[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/cmcs.88.2

leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (03/20/89)

PO box 4079
1009 AB  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Listed below is a list of publications of the second half of 1988 of our
institute. These reports are available on exchange basis for your reports or
other publications on corresponding subjects. However, please do not send
any reprints.

They are also available from our Sales Department. The prices of the
documents - subject to change without prior notice - are given in Dutch
currency. Foreign payments are subject to a surcharge per remittance to cover
bank, postal and handling charges. Where appropriate you will be invoiced
with your order.

If you wish to obtain any of these reports, then print this list, please
encircle the issues that you are interested in and return this list.
Please add your name and address.

Ordering through electronic mail can be done by sending to rob@cwi.nl

The departments are ordered as follows:

Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematical Statistics
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Department of Operations Research & System Theory
Department of Pure Mathematics

March 1989


%A  H. J. A. M. Heijmans
%A  C. Ronse
%T  The algebraic basis of mathematical morphology, Pt. I. Dilations and
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8807

%A  P. P. B. Eggermont
%T  Multiplicative iterative algorithms for convex programming
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8808

%A  O. Diekmann
%T  On semigroups and populations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8809

%A  P. Cl|ement
%A  O. Diekmann
%A  M. Gyllenberg (a.o.)
%T  A Hille-Yosida type theorem for a class of weakly * continuous semigroups
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8810

%A  J. B. T. M. Roerdink
%T  The biennial life strategy in a random environment
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8811

%A  F. van den Bosch
%A  J. A. J. Metz
%A  O. Diekmann
%T  The velocity of spatial population expansion
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 8,90
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8812

%A  A. Grabosch
%A  H. J. A. M. Heijmans
%T  Cauchy problems with state-dependent time evolution
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8813

%A  A. M. de Roos
%A  O. Diekmann
%A  J. A. J. Metz
%T  The escalator boxcar train: basic theory and an application to Daphnia
    population dynamics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8814


%A  A. P. J. M. Siebes
%A  M. L. Kersten
%T  A functional approach to database semantics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8804

%A  K. R. Apt
%A  N. Francez
%A  S. Katz
%T  Appraising fairness in languages for distributed programming
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8811

%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  Some observations on redundancy in a context
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8812

%A  M. Li
%A  P. M. B. Vit|anyi
%T  Two decades of applied Kolmogorov complexity
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8813

%A  J. Heering
%A  P. Klint
%T  Towards shorter algebraic specifications: a simple language definition
    and its compilation to PROLOG
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8814

%A  J. C. M. Baeten
%A  J. A. Bergstra
%A  J. W. Klop (a.o.)
%T  Term rewriting systems with rule priorities
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8815

%A  L. C. van der Gaag
%T  The certainty factor model and its basis in probability theory
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8816

%A  G. van Rossum
%T  STDWIN: a standard window system interface
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8817

%A  A. A. M. Kuijk
%A  P. J. W. ten Hagen
%A  V. Akman
%T  An exact incremental hidden surface removal algorithm
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8818

%A  V. Akman
%A  P. J. W. ten Hagen
%T  The power of physical representations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8819

%A  M. H. Logger
%T  An integrated text and syntax-directed editor
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8820

%A  R. J. van Glabbeek
%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  Modular specifications in process algebra
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8821

%A  J. Heering
%A  P. Klint
%A  J. G. Rekers
%T  Incremental generation of parsers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8822

%A  P. R. H. Hendriks
%T  ASF system user's guide
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8823

%A  M. Bezem
%T  Semantics and consistency of rule-based expert systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8824

%A  A. Eli"ens
%T  Expert systems as deductive systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8825

%A  K. R. Apt
%T  Introduction to logic programming
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 11,60
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8826

%A  J. C. Mulder
%T  On the Amoeba protocol
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8827

%A  I. J. P. Elshoff
%T  A distributed debugger for Amoeba
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8828

%A  J. van der Vegt
%A  H. F. J. M. Buffart
%A  C. C. van Leeuwen
%T  The 'structural memory'
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8829

%A  K. R. Apt
%T  Efficient computing of least fixpoints
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8830

%A  J. J. M. M. Rutten
%T  Correctness and full abstraction of metric semantics for concurrency
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8831

%A  W. P. Weijland
%T  Synchrony with empty process
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8832

%A  C. Palamidessi
%T  A fixpoint semantics for guarded Horn clauses
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8833

