[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/ucsc

leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (05/26/89)

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{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-01 \sp 
James L. Murphy\\
March, 1988; 9 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Computing power continues to increase while cost continues to fall.  Processors are faster, 
memories larger, displays have higher resolution and more colors, software is more portable and 
machines more easily connected.  This paper contrasts the computing resources available to the author 
in the early seventies with those of the new undergraduate Computer Graphics Laboratory at the 
University of Califronia at Santa Cruz.  The improvements in hardware and software are described and 
the impact this increased functionality has had on the nature of the simulations now possible are 

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-02} \sp
David Haussler\\
September, 1985 (rvsd\frenchspacing. March, 1988);
28 pages (\$4.00)\\
{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We extend Valiant's machine learning model by including a space limitation on the 
learning algorithm.  This forces the algorithm to perform some kind of explicit abstraction or 
generalization from the sample it receives.  Space efficient learning algorithms for a restricted class 
of decision trees and for certain finite valued functions on the real line are presented, each using a 
different mechanism of abstraction.  These algorithms are analyzed using a general technique for 
establishing performance bounds that is applicable to a wide class of space efficient learning 
algorithms.  This technique is based on a new result on certain types of finite Markov chains, also given 
{\bf Keywords:}  machine learning, learnability, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, induction, 
abstraction, generalization, analysis of algorithms, Markov chains, decision trees.

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-03} \sp
Robert A. Levinson\\
March, 1988;
11 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This paper describes research on the design and application of a Self-Organizing Pattern 
Retrieval System.  This system is a non-traditional form of database for several reasons:

1. The objects (patterns) stored in the database are complex data structures.

2. The system attempts to optimize its internal structure for retrieval efficiency by taking 
advantage of classificatory information it discovers about the patterns in the database.

3. The system is representation-independent, allowing the use of any representation scheme as 
long as a small set of i/o routines and comparison functions for the representation are provided.

This system was first applied to the organization of molecules and reactions in organic chemistry.

A version of the self-organizing database system is being developed to support the identification 
and characterization of signals in an RF environment.  This paper focuses on the information retrieval 
requirements of such a system and a proposed solution.  The primary application of this system is the 
guidance and control of NASA's SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Microwave Observing 

Other applications being pursued include the manipulation and induction of conceptual structures 
and the storage and retrieval of DNA/protein sequences.\\
{\bf Keywords:}  expert systems, knowledge representation, machine learning.

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-04} \sp
Manuel E. Bermudez and Karl M. Schimpf\\
May, 1988;
17 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We present a practical technique for computing lookahead for an LR(0) parser, that 
progressively attempts single-symbol, multi-symbol, and arbitrary lookahead.  The technique 
determines the amount of lookahead required, and the user is spared the task of guessing it.  The class of 
context-free grammars defined by our technique is a subset of the LR-Regular grammars; we show that 
unlike LR-Regular, the problem of determining whether an arbitrary grammar is in the class, is 
decidable.  When restricted to k-symbol lookahead, the technique has the power of LALR(k) parsers.  It 
has been successfully used to resolve multi-symbol lookahead conflicts in grammars for FORTRAN, Ada, 
C, COBOL, and PL/I, and its performance compares favorably with that of two well-known, commercially 
available parser generators.
{\bf General Terms:}  Algorithms, Languages, Theory.
{\bf Keywords:}  Context-free grammar, LALR(k), LR-Regular.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-05} \sp
Pak K. Chan and Kevin Karplus\\
September, 1988;
18 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The linear RC delay model is commonly used in timing simulators for MOS digital circuits.  
Most simulators only handle tree networks, not arbitrary networks.  More precisely, these simulators 
treat networks as if they were trees.  Currently, the alternatives are to invert the node-conductance 
matrix of the RC network numerically, or to provide bounds on signal delays.

