[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/mcc

leff@smu.CSNET (Laurence Leff) (04/20/87)

The following abstracts describe Non-Proprietary Technical Reports 
available  from MCC's Software Technology Program. Please send requests
to the person in the sign off banner.


		   (Updated April 6, 1987)

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TR NUMBER:  STP-053-85

DATE ISSUED:  July 22, 1985

TITLE:  A Distributed Algorithm for N-Party Interactions

AUTHOR(S):  Rajive Bagrodia

ABSTRACT:  Presents distributed algorithm to implement generalized
alternative construct, which allows a process to select one of
several possible n-party interactions (n-process rendezvous) for

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-113-85

DATE ISSUED:  October 18, 1985

TITLE:  An introduction to temporal logic and its application
to software systems.


ABSTRACT:  (In preparation; due in 2nd half 1986)



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TR NUMBER:  STP-117-85

DATE ISSUED:  October 18, 1985

TITLE:  Support for Exploratory Design

AUTHOR(S):  Jeff Conklin and Charles Richter

ABSTRACT:  Paper presented at 1985 AIAA Computers in Aerospace
Conference and appears in the proceedings of that conference.
 A snapshot, taken in August, of an evolving theory of the dimensions
of the design space and the relationships between objects in that
space.  While our ideas have changed considerable since this paper
was written, the paper is indicative of the scope of this work.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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DATE ISSUED:  October 30, 1985

TITLE:  BiggerTalk:  Object-Oriented Prolog

AUTHOR(S):  Eric Gullichsen

ABSTRACT:  BiggerTalk is a system of Prolog routines which provide
capability for object-oriented programming in Prolog.  When compiled
into standard Prolog environment, the Biggertalk system permits
programming in object-oriented style of message passing between
objects, themselves defined as components of a poset (the `inheritance
structure') created through other Biggertalk commands.  An exploration
of integration of logic programming and object-oriented computational
metaphors is also conducted.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-053-86

DATE ISSUED:  February 25, 1986

TITLE:  BiggerTalk* = BiggerTalk + Gordion

AUTHOR(S):  Eric Gullichsen

ABSTRACT:  BiggerTalk is a system of Prolog routines that provides
a capability for object-oriented programming in Prolog.  When
compiled into a standard Prolog environment, the BiggerTalk system
permits programming in the object-oriented style.  The aim of
the development of BiggerTalk* was to provide a tool to:  (1)
Explore the integration of logic programming and object-oriented
computational metaphors, (2) Experiment with inheritance strategies,
and (3) Act as a local front-end programming environment for Gordion,
the MCC-STP Object Server, a shared persistent repository of objects.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-182-85

DATE ISSUED:  February 27, 1986

TITLE:  Raddle - An Informal Introduction

AUTHOR(S):  Ira R. Forman

ABSTRACT:  Raddle is a new model for the design of distributed
systems.  The two main (and novel) features of the model are the
synchronization/communication primitive, called interaction, and
the abstraction mechanism, called a team.  An interaction is an
N-party synchronization that allows multiway communication among
the parties.  The team provides a mechanism for building complex
interactions from primitive interactions.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-078-86

DATE ISSUED:  March 10, 1986

TITLE:  Design Technology Assessment:  Overview

AUTHOR(S):  Susan L. Gerhart

ABSTRACT:  The purpose and structure of the Software Technology
Program Design Process Group Technology Assessment project are

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-107-86

DATE:  March 20, 1986

TITLE:  Design Technology Assessment:  The Statecharts Approach

AUTHOR(S):  Glenn R. Bruns, Susan L. Gerhart, Ira Forman, Michael

ABSTRACT:  The technology assessed is "Statecharts", a visual
formalism for presenting and analyzing specifications of reactive
systems.  This report provides additional understanding gained
from an intensive two-week study to supplement two attached technical
reports by the originators of the Statecharts methods and technology.
 An example, the lift problem, is described in some detail to
illustrate the methods and the lessons learned during the study.
 Assessments are made for both the originators' goals and the
goals of STP.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-097-86

DATE:  March 31,1986

TITLE:  petri - A UNIX Tool for the Analysis of Petri Nets

AUTHOR(S):  Ira R. Forman

ABSTRACT:  An analyzer of Petri nets is described.  Petri nets
are a tool for modeling concurrent systems.  The program supports
three forms of analysis: simulation, reachability analysis, and
invariant analysis.  The combination of these forms of analysis
yields an engineering tool that should be useful in many software
engineering environments.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-113-86

DATE:  April 3, 1986

TITLE:  Software Psychology:  The Need for an Interdisciplinary

AUTHOR(S):  Bill Curtis, Elliott Soloway, Ruven Brooks, John Black,
Kate Ehrlich,
                 H. Rudy Ramsey              

ABSTRACT:  This paper was prepared for the National Science Foundation
and has been revised and updated for publication in the Proceedings
of the IEEE.  This review focuses on the state of the art in software
psychology - the study of human factors in computer sstems.  One
area of software psychology, the psychology of programming, is
picked for an in-depth discussion of research results.  The review
then discusses the methodological issues involved in performing
experimental research in software psychology.  Future trends are
discussed both for the programming research reviewed here and
for the whole field of software psychology.  The conclusions identify
multidisciplinary training and research as critical to further
progress in this field.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR  NUMBER:  STP-114-86

DATE:  April 3, 1986

TITLE:  Key Leverage Points in software Productivity and the MCC
Software Techology

AUTHOR(S):  Bill Curtis

ABSTRACT:  These viewgraphs present the keynote address delivered
by the author at the Second National Conference on Software Productivity
and Quality on March 12, 1986 in Alexandria, VA.  This talk provided
a brief review of MCC, discussed some of the productivity and
quality data collected over the last decade from which we have
identified some key leverage points, reviewed the research strategy
we are pursuing in addressing the software productivity and quality
of our shareholders, elaborated on models of software process,
and ended with a call for government procurement officers to keep
abreast of how advances in software technology should influence
their standards and practices.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-068-86

DATE:  April 7, 1986

TITLE:  Theories of Design:  An Introduction to the Literature

AUTHOR(S):  Glenn R. Bruns and Susan L. Gerhart

ABSTRACT:  The body of general knowledge concerning theories and
methodology of design will be important to STP, in particular
to its Design Process Group, in the development of Leonardo's
design process model.  This report surveys theories found in the
worldwide and cross-area design movement and in the computer science
literature in the light of the Leonardo conceptual framework.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-133-86

DATE:  April 11, 1986

TITLE:  Future Requirements for Testing - Position paper for Workshop
on Software
         Testing, Banff, July 1986

AUTHOR(S):  Johannes Grande

ABSTRACT:  The Software Technology Program (STP) at MCC is developing
and integrating technologies for future design of large, complex
systems.  Validation and verification are important aspects of
those technologies and the possible use of current software testing
methods would be desirable.  This paper takes a brief look at
the future testing requirement of STP, assesses the suitability
of current methods, and identifies several areas in which testing
technologies and other methods for achieving software quality
might advance to meet the needs of STP.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-141-86

DATE:  April 16, 1986

TITLE:  What Is Leonardo?