%A  J. W. de Bakker
%A  J. N. Kok
%T  Uniform abstraction, atomicity and contractions in the comparative
    semantics of concurrent PROLOG
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8834

%A  J. N. Kok
%T  Data flow semantics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 16,50
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8835

%A  P. Clote
%A  E. Kranakis
%T  Boolean functions, invariance groups and parallel complexity
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8836

%A  M. Bezem
%T  Completeness of resolution by transfinite induction
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8837

%A  P. H. Rodenburg
%A  R. J. van Glabbeek
%T  An interpolation theorem in equational logic
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8838

%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  Determinism $\rightarrow$ (Event structure isomorphism = Step sequence
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8839

%A  J. W. de Bakker
%T  Comparative semantics for flow of control in logic programming without logic
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8840

%A  H. J. Schouten
%A  P. J. W. ten Hagen
%T  Dialogue cell resource model and basic dialogue cells
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8841

%A  L. C. van der Gaag
%T  Partially specified probability measures in expert systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8842

%A  J. J. M. M. Rutten
%T  Semantic correctness for a parallel object-oriented language
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8843

%A  J. A. Bergstra
%A  J. Heering
%A  P. Klint
%T  Module algebra
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8844

%A  J. F. Groote
%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  Structured operational semantics and bisimulation as a congruence
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8845

%A  A. Eli"ens
%T  Parallel inference based on delta processing
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8846

%A  L. C. van der Gaag
%T  Different notions of uncertainty in quasi-probabilistic models
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8847

%A  E. A. van der Meulen
%T  Algebraic specification of a compiler for a language with pointers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8848


%A  S. Tardif
%T  Conditionally and strictly distribution-free tests for randomized block
    designs that are asymptotically optimal
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8802

%A  P. K. Andersen
%A  ~"O. Borgan
%A  R. D. Gill (a.o.)
%T  Censoring, truncation and filtering in statistical models based on
    counting processes
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8803

%A  E. V. Khmaladze
%T  The statistical analysis of a large number of rare events
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8804

%A  S. A. van de Geer
%T  Estimating a regression function
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8805

%A  S. A. van de Geer
%T  Asymptotic normality of minimum $L_ 1$-norm estimators in linear regression
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8806

%A  W. A. J. Geurts
%A  M. M. A. Hasselaar
%A  J. H. Verhagen
%T  Large sample theory for statistical inference in several software
    reliability models
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 8,90
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8807

%A  R. Helmers
%A  P. Janssen
%A  R. Serfling
%T  Berry-Esseen rates and bootstrap results for generalized L-statistics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8808

%A  A. J. van Es
%A  A. W. Hoogendoorn
%T  A kernel approach to estimation of the sphere radius density in Wicksell's
    corpuscle problem
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8809

%A  H. C. P. Berbee
%A  W. T. F. den Hollander
%T  Tail triviality for sums of stationary random variables
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8810

%A  A. W. Hoogendoorn
%T  Estimating the weight undersize distribution for the Wicksell problem
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8811

%A  S. A. van de Geer
%A  L. Stougie
%T  On a rate of convergence of the multiknapsack value function
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8812

%A  M. J. Rottsch"afer
%A  L. G. Barendregt
%T  A statistical analysis of spatial point patterns
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8813

%A  A. P. van der Plas
%T  A semiparametric model for citation counts
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8814

%A  E. A. G. Weits
%T  A stochastic model of traffic flow on freeways
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8815

%A  R. D. Gill
%A  N. Keilman
%T  On the estimation of multidimensional demographic models with population
    registration data
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8816

%A  N. Keiding
%A  R. D. Gill
%T  Random truncation models and Markov processes
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 10,20
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8817

%A  K. O. Dzhaparidze
%A  E. Valkeila
%T  On the Hellinger type distances for filtered experiments
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8818

%A  R. J. Chitashvili
%T  On the smooth fit boundary conditions in the optimal stopping problem for
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8819


%A  J. G. Verwer
%A  J. G. Blom
%A  J. M. Sanz-Serna
%T  An adaptive moving grid method for one-dimensional systems of partial
    differential equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8804

%A  H. J. J. te Riele
%A  W. M. Lioen
%A  D. T. Winter
%T  Factoring with the quadratic sieve on large vector computers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8805

%A  R. M. Furzeland
%A  J. G. Verwer
%A  P. A. Zegeling
%T  A numerical study of three moving grid methods for one-dimensional partial
    differential equations which are based on the method of lines
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8806

%A  W. M. Lioen
%A  H. J. J. te Riele
%A  D. T. Winter
%T  Optimization of the MPQS-factoring algorithm on the Cyber 205 and on the
    NEC SX-2
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8807

%A  P. J. van der Houwen
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Smoothed predictor-corrector methods for solving partial differential
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8808

%A  P. J. van der Houwen
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Iterated $\theta$-method for hyperbolic equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8809

%A  B. Koren
%T  Upwind discretization of the steady Navier-Stokes equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8810

%A  M. Louter-Nool
%T  LINPACK routines based on the level 2 BLAS
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8811

%A  A. Granville
%A  J. van de Lune
%A  H. J. J. te Riele
%T  Checking the Goldbach conjecture on a vector computer
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8812

%A  E. D. de Goede
%T  Finite difference methods for the three-dimensional hydrodynamic equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8813

%A  P. J. van der Houwen
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%A  P. A. van Mourik
%T  Note on explicit parallel multistep Runge-Kutta methods
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8814

%A  W. H. Hundsdorfer
%A  J. Schneid
%T  On the equivalence of BS-stability and B-consistency
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8815

%A  J. H. M. ten Thije Boonkkamp
%T  Pressure correction splitting methods for the computation of oscillatory
    free convection in low Pr fluids
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8816

%A  P. J. van der Houwen
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Variable step iteration of high-order Runge-Kutta methods on parallel computers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8817

%A  J. G. Verwer
%A  J. G. Blom
%A  R. M. Furzeland (a.o.)
%T  A moving-grid method for one-dimensionl PDEs based on the method of lines
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8818

%A  J. J. F. M. Schlichting
%A  H. A. van der Vorst
%T  Solving 3D block bidiagonal linear systems on vector computers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8819


%A  S. L. van de Velde
%T  Minimizing total completion time in the two-machine flow shop by
    Langrangian relaxation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8808

%A  P. J. M. van Laarhoven
%A  E. H. L. Aarts
%A  J. K. Lenstra
%T  Job shop scheduling by simulated annealing
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8809

%A  A. Schrijver
%T  The Klein bottle and multicommodity flows
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8810

%A  A. Schrijver
%T  Homotopy and crossings of systems of curves on a surface
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8811

%A  A. Schrijver
%T  Disjoint circuits of prescribed homotopies in a graph on a compact surface
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8812

%A  O. J. Boxma
%A  W. P. Groenendijk
%A  J. A. Weststrate
%T  A pseudoconversation law for service systems with a polling table
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8813

%A  S. L. van de Velde
%T  A simpler and faster algorithm for optimal total-work-content-power due
    date determination
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8814

%A  F. A. van der Duyn Schouten
%A  T. Ronner
%T  Calculation of the availability of a two-unit parallel system with cold
    standby: an illustration of the embedding technique
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8815

%A  W. P. Groenendijk
%T  A conservation-law based approximation algorithm for waiting times in
    polling systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8816

%A  S. A. Smulders
%T  Control of freeway traffic flow
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8817

%A  J. W. van der Woude
%T  A note on pole placement by static output feedback for single-input systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8818

%A  J. W. van der Woude
%T  A graph theoretic characterization for the rank of the transfer matrix
    of a structured system
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8819

%A  R. K. Boel
%A  J. H. van Schuppen
%T  Distributed routing for load balancing
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8820


%A  J. T. M. van Bon
%A  A. M. Cohen
%T  Prospective classification of distance-transitive graphs
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8804

%A  J. T. M. van Bon
%A  A. M. Cohen
%T  Linear groups and distance-transitive graphs
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8805

%A  T. H. Koornwinder
%T  Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials and the Heisenberg algebra
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8806

%A  T. H. Koornwinder
%T  Jacobi functions as limit cases of q-ultraspherical polynomials
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8807

%A  J. T. M. van Bon
%T  On distance-transitive graphs and involutions
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8808

%A  T. H. Koornwinder
%T  Representations of the twisted SU(2) quantum group and some
    q-hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8809

%A  M. Hazewinkel
%T  Nongaussian linear filtering, identification of linear systems, and the
    symplectic group
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8810

%A  S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
%T  Index formulas for generalized Wiener-Hopf operators and Boson-Fermion
    correspondence in 2N dimensions
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1988
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8811


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