
   programs which solve expert problems using expert knowledge.  The
   primary emphasis of these programs is human knowledge representation
   of problems that humans solve.  One of the areas where expert
   systems have been used is in education.  The linking of expert
   systems and traditional Computer Aided Instruction is known as
   Intelligent Computer Aided Instruction.  The purpose of this study
   is to demonstrate the feasibility of an expert system applied to
   undergraduate instruction.
       An expert system was developed to model the problem solving
   knowledge of Dr.  J. L. Meriam from his text Engineering Mechanics
   Volume I, Statics.  The rules and heuristics for solving
   two-dimensional truss problems were then implemented in the MRS
   language.  The expert system was then validated by solving problems
   from the text in the same manner as Meriam.  Linked to the expert
   system were three learning style modules.  The learning styles
   modeled in this study were drill-and-practice, learning-by-example,
   and a new style called buddy-study.  The buddy-state learning style
   represents an implementation of the Whimbley-pairs technique for
   computer based learning.  The learning system comprising the expert
   system, learning style modules, and associated support programs were
   then tested for correctness and completeness.
       The results of the expert system validation demonstrated a
   system capable of solving problems within the domain as Meriam did.
   The learning style module testing showed procedures commensurate
   with accepted classroom uses of the styles.  The buddy-study method
   demonstrated a computer learning strategy which places the expert
   system and the student user as colleagues in a problem solving
   environment. The results of the testing indicate the feasibility of
   such a system for inclusion in undergraduate statics courses.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-25748.
IN University of Maryland Ph.D. 1985, 151 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3857.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This dissertation presents new approaches to the design and
   analysis of parallel adaptive algorithms for multiple instruction
   stream multiple data stream (MIMD) machines.
       A composite decision process (cdp) is a model for many problems
   from the field of artificial intelligence.  The mathematical
   structure modeled by a cdp includes both the algebraic structure of
   the domain set of the problem and the functional structure of the
       A dynamic algorithm is a parallel algorithm with its control
   structure consisting of (1) an adaptive task structure, and (2)
   eager computation enabling mechanism.  The eager computation is an
   enabling mechanism of parallel computations governed by processor
       In the algorithm analysis, we also focus on the utility of
   computing power in the designed algorithm and the utility of the
   accumulated information in reducing the cost of search effort.  The
   relation of these two aspects to the speed-up ratio is investigated.
   We call the analysis a dynamic analysis because it focuses on these
   major dynamic features of the parallel processes.  A survey of the
   literature shows that very little previous work is available along
   these lines.
       The quantitative analysis presented in this dissertation
   confirms that in parallel adaptive search, to increase parallelism
   we must accept dynamic task assignment, and must have dynamic
   modification of global tasks in order to make best use of
   accumulated information.
       The key contributions of this dissertation to the state of the
   art of parallel search in A.I.  are: (1) A new approach to the use
   of accumulated information in parallel search, whereby information
   accumulated during the execution of processes is used to change the
   specification of tasks which are remaining or unfinished.  (2) A new
   approach to dynamic parallel algorithm design, which combines the
   use of accumulated (task related) information with eager
   computation, so that information developed during search may be
   employed to achieve maximum possible parallelism in a given
   environment.  (3) A new and precise measure for speed-up obtained by
   a parallel algorithm.  (4) A new approach to the comparative
   analysis of parallel algorithms.  (Abstract shortened with
   permission of author.)