In this article, we present an algorithm for computing signal delays in general RC networks using 
the RC-tree computation as the primary operation.  The idea is based on a form of Kron's "branch 
tearing" (commonly called Tree/Link partitioning):  we partition a given network into a spanning tree 
and link branches.  Then, we compute the signal delay of the spanning tree, and update the signal delay 
as we incrementally add the links back to reconstruct the original network.  If m is the number of link 
branches, this algorithm requires m(m+1)/2 updates and m+1 tree delay evaluations.  All the tree delay 
evaluations involve computing signal delays with the same resistive spanning tree, but with different 
values for the capacitors.  This algorithm could be used to build an efficient RC simulator that handles 
general RC networks, and is also amenable to parallel implementation.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-06} \sp
D. Haussler, M. Kearns, N. Littlestone and M. Warmuth\\
September, 1988;
36 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  In this paper we consider several variants of Valiant's learnability model that have 
appeared in the literature.  We give conditions under which these models are equivalent in terms of the 
polynomially learnable concept classes they define.  These equivalences allow quantitative comparisons 
of most of the existing theorems in Valiant-style learnability.  In addition, we prove that several 
simplifying assumptions on polynomial learning algorithms can be made without loss of generality.  We 
also give a useful reduction of learning problems to the problem of finding consistent hypotheses, and 
give comparisons and equivalences between Valiant's model and the prediction learning models.\\
{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-07} \sp
Darrell Long\\
Spring, 1988  (Ph.D. Thesis);
161 pages (\$10.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The field of consistency control protocols for replicated data objects has existed for about 
ten years.  Its birth coincides with the advent of distributed data bases and the communications 
technology required to support them.  When data objects are replicated around a computer network, a 
protocol must be chosen to ensure a consistent view to an accessing process.  The replicas of the data 
object are then said to be mutually consistent.  The protocols used to insure mutual consistency are 
known as replica control or consistency control protocols.

There are several advantages to a distributed system over a single processor system.  Among these 
are increased computing power and the ability to tolerate partial failures due to the malfunction of 
individual components.  The redundancy present in a distributed system has been the focus of much 
research in the area of distributed data base systems.  Another benefit of this natural redundancy, along 
with the relatively independent failure modes of the processors, is that it allows the system to continue 
operation even after some of the processors have failed.  This can be used to construct data objects that 
are robust in the face of partial system failures.

The focus of this dissertation is the exploitation of the redundancy present in distributed systems in 
order to attain an increased level of fault tolerance for data objects.  The use of replication as a method 
of increasing fault tolerance is a well-known technique.  Replication introduces the additional complexity
of maintaining mutual consistency among the replicas of the data object.  The protocols that manage 
the replicated data and provide the user with a single consistent view of that data are studied, and a 
comprehensive analysis of the fault tolerance provided by several of the most promising protocols are 
presented.  Several techniques are employed, including Markov analysis and dicrete event simulation.  
Simulation is used to confirm and extend the results obtained using analytic techniques.
{\bf Keywords:}  replication, fault-tolerance, distributed data bases.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-08} \sp
Giulia Pagallo and David Haussler\\
October, 1988;
40 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We present two new methods to learn a Boolean function from examples.  The first 
algorithm uses an iterative strategy to discover features that are used as tests in a decision tree 
representation of the target concept.  The second method uses a greedy top down approach to form a 
decision list from the primitive literals.  We show empirically that these methods outperform a standard 
decision tree learning algorithm for learning small random DNF functions, when examples are drawn at 
random from the uniform distribution.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-09} \sp
Kieth S. Huie (Master Thesis)\\
Spring, 1988;
37 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  An overview of the 3081/E processor is given.  Methods for interfacing the processor to a 
host network are discussed.  Design goals are stated.  A design is proposed for a high-speed 3081/E inter-
face using string I/O.  Procedures for implementing a new software interface are outlined.  Applications 
for this interface are stated.  Details of the new system are discussed and improvements upon the 
previous system are noted.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-10}\sp
Daniel Warren (Master Thesis)\\
December, 1987;
57 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Error correcting codes are used in many communications systems.  In general, the 
throughput of these systems is limited by the error correcting component of the receiving end.  A 
massively parallel decoding algorithm, called Algorithm B [20], has been developed, which, when 
implemented in VLSI, could significantly increase the speed of the error correcting component in many 
communication situations.  However, a fully parallel VLSI implimentation of Algorithm B requires a 
linear code with a null matrix that is sparse.  (A matrix consisting of a spanning set of vectors from the 
code null space is called a null matrix.)  Unfortunately, little is known about good codes with sparse null 

In this paper we present two methods for constructing block codes with sparse null matrices and 
good error correcting capabilities.  Since one construction method does not provide information 
allowing us to determine analytically the resulting code's error correcting capabilities with sufficient 
accuracy, we have performed simulation experiments, using Algorithm B on a number of these codes, to 
assess statistically their error correcting capabilities.

