leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (12/29/88)
Subject: AI-Related Dissertations from SIGART No. 102, part 1 of 3 The following is a list of dissertation titles and abstracts related to Artificial Intelligence taken taken from the Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) database. The list is assembled by Susanne Humphrey and myself and is published in the SIGART Newsletter (that list doesn't include the abstracts). The dissertation titles and abstracts contained here are published with the permission of University Microfilms International, publishers of the DAI database. University Microfilms has granted permission for this list to be redistributed electronically and for extracts and hardcopies to be made of it, provided that this notice is included and provided that the list is not sold. Copies of the dissertations may be obtained by addressing your request to: University Microfilms International Dissertation Copies Post Office Box 1764 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 or by telephoning (toll-free) 1-800-521-3042 (except for Michigan, Hawaii, and Alaska). In Canada: 1-800-268-6090. From SIGART Newsletter No. 102 File 1 of 3 Agriculture to Computer Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-08112. AU SCHMOLDT, DANIEL LEE. IN The University of Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. 1987, 232 pages. TI EVALUATION OF AN EXPERT SYSTEM APPROACH TO FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT OF RED PINE (PINUS RESINOSA). SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp314. DE Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife. AB Significant time and effort is required by forest managers to seek, organize, and synthesize information pertinent to making forestry decisions. Managers must also rely on the knowledge and experience of human experts, a resource in short supply, which requires many years to develop, and is concentrated in a few individuals. This research effort suggests expert systems as one, potential solution to the problems of technology transfer and maintaining a consistent and usable form of expertise. Expert systems are computer programs which solve problems that were previously considered only solvable by human expertise. A number of expert system development tools are commercially available for microcomputers; these tools contain an inference engine and the facilities necessary for creation of a knowledge base. Two these tools were applied to the problem of pest diagnosis of Wisconsin red pine (Pinus resinosa). Twenty-eight pests were incorporated into PREDICT (Pinus Resinosa Expert Diagnostic Consultation Tool). Pests were selected on the basis of economic importance, potential confusion with the former, and high visual impact. Insects, diseases, mammals, and abiotic conditions were included. A methodology was developed for transforming current literature knowledge and the private knowledge of human experts into decision rules. Factors relevant to pest diagnosis decisions were identified. English-like decision rules were constructed, and the human experts were asked to review these rules. The process of encoding these rules into the format of the two development tools produced a number of interesting comparisons between the capabilities and utility of these tools. A lack of test cases with definitive answers and inconclusive aspects of the adopted diagnosis paradigm influenced the use of a decreasing diagnostic content procedure for suggesting rule revisions. In a blind experiment, two teams of evaluators rated PREDICT's diagnoses and the diagnoses of five other experts, pest specialists and field foresters. Both binary and comprehensive evaluation scores were recorded. PREDICT's scores were found comparable to the pest specialists and superior to the field foresters. These results indicate that performance comparable to human expertise, in this specialized problem area, has been captured by a computer program. Success in this project should encourage other researchers to implement this approach for other forestry tasks. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-12168. AU MARCHANT, GARRY ALLEN. IN The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1987, 184 pages. TI ANALOGICAL REASONING AND ERROR DETECTION. SO DAI V48(02), SecA, pp432. DE Business Administration, Accounting. AB The auditor is required to provide a satisfactory explanation for any exception that might indicate a possible material misstatement of the financial statements. Since errors are relatively infrequent events, even seasoned auditors may have no direct experience with many types of errors. This thesis addresses the question of how the auditor generates a potential explanation and suggests analogical reasoning is an effective means for dealing with these rare events. The first experiment examines the use of analogical reasoning in error detection. The second experiment examines whether two prior analogs are more effective than one prior analog. The transfer paradigm, based on Gick and Holyoak (1982), was used in both experiments. The detected error in the prior analog was the only difference between the two treatment conditions (timing and performance) and was for each condition analogous to only one of the alternative solutions. In the comparison between the timing and control conditions, experts mean probability estimate for the target error increased when a prior analog was available, indicating that experts were using the timing analogy. Novices showed no change across conditions. In the comparison between the performance and control conditions neither experts nor novices showed any change across conditions. In the second experiment, experts showed no change between the one prior analog and two prior analog conditions. Novices, with a high quality schema, showed an increase in the use of the analogy in the two prior analog condition. Experts may have been affected by the frequency of occurrence of the target error. The error contained in the timing condition is a high frequency error and the error contained in the performance and two prior analog condition is a low frequency error. When the target is a high frequency error experts will use the analogy since a high frequency target has a high activation strength. When the target is a low frequency error high frequency alternatives (with a higher activation strength) will interfere with the generation of the target. Expert auditors use of analogy is mediated by the strength of activation of the target error. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-08218. AU BASU, AMIT. IN The University of Rochester Ph.D. 1986, 180 pages. TI IMPRECISE REASONING IN INTELLIGENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. SO DAI v47(12), SecA, pp4439. DE Business Administration, Management. AB In this thesis, a formal methodology to support reasoning with imprecise knowledge in computer based decision support systems is developed. Many important decision problems are highly unstructured, and cannot be solved adequately using preset algorithms. Much of the complexity of such problems lies in the reasoning needed to determine how to solve individual problem instances. Existing decision support systems do not provide much reasoning support, largely due to the difficulty of representing and manipulating the fragmented and imprecise knowledge that is generally available. The methodology developed in this dissertation provides a basis for the design of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) in which heuristic problem solving methods can be used to support reasoning as well as data retrieval and numerical computation. The dissertation consists of three parts. First, a logic based framework for reasoning is developed. The basic constructs of First Order Logic (FOL) are supplemented with constructs and mechanisms for automatic model manipulation, resulting in a powerful framework for IDSS development. Next, the need to distinguish between two different sources of imprecision, namely fuzziness and uncertainty is established, and methods for formally representing and mechanically manipulating fuzzy and/or uncertain knowledge within the logic framework are developed. Finally, the strengths of the imprecise reasoning methodology are demonstrated by implementing a prototype IDSS to support imprecise reasoning and examining the prototype's performance on sample problems. This research shows how IDSS can be developed for unstructured problems even when the available knowledge is imprecise, and also demonstrates the versatility of such a system. For instance, the imprecision measures provide useful bases for comparing alternative solutions, even solutions that are "close misses"; evaluation of solutions is also possible for each subproblem. Information about imprecision can be used not only to interpret solutions, but also to control the problem solving process itself. Furthermore, the generation of useful results is often possible even if some of the available information is highly imprecise, sometimes even if some information is missing. Such features can be very useful in supporting unstructured decision making, yet cannot readily be supported by a system limited to precise reasoning. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05977. AU CHAPMAN, BRUCE LEROY. IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 585 pages. TI KISMET: A KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEM FOR THE SIMULATION OF DISCRETE MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS. SO DAI v47(12), SecA, pp4440. DE Business Administration, Management. AB Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and techniques were used to construct KISMET, a discrete manufacturing simulation system. Because of the high degree of isolation between the system's scheduling knowledge and mechanisms used to apply this knowledge, KISMET allows quick and easy examination, modification, and replacement of all or part of the system's knowledge by people or LISP-based computer programs. KISMET incorporates several novel manufacturing concepts, including a clear, efficient language for the representation of multiple alternative production sequences, and a distributed manufacturing control philosophy that is a superset of current manufacturing philosophies. This dissertation discusses the fundamental AI concepts germane to KISMET; examines the nature and source of scheduling knowledge; explains the theory, structure, and operation of the system; presents simulations of various manufacturing shops; and explores the use of KISMET as the basis of more advanced manufacturing AI systems. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09879. AU ZACARIAS, PRUDENCE TANGCO. IN Purdue University Ph.D. 1986, 148 pages. TI A SCRIPT-BASED KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION FOR INTELLIGENT OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. SO DAI V48(01), SecA, pp174. DE Business Administration, Management. AB Intelligent Office Information Systems integrate problem solving, natural language processing, knowledge representation, information management and other capabilities that are necessary for supporting the various functions of an organization. This research focuses on the problem solving aspect, and attempts to model organizational problem solving behavior, in planning and acting, using script-based knowledge representation techniques. The philosophy of object-oriented programming languages is useful in describing the behavior of the different parts of the organization that coordinate and cooperate in a problem solving situation. Problem solving in office information systems call for facilities for natural language processing for testing the effectivity of the proposed model. Natural language processing is a problem solving activity and theories for representing knowledge in NLP provide the basis for developing a unified theory of representing and using knowledge that is appropriate for intelligent OISs for audit support. The components of the proposed OIS for audit problem solving are based on Discourse Representation Theory, Conceptual Graph Theory, and Scripts. Queries involving direct data retrieval, postcondition and precondition analysis, and deduction are processed in the system. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09482. AU ALOIMONOS, JOHN. IN The University of Rochester Ph.D. 1987, 261 pages. TI COMPUTING INTRINSIC IMAGES. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp183. DE Computer Science. AB Low-level modern computer vision is not domain dependent, but concentrates on problems that correspond to identifiable modules in the human visual system. Several theories have been proposed in the literature for the computation of shape from shading, shape from texture, retinal motion from spatiotemporal derivatives of the image intensity function, and the like. The problems with the existing approach are basically the following: (1) The employed assumptions are very strong (they are not present in a large subset of real images), and so most of the algorithms fail when applied to real images. (2) Usually the constraints from the geometry and the physics of the problem are not enough to guarantee uniqueness of the computed parameters. In this case, strong additional assumptions about the world are used, in order to restrict the space of all solutions to a unique value. (3) Even if no assumptions at all are used and the physical constraints are enough to guarantee uniqueness of the computed parameters, then in most cases the resulting algorithms are not robust, in the sense that if there is a slight error in the input (i.e. small amount of noise in the image), this results in a catastrophic error in the output (computed parameters). It turns out that if several available cues are combined, then the above-mentioned problems disappear; the resulting algorithms compute uniquely and robustly the intrinsic parameters (shape, depth, motion, etc.). In this thesis the problem of machine vision is explored from its basics. A low level mathematical theory is presented for the unique and robust computation of intrinsic parameters. The computational aspect of the theory envisages a cooperative highly parallel implementation, bringing in information from five different sources (shading, texture, motion, contour and stereo), to resolve ambiguities and ensure uniqueness and stability of the intrinsic parameters. The problems of shape from texture, shape from shading and motion, visual motion analysis and shape and motion from contour are analyzed in detail. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-10326. AU CHEN, JENN-NAN. IN Northwestern University Ph.D. 1987, 137 pages. TI VERIFICATION AND TRANSLATION OF DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEM SOFTWARE DESIGN. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp184. DE Computer Science. AB In this dissertation, a methodology for generating a distributed computing system application program for the design specification based on modified Petri nets is presented. There are four major stages in this methodology: (1) to build a structured graphics specification model, (2) to verify abstract data type and detect deadlock of the model, (3) to define communicate among individual processes within the model, and (4) to translate symbolic representation into a program of a specified high-level target language. In this dissertation, Ada is used as the specified high-level target language. The structured graphics promote intelligibility because hierarchical decomposition functional modules is encouraged and the behavior of each process can be easily extracted from the net as a separate view of the system. The formal method described in this dissertation uses symbolic formal representation to represent the design specification of distributed computing systems. This symbolic representation is then translated into an equivalent Ada program structure, especially with the features of concurrency and synchronization. Artificial intelligence techniques are employed to verify and to detect deadlock properties in a distributed computing system environment. In the aspect of verification, the axioms of abstract data types are translated into PROLOG clauses and some inquires are tested to prove correctness of abstract data types. An algorithm for detecting the communication deadlock among tokens, running concurrently, of the Petri Nets in a distributed computing system is presented. Both have been implemented in PROLOG and OPS5 that run on a VAX/VMS system. Some examples are given to illustrate the various concepts presented in each stage of the approach of this dissertation. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-11310. AU CHRISTENSEN, MARGARET H. IN Temple University Ph.D. 1987, 276 pages. TI EXPLANATION GENERATION FROM ALGEBRAIC SPECIFICATION THROUGH HYPERRESOLUTION AND DEMODULATION: AUTOMATED HEURISTIC ASSISTANCE. (Volumes I and II). SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp493. DE Computer Science. AB AHA delivers semantic help to users of interactive systems. It possesses the following six capabilities: (1) It can report the user's current state. (2) It can list all of the commands which are legal in the user's current state. (3) It can explain the meaning of a given command. (4) It can explain how the user got to the current state. (5) It can explain the consequences of the issuance of hypothetical commands from the current state. (6) It can tell the user how to get to a goal state, and if requested, explain why this will do the job. Knowledge about the software is represented through algebraic specification and question answering is handled by a resolution-based theorem prover with demodulation for the treatment of equality. A demonstration version is implemented for a subset of DEC command language. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07050. AU DEBRAY, SAUMYA KANTI. IN State University of New York at Stony Brook Ph.D. 1986, 246 pages. TI GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION OF LOGIC PROGRAMS. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4957. DE Computer Science. AB Logic programming languages have several very attractive features, such as separation of program logic from control, declarative reading of programs, and ease of understanding and maintenance. Despite this, however, the pragmatic problem of efficiency has hampered the widespread acceptance of such languages as general-purpose programming languages, and has led to the proliferation of "impure" language features whose use compromises precisely those properties of these languages that made them attractive in the first place. In this dissertation, we take the view that rather than leave the burden of writing efficient programs to the programmer, and force him to deal with impure language features, it is preferable to have the system perform such optimizations for him. It is argued that the model theory of first order logic, traditionally used to specify the semantics of logic programs, is too weak to allow us to reason about the computational behaviour of programs. A classical denotational semantics is developed for Prolog, and notions of strong and weak program equivalence are defined. A general framework for dataflow analysis of logic programs, based on this semantics, is developed. Several analysis problems considered in the literature, such as mode inference, data dependency analysis, type inference, functor propagation, and dead and unreachable code detection, are shown to be instances of this framework. The property of functionality, related to but more general than that of determinacy, is discussed, and an algorithm given for its inference. Several optimizing transformations of logic programs based on these analyses are discussed. Finally, some experimental results are given, showing the effects of such transformations on the performance of programs. These results support our view that it is possible, in general, to take "pure" logic programs and have an intelligent compiler generate code that is quite efficient, thereby achieving efficiency without having to sacrifice the advantages of purity. AN This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-60031. AU ETHERINGTON, DAVID WILLIAM. IN The University of British Columbia (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. TI REASONING WITH INCOMPLETE INFORMATION: INVESTIGATIONS OF NON-MONOTONIC REASONING. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp185. DE Computer Science. AB Intelligent behaviour relies heavily on the ability to reason in the absence of complete information. Until recently, there has been little work done on developing a formal understanding of how such reasoning can be performed. We focus on two aspects of this problem: default or prototypical reasoning, and closed-world or circumscriptive reasoning. After surveying the work in the field, we concentrate on Reiter's default logic and the various circumscriptive formalisms developed by McCarthy and others. Taking a largely semantic approach, we develop and/or extend model-theoretic semantics for the formalisms in question. These and other tools are then used to chart the capabilities, limitations, and interrelationships of the various approaches. It is argued that the formal systems considered, while interesting in their own rights, have an important role as specification/evaluation tools vis-a-vis explicitly computational approaches. An application of these principles is given in the formalization of inheritance networks in the presence of exceptions, using default logic. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09383. AU FREDERKING, ROBERT ERIC. IN Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 173 pages. TI NATURAL LANGUAGE DIALOGUE IN AN INTEGRATED COMPUTATIONAL MODEL. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp186. DE Computer Science. AB Natural language dialogue is a continuous, unified phenomenon. Speakers use their conversational context to simplify individual utterances through a number of linguistic devices, including ellipsis and definite references. Yet most computational systems for using natural language treat individual utterances as separate entities, and have distinctly separate processes for handling ellipsis, definite references, and other dialogue phenomena. The computational system presented here, Psli3, uses the uniform framework of a production system architecture to carry out natural language understanding and generation in a well-integrated way. This is demonstrated primarily using intersentential ellipsis resolution, in addition to examples of definite reference resolution and interactive error correction. The system's conversational context arises naturally as the result of the persistence of the internal representations of previous utterances in working memory. Natural language input is interpreted within this framework using a modification of the syntactic technique of chart parsing, extended to include semantics, and adapted to the production system architecture. It provides a graceful way of handling ambiguity within this architecture, and allows separate knowledge sources to interact smoothly across different utterances in a highly integrated fashion. The design of this system demonstrates how flexible and natural user interactions can be carried out using a system with a naturally flexible control structure. A processing-based taxonomy for ellipsis resolution that we developed is used to analyze our coverage of intersentential ellipsis. The semantic chart parser is further extended to allow several closely related sentences to be treated in a single chart. This allows the relationship between the sentences to be used in a simple way to select between competing alternative interpretations, and provides a natural means of resolving complex elliptical utterances. We describe this system in detail, and include a number of extensive examples of the system's processing during user interactions. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-08227. AU FRISCH, ALAN MARK. IN The University of Rochester Ph.D. 1986, 127 pages. TI KNOWLEDGE RETRIEVAL AS SPECIALIZED INFERENCE. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4957. DE Computer Science. AB Artificial Intelligence reasoning systems commonly contain a large corpus of declarative knowledge, called a knowledge base (KB), and provide facilities with which the system's components can retrieve this knowledge. This thesis sets out to study the very nature of retrieval. Formal specifications that capture certain informal intuitions about retrieval are developed, studied, and implemented by retrieval algorithms. Consistent with the necessity for fast retrieval is the guiding intuition that a retriever is, at least in simple cases, a pattern matcher, though in more complex cases it may perform selected inferences such as property inheritance. Seemingly at odds with this intuition, this thesis views the entire process of retrieval as a form of inference and hence the KB as a representation, not merely a data structure. A retriever makes a limited attempt to prove that a queried sentence is a logical consequence of the KB. When constrained by the no-chaining restriction, inference becomes indistinguishable from pattern-matching. Imagining the KB divided into quanta, a retriever that respects this restriction cannot combine two quanta in order to derive a third. The techniques of model theory are adapted to build non-procedural specifications of retrievability relations, which determine what sentences are retrievable from the KB's. Model-theoretic specifications are presented for four retrievers, each extending the capabilities of the previous one. Each is accompanied by a rigorous investigation into its properties, and a presentation of an efficient, terminating algorithm that probably meets the specification. The first retriever, which operates on a propositional language, handles only yes/no queries, the second also handles wh-queries, and the third allows quantifiers in the KB and the query. Each is shown to be, in some sense, the strongest retriever that meets the no-chaining restriction. The third retriever forms an excellent basis for integrating a specialized set of inferences that chain in a controllable manner. This is achieved by incorporating taxonomic inference, such as inheritance, to form the fourth retriever, an idealized version of the retriever incorporated in the ARGOT natural language dialogue system. It is characterized by its ability to infer all consequences of its taxonomic knowledge without otherwise chaining. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02889. AU GUPTA, ANOOP. IN Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 264 pages. TI PARALLELISM IN PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4959. DE Computer Science. AB Production system programs, on the surface, appear to be capable of using large amounts of parallelism--it is possible to match each production in a program to the data memory in parallel. The thesis shows that in practice, however, the speed-up obtainable from parallelism is quite limited, around 15-fold as compared to initial expectations of 100-fold to 1000-fold. The main reasons for the limited speed-up from parallelism are: (1) there are only a small number of productions that require significant processing as a result of a change to working memory; and (2) there is a large variation in the processing requirement of these productions. To obtain a large fraction of the limited speed-up that is available, the thesis proposes a parallel version of the Rete match algorithm which exploits parallelism at a very fine grain. It further suggests that a suitable architecture to exploit the fine-grained parallelism is a shared-memory multiprocessor, with 32-64 high performance processors. For scheduling the fine grained tasks (consisting of about 50-100 instructions), a hardware task scheduler is proposed. The thesis presents a large set of simulation results for production systems exploiting different sources of parallelism. The thesis points out the features of existing programs that limit the speed-up obtainable from parallelism and suggests solutions for some of the bottlenecks. The simulation results show that using the suggested multiprocessor architecture (with individual processors performing at 2 MIPS), it is possible to obtain execution speeds of 5000-27000 working memory element changes per second. This corresponds to a speed-up of 5-fold over the best known sequential implementation using a 2 MIPS processor. This performance is also higher than that obtained by other proposed parallel implementations of production systems. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-11810. AU HOFF, WILLIAM ALBERT. IN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1987, 162 pages. TI SURFACES FROM STEREO: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp494. DE Computer Science. AB Stereo vision provides the capability of determining three-dimensional distance of objects from a stereo pair of images. The usual approach is to first identify corresponding features between the two images, then interpolate to obtain a complete distance or depth map. Traditionally, the most difficult problem has been to correctly match the corresponding features. Also, occluding and ridge contours (depth and orientation discontinuities) have not been explicitly detected and this has made surface interpolation difficult. The approach described in this thesis is novel in that it integrates the processes of feature matching, contour detection, and surface interpolation. Integration is necessary to ensure that the detected surface is smooth. The surface interpolation process takes into account the detected occluding and ridge contours in the scene; interpolation is performed within regions enclosed by these contours. Planar and quadratic patches are used as local models of the surface. Occluded regions in the image are identified and are not used for matching and interpolation. The approach described is fairly domain-independent since it uses no constraint other than the assumption of piecewise smoothness. A coarse-to-fine algorithm is presented that requires no human intervention other than an initial rough estimate of depth. The surface estimate obtained at any given level of resolution is used to predict the expected locations of the matches at the next finer level. As the final result, a multiresolution hierarchy of surface maps is generated, one at each level of resolution. Experimental results are given for a variety of stereo images. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07139. AU HOFFMAN, RICHARD LEE. IN Michigan State University Ph.D. 1986, 252 pages. TI OBJECT RECOGNITION FROM RANGE IMAGES. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4959. DE Computer Science. AB The recognition of objects in 3-dimensional space is an essential capability of the ideal computer vision system. Range images directly measure 3D surface coordinates of the visible portion of a scene and are well suited for this task. We report a procedure to identify 3D objects in range images, which makes use of four key processes. The first process segments the range image into "surface patches" by a clustering algorithm using surface points and associated surface normals. The second process classifies these patches as planar, convex, or concave based on a nonparametric statistical test for trend. The third process derives patch boundary information, and the results of this and the second process are used to merge compatible patches to produce reasonable object faces. The fourth process takes the patch and boundary information provided by the earlier stages and derives a representation of the range image. A list of salient features of the various objects in the database forms the core of an object recognition system, which looks for instances of these features in the representation. Occurrences of these salient features are interpreted as evidence for or against the hypothesis that a given object occurs in the scene. A measure of similarity between the set of observed features and the set of salient features for a given object in the database is used to determine the identity of an object in the scene or reject the object(s) in the scene as unknown. This evidence-based object recognition system correctly identified objects in 30 out of 31 range images. Four range images showing objects not included in the object database were rejected, as desired. Recognition degraded only slightly when evidence weights were perturbed. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-10462. AU IBERALL, ALTHEA RUTH. IN University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1987, 214 pages. TI A NEURAL MODEL OF HUMAN PREHENSION. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp495. DE Computer Science. Psychology, Psychobiology. AB Behavioral studies have shown that as the human hand reaches out to grasp an object, it preshapes for the anticipated interaction. As it gets close to the object, it encloses it. In order to evaluate such studies, a model is needed which can be used to analyze grasping behavior characteristics as they relate to object and task properties. We present here a framework for studying human prehensile postures and movements, which is based on architectural features of the hand. While a grasping task will involve many fingers, we note that fingers group together to apply an opposing force against other fingers or against task torques. We call these groupings virtual fingers, and we call the coordinate frame in which they move an opposition space. This space provides a description of the ways virtual fingers can apply oppositions, as well as a method for defining the relevant object/task properties. In order to test this style of analysis, we performed behavioral experiments, and show here how our framework can be used by motor and sensory psychologists as an effective method for analyzing grasping behaviors. To account for the coordination and control of these complex movements, we use schema theory. A perceptual schema must choose where to place the hand relative to the object. We show how such a choice could be performed by a neural network, simulated on a computer here using an Amari-Arbib cooperation/competition model. The preshape schema drives the virtual fingers into general ballpark configurations, and the enclose schema fine tunes the virtual finger configurations until the object is stably grasped. The interactions of these schemas form a coordinated control program. Finally, we look for neural correlates to schemas in cortical areas of the primate central nervous system. We suggest that transcortical loops within levels of the CNS act in a distributed fashion to program different sensorimotor systems at appropriate times during a task. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-12145. AU KASPER, ROBERT T. IN The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1987, 150 pages. TI FEATURE STRUCTURES: A LOGICAL THEORY WITH APPLICATION TO LANGUAGE ANALYSIS. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp495. DE Computer Science. AB Feature structures are used for the representation of linguistic information in several grammar formalisms for natural language processing. These structures are a type of directed graph, in which arcs are labeled by names of features, and nodes correspond to values of features. As a step in constructing a parser for a large Systemic Functional Grammar of English, a general mapping is described from systemic descriptions to the type of feature structures used in Functional Unification Grammar. Experiments carried out with a trial version of the parser revealed that existing methods of unification could not effectively handle descriptions containing a large amount of disjunction. Subtle difficulties were also discovered in defining a precise interpretation for some kinds of disjunctive feature descriptions. In order to clarify the interpretation of feature descriptions, a new sort of logic is developed. The formulas of this logic can be precisely interpreted as descriptions of sets of feature structures. A complete calculus of equivalences is defined for these formulas, providing a sound basis for the simplification of feature descriptions. The consistency problem for formulas of the logic is shown to be NP-complete, with disjunction as the dominant source of complexity. This result indicates that any complete unification algorithm for disjunctive descriptions will probably require exponential time in the worst-case. However, an algorithm has been designed with a much better average performance, by factoring formulas according to laws of equivalence and using a method of successive approximation. This algorithm has been implemented and tested as part of the experimental parser for Systemic Functional Grammar with favorable results. The implementation also extends the PATR-II grammar formalism, by providing an effective way to use disjunction in the statement of a grammar. The methods presented are generally applicable to any computational system which uses feature structures, as well as to the description of large grammars for natural language analysis. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06042. AU KIM, MYUNG WON. IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 168 pages. TI ON AUTOMATICALLY GENERATING AND USING EXAMPLES IN A COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC SYSTEM. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4960. DE Computer Science. AB Examples are an important tool in Artificial Intelligence, especially in automated reasoning and machine learning. Early work has show that examples can be effectively used in automatic theorem proving. This thesis describes research on automatic example generation and applications of examples in a formal domain, namely, the Boyer-Moore theory. A system called EGS has been implemented which automatically generates examples for a constraint stated in the theory. Examples are generated by successively refining a given constraint guided by certain kinds of knowledge. This knowledge includes function definitions, known examples, and equation solving procedures. EGS also rewrites constraint formulas and lemmas into simpler forms. EGS combines the methods of testing known examples and expanding definitions to achieve both efficiency and generality. Experiments have been performed using the EGS system to control backward chaining, one of the critical problem areas in the Boyer-Moore theorem prover. It has been found that irrelevant literals in conjectures, which are often introduced by the induction strategy of the theorem prover, prohibit effective use of examples in pruning unpromising backward chainings. Other potential applications of examples are also discussed. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06048. AU KORNER, KIM M. IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 197 pages. TI AN INTELLIGENT REMOTE FILE SERVER. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4960. DE Computer Science. AB Limitations of current disk block caching strategies are discussed. A new model for providing remote file service using knowledge based caching algorithms is proposed. The knowledge based algorithms generate expectations of user process behavior which are used to provide hints to the file server. Surplus resources of the remote file server permit incorporation of these hints into caching algorithms. The research involves gathering trace data from a modified Unix kernel and trace driven simulation of remote file server models. Comparisons are made between conventional, knowledge based and optimal models. Further applications of knowledge based strategies in operating systems are discussed. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-10092. AU KUMAR, GANAPATHY SWAMINATHA. IN Case Western Reserve University Ph.D. 1987, 201 pages. TI A PREDICTIVE MONITORING ARCHITECTURE FOR EXPERT SYSTEMS. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp187. DE Computer Science. AB This thesis proposes an architecture for expert systems that is based on a predictive monitoring control strategy. It has proved effective in a manufacturing control task. The problem solving activity can be described as iterative cycles of "Diagnose-Prescribe-Monitor" or "Design-Analyze-Monitor" steps. The architecture employs multiple models of the domain, each model reflecting different aspects of problem solving activity of the expert system. The performance of these models is monitored to recognize situations where the knowledge base has failed to produce the correct answer. These failures are used as a guide to improve performance in the next cycle. Different models, views of knowledge, are specialized for different types of problem solving tasks. Thus multiple models are needed to represent knowledge in expert systems in a perspicuous manner. The use of multiple models provides for the integration of expert systems technology to conventional numerical software systems. This integration is important for solving complex problems, where a variety of techniques need to be brought to bear on the problem to be solved. The heuristic knowledge in any expert system is essentially incomplete, with many implicit conditions for the application of such knowledge. In order for expert systems to be used with confidence, performance monitoring capabilities are needed. Adaptive mechanisms, such as proposed in this thesis, enable an expert system to gracefully degrade its performance, as problem instances arise that the knowledge base is not designed to handle. We have implemented an expert system employing the above architecture to control the wax injection process. This process produces wax patterns to be used in the production of mono-crystal components for high performance parts. Fuzzy Logic formalism is used to deal with imprecision and uncertainty in the knowledge base. The solution is developed iteratively, improving the pattern in successive iterations. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-12163. AU LILLY, PATRICE MARIE. IN The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1987, 207 pages. TI AUTOMATIC CONTOUR DEFINITION ON LEFT VENTRICULOGRAMS BY IMAGE EVIDENCE AND A MULTIPLE TEMPLATE-BASED MODEL. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp496. DE Computer Science. Engineering, Biomedical. AB Extraction of the left ventricular silhouette from angiographic images of the left ventricle of the heart is a required step in the use of contour information for the evaluation of left ventricular function. Since left ventricular function is the most significant indicator of overall cardiac function, assessment of the former is crucial to diagnostic cardiovascular evaluation. Typically, the left ventricular contour is extracted by a tedious and time consuming process of manual tracing. This thesis presents an automatic technique for computer generation of left ventricular contours from digital angiographic images. The image processing techniques are applicable to the detection of objects in images other than the left ventriculogram. The research presented is based on the hypothesis that it is possible to derive left ventricular contours automatically and that the results of such automation are not prone to the human subjectivity and variability of manually defined contours. A new endocardial edge detection method for digital subtraction ventriculography has been developed for volume determination and wall motion studies. The procedure involves the extraction and processing of chords of colinear sets of pixels in order to locate gradient-based edge points and threshold-based border points which represent the ventricular edge. The method not only provides data reduction, but it also effectively permits the search for gradients perpendicular to edge crossings. A small set of candidate border points are determined for each chord, threshold algorithms are invoked, and various path cost functions, reflecting expectations about the left ventricular contour, are applied in order to locate the best border candidates. Border candidate points are used as input to a voting mechanism which seeks points of agreement between knowledge-based cost functions. A powerful model-based template correction procedure is invoked which permits border definition in regions of insufficient image evidence. Thus major concepts include the notions of image data reduction based on knowledge of the object to be recognized; edge detection and thresholding, also based on a priori knowledge of the image domain; dramatic reduction of the edge candidate space; combined use of a variety of path cost functions based on knowledge about object shape; template-based recognition and correction of possible versus impossible object shape. The algorithm was tested by application to three test sets of 25 images each. Test sets 1 and 2 were used as training sets for creation of the model for contour correction. Model-based correction produced dramatic reduction of error in the final contours. Future work based on the developed algorithms is discussed. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-11369. AU LU, CHENGZHAO. IN Temple University Ph.D. 1987, 213 pages. TI AND/OR: A SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURING PROCESS CONTROL AND SIMULATION. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp496. DE Computer Science. AB The AND/OR System can control or simulate the shop floor activities of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs). It applies Artificial Intelligence techniques to manufacturing automation. An AND/OR system consists of three major modules: AND/OR Programs, in the form of AND/OR networks; a Manufacturing Configuration Model (MCM), in the form of a data base; and an rule-based AND/OR Monitor. With this decomposition, the FMS software can be developed by people that need use only knowledge from their own domain of expertise. Within the MCM, the FMS devices are modeled in terms of the operations they can carry out, of their relationships and attributes. The AND/OR programs are defined in terms of device independent operations. The AND/OR monitor is able to dispatch and route processes dynamically: it fully utilizes the flexibility afforded by the FMS layout. Active Procedures (AP) are introduced to represent all the parts that can be moved within the FMS and the manufacturing activities that they undergo. Activities that can be carried out concurrently are represented by APs that can execute concurrently. A semantic driven method based on the states of the APs is used to resolve conflicts in requests for resources. The same AND/OR programs can be used either for real-time process control or for simulation. The AND/OR system can be used to evaluate job schedules in an environment exactly like the one encountered in real time operation. A prototype AND/OR System has been implemented. The implementation uses expert system techniques and the entire system is coded in LISP. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-11830. AU LUBARS, MITCHELL DOUGLAS. IN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1987, 210 pages. TI A KNOWLEDGE-BASED DESIGN AID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOFTWARE SYSTEMS. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp497. DE Computer Science. AB This thesis addresses the use of knowledge-based techniques in providing high level support for software design activities. A knowledge-based refinement paradigm of software development is introduced that alleviates some of the problems of the traditional software life cycle. A design system, IDeA, is presented as a prototypical environment that supports this paradigm. Within IDeA, design knowledge is encoded in schematic forms that abstract out the common design features across related application domains. These design schemas represent design families and provide significant potential for design reuse, since they can be customized and refined to satisfy a particular user's design requirements. This is accomplished through the application of specialization and refinement rules that are associated with the schemas. Design schemas also represent shared constraints and design decisions. This schema representation is based on a notion of polymorphic data typing with multiple constraints. IDeA supplements the knowledge-based techniques with a schema selection strategy that facilitates user selection of design fragments. In addition, constraint propagation and planning techniques provide support for intelligent design activities. These techniques are integrated with other support aspects, such as clerical, organizational, and analysis support, to present IDeA as a complete environment for software design. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-10209. AU MIRANKER, DANIEL PAUL. IN Columbia University Ph.D. 1987, 191 pages. TI TREAT: A NEW AND EFFICIENT MATCH ALGORITHM FOR AI PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp188. DE Computer Science. AB Due to the dramatic increase in computing power and the concomitant decrease in computing cost that has occurred over the last decade, many researchers are attempting to design computing systems to solve complicated problems or execute tasks that have in the past been performed by human experts. The focus of Knowledge Engineering is the construction of such complex "expert system" programs. This thesis will describe the architecture and the software systems embodying the DADO machine, a parallel tree-structured computer designed to provide significant performance improvements over serial computers of comparable hardware complexity in the execution of large expert systems implemented in production system form. The central contribution of this thesis is a new match algorithm for executing production systems, TREAT, that will be presented and comparatively analyzed with the RETE match algorithm. TREAT, originally designed specifically for the DADO machine architecture can handle efficiently both temporally redundant and nontemporally redundant production system programs. Although the development of the algorithm was motivated by the inadequacies of the parallel versions of existing production system algorithms, it is shown that the TREAT algorithm performs better than the best known sequential algorithm, the RETE match, even on a sequential machine. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07450. AU MURRAY, KAREN JEAN BURNS. IN Texas A&M University Ph.D. 1986, 151 pages. TI KNOWLEDGE-BASED MODEL CONSTRUCTION: AN AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING APPROACH TO SIMULATION MODELING. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4961. DE Computer Science. AB A knowledge-based model construction (KBMC) system has been developed to allow the automatic construction of complete discrete simulation models for queueing systems. While this work focuses on the domain of simulation modeling, it closely parallels software engineering research toward an automated software production paradigm, and in particular, automatic programming research. This knowledge-based approach to automatic programming facilitates automation of the specification acquisition process in conjunction with automatic simulation model construction. Three types of knowledge are used in the specification and construction of a simulation model: domain knowledge, in this case, queueing system knowledge; general simulation modeling knowledge; and target language knowledge, specifically knowledge of the simulation language SIMAN. This knowledge has been incorporated into the underlying rule base of the KBMC system and implemented via the production system paradigm of OPS83. In general, domain knowledge and modeling knowledge were combined to form extraction rules, and modeling and target language knowledge form construction rules. The extraction rules guide an interactive session with the user and allow the acquisition of a complete internal model specification (IMS) of the desired model via structured dialog and menu selection. In effect, the user describes what the model is to do in response to queries driven by the extraction rules. Construction rules transform the internal model specification into a basic simulation model, then into constructs of the target language SIMAN to produce an executable simulation model that meets the specification requirements. The KBMC system is fully operational for a restricted subset of queueing system problems. A complete sample case scenario, including the specification extraction dialog, the resulting IMS, and an overview of model construction, is presented. The model constructed by the KBMC system and output from model execution are included for the sample case and five additional cases. An analysis of the current implementation is provided, as are suggestions for future work. This research represents a consolidation of automatic programming with a current expert system building tool for the domain of simulation modeling. The KBMC system has demonstrated the feasibility and utility of the knowledge-based approach to enable a user who lacks simulation language expertise to quickly build executable models. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-11844. AU O'RORKE, PAUL VINCENT. IN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1987, 193 pages. TI EXPLANATION-BASED LEARNING VIA CONSTRAINT POSTING AND PROPAGATION. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp497. DE Computer Science. AB Researchers in a new subfield of Machine Learning called Explanation-Based Learning have begun to utilize explanations as a basis for powerful learning strategies. The fundamental idea is that explanations can be used to focus on essentials and to strip away extraneous details--obviating the need to search for generalizations based on similarities and differences among large numbers of examples. This thesis presents an idealized model of explanation-based learning centered on the notion of constraint posting and propagation. In this paradigm, problems are solved by posting constraints (specifying more and more precise descriptions of solutions). Solutions are generalized by eliminating unnecessary constraints. This view of explanation-based generalization is shown to have advantages over back-propagation approaches to generalization. The results of experiments which demonstrate the power of the learning method are also presented. One experiment compares the performances of non-learning, rote-learning, and EBL versions of Newell, Shaw, and Simon's LOGIC-THEORIST on problems from Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica. Another experiment involves an interactive automated apprentice called LA. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06650. AU PFEIFFER, JOSEPH JOHN, JR. IN University of Washington Ph.D. 1986, 262 pages. TI INTEGRATING HIGH LEVEL AND LOW LEVEL COMPUTER VISION. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4962. DE Computer Science. AB The process of computer vision may be divided into two phases. In the first phase, measurement and classification operations are performed on data represented in the form of an array, and in the second, data manipulations are applied to graph structures derived from the image array. We refer to the first phase as "low-level" vision, and the second phase as "high-level" vision. The task of converting between the representations is "intermediate-level" vision. A number of computer architectures have been developed for both low-level and high-level vision. For low-level work, these have included such designs as cellular processors, while for high-level work various networks of processors have been proposed. However, little has been done in developing intermediate-level architectures capable of bridging the gap between the low- and high-level computers. In this dissertation, we explore the question of intermediate-level vision. We examine the relationship between the low-level and the high-level representations, and develop information-preserving techniques for reducing the amount of data in the high-level representation. Algorithms for converting image representations between the low- and the high-level are studied, and architectural support in the form of custom VLSI is designed. This permits the development of a "network vision computer", combining a cellular processor with a network of graph structure processors. The architecture developed is evaluated by examining three algorithms. These include a technique for improving the results of edge detection by use of a hypothesis-and-test paradigm, an implementation of Nevatia and Binford's algorithm for ribbon extraction, and an exploration of heuristic improvements to region-filling algorithms. Suggestions for future work are presented. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-10494. AU POE, MICHAEL DOUGLAS. IN University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1987, 474 pages. TI A FRAMEWORK FOR PRACTICAL MICROCODE SYNTHESIS. SO DAI V48(02), SecB, pp497. DE Computer Science. AB This thesis describes a knowledge engineering approach to microcode synthesis. The implementation of the thesis is a rule-based expert system called UMS (Universal Microcode Synthesizer). UMS takes a high-level procedural description of the desired microcode and target hardware, and produces a microprogram for that hardware. The synthesis process uses a minor amount of example-dependent information. An example of synthesizing microcode to emulate a PDP-8 shows that procedural hardware and instruction-set descriptions contain enough information for microcode synthesis. The UMS code analysis techniques for procedural descriptions create highly detailed control-and-data-dependency graphs used in later synthesis processing. Description techniques are provided in the thesis for many advanced microengine features not usually discussed in the microcode compilation and synthesis literature. The code analysis techniques are demonstrated to be powerful enough for independently written descriptions in a synthesis example. General truth-preserving code-transformation rules are applied to the microcode description until it becomes the desired microprogram. This transformation process has a large search space of three interrelated tasks: (1) determine how to change the operations specified in the high-level microcode to those available in hardware; (2) search the hardware for ways to make these operations actually occur; and (3) search to make the resulting microprogram efficient in speed and space. The design of the UMS software kernel, called the inference engine, is a primary contribution of the thesis. Using cost analysis, the engine manages search to make microcode synthesis practical. Specialized search techniques control how the synthesizer inference engine matches parts of the instruction-set control-and-data-dependency graph to its hardware description counterparts. Many novel equivalence classes for semantically similar graph fragments allow matches between graph fragments that are not literal matches. Graph-correspondence search is decomposed into multiple node and arc types, arranged by cost of heuristic search. Arc feature constraints are accumulated while node choice is delayed as long as possible. Based on search cost estimates, a search path may be suspended and possibly resumed later. The engine tries to find a way for each search path to fail. Such a failure triggers a shift in search direction. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07736. AU RUSSELL, STUART JONATHAN. IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1987, 245 pages. TI ANALOGICAL AND INDUCTIVE REASONING. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4963. DE Computer Science. AB The first problem discussed in this thesis is the logical problem of analogy, which, given a formal definition of analogical inference, asks under what conditions such inferences may be justified. By showing the inadequacy of approaches based on the degree of similarity between analogues, the importance of relevance between known and inferred similarities is highlighted. The need for a logical semantics for relevance motivates the definition of determinations, first-order expressions capturing the idea of relevance between predicate schemata. Determinations are shown to justify analogical inferences and single-instance generalizations non-trivially, and to express an apparently common form of knowledge hitherto overlooked in knowledge-based systems. Analogical reasoning is implemented in MRS, a logic programming system, and shown to be more efficient than simple rule-based methods for some important inference tasks. The ability to acquire and use determinations is shown strictly to increase the inferences a system can make from a given set of data. Programs are described for the inductive acquisition of determinations and their subsequent use in analogical reasoning to aid in the construction of a large knowledge base. The second problem, suggested by and subsuming the first, is to identify the ways in which existing knowledge can be used to help a system to learn from experience. A method is given for enumerating the types of knowledge, of which determinations are but one, that contribute to learning, and a general inductive inference machine is described based on these ideas. The application of a logical, knowledge-based approach to the problems of analogy and induction thus shows the need for a system to be able to detect as many logical forms of regularity as possible in order to maximize its inferential capability. The possibility that important aspects of 'common sense' are captured by complex, abstract regularities suggests further empirical research to identify this knowledge. AN This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-60086. AU STOREY, VEDA CATHERINE. IN The University of British Columbia (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. TI AN EXPERT VIEW CREATION SYSTEM FOR DATABASE DESIGN. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp189. DE Computer Science. AB The process of generating user views during logical database design is formalized and expressed as a set of rules which comprise the knowledge base of an expert system. This system, called the View Creation System, engages the user in a dialogue to determine information requirements. These requirements are then translated into a set of Fourth Normal Form relations representing a view. The data model on which the system is based is the Entity-Relationship Model. Using this model, the system elicits entities, attributes and relationships while trying to detect and rectify inconsistencies and ambiguities in the user's input. With the aid of the user, functional dependencies are isolated and resolved before the final set of relations is produced. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09467. AU SUBBARAO, MURALIDHARA. IN University of Maryland Ph.D. 1986, 179 pages. TI INTERPRETATION OF VISUAL MOTION: A COMPUTATIONAL STUDY. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp189. DE Computer Science. AB A changing scene produces a changing image or visual motion on the eye's retina. The human visual system is able to recover useful three-dimensional information about the scene from this two-dimensional visual motion. This thesis is a study of this phenomenon from an information processing point of view. A computational theory is formulated for recovering the scene from visual motion. This formulation deals with determining the local geometry and the rigid body motion of surfaces from spatio-temporal parameters of visual motion. In particular, we provide solutions to the problem of determining the shape and rigid motion of planar and curved surfaces and characterize the conditions under which these solutions are unique. The formulation is generalized to the case of non-uniform (i.e. accelerated) and non-rigid motion of surfaces. This serves to address the two fundamental questions: What scene information is contained in the visual motion field? How can it be recovered from visual motion? The theory exposes the well known fact that the general problem of visual motion interpretation is inherently ill-posed. Furthermore, it indicates the minimum number of additional constraints (in the form of assumptions about the scene) necessary to interpret visual motion. It is found that, in general, the assumption that objects in the scene are rigid is sufficient to recover the scene uniquely. A computational approach is given for the interpretation of visual motion. An important characteristic of this approach is a uniform representation scheme and a unified algorithm which is both flexible and extensible. This approach is implemented on a computer system and demonstrated on a variety of cases. It provides a basis for further investigations into both understanding human vision, and building machine vision systems. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07751. AU TREITEL, RICHARD JAMES. IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1987, 182 pages. TI SEQUENTIALIZATION OF LOGIC PROGRAMS. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4964. DE Computer Science. AB Logical inference can be done in two directions: either forwards from facts already known to other facts that may be of interest, or backwards from goals whose answers are needed to subgoals whose answers may be available. Some programs and languages use one direction exclusively because it is clearly better (in the sense of computational efficiency) for their purposes. There are, however, problems that are better solved by using some rules for forwards inference and others backwards. In theorem-providing and artificial intelligence work over the past two decades, numerous systems have been developed which allow inference to be drawn either forwards or backwards, and a number of heuristics have evolved for deciding which direction to use a rule in. In this dissertation I attempt to put these decisions on a quantitative footing, by developing algorithms for esimating the computational cost of a set of directions for rules, and applying standard optimisation techniques to derive the best set of choices. In ascending order of difficulty, it is assumed first that no forward rule uses any facts deduced by a backward rule; then that directions can be chosen freely; and finally that each rule can be split up and used partly forwards, partly backwards. All of these problems, except for a highly constrained version of the first one, are shown to be NP-complete. For each of them, one or more optimisation techniques are given, with some comments on their efficiency. Techniques for "ameliorating" or "satisficing" the problem, namely returning a non-optimal solution that is good enough for the purpose at hand, are also discussed, since the effect of finding the exactly optimal solution may be excessive. A related issue is the ordering of the terms in a rule, which can have a strong effect on the cost of using the rule. Algorithms for ordering terms optimally are known, but they rely on the direction of inference being fixed in advance, and they apply only to one rule considered in isolation. A more general algorithm is developed, and a way is shown to incorporate it into the choice of rule directions. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-08507. AU TYLER, SHERMAN WILLIAM. IN University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. 1986, 189 pages. TI SAUCI: SELF-ADAPTIVE USER-COMPUTER INTERFACE. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4964. DE Computer Science. AB Different approaches to the design of the human-computer interface have been taken in the past. These can be organized into four broad categories: tack-on; intuitive/empirical; formal; and conversational. There are several important interface design criteria that have never been adequately attained in any of these approaches. One is modularity, that is, maintaining a clear separation between the interface and its target system. A second criterion is self-adaptation, or the ability of the interface to modify its own behavior to suit a given individual user. Two further criteria relate to the interface's potential to guide users in performing typical high-level tasks on the target system and to provide intelligent advice on the use of that system. This research was focused on developing an integrated technique for achieving these four design criteria. To that end, an abstract architecture called SAUCI, or the Self-Adaptive User-Computer Interface, was proposed, embodying a knowledge-based, object-oriented approach to interface design. The foundation of this approach rests upon information encoded within sets of objects. This information includes separate knowledge bases describing the individual users, the commands of the target system, and the high-level tasks appropriate for that system. The behavior of the interface is controlled by various methods which call upon the knowledge bases in a rule-governed manner to decide what interface features should be present at each phase of the user's dialogue with the target system. To test the feasibility of the proposed architecture, a working interface was implemented on a Xerox 1108 computer in the LOOPS language, with a UNIX operating system running on a separate minicomputer as the target system. An empirical evaluation of this prototype revealed clear advantages over the standard interface. Closer examination pointed to each of the factors of modularity, task guidance, and user-tailored assistance as playing a significant role in these effects. A discussion of additional applications of this architecture and of areas for future development is offered as further evidence of the value of this approach as a general framework for human-computer interface design. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07756. AU VAN GELDER, ALLEN. IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1987, 111 pages. TI LOGIC PROGRAMMING FOR PARALLEL IMPLEMENTATION. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4964. DE Computer Science. AB This report explores several topics concerning the parallel implementation of logic programming. In the introductory chapter we define logic programs and describe a logic programming language that is suitable for parallel implementation. In the second chapter we treat the semantics of our language with particular attention to the role of negation as failure. The third chapter is an investigation of the parallel complexity of a class of logic programs that we call logical query programs, using the theoretical and abstract PRAM model of computation. In this chapter we show that certain logical query programs are in the complexity class NC, meaning that they have very fast execution times given enough processors. However, "enough processors" for inputs of size n turns out to be a polynomial in n of degree 6 (or more), an unrealistic resource requirement. Consequently, in the fourth and fifth chapters, we investigate more realistic approaches to implementation, based on transforming the logic program into a rule/goal graph, and embedding that graph into a general purpose processor interconnection network in the form of a rectangular grid. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09470. AU VELAUTHAPILLAI, MAHENDRAN. IN University of Maryland Ph.D. 1986, 96 pages. TI ON THE INDUCTIVE INFERENCE OF PROGRAMS WITH ANOMALIES. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp190. DE Computer Science. AB Inductive inference machines (IIMs) synthesize programs when given examples of their input/output behavior. Several different criteria for successful synthesis by IIMs have been studied. Two new types of criteria of successful inference are defined. One of the types (density) admits a successful inference when the result is a program which computes the function to be inferred everywhere, except on a sparse (but infinite) subset of its domain. The other type (uniform density) requires in addition the program which computes the function to be inferred "uniformly" everywhere, except on a sparse subset of its domain. In previous work sparse was taken to mean finite. The density criteria are distinguished from one another by the bounds placed on the "density" of correctness in the final program, and the number of allowable conjecture changes. The same holds true for uniform density. Comparison of density criteria yields a two dimensional lattice structure and so does the density criteria. When the two types of criteria were compared, it resulted in a three dimensional lattice. The above two types of criteria were found to be incomparable to the behaviorally correct inference classes. A team of IIMs synthesizes programs for a set of functions, if and only if for each function in the set, at least one of the IIMs in the team successfully synthesizes the proper program. Team inference classes are distinguished from one another by the number of IIM's and the criteria of success specified. Simulating a team with a single IIM using the EX criteria for success has been studied. The minimum number of mind changes necessary for a single machine was obtained. Precise bounds on the number of mind changes and the number of anomalies necessary for the simulation were found. Classes inferred by the behaviorally correct teams are shown to be incomparable to classes inferred by the density/uniform density teams. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-09400. AU WAIBEL, ALEXANDER. IN Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 225 pages. TI PROSODY AND SPEECH RECOGNITION. SO DAI V48(01), SecB, pp190. DE Computer Science. AB Although numerous studies have demonstrated that prosody is critical to human speech perception, many automatic speech recognition systems process only spectral/phonetic cues. They ignore or deliberately remove prosodic cues such as pitch, intensity, rhythm, temporal relationships, and stress. Extending speech recognition systems to human performance levels, however, will require exploiting all available cues and sources of knowledge. This work demonstrates the power of prosodic constraints in computer speech recognition systems. We first show theoretically that prosodic patterns can discriminate between words of large vocabularies (vocabularies the size an adult typically commands). We then introduce several novel algorithms to extract prosodic parameters reliably. These parameters include segmentation algorithms for detecting syllable boundaries and major segment boundaries and algorithms for measuring pitch and intensity contours, and lexical stress levels. Extensive performance evaluation of these algorithms is presented. We then implement and evaluate prosodic knowledge sources that apply the extracted parameters at appropriate processing levels including the lexical, syntactic and sentential levels. To permit large vocabulary capability, the knowledge source designs emphasize a concern for minimizing lexical search, exploiting parallelism and speaker-independent and/or template-independent operation. Major contributions of this research include several implemented knowledge sources and insights for further application of prosodic information to speech understanding. For lexical access, temporal knowledge sources restrict the word candidate set by 50% to 93%. Intensity- and stress-based knowledge sources also each reduce possible word candidate sets by about 50%. The lexical, prosodic knowledge sources were combined and compared with a phonetic word hypothesizer currently under development. The results show that the average rank of the correct word hypothesis can be reduced to almost 1/3 when prosodic knowledge sources are added to the phonetic word hypothesizer. At the sentential level of processing, a pitch contour knowledge source reduces syntactic and pragmatic ambiguity by discriminating between statement and question "tunes". We have examined the role of stress at distinct levels of speech processing. At the acoustic/phonetic level, we have reevaluated phonemic and phonetic consistency in stressed and unstressed syllables in terms of phonetic substitution and omission rates. Our results indicate that speaking rate, more than stress, predicts the rate of segmental omissions. At the syntactic level, automatically detected stress levels provide an acoustic cue to distinguishing between content words and function words in a spoken sentence. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06124. AU WANG, TIE-CHENG. IN The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 154 pages. TI SEMANTICALLY GUIDED HIERARCHICAL DEDUCTION AND EQUALITY CONDITIONAL RESOLUTION. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4965. DE Computer Science. AB This dissertation is concerned with research in designing computer programs which are effective in finding, or helping to find, proofs of theorems of first order logic. Discussed herein are three interrelated topics. The first topic is the design of a new, goal-oriented proof procedure--hierarchical deduction. The second topic is semantically guided hierarchical deduction, which concerns issues related to designing models for guiding the search of a particular version of this procedure. The third topic is equality conditional resolution, which provides a control strategy useful for further development of hierarchical deduction. The hierarchical deduction procedure (HD) proves a theorem by searching for a proof acceptable to an hierarchical deduction structure; those derivations which are irrelevant to this proof are limited by means of a set of completeness-preserving refinements. In addition to the basic algorithm, there is a partial set of support strategy which provides a simple, but effective way to incorporate semantics and human factors. Semantically guided hierarchical deduction (SHD) is defined from HD for incorporating domain dependent knowledge presented in models. A set of rules by which a user designs models for SHD is investigated, and applied to design models for helping a SHD-prover prove efficiently a series of non-trivial theorems. In order to include type information and other human factors into models, a three-value interpretation is introduced. An ECR strategy is described through studying an equality conditional resolution proof procedure (ECR). ECR incorporates a user's knowledge concerning the different roles of input equations and other hypotheses in a proof. The input equations are transformed into different classes of rules according to the roles they will play. The conditions on the application of these rules control their inference, and prevent inappropriate use of them. An ECR-prover, which is a modified SHD-prover enhanced by the ECR strategy, is implemented and proves efficiently a number of theorems from mathematics. For each of these topics, a summary of results obtained by the computer implementations is presented, and a concluding remark is made in comparison with the performance of others. Issues related to the extension and further development of SHD and ECR proof procedures are discussed in the final chapter. The proofs concerning the completeness of the basic algorithm of the hierarchical deduction are included in an appendix. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-07765. AU WINSLETT, MARIANNE SOUTHALL. IN Stanford University Ph.D. 1987, 174 pages. TI UPDATING DATABASES WITH INCOMPLETE INFORMATION. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4966. DE Computer Science. AB Suppose one wishes to construct, use, and maintain a database of facts about the real world, even though the state of that world is only partially known. In the AI domain, this problem arises when an agent has a base set of beliefs that reflect partial knowledge about the world, and then tries to incorporate new, possibly contradictory knowledge into this set of beliefs. In the database domain, one facet of this situation is the well-known null values problem. We choose to represent such a database as a logical theory, and view the models of the theory as representing possible states of the world that are consistent with all known information. How can new information be incorporated into the database? For example, given the new information that "b or c is true," how can one get rid of all outdated information about b and c, add the new information, and yet in the process not disturb any other information in the database? In current-day database management systems, the burden of determining exactly what to add and remove from the database is placed on the user. Our research has produced a formal method of specifying the desired change intensionally, by stating a well-formed formula that the state of the world is now known to satisfy. The database update algorithms we provide will automatically accomplish that change. Our approach embeds the incomplete database and the incoming information in the language of mathematical logic, and gives formal definitions of the semantics of our update operators, along with proofs of correctness for their associated algorithms. We assess the computational complexity of the algorithms, and propose a means of lazy evaluation to avoid undesirable expense during execution of updates. We also examine means of enforcing integrity constraints as the database is updated. This thesis also examines the question of choices of semantics for update operators for databases with incomplete information, and proposes a framework for evaluation of competing candidate semantics. Several candidate semantics are evaluated with respect to that framework. A experimental implementation of our method has been constructed, and we include the results of test runs on a range of patterns of queries and updates. AN University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02918. AU WISE, BEN PAUL. IN Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 260 pages. TI AN EXPERIMENTAL COMPARISON OF UNCERTAIN INFERENCE SYSTEMS. SO DAI v47(12), SecB, pp4966. DE Computer Science. AB Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of the domains in which expert systems are supposed to function. There are several mechanisms for handling uncertainty, of which the oldest and most widely used is probability theory. It is the only one which is derived from a formal description of rational behavior. For use in patten-directed inference systems, or rule-based inference engines, artificial intelligence researchers have favored others, largely for reasons of simplicity and speed. We have developed techniques which measure how these alternatives approximate the results of probability theory, assess how well they perform by those measures, and find out what underlying features of a problem affect performance. Because the amount of data required to fully specify a probability distribution is enormous, some technique must be used to estimate a distribution when only partial information is given. We give intuitive and axiomatic arguments, algebraic analysis, and numerical examples, that fitting maximum entropy priors and using minimum cross entropy updating are the most appropriate ways to do so. For several uncertain inference systems, detailed analysis of operations have been performed to elucidate both which basic problem-features bias the answers and the directions of the biases. We present and discuss both the motivation and design of our analysis techniques, and the specific structures which were found to have strong effects on performance. The techniques have also been tried on several variations of a fragment from a real expert system, with qualitatively similar results. We have found that the newer uncertain inference systems often re-incorporated features of general probability theory which have been eliminated in earlier systems. Moreover, we found that newer systems sometimes continued exactly the features which they were supposed to eliminate, albeit in different notation. For every simple uncertain inference system, we found not only structures for which the performance was very good, but also structures for which performance was worse than random guessing, or systematic bias was present, or data was interpreted as having the opposite of its true import. end of part 1 of 3 *********************