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01639.
IN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1986, 171
SO DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4224.
DE Computer Science.
AB     Perceptual grouping is an important mechanism of early visual
   processing.  This thesis presents a computational approach to
   perceptual grouping in dot patterns.  Detection of perceptual
   organization is done in two steps.  The first step, called the
   lowest level grouping, extracts the perceptual segments of dots that
   group together because of their relative locations.  The grouping is
   accomplished by interpreting dots as belonging to interior or border
   of a perceptual segment, or being along a perceived curve, or being
   isolated.  The Voronoi neighborhood of a dot is used to represent
   its local geometric environment.  The grouping is seeded by
   assigning to dots their locally evident perceptual roles and
   iteratively modifying the initial estimates to enforce global
   Gestalt constraints.  This is done through independent modules that
   possess narrow expertise for recognition of typical interior dots,
   border dots, curve dots and isolated dots, from the properties of
   the Voronoi neighborhoods.  The results of the modules are allowed
   to influence and change each other so as to result in perceptual
   components that satisfy global, Gestalt criteria such as border or
   curve smoothness and component compactness.  Thus, an integration is
   performed of multiple constraints, active at different perceptual
   levels and having different scopes in the dot pattern, to infer the
   lowest level perceptual structure.  The result of the lowest level
   grouping phase is the partitioning of a dot pattern into different
   perceptual segments or tokens.
       The second step further groups the lowest level tokens to
   identify any hierarchical structure present.  The grouping among
   tokens is done based on a variety of constraints including their
   proximity, orientations, sizes, and terminations, integrated so as
   to mimic the perceptual roles of these criteria.  This results in a
   new set of larger tokens.  The hierarchical grouping process repeats
   until no new groupings are formed.  The final result of the
   implementation described here is a hierarchical representation of
   the perceptual structure in a dot pattern.  Our representation of
   perceptual structure allows for "focus of attention" through the
   presence of multiple levels, and for "rivalry" of groupings at a
   given level through the probabilistic interpretation of groupings

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01283.
IN Syracuse University Ph.D. 1986, 383 pages.
SO DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3858.
DE Computer Science.
AB     In many interactive systems which provide information, such as
   HELP systems, the form and content of the information presented
   always seems to satisfy some people and frustrate others.  Human
   Factors textbooks and manuals for interactive systems focus on the
   need for consistency and adherence to some standard.  This
   implicitly assumes that if the optimum format and level of detail
   could be found for presenting information to a user, interactive
   systems would only need to adhere to the standard to be optimum for
   everyone.  This approach neglects one of the most important factors
   of all--differences in people.  If these individualizing differences
   in people could be identified, a system could be designed with
   options built into it to accommodate different users.  The role of
   the intelligent active system should be more like that of a human
   expert or consultant, who answers questions by first interpreting
   them in terms of the user's knowledge and the context of his
   activities and then recommending actions which may be otherwise
   unknown to the user.
       The HELP system developed in this study is an Expert System
   written in PROLOG which uses logic programming rules to
   intelligently provide needed information to a terminal user. It
   responds to a request with a full screen display containing
   information determined by the request, the user's cognitive style
   and the user's experience level.  The investigation studies the
   relationship between some cognitive style and experience level
   parameters and individual preferences and efficacy with an
   interactive computer information system.  These factors are measured
   by the ability of an individual user to perform unfamiliar tasks
   using a HELP function as information source.  The format of the
   information provided by the HELP function is varied along three
   dimensions and the content of the information is varied by three
   levels of detail.
       Experiments were performed with the system and experimental
   results are presented which show some trends relating cognitive
   style and individual preferences and performance using the system.
   In addition, it is argued that an Expert System can perform such a
   function effectively.

AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03940.
IN University of California, Irvine Ph.D. 1986, 152 pages.
SO DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4586.
DE Computer Science.
AB     This dissertation presents an expectation-based approach to
   Japanese-to-English translation which deals with grammatical as well
   as ungrammatical sentences and preserves the pragmatic, semantic and
   syntactic information contained in the source text.  The approach is
   demonstrated by the JETR system, which is composed of the
   particle-driven analyzer, the simultaneous generator and the context
   analyzer.  The particle-driven analyzer uses the forward
   expectation-refinement process to handle ungrammatical sentences in
   an elegant and efficient manner without relying on the presence of
   particles and verbs in the source text.  To achieve extensibility
   and flexibility, ideas such as the detachment of control structure
   from the word level, and the combination of top-down and bottom-up
   processing have been incorporated.  The simultaneous generator
   preserves the syntactic style of the source text without carrying
   syntactic information in the internal representation of the text.
   No source-language parse tree needs to be constructed for the
   generator.  The context analyzer is able to provide contextual
   information to the other two components without fully understanding
   the text.  JETR operates without pre-editing and post-editing, and
   without interacting with the user except in special cases involving
   unknown words.