Chapter 2 contains a brief comparison between some of the decoding algorithms used in exisiting 
communication systems and Algorithm B.  This is followed by a short description of Algorithm B and a 
justification for Algorithm B's need for sparse null matrix codes when implemented in a fully parrallel 
manner.  We begin Chapter 3 by giving two upper bounds for the rate of a code that are functions of the 
sparseness the code's null matrix.  (The rate of block code is the ratio of the number of information bits 
per block to the total number of bits per block.)  We then argue why, in general, cyclic codes fail to 
produce null matrices that are very sparse and fail to be very promising in the light of the analytical 
analyses that provide lower bounds for a code's error correcting ability when used with Algorithm B.  
The code construction methods are presented in chapter 4 along with a list of the parameters for many 
codes constructible by these methods.  Chapter 5 contains the details of the simulation experiments and 
several tables of results.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-11}\sp
Forest Kenton Musgrave (Master Thesis)\\
September, 1987;
60 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  A model which takes into account the relationship of the frequency of light to the index of 
refraction in transparent media, is developed as an extension of the distributed ray tracing model.  A 
model of atmospheric rainbows is presented.  The problem of representing an approximation of the 
spectrum of monochromatic colors on a color graphics monitor is discussed, within the context of 
modelling dispersion.
{\bf Keywords:} Dispersion, refraction, stochastic sampling, distributed ray tracing, spectrum, color gamut.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-12}\sp
Brian Frederick Hanks (Master Thesis)\\
September, 1987;
27 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This thesis describes a method for exploiting large grain parallelism on a network of 
workstations.  Parallelism is provided by a collection of C callable library functions and macro expansions,
giving the applications programmer the ability to create, execute, and synchronize processes 
using synchronous message passing.  A program using these library calls consists of a main process and 
a set of created subprocesses executing on multiple workstations in the network.  Significant speedup 
has been obtained with this library.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-13}\sp
Edward R. Oswalt (Master Thesis)\\
June, 1988;
65 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This thesis presents a computer system capable of identifying bird species from recordings 
of calls or songs typical of the species.  Each recording is converted into a list of chirp feature vectors 
(one vector for each chirp), which is then converted into a single song feature vector.  In a sample of 
225 recordings of 28 species, a statistical system based on these vectors correctly classifies 125 of the 
recordings (56%), and evidence is given that with a larger sample set better performance would occur.  
Due to the many kinds of variation in bird utterances, finding a single highly accurate and general 
approach to bird utterances, finding a single highly accrate and general approach to bird species 
recognition appears to be more difficult than finding such an approach to human speech recognition.  
In addition to analysis based on the chirp feature list, spectral analysis based on Fourier and Linear 
Predictive methods and the physiology of bird song production is discussed.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-14}\sp
Don Kimber (Master Thesis)\\
June, 1988;
196 pages (\$10.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:} We define a class of abstract systems called molecular automata, and investigate the 
behavior of these systems by exploiting the analogy between them and physical systems.  We 
demonstrate that pattern formation in molecular automata directly corresponds to learning, and 
describe an implementation of a learning system based on molecular automata.  The learning domain 
chosen in the inference of the statistical structure of symbol sequences produced by markov sources 
and presented as input to the molecular automata.  The interpretation of each pattern in a molecular 
automata system as a hypothesized markov source and the process by which it may be used to predict 
future symbols is given.  By patterns we refer to classes of states which correspond to equivalent or 
related markov sources.  An information theoretic metric is proposed for performance evaluation.  We 
formally specify a process by which molecular automata systems evolve and demonstrate that the 
process leads to equilibrium conditions in which the most probable patterns are those with the greatest 
predictive value with respect to the performance metric.

Kirkpatrick [Kirk], Hopfield [Hop82] [Hop85], and others have used a similar approach in the study 
of optimization problems, and Smolensky [PDP] and Hinton [PDP] have used this approach in the context 
of learning and pattern recognition.  Kirkpatrick and Smolensky have both suggested the analogy of 
phase transitions but have not presented complete treatments of the analogy.  We extend these previous 
treatments by formally defining the notions of phases (i.e. Macrostates or equivalence classes of states) 
and open systems (systems allowed to exchange resources with their environment at controlled 
resource costs) and presenting some results relevant to these extensions.  In particular, we 
quantitatively specify the relative probability of various phases in terms of quantity analogous to Free 
Energy in physical systems, and demonstrate the relationship between the temperature, chemical 
potential (resouce cost) and dominant phase.  Although our treatment is developed for molecular 
automata systems, care is taken to develop a general treatment, and consequently some of our results 
apply to other classes of 'Boltzmann Machines'.  Full justification of the statistical mechanical treatment 
of molecular automata is given.  The role and applicability of the analogy between equilibrium physical 
systems and molecular automata systems is discussed in depth.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-15}\sp
{\bf Molsurf}\\
Kenneth W. Cluff (Master Thesis)\\
March, 1988;
69 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}   The MOLSURF molecular graphics system is a computer program which uses raster 
graphics techniques to create space filling images of proteins on standard computer systems.  Images 
are composed and manipulated through an interactive front end accessed over a normal terminal, and 
then rendered to image files or a graphics display device upon command.  Effects such as sidelighting, 
shadows, and highlights are used to increase the three-dimensional information content of the images 
produced.  Chemical properties, either from the original protein data bank file or user created tables, 
can be displayed on the protein surface via color mapping, and spatial relationships can be similarly 
indicated using a color mapping to show the proximity of structures.  Even with these advanced 
capabilities, MOLSURF is fast enough to be comfortably used as an interactive system.