AUTHOR(S):  Peter Marks

ABSTRACT:  MCC's Software Technology Program (MCC-STP) was created
in 1984 by the participating companies to perform focused research
aimed at achieving enormous iimprovements both in the productivity
of the process of developing large, complex, software-intensive
systems and in the quality of the resulting products.  The output
of STP's efforts - Leonardo - is to be a prototype technology
subject to further development by the shareholders.  In late 1985
a committee was formed to write a document describing "the dream
of Leonardo".  The result was this report, a terse, thought-provoking
discussion of Leonardo's problem domain.  A second report {TR#
STP-140-86Q, "The Leonardo Problem Domain"} was created re-stating
the problem domain discussion (Chapters 0-3 only) into an easier-to-read

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-168-86

DATE:  Mary 21, 1986

TITLE:  Reusability Overview

AUTHOR(S):  Ted J. Biggerstaff

ABSTRACT:  Reusability is a strategy of great promise and it is
one whose promise has been largely unfulfilled.  I will try to
explain why I believe that this is true and describe what can
be done to allow reusability to fulfill its promise.  In the remaining
sections I will: (1) Describe the problems that stand in the way
of fulfilling the promise, (2) describe and categorize some of
the technologies that can be brought to bear on the reusability
problem, (3) describe some of the dilemmas presented by the reusability
problem, (4) describe the important research issues, and (5) make
some predictions on the evolution of reusability technology.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-172-86

DATE:  May 30, 1986

TITLE:  Design and Implementation of GORDION, An Object Base Management

AUTHOR(S):  Aral Ege and Clarence A. Ellis

ABSTRACT:  An experimental object base management system called
Gordion is presented.  Gordion is a server which provides permanence
and sharing of objects for workstations within an object-oriented
environment.  Among the unique aspects of Gordion are:  its ability
to communicate with multiple languages, introduction of new concurrency
control primitives, ability to manipulate objects of arbitrary
size, and object sharing across the languages through a base set
of classes.  The system is currently interfaced to two languages,
BiggerTalk and Zetalisp Flavors.  Beside its language interface,
Gordion has an interface for the system administrator, and an
interface for debugging.  A discussion of the future prospects
for Gordion concludes the paper.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-201-86

DATE:  June 23, 1986

TR TITLE:  PROJECT NICK: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis

AUTHOR(S):  Michael Begeman, Peter Cook Clarence Ellis, Mike Graf,
Gail Rein,
               Tom Smith                

ABSTRACT:  This paper describes research work on analysis and
augmentation of design meetings ongoing within the Design Interface
Group of the Software Technology Program at MCC.  The paper presents
a model of meeting progression which serves as a framework for
our research.  Primary topics covered in the paper are meetings
analysis, where measures of quantities such as meeting effectiveness
are considered, and meetings augmentation, where facilities and
techniques for capture and presentation of meeting information
are considered.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprieitary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-197-86

DATE:  June 25, 1986

TR TITLE:  Research Problems in Automating the Reuse of Designs

AUTHOR(S):  Ted J. Biggerstaff

ABSTRACT:  This talk uses an Object Oriented model to discuss
the problem of reusing designs.  The Object Oriented model has
a number of appealing characteristics (e.g., encapsulation of
information, inheritance and so forth) and works reasonably well
for reusing code.  In trying to adapt the Object Oriented model
to the reuse of designs, we run into some problems.  We will characterize
these problems and speculate about how we might change the model
in order to adapt it to the reuse of designs.  We conclude that
these problems are not central to the Object Oriented aspect of
the model, but rather are a result of representations that are
more suited to coding and speculation than to designing.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-202-86

DATE:  June 27, 1986

TR TITLE:  Skills versus Knowledge in Software Engineering Education:
 A Retrospective on             the Wang Institute MSE Program

AUTHOR(S):  Susan L. Gerhart

ABSTRACT:  This report contains a paper submitted to a workshop
Software Engineering Education - 1986:  The Educational Needs
of the Software Community sponsored by the Carnegie-Mellon University
Software Engineering Institute Education Division, Pittsburgh,
Pa.  February 27-28, 1986.  Proceedings of the workshop will be
published in late 1986 by Springer-Verlag.  The audience for this
report is members of STP shareholder companies with an interest
in internal industrial or external traditional education of high-quality
industrial software engineers.  A preface summarizes the Workshop
context and directions towards the development of a software engineering

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-229-86

DATE:  July 22, 1986

TR TITLE:  Requirements for Environments for Analysts

AUTHOR(S):  Susan L. Gerhart

ABSTRACT:  Most programming environments have several kinds of
users.  These users often play several roles in the content of
software development.  This paper looks at the requirements for
one such role - the ANALYST - whose job is to perform detailed
technical analyses and to produce reports and recommendations
for other designers and developers.  The role of analyst specialists
is characterized, providing a context for team work in software
design and development.  Three existing environments for analysts
are summarized and generalized to derive requirements for support
from programming environments.  The paper's primary purpose is
to follow a systematic approach for support from programming environments.
 The paper's primary purpose is to follow a systematic approach
to reach requirements for supporting the analysts role.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-266-86

DATE:  August 5, 1986

TR TITLE:  Design Issues for Window Managers

AUTHOR(S):  James L. Peterson

ABSTRACT:  Window managers are becoming an important new part
of modern computer systems.  A window manager allocates screen
space to several different output sources, either from a single
application or from multiple processes to share a single display,
or set of displays.  Window manager clients create windows to
display their output.  Windows are virtual or logical terminals
which are mapped by the window manager onto the physical displays.
 Windows can be created, moved, resized, and deleted.  Window
systems can be tiled or overlapped.  Control over the windows
can be internal or external.  Either bit-mapped or character-oriented
displays may be used.  Often a keyboard and mouse (or other pointing
device) is also required.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-284-86

DATE:  August 20, 1986

TR TITLE:  A Software Metrics Survey

AUTHOR(S):	S.D. Conte, Purdue University; H.E. Dunsmore,
Purdue University
		V.Y. Shen, MCC; W.M. Zage, Purdue University

ABSTRACT:  This paper was adapted from the book Software Engineering
Metrics and Models, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company (1986),
by S.D. Conte, H.E. Dunsmore, and V.Y. Shen.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-286-86

DATE:  August 21, 1986

TR TITLE:  Future Technologies for Design of Complex Systems

AUTHOR(S):	Johannes Grande

ABSTRACT:  Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
(MCC) is performing research aimed at improving the process of
developing complex, software intensive systems.  This research
focuses on the up-stream design activities, the process of team
design, and the technologies for design representation and design

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-296-86

DATE:  September 8, 1986

TR TITLE:  Technology Assessment: PAISley

AUTHOR(S):	Glenn R. Bruns

ABSTRACT:  The technology assessed is "PAISley", an executable
specification language intended to be well suited to real-time
and distributed systems.  This report provides an overview and
assessment of the PAISley language, tools, and method.  The assessments
are made for both the originators' goals and the goals of STP.
 Additionally, two PAISley elevator system specifications are
shown, described, and compared.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-345-86

DATE:  October 15, 1986

TR TITLE:  Reusability Framework, Assessment, and Directions

AUTHOR(S):	T. Biggerstaff and C. Richter

ABSTRACT:   Reusability is widely believed to be a key to improving
software development productivity and quality.  The reuse of software
components "amplifies" the software developer's capabilities.
 It allows him or her to write fewer total symbols in the development
of a system, and allows him or her to spend less time in the process
of organizing those symbols.  However, while reusability is a
strategy of great promise, it is one whose promise has been largely
unfulfilled.  We will try to explain why we believe that this
is true and describe what can be done to allow reusability to
fulfill its promise.  This paper is intended to provide a short
overview of the reuse of software and then assess the current
state of reusability technology.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-361-86

DATE:  October 28, 1986

TR TITLE:  Design Representation Technology: A Survey

AUTHOR(S):	 Dallas Webster

ABSTRACT:  This report presents a broad, qualitative survey of
design representation technologies.  Representation of software
design information, along with the associated representational
requirements, is stressed.  Most notably, a preliminary or working
"technology map" is exhibited, illustrating relationships among
a broad range of current and developing technologies and providing
a context for continued research in design representation.  Limitations
of the representation mechanisms of conventional software development
technologies are pointed out, and several alternatives that are
under investigation and development at STP are described.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted  


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TR NUMBER:  STP-369-86

DATE:  November 5, 1986

TR TITLE:  Technology Assessment:  Gist

AUTHOR(S):	 G. Bruns, D. Bridgeland, D. Webster

ABSTRACT:  Gist is an operational specification language developed
by Bob Balzer and others at USCs Information Sciences Institute.
 It is a rich language that uses multiple paradigms including
object-oriented, rule-based, logic-based, and constraint-based.
 The purpose of having multiple paradigms is to allow a high degree
of expressiveness.  We found Gist to be difficult to understand
from published papers and a two-day training session, but interesting
enough to warrant further investigation.  This preliminary report
describes Gist and evaluates the language, technology, and method.
 Two appendices assess Gist as a knowledge representation language.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-440-86

DATE:  December 23, 1986

TR TITLE:  The Application of KL-ONE to Software Design Information:
A Case Study

AUTHOR(S):	 Charles Richter

ABSTRACT: One of the goals of the Design Information Group is
to develop a "theory" of the information space.  As a first step
toward that goal, we are evaluating the applicability of selected
knowledge representation schemes to the domain of software design
information.  In this paper we evaluate KL-ONE [2] as a foundation
for a particular application, an issue manager.

This paper is divided into four major sections.  In section 1
we discuss the purpose and limits of the evaluation.  We also
outline our reasons for choosing KL-ONE.  Section 2 summarizes
the features of KL-ONE.  In section 3, we apply KL-ONE on an issue
manager.  We first describe what tasks an issue manager might
perform; we then represent certain issue-oriented information
in KL-ONE and discuss how the issue manager could be built on
top of such a knowledge base.  Section 4 lists our conclusions
and future directions.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-236-86

DATE:  July 25, 1986 (printed in Jan., 1987)

TR TITLE:  A Theory and Tool for Coordination

AUTHOR(S):	 Jeff Conklin

ABSTRACT: Teamwork depends heavily on successful communication
and coordination.  This paper describes research which combines
work on Issue Based Information Systems, conversational protocols,
hypertext, and a preliminary theory on the internal structure
of design decisions (ISAACs).  A tool is proposed which allows
designers to capture and structure their own deliberations about
design decisions in a way that (1) makes this deliberative process
directly communicable to the designer's teammates, and (2) supports
the uncertain and exploratory of early design conversations.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-365-86

DATE:  January 8, 1987

TR TITLE:  System Development as a Performing Art - A People-Centered
View of                          Leonardo

AUTHOR(S):	 Peter Marks

ABSTRACT:   This report explores a view of system development,
drawn by analogy to performing arts like theater and competitive
sports, as an ongoing progression of Practice-Performance-Postmortem
cycles.  These stages are defined with regard to their treatment
of errors, and the roles of Performer, Audience, and Coach.  Potential
impact of this model on STP's part in "building Leonardo" is suggested.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-098-86, Revision 1.0 

DATE:  January 26, 1987

TR TITLE:  On the Design of Large Distributed Systems

AUTHOR(S):	 Ira R. Forman

ABSTRACT:   Higher level abstractions are needed for the design
of distributed systems.  Such an abstraction is the N-party interaction,
which is the synchronous state change of N processes.  It is proposed
that this be used as the main primitive for the design of distributed
systems.  A language called Raddle is described that supports
the N-party interaction as its synchronization and communication
primitive.  A problem is solved in which it is shown how this
language can be used to develop a distributed system by refinement
of interactions.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 

REVISIONS:  Rev. 1.0

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TR NUMBER:  STP-026-87

DATE:  January 27, 1987

TR TITLE:  PARIS:  A System for Reusing Partially Interpreted

AUTHOR(S):	 Shmuel Katz, Charles Richter, and Khe-Sing The

ABSTRACT:   This paper describes PARIS, an implemented system
that facilitates the reuse of partially interpreted schemas. 
A schema is a program and specification with abstract, or uninterpreted,
entities.  Different interpretations of those entities will produce
different programs.  The PARIS system maintains a library of such
schemas and provides an interactive mechanism to interpret a schema
into a useful program by means of partially automated matching
and verification procedures.  Key words and phrases:  partially
interpreted schemas, reusability, abstract programs, specification
and verification, distributed programming, matching problems to
specifications, applying automatic theorem proving.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  HI-400-86*

DATE:  December 1986 (printed and distributed in February, 1987)

TR TITLE:  From Modern Alchemy to a New Renaissance

AUTHOR(S):	 Kim Fairchild, Human Interface Program and
                 Eric Gullichsen, Software Program

ABSTRACT:   Western society today stands at a turning point, largely
unaware that it is poised on the brink of a new revolution in:
 computing power including the technology of hardware capable
of providing affordable computer power for all and software to
provide: flexible dynamic hypermedia, and techniques based on
object-orientation to manage the complexity and volume of data
required to support multiple layers of abstractions; participant
systems which permit group collaboration on large-scale problems;
and electronic communication capabilities which both support participant
systems and can supplant traditional paper and telephone-based
media to effect radical changes in our society.  Synergy of the
three areas of new improvements leads to the possibility of construction
of elaborate Artificial Realities.  Combined with electronic interpersonal
communication, these have the potential to generate change in
individual consciousness and social structure.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 

* ? Jointly developed by STP & Human Interface Program; in Feb.
87, Mr. Fairchild joined STP.

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TR NUMBER:  STP-039-87

DATE:  January 30, 1987

TR TITLE:  Information Management Challenges in the Software Design

AUTHOR(S):	 T. Biggerstaff, C. Ellis, F. Halasz, C. Kellogg,
C. Richter, D. Webster

ABSTRACT:  The upstream software design process challenges database
technology via its requirements for effective handling of diverse
data -- both unstructured and structured, fuzzy and concrete,
incomplete and fully specified.  Informal and formal, complex
and primitive.  Commercial databases provide robust commercial
products that deal well with the "easy" (complete, regular, precise,
formal, consistent) problems.  Data, knowledge and information
based technologies must be developed further and merged to deal
with the "hard" ones.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-356-86, Rev. 1

DATE:  February 9, 1987

TR TITLE: A Survey of Hypertext

AUTHOR(S):	 Jeff Conklin 

ABSTRACT:  Hypertext is a computer-supported medium for information
in which many interlinked documents are displayed with their links
on a high-resolution computer screen.  The links may be directly
activated by a pointing device such as a mouse, which causes the
document referenced by the link to appear instantly in a new window
on the screen.  While the concepts of hypertext are not new, the
technology to make it effective is new.  This paper reviews most
of the existing hypertext systems, and then explores in some detail
the fundamental features of hypertext and some of the design options
in constructing hypertext systems.  The advantages and disadvantages
of hypertext are discussed in terms of four major application
categories: macro literary systems, problem exploration systems,
and structured browsing systems, and systems developed to explore
hypertext technology. 

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted  


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TR NUMBER:  STP-070-87

DATE:  February 24, 1987

TR TITLE:  Highlights of the MCC Software Technology Program (Charts
+ Video)

AUTHOR(S):	 Ted Biggerstaff

ABSTRACT:  This is a chart plus video presentation of some current
activities in the Software Technology Program (STP). The viewgraphs
contain an overview of STP and introductions to PlaneText, a hypertext
system; IDeA, a design reuse system; and VERDI, a visual environment
for the design of distributed systems. The videotape consists
of short demonstrations of PlaneText, IDeA, and VERDI. 

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-072-87

DATE:  February 25, 1987

TR TITLE:  A Study of the Relation Between Coordination Primitives
of Raddle
            and other Languages

AUTHOR(S):	 Devendra Kumar

ABSTRACT:  This report presents a comparison between the coordination
primitives of Raddle and those of the following languages:  ADA,
SR, Cell, Modula-2, and ARGUS.  The purpose of the study is to
gain insight into the relation of other paradigms of coordination
and insight into how Raddle designs may be implemented.

CLASSIFICATION: Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted 


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TR NUMBER:  STP-086-87

DATE:  March 13, 1987

TR TITLE:  SMDC:  An Interactive Software Metrics Data Collection
and Analysis System

AUTHOR(S):	 T. J. Yu, AT&T Bell Laboratories, B. A. Nejmeh,
AT&T Bell Laboratories, H.E. Dunsmore, Purdue University, V.Y.
Shen, MCC

ABSTRACT:  This paper presents the data and capabilities provided
by the Software Metrics Data Collection (SMDC) system.  SMDC is
an APL-based system which runs on the UNIX 4.3BSD system at Purdue
University.  The data stored in SMDC was collected from hundreds
of (1) software products developed at industrial environments
and (2) experiments conducted at Purdue University.  The largest
software product in SMDC has more than 1,000,000 lines of code.
 SMDC also provides a number of statistical functions and plotting
routines which can be used for detailed analysis of existing data.
 The data and tools in SMDC are available for use by non-Purdue
researchers with some limitations.  This paper has been submitted
to the Journal of Systems and Software for publication.

CLASSIFICATION: Non Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  STP-087-87

DATE:  March 13, 1987

TR TITLE:  An Analysis of Several Software Defect Models

AUTHOR(S):	 Tie-Jie Yu, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Hubert E.
Dunsmore, Purdue University

ABSTRACT:  This paper presents the results of analyzing several
defect models using data collected from two large commercial projects.
 Traditional models typically use either program metrics (i.e.,
measurements from software products) or testing time or combinations
of these as independent variables.  The limitations of such models
have been well documented.  The models considered in this paper
all use the number of defects detected in the earlier phase of
the development process as the independent variable.  We have
found a very strong correlation between the number of earlier
defects and that of later ones.  Using this relationship, we constructed
a mathematical model which may be used to estimate the number
of defects remaining in software.  This paper has been accepted
for publication in IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering.  The publication
data is currently not known.

CLASSIFICATION: Non Proprietary/Unrestricted


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The reports listed below are NOT the property of MCC. They are
supplemental material to other STP Technical Reports (as noted)
and are made available to STP Participants with the express permission
of the authors.                                              

TR NUMBER:  None (Reference STP-114-85)

DATE ISSUED:  October 18, 1985

TITLE:  Partially Interpreted Schemas for CSP Programming

AUTHOR(S):  Orit Baruch and Shmuel Katz

ABSTRACT:  Partially interpreted program schemata are suggested
as a tool for formally specifying and defining the range of applicability
of patterns of communication.  The schemata syntactically resemble
programs, but contain free variables which represent uninterpreted
program sections, domains, functions, or other aspects of the
program.  The specification of the schema includes both applicability
requirements and result assertions, as well as specifications
for the free variables.

NOTE:  This paper is not the property of the MCC Software Technology
Program.  It is being distributed as background for STP-114-85
through the expressed permission of the authors.



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TR NUMBER:  None (Reference STP-107-86)

DATE ISSUED:  January 1985

TITLE:  On the Development of Reactive Systems

AUTHOR(S):  D. Harel and A. Pneuli

ABSTRACT:  Some observations are made concerning the process of
developing complex systems.  A broad class of systems, termed
reactive, is singled out as being particularly problematic when
it comes to finding satisfactory methods for behavioral description.
 In this paper we recommend the recently proposed statechart method
for this purpose.

NOTE:  This paper is not the property of the MCC Software Technology
Program.  It is being distributed as background for STP-107-86
 through the expressed permission of the authors.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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TR NUMBER:  None (Reference STP-107-86)

DATE:  February 1986

TITLE:  Statecharts:  A Visual Approach to Complex Systems

AUTHOR(S):  David Harel

ABSTRACT:  We present a broad extension of the conventional formalism
of state machines and state diagrams, that is relevant to the
design, specification, documentation and maintenance of a complex
discrete-event entity, such as a large multi-computer real-time
system.  Our diagrams, which we call statecharts, are intended
to capture the dynamic behavioral aspects of a system, rather
than its physical or functional ones, in a clear, flexible and
concise manner.  Statecharts can be used either as a stand-alone
behavioral description or as part of a more general design methodology
that deals also with the system's other aspects.

NOTE:  This paper is not the property of the MCC Software Technology
Program.  It is being distributed as background for STP-107-86
 through the expressed permission of the authors.

CLASSIFICATION:  Non-Proprietary/Unrestricted


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###########################################################################		END


James D. Babcock @ MCC
Software Technology Program
P.O. Box 200195
9390 Research Blvd.  Austin, Tx. 78720

uucp: {seismo,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!babcock
arpa: babcock@mcc.com


leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (01/20/89)

The following abstracts describe Non-Proprietary Technical Reports available 
from MCC's Software Technology Program. Please send requests for SINGLE
copies to the person below. INCLUDE your U.S. MAIl address since copies
cannot be electronically distributed.

Jim Babcock
		           STP Technical Reports 
			 Mid-1987 Thru NOVEMBER 1988

 Rpt num : STP-132-87
 Date    : May 01, 1987
 Author  : B.Curtis
 # pages : 23
 Title   : Five Paradigms in the Psychology of Programming
 Abstract: This is a review chapter prepared for the Handbook of Human-Computer
           Interaction to be published by North-Holland in 1987. -- Since the
           1950s, psychologists have studied the behavioral aspects of computer
           programming. However, it has been difficult to integrate their data
           with theory because of the mixture of psychological paradigms that
           have guided their research. This chapter will review the research
           results that have been generated under the five psychological
           paradigms used most often in exploring programming problems. These
           five paradigms are 1) individual differences, 2) group behavior, 3)
           organizational behavior, 4) human factors/cognitive ergonomics, and
           5) cognitive science. The major theoretical and practical
           contributions of each area to the theory and practice of software
           engineering will be discussed. Based on current trends, it appears
           that research guided by the paradigm of cognitive science will be the
           easiest to integrate with new developments in artificial intelligence
           and computer science theory.

 Rpt num : STP-257-87
 Date    : February 24, 1988
 Author  : D.Volpano
 # pages : 24
 Title   : STS - Software Templates System
 Abstract: The Software Templates System (STS) is described. STS is a collection
           of tools that permits you to build abstract specifications of
           algorithms called software templates and instantiate them for use in
           many different applications. This document is intended to serve as a
           description as well as a manual for users of STS. A portion of STS is
           bootstrapped using STS itself. This bootstrapping process is used to
           illustrate the features of STS.
 Rpt num : STP-299-87
 Date    : September 24, 1987
 Author  : B.Curtis
 # pages : 13
 Title   : Cognitive Issues in Reusing Software Artifacts
 Abstract: This paper reviews the cognitive aspects of reusing the artifacts of
           computer programming. This paper will first review how programming
           knowledge is organized and used. It will then discuss how
           professionals design programs and where the information they use
           comes from. It will end by describing the requirements for
           reusability tools generated by a cognitive analysis of programming.
           The thesis is that programmers' primary source of information during
           programming is their store of problem specific design schema, and
           that a body of reusable artifacts must provide links into these
           schema in order for programmers to be able to search and retrieve
           information effectively from a store external to their own memory.
 Rpt num : STP-304-87
 Date    : November 04, 1987
 Author  : C.Potts;G.Bruns
 # pages : 25
 Title   : Recording the Reasons for Design Decisions
 Abstract: We outline a generic model for representing design deliberat ion and
           its relation to the generation of method-specific artifacts. A design
           history is regarded as a network consisting of artifacts and
           deliberation nodes. Artifacts include specifications or design
           documents. Deliberation nodes represent issues, alternatives or
           justifications. Existing artifacts give rise to issues about the
           evolving design, an alternative is one of several positions that
           respond to the issue (perhaps calling for the creation or
           modification of an artifact), and a justification is a statement
           giving the reasons for and against selecting the related alternative.
           The model is applied to the development of a text formatter. The
           example necessitates some tailoring of the generic model to the
           method adopted in the development, Liskov and Guttag's design method.
           We discuss the experiment and the method-specific extensions. The
           example development has been represented in hypertext and as a Prolog
           database, the two representations being shown to complement each
           other. We conclude with a discussion of the relation to this model
           with other work, and its implications for tool support and methods.
 Rpt num : STP-316-87
 Date    : November 10, 1987
 Author  : P.Cook
 # pages : 20
 Title   : The Role of Champions in Successful Computer Applications
 Abstract: A structure to understand the reasons for computer success or failure
           is reported. It is represented as a matrix, where the rows relate to
           the elements of a successful application, and the columns are derived
           from diffusion theory as it relates to technology transfer.
           Vertically listed is the result of a number of years of
           implementation efforts and observation of the efforts of others. It
           asserts that to be successful, a computer application must have: A
           real need, Good hardware, Adequate software, A receptive environment,
           and A champion. The column structure is derived from diffusion
           theory, particularly the work of Everett Rogers. It categorizes user
           environments into four categories: Innovator, Early adopter,
           Majority, and Late Adopter. Observations are made about each of the
           cells of the resulting matrix.
 Rpt num : STP-320-87
 Date    : November 20, 1987
 Author  : F.Halasz
 # pages : 22
 Title   : Reflections on Notecards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of
           Hypermedia Systems
 Abstract: NoteCards is a general hypermedia environment designed to help people
           work with ideas. Its intended users are authors, designers, and other
           intellectual laborers engaged in analyzing information, designing
           artifacts, and generally processing ideas. The system provides these
           users with a variety of hypermedia-based tools for collecting,
           representing, managing, interrelating, and communicating ideas. This
           paper presents the NoteCards systems as a foil against which to
           explore some of the major limitations of the current generation of
           hypermedia systems. These seven issues are: search and query,
           composite nodes, virtual structures, computational engines,
           versioning, collaborative work, and tailorability. For each of these
           issues, the papers describes the limitations inherent in NoteCards
           and the prospects for doing improving the situation in future systems.
 Rpt num : STP-340-87
 Date    : March 25, 1988
 Author  : P.Attie
 # pages : 61
 Title   : A Guide to Raddle87 Semantics
 Abstract: Defines the Raddle87 design language. Describes syntax and an
           operational semantics.
 Rpt num : STP-353-87
 Date    : November 06, 1987
 Author  : X.Liangfang;K.Fairchild
 # pages : 7
 Title   : Harnessing the Computer Revolution to Further Modernization in China
 Abstract: The People's Republic of China has a commitment to develop expertise
           and sweeping changes in science and technology. This paper describes
           many of the authors' observations about China's growing computer
           technology abilities. First, we discuss the problems and existing
           capabilities that influence China's entry into the computer
           revolution. Then we discuss several of the recent success stories and
           we close with suggestions about two new research areas that might be
           particularly useful to further computer modernization.
 Rpt num : STP-362-87
 Date    : October 19, 1987
 Author  : B.Curtis
 # pages : 41
 Title   : The Tarpit and a Rope: A Presentation to Aetna on STP
 Abstract: These viewgraphs constitute the presentation made by the author to
           the Aetna's Information Systems Executives Conference on October 19,
           1987. The presentation started with a description of systems
           development problems observed in the STP Field Study and then
           described how the research program of STP is developing technology to
           reduce or eliminate some of these problems.
 Rpt num : STP-365-86
 Date    : January 08, 1987
 Author  : P.Marks
 # pages : 19
 Title   : System Development as a Performing Art
 Abstract: This report explores a view of system development, drawn by analogy
           to performing arts like theater and competitive sports, as an ongoing
           progression of Practice-Performance-Postmortem cycles. These stages
           are defined with regard to their treatment of errors, and the roles
           of Performer, Audience, and Coach. Potential impact of this model on
           STP's part in building Leonardo" is suggested.
 Rpt num : STP-368-87
 Date    : November 20, 1987
 Author  : F.Halasz
 # pages : 22
 Title   : Reflections on the State of the Art: Seven Issues for the Next
           Generaton of Hypermedia Systems
 Abstract: These slides briefly review the state of the art in workstation-based
           hypermedia systems (e.g., NoteCards, Neptune, and Intermedia). Seven
           major issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems are then
           presented and briefly discussed. These slides accompany the paper
           contained in MCC Technical Report STP-320-87. These slides were
           presented at Hypertext '87, Chapel Hill, NC, November, 1987.
 Rpt num : STP-375-87
 Date    : December 17, 1987
 Author  : I.Baxter
 # pages : 53
 Title   : PCL: A Production Control Language (A Proposal)
 Abstract: A program development [Wile83a] or metaprogram ([Feather86a]) is a
           description of the steps necessary to convert a specification into an
           implementation using a transformation system (we prefer the term
           metaprogram). PCL is a metaprogramming language intended as part of
           an Implementation Maintenance System, a software package whose goal
           is the efficient re-derivation of transformationa l implementations
           given a change to a specification. This document specifies PCL.
 Rpt num : STP-383-87
 Date    : December 31, 1987
 Author  : L.Power
 # pages : 10
 Title   : OOPSLA'87 Panel Discussion: Object-Oriented Concurrency conference
           held at OOSPLA'87.
 Abstract: This report covers the panel discussion on object-oriented
           concurrency held at OOPSLA '87, the ACM-sponsored object-oriented
           programming conference, held in Orlando, Florida, October, 1987. The
           panelists were Barbara Liskov, Akinori Yonezawa, David A. Thomas, and
           Carl Hewitt. In addition to a summarizing the panelists' comments and
           questions from the floor, the author has included background material
           on the panelists' object models. Characterizing these as variations
           on active objects", the author identifies important issues and
           trade-offs for future research.
 Rpt num : STP-386-87
 Date    : March 24, 1988
 Author  : V.Shen
 # pages : 62
 Title   : Using Superimposition to Add Fault to an EFT System
 Abstract: Describes the application of a new control construct, the
           superimposition, to the design of a distributed system expressed in
 Rpt num : STP-016-88
 Date    : January 12, 1988
 Author  : J.Conklin;M.Begeman
 # pages : 6
 Title   : gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation
 Abstract: This paper describes an application specific hypertext system
           designed to facilitate the capture of early design deliberations. It
           implements a specific method, called Issue Based Information Systems
           (IBIS), which has been developed for use on large, complex design
           problems. The hypertext system described here, gIBIS (for graphical
           IBIS), makes use of color and a high speed relational database server
           to facilitate building and browsing typed IBIS networks. Further,
           gIBIS is designed to support the collaborative construction of these
           networks by any number of cooperating team members spread across a
           local area network. Early experiments suggest that the IBIS method is
           still incomplete, but there is a good match between the tool and
           method even in this experimental version.
 Rpt num : STP-018-88
 Date    : April 08, 1988
 Author  : G.Rein;C.Ellis
 # pages : 36
 Title   : The Nick Summer Experiment: A Field Study on the Usage of Meeting
           Support Technology by Software Design Teams
 Abstract: Presents the study, results and interpretations of this
           experimentation to explore and increase the understanding of the use
           of the prototype Nick electronic meeting room by software design
           teams working on fuzzy, high-level design problems.
 Rpt num : STP-025-88
 Date    : January 19, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars
 # pages : 10
 Title   : Code Reusability in the Large Versus Code Reusability in the Small
 Abstract: As a general rule, the goals of software engineering involve the
           development of techniques for improving software development
           productivity. It is no surprise, then, that a lot of attention has
           been focused on facilitating the reuse of program code. However, much
          of this attention has been directed with only shortsighted and
           self-supporting goals, and has thus condemned code reuse techniques
           to limited areas of success. This paper brings to light some of the
           issues involving code reusability and contrasts the two ends of the
           reusability spectrum; code reusability in the large" and code
           reusabilaity in the small". Methods for possibly improving code
           reusability are examined.
 Rpt num : STP-048-88
 Date    : March 03, 1988
 Author  : P.Cook;C.Ellis;G.Rein
 # pages : 20
 Title   : Meetings Research - A Nick Retrospective
 Abstract: Overview of research work performed by the Nick project team since
           its inception in late 1985. States the motivation and scope of the
           research followed by an explanation of the modeling work, systems
           building work and experimentation work.
 Rpt num : STP-042-88
 Date    : February 08, 1988
 Author  : S.Gibbs
 # pages : 9
 Title   : LIZA: An Extensible Groupware Toolkit
 Abstract: Software for supporting groups of collaborating users - groupware -
           raises a number of problems in such areas as communication,
           distribution, concurrency control and user interface design. This
           paper gives a definition of groupware and presents a high-level model
           of groupware systems. The model has been applied to the design and
           implementation of an extensible groupware toolkit known as LIZA in
           terms of their user interface and functionality.
 Rpt num : STP-047-88
 Date    : February 16, 1988
 Author  : C.Ellis;G.Rein;S.Jarvenpaa
 # pages : 15
 Title   : Nick Experimentation: Some Selected Results
 Abstract: Presents the study, results and interpretations of this
           experimentation to explore and increase the understanding of the use
           of the prototype Nick electronic meeting room by software design
           reams working on fuzzy, high-level design problems.
 Rpt num : STP-058-88
 Date    : February 10, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars;M.Harandi
 # pages : 31
 Title   : Addressing Software Reuse Through Knowledge-Based Design
 Abstract: The reuse of available software components is one important method
           for improving the productivity of new software product development.
           Software reuse benefits are especially apparent during specification
           and design where the foundations are established for the development
           and maintenance of the software product. Effective reuse of software
           designs requires a collection of good design components, knowledge
           about how to locate the components, and strategies for combining and
           customizing them into new designs. Schemes are also required for
           representing and manipulating reusable software components and
           various types of rules and heuristics for design construction. This
           paper presents both the philosophical and practical aspects of a
           knowledge-based design environment, called IDeA.
 Rpt num : STP-061-88
 Date    : February 24, 1988
 Author  : D.Volpano
 # pages : 9
 Title   : The Templates Approach to Software Reuse
 Abstract: Programs written in conventional, imperative languages usually cannot
           be reused in other applications because commitments have been made to
           specific types and representations of data. A software template is an
           algorithm specification that is free of these kinds of commitments. A
           template is expressed in a typed, functional notation. As a separate
           programming activity, abstract types are implemented in an imperative
           language. Templates for standard algorithms, and implementations of
           commonly-used data types are catalogued for reuse. A programmer
           chooses implementations for a template's data types at which time the
           template is translated into a program tailored to the chosen
 Rpt num : STP-081-88
 Date    : April 08, 1988
 Author  : R.Miller
 # pages : 26
 Title   : Representing Communication Protocols
 Abstract: Aims at showing how some of the ways of representing protocols can be
           directly converted into Raddle representations.
 Rpt num : STP-082-88
 Date    : March 09, 1988
 Author  : J.Conklin;M.Begeman
 # pages : 23
 Title   : gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion
 Abstract: This paper describes an application specific hypertext system
           designed to facilitate the capture of early design deliberations. It
           implements a specific method, called Issue Based Information Systems
           (IBIS), which has been developed for use on large, complex design
           problems. The hypertext system described here, gIBIS (for graphical
           IBIS), makes use of color and a high speed relational database server
           to facilitate building and browsing typed IBIS networks. Further,
           gIBIS is designed to support the collaborative construction of these
           networks by any number of cooperating team members spread across a
           local area network. Early experiments suggest that the IBIS method is
           still incomplete, but there is a good match between the tool and
           method even in this experimental version.
 Rpt num : STP-088-88
 Date    : March 11, 1988
 Author  : T.Biggerstaff
 # pages : 12
 Title   : The Ada Reuse Picture: What is Wrong with this Picture?
 Abstract: This presentation argues that the reuse oriented structure provided
           by Ada, or any programming language for that matter, are insufficient
           to produce payoffs that approach an order of magnitude and in fact,
           will tend to be in the range of 20% to 30% at absolute best. Further,
           such reuse improvements derived through reuse of program language
           code are a part of, not in addition to, other improvements derived by
           modern programming practices. To gain larger improvements, it is
           argued one must reuse design abstractions and this will require the
           development of an environment infrastructure for dealing with such
           constructs. Thus, the reuse (design/maintenance) problem is not a
           language problem, but an environment problem.
 Rpt num : STP-187-88
 Date    : July 18, 1988
 Author  : R.Miller;I.Forman
 # pages : 6
 Title   : The Readers-Writers Problem Using Interactions
 Abstract: Short technical note to record an interesting problem in the
           expressive power of Raddle.
 Rpt num : STP-120-88
 Date    : April 29, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars
 # pages : 6
 Title   : Environmental Support for Reuse
 Abstract: Discusses reuse methods which should be embedded with CASE tools and
           environments as an integral part of the methodology, rather than
           treated as a separate problem.

 Rpt num : STP-122-88
 Date    : April 12, 1988
 Author  : G.Bruns
 # pages : 12
 Title   : Germ: A Metasystem for Browsing and Editing
 Abstract: Focuses on the modeling primitives underlying a Germ schema and how
           they relate to the features of browsing and editing tools.
 Rpt num : STP-182-88
 Date    : June 18, 1988
 Author  : V.Shen
 # pages : 64
 Title   : Problem-Driven Software Engineering Research
 Abstract: Contains the charts presented at a workshop in Taipei, July 18-22,
 Rpt num : STP-155-88
 Date    : May 18, 1988
 Author  : S.Gerhart
 # pages : 25
 Title   : A Broad Spectrum Toolset for Upstream Testing, Verification, and
 Abstract: Describes a suite of tools to analyze properties of sequences
           associated with a specification, with input or output to a program,
           or with simple behavioral models of a system under design.
 Rpt num : STP-186-88
 Date    : June 10, 1988
 Author  : G.Bruns;C.Potts
 # pages : 36
 Title   : Domain Modeling Approaches to Software Development
 Abstract: Reviews and discusses a representative sample of software design
           approaches that contain a domain modeling component.
 Rpt num : STP-195-88
 Date    : June 20, 1988
 Author  : S.Gibbs;C.Ellis
 # pages : 12
 Title   : Action Objects: Realities and Possibilities
 Abstract: Defines and explains the concept of active object. Presents and
           justifies examples of active objects.
 Rpt num : STP-206-88
 Date    : July 21, 1988
 Author  : E.Gullichsen;D.D'Souza;P.Lincoln;K.The
 # pages : 44
 Title   : The PlaneTextBook
 Abstract: Describes PlaneText as a hypertext system written in C to run under
           the SunView window manager on a SUN workstation. Users can create and
           share a general graph structure of nodes.
 Rpt num : STP-214-88
 Date    : July 07, 1988
 Author  : R.Guindon
 # pages : 15
 Title   : Software Design Tasks as Ill-Structured Problems, Software Design as
           an Opportunistic Process
 Abstract: Reviews the main cognitive studies of software design and their
           findings contrasted to informal observations by practitioners and
           researchers in software development.
 Rpt num : STP-236-88
 Date    : July 22, 1988
 Author  : P.Attie
 # pages : 13
 Title   : The Generation of ADA Code from RADDLE/VERDI Designs
 Abstract: Addresses the problem that, given a suitably low level VERDI design,
           what the problems involved in generating ADA code from this design.
           Discusses the problems, presents suggestions for solutions and gives
           an example of VERDI to ADA translation.
 Rpt num : STP-250-88
 Date    : August 02, 1988
 Author  : M.Evangelist;I.Forman;G.Bruns
 # pages : 26
 Title   : Tebasco: A Team-Based Coordination System
 Abstract: Proposes on how such a system should operate.
 Rpt num : STP-263-88
 Date    : September 14, 1988
 Author  : C.ElLIS;S.Gibbs;G.Rein
 # pages : 12
 Title   : Design and Use of a Group Editor
 Abstract: GROVE is a prototype outline editor specifically designed for use by
           a group of people working simultaneously on the same text outline. It
           has been used in work sessions by several groups ranging in size from
           two to six people, in both face-to-face and distributed modes, for a
           variety of design tasks. This paper describes the function of GROVE
           and presents some of the important observations from these work
 Rpt num : STP-256-88
 Date    : September 07, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars;M.Harandi
 # pages : 7
 Title   : The Knowledge-Based Refinement Paradigm and IDeA: Concepts,
           Limitations, and Future Directions
 Abstract: The knowledge-based refinement paradigm of software development is a
           paradigm that views the software development process as a succession
           of knowledge-based refinements to an initial model of a desired
           system. IDeA (Intelligent Design Aid) was developed as a prototypical
           design environment to support the knowledge-based refinement
           paradigm. This paper outlines the knowledge-based refinement
           paradigm, capabilities of IDeA, and evaluates IDeA's effectiveness in
           supporting the paradigm. Suggestions are made for improving the
           paradigm and for constructing future supporting environments.
 Rpt num : STP-270-87
 Date    : September 13, 1988
 Author  : I.Forman
 # pages : 16
 Title   : Leader Election: An Exercise in Raddle Design
 Abstract: This report presents three Raddle solutions to the Leader Election
           Problem. The solutions demonstrate three strengths of Raddle: (1) The
           use of the N-party interaction to express algorithms that are
           independent of architectural and optimization considerations. In this
           way Raddle supports the extreme upstream phase of the design process
           in that designers can express concepts that were previously
           unexpressible in any design notations for distributed systems. (2)
           The decomposition of N-party interactions to achieve optimization and
           customization to specific architectures. This supports the designer
           in his second problem: how the performance requirements can be
           achieved. (3) The composition of library teams to obtain a desired
           team. This supports designers in their quest to reuse designs.
 Rpt num : STP-033-88
 Date    : January 27, 1988
 Author  : C.Ellis;S.Gibbs;G.Rein
 # pages : 23
 Title   : The Groupware Project: An Overview
 Abstract: This paper is an overview of the groupware project, a
           computer-supported collaborative work research project at MCC in the
           Software Technology Program. We present the goals of the groupware
           project and the design philosophy of our prototype systems. The paper
           is organized into three sections: The Early Work, the Current Work,
           and the Future Vision. Highlights of the past work on Project Nick
           are presented, including a description of the electronic meeting room
           (hardware and software) and a summary of the key findings from an
           extensive empirical study conducted at STP during the summer of 1987.
           Other early groupware systems (HyperMate and LIZA) are briefly
           described. Then we describe our current activity to build a group
           outlining tool (grove), and conclude with a description of our long
           term vision.
 Rpt num : STP-289-88
 Date    : September 09, 1988
 Author  : T.Biggerstaff
 # pages : 6
 Title   : The Nature of Semi-Formal Information in Domain Models
 Abstract: This position paper describes the nature and importance of informal
           and semi-formal information in the understanding, interpretation and
           reuse of large complex programs. The understanding of large, complex,
           existing programs is sometimes called the "dusty deck" problem. The
           emphasis of this research is on how one might create a model of a
           domain that would help in the job of understanding and eventually
           reusing large scale designs from large, complex and generally
           unmastered existing programs. The role of informal and semi-formal
           information is central to this domain model.
 Rpt num : STP-233-88
 Date    : August 01, 1988
 Author  : B.Curtis;H.Krasner;N.Iscoe
 # pages : 30
 Title   : A Field Study of the Software Design Process
 Abstract: We studied the major problems experienced in designing large software
           systems by interviewing personnel from 17 large projects. We use a
           layered behavioral model to analyze how three of these problems - the
           thin spread of application knowledge, fluctuating and conflicting
           requirements, and communication bottlenecks and breakdowns - affected
           software productivity and quality through their impact on cognitive,
           social and organizational processes.
 Rpt num : STP-294-88
 Date    : September 09, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars
 # pages : 19
 Title   : The IDeA Design Environment
 Abstract: The design of software is a complex process requiring the software
           designer to simultaneously perform a variety of activities. These
           include the intellectual activities of exploring and analyzing design
           alternatives, the consideration and reuse of previous solutions, the
           organizational tasks of managing design goals, dependencies, and
           partial solutions, and the clerical aspects of recording design
           decisions. Very few environments have been developed that provide all
           of these aspects of design support. The IDeA system is a prototypical
           design environment that was developed to demonstrate that a single
           environment could integrate many different aspects of software design
           support. This report describes the IDeA environment and the aspects
           of design support that it provides.
 Rpt num : STP-275-88
 Date    : August 18, 1988
 Author  : S.Smith;S.Gerhart
 # pages : 52
 Title   : STATEMATE and Cruise Control: A Case 2 Study
 Abstract: The STATEMATE system uses a state transition formalism embodied in
           activity and control charts and supported by simulation, analysis,
           and documentation tools. This paper describes its application to an
           automobile cruise control system, emphasizing the methodology lessons
           of the case study.
 Rpt num : STP-249-88
 Date    : July 29, 1988
 Author  : J.Conklin
 # pages : 16
 Title   : Design Rationale and Maintainability
 Abstract: Design decisions and assumptions occur within and during the process
           of system design, but are not documented. This rationale is thus
           generally lost. The careful deliberation and much of the domain
           learning that went into resolving key design issues is thus wasted,
           increasing overall system costs. This cost is most apparent during
           maintenance, when a significant portion of engineer's time is spent
           trying to recover the lost rationale of the system structure. An
           approach is proposed for capturing this process oriented material
           during development, indexed so that it provides this critical
           information to maintainers.
 Rpt num : STP-252-88
 Date    : August 04, 1988
 Author  : J.Conklin;M.Begeman
 # pages : 20
 Title   : gIBIS: A Tool for all Reasons
 Abstract: This paper describes an application specific hypertext system
           designed to facilitate and capture policy and design discussions. The
           system, gIBIS, implements a specific method, called Issue Based
           Information Systems (IBIS), which was developed for use on large,
           complex design problems. gIBIS (for graphical IBIS) makes use of
           color and a high speed relational database server to facilitate
           building and browsing typed IBIS networks. Further, gIBIS supports
           the collaborative construction of these networks by any number of
           cooperating team members spread across a local area network.
           Experience to date suggests that the gIBIS tool is quite useful tool
           for communication and organizing informal information.
 Rpt num : STP-400-87
 Date    : October 12, 1988
 Author  : C.Ellis;F.Harary
 # pages : 23
 Title   : The Forced Color Assignment Problem
 Abstract: The 4-color problem has received widespread attention within
           mathematical circles; it is concerned with coloring nodes of a graph
           in such a way that no adjacent nodes have the same color. This paper
           introduces and investigates a new, related concept within graph
           theory which is motivated by the needs of software engineering. The
           concept is a graph invariant, f(G) which we call the node color
           forcing number of G. This invariant specifies the minimum number of
           nodes of a graph G which must be colored in order to completely
           determine all remaining node colors. A significant open problem is
           how to characterize f(G).
 Rpt num : STP-363-88
 Date    : October 26, 1988
 Author  : T.Biggerstaff
 # pages : 23
 Title   : Reuse of Very Large Scale Components
 Abstract: This presentation argues that the reuse of very large scale
           components (10KLOC and above) is where we can expect the increase in
           productivity and quality to approach an order of magnitude. For
           smaller components, the improvements to the overall project are
           significantly less. In addition to productivity and quality, other
           factors change as one scales up the size of components. In
           particular, the key research problems change. The problems of finding
           components and component standards are now overwhelmed by problems
           such as understanding the nature of the large components so that they
           can be modified and adapted to new situations. This introduces the
           need for a new kind of tool -- one that aids in recovering the design
           of a program. Such Design Recovery tools aid both in the population
           of libraries of reusable components as well as in the understanding
           and maintenance of existing programs.
 Rpt num : STP-213-88
 Date    : September 22, 1988
 Author  : I.Forman
 # pages : 14
 Title   : Data Flow Anomaly Detection for Raddle87
 Abstract: The problem of detecting data flow anomalies in Raddle87, a language
           for the design of distributed systems, is addressed. An algebra A is
           described that is specialized for the detection of data flow
           anomalies by interpreting the regular expression for the paths in a
           program as an A expression. A method for efficiently computing data
           is presented; the method is based on the iterative algorithm of
           global data flow analysis.
 Rpt num : STP-335-88
 Date    : October 18, 1988
 Author  : J.Peterson
 # pages : 17
 Title   : XSCOPE: A Debugging and Performance Tool for X11
 Abstract: The X Window System architecture consists of separate processes for
           the window server and its clients. When poor performance or errors
           are a problem in such a system, it may be difficult to determine if
           the problem is with the client, some client toolkit, or with the
           server. Xscope allows a programmer to view the actual request, reply,
           error, and event packets sent between the client and the server,
           providing the data needed to understand the system. The design of
           Xscope indicates some problems with the syntax of the X11 protocol.
 Rpt num : STP-298-88
 Date    : September 18, 1988
 Author  : R.Guindon
 # pages : 13
 Title   : A Framework for Building Software Development Environments: System
           Design as Ill-structured Problems and as an Opportunistic Process
 Abstract: One model of the design process is as a process of stepwise
           refinement, which is useful to describe the process of designing
           programs and simple software systems. Any theory or model, however,
           is an abstraction of the actual phenomenon studied and accounts only
           for a subset of the potentially relevant events. Other abstractions
           might more appropriately account for the process of designing
           realistic systems and have early impact on the building of
           environments to support software designers. An analysis of system
           design tasks reveals that they are ill-structured problems. An
           empirical study, using a system design task of realistic complexity,
           shows that the design process is highly opportunistic. Opportunistic
           planning is planning in which interim decisions can lead to
           subsequent decisions at arbitrary points in the planning space. On
           the basis of this analysis of system design tasks and the empirical
           results, implications for environments to support designers are
 Rpt num : STP-271-88
 Date    : September 27, 1988
 Author  : E.Levy
 # pages : 34
 Title   : A Survey of Distributed Coordination
 Abstract: Distributed Coordination is a problem of implementing a synchronous
           communication event between an arbitrary number of processes in a
           distributed environment. The problem captures two primary aspects in
           distributed computing: exclusion and synchronization. After
           presenting a clear specification of the Distributed Coordination
           problem, the paper surveys and assesses algorithms for solving it.
           Both message passing and broadcast algorithms are discussed. Classes
           of algorithms which exhibit common properties are identified and
 Rpt num : STP-295-88
 Date    : November 04, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars
 # pages : 11
 Title   : Domain Analysis and Domain Engineering in IdeA
 Abstract: IDeA is a design environment that provides several forms of design
           assistance during the construction of software designs. IDeA
           concentrates in supporting the reuse of abstract software designs,
           represented as design schemas. Before IDeA can provide design reuse
           support, a designer experienced in certain application domains must
           populate IDeA's design reuse library with schemas for those domains.
           In performing a domain analysis, the analyst must consider which
           objects to include and to what degree they should be abstracted.
           After completing the analysis, the domain must be engineered to
           support reuse. This paper outlines the domain analysis and domain
           engineering steps for populating IDeA's reuse library and considers
           how much abstraction is appropriate within a reusable domain.
 Rpt num : STP-366-88
 Date    : November 04, 1988
 Author  : M.Lubars
 # pages : 31
 Title   : A Domain Modeling Representation
 Abstract: A serious problem in most software development projects is that key
           information fails to get recorded, and many other kinds of
           information are not uniformly integrated. A possible solution to the
           problem is to evolve a model of the software system that includes the
           relevant knowledge about its development. It is conjectured that if
           all this information could be recorded, its use would provide better
           quality software, facilitate communication between software
           engineers, enhance software maintenance, and provide software
           artifacts that are more reusable. This paper presents a domain
           modeling representation (DMR) that represents a large portion of the
           desired information.
 Rpt num : STP-367-88
 Date    : November 11, 1988
 Author  : D.Webster
 # pages : 35
 Title   : Mapping the Design Information Representation Terrain
 Abstract: This report attempts to establish a context for design information
           representation research, via a qualitative survey and comparison of a
           broad range of relevant technologies. We discuss associated
           representation requirements, and present a working "technology map",
           which reflects relationships among the surveyed technologies. Within
           the context provided by the map, we point out limitations of the
           representation mechanisms of conventional software development
           technologies, and prospects for overcoming them.
                     ========== End of Data ==========