This thesis describes both the implementation and operation of MOLSURF in detail and is intended to 
serve as guide for users of the system.  Section two provides a brief description of proteins and protein 
structure to both show the motivation for programs such as MOLSURF and to provide some necessary 
background information.  Section three then briefly reviews the history and current state of molecular 
graphics to give an ideo of the historical roots of MOLSURF and place it amongst the current generation 
of molecular graphics systems.  The next section lays out the initial design considerations arrived at 
from a combination of the ideas presented in the literature, experience with other systems, research 
interests in biochemistry, and knowledge of the capabilities of modern computer graphics techniques.  
These early decisions guided the course of development that eventually lead to the MOLSURF system 
which section five and six describe in detail.  Section five discusses the details of the interactive front 
end, and section six the underlying implementation of the MOLSURF renderer.  Included in appendix 
one is a complete description of the MOLSURF command set. \\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-16}\\p
Allen Van Gelder, Kenneth A. Ross and John S. Schlipf\\
August, 1988;
13 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  A general logic program (abbreviated to "program" hereafter) is a set of rules that have 
both positive and negative subgoals.  It is common to view a deductive database as a general logic 
program consisting of rules (IDB) sitting above elementary relations (EDB, facts).  It is desirable to 
associate one Herbrand model with a program and think of that model as the "meaning of the program," 
or its "declarative semantics."  Ideally, queries directed to the program would be answered in accordance 
with this model.  Recent research indicates that some programs do not have a "satisfactory" total model; 
for such programs, the question of an appropriate partial model arises.  We introduce unfounded sets 
andwell-founded partial models, and define the well-founded semantics of a program to be its well-
founded partial model.  If the well-founded partial model is in fact a total model, we call it the well-
founded model, and say informally that the program is "well-behaved."  We show that the class of well-
behaved programs properly includes previously studied classes of "stratified" and "locally stratified" 
programs.  We also compare our method with other proposals in the literature, including Clark's 
"program completion," Fitting's 3-valued interpretation of the program completion, and the "stable 
models" of Gelfond and Lifschitz.

A preliminary version of this report appeared in {\sl Seventh ACM Symposium on Principles of Database 
Systems}, pages 221-230, 1988.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-17}\sp
Allen Van Gelder\\
October, 1988;
13 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Horn clause programs have an intuitive and well-accepted semantics defined by the least 
fixpoint of an operator that essentially performs modus ponens reasoning.  Several early attempts to 
extend this operator to programs with negative subgoals ran into problems of one sort or another.  Two 
recent proposals to improve matters are named "stable models", due to Gelfond and Lifschitz, and "well-
founded partial models", due to Van Gelder, Ross, and Schlipf.  Both stable models and well-founded 
partial models were defined somewhat nonconstructively, in the sense that certain sets could be 
recognized if presented, but no algorithm to construct them from the program was given.

In this paper we introduce and describe the alternating fixpoint of a logic program.  The underlying
idea is to monotonically build up a set of negative conclusions until the least fixpoint is reached, 
using a transformation related to the one that defines stable models.  From a fixed set of negative 
conclusions, we can derive the positive conclusions that follow (without deriving any further negative 
ones), by traditional Horn clause semantics.  The union of positive and negative conclusions is called the 
alternating fixpoint partial model.  The name "alternating" was chosen because the transformation runs 
in two passes; the first pass transforms an underestimate of the set of negative conclusions into an 
(intermediate) overestimate; the second pass transforms the overestimate into a new underestimate; the 
composition of the two passes is monotonic.

Our main theorem is that the alternating fixpoint partial model is exactly the well-founded partial 

We also show that a system in fixpoint logic, which permits rule bodies to be first order formulas but 
requires inductive relations to be positive within them, can be transformed straightforwardly into a 
normal logic program whose alternating fixpoint partial model corresponds to the least fixpoint of the 
fixpoint logic system.

This report will appear in {\sl Eighth ACM Symposium of Principles of Database Systems}, March 1989.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-18}\sp
Darrell D.E. Long, John L. Carroll and Kris Stewart\\
October, 1988;
15 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The accessibility of vital information can be enhanced by replicating the data on several 
sites, and employing a consistency control protocol to manage the copies.  The most common measures of 
accessibility include reliability, which is the probability that a replicated data object will remain 
continuously accessible over a given time period, and availability, which is the steady-state probability 
that the data object is accessible at any given moment

For many applications, the reliability of a system is a more important measure of its performance 
that its availability.  These applications are characterized by the property that interruptions of service 
are intolerable and usually involve interaction with real-time processes, such as process control or data 
gathering where the data will be lost if it is not captured when it is available.

The reliability of a replicated data object depends on maintaining a viable set of current replicas.  
When storage is limited it may not be feasible to simply replicate a data object at enough sites to achieve 
the desired level of reliability.  If new replicas of a data object can be created faster than a system 
failure can be repaired, better reliability can be achieved by creating new replicas on other sites in 
response to changes in the system configuration.  This technique, known as regeneration, approximates 
the reliability provided by additional replicas for a modest increase in storage costs.

Several strategies for replica maintenance are considered, and the benefits of each are analyzed.  
While the availability afforded by each of the protocols is quite similar, the reliabilities vary greatly.  
Formulas describing the reliability of the replicated data object are presented, and closed-form solutions 
are given for the tractible cases.  Numerical solutions, validated by simulation results, are used to 
analyze the trade-offs between reliability and storage costs.  With estimates of the mean time to site 
failure and repair is a given system, the numerical techniques presented here can be applied to predict 
the fewest number of replicas to provide the desired level of reliability.
{\bf Keywords:}  replication, fault-tolerance, distributed data bases.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-19}\sp
Pak K. Chan and Martine D.F. Schlag\\
November, 1988;
22 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:} Carry-skip adders compare favorably with any other adders for efficient VLSI 
implementation.  Lehman has shown that carry-skip adders with variable size blocks are faster than 
adders with constant size blocks.  In 1967, Majerski suggested that multi-level implementation of the 
variable size carry-skip adders would provide further improvement in speed.  Almost two decades later, 
Oklobdzija and Barnes developed algorithms for determining the optimal block sizes for one-level and 
two-level implementation, and generaliation of the results were given by Guyot et al.  In these analyses, 
they assumed all adder cells were implemented with static (restoring) logic.  Therefore the ripple-carry 
propagation delay is linearly proportional to the size of a block.  In the contrary, a more popular VLSI 
adder implementation is the Manchester Adder using dynamic (precharge) logic, where the ripple 
propagation is proportional to the square of the size of a block.  We shall examine two variants of the 
Manchester Adder.  We analyze them with the RC timing models, which provides us a unified way of 
analyzing both CMOS circuits and interconnect.  Finally, we apply these timing models to derive closed-
form formula to determine the optimal size blocks for the one-level case.
{\bf Keywords:}  Manchester adder, carry skip adder, RC timing model, VLSI design.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-20}\sp
Robert A. Levinson\\
November, 1988;
15 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We present an optimal 0(n3/2) algorithm, "0", for finding minimum vertex covers of 
graphs that have no odd cycles that share an edge.  Optimal polynomial-time algorithms already exist 
for graphs bounded by degree 2  (0(n)), bipartite graphs (0(n3/2)).  Thus algorithm O extends the size of 
the class of graphs for which we know how to find optimal vertex covers in polynomial-time.  
Algorithm 0 frequently invokes the optimal algorithm for bipartite graphs.  Optimal 0(n) vertex cover 
algorithms for weighted cycles and weighted linear graphs are also used by algorithm 0.  They are also 
{\bf Keywords:}  NP-completeness, vertex cover, bipartite graph.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-21}\sp
Charles E. McDowell and David P. Helmbold\\
November, 1988;
62 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The main problems associated with debugging concurrent programs are increased 
complexity, the 'probe effect', non-repeatability and the lack of a synchronized global clock.  The probe 
effect refers to the fact that any attempt to observe the behavior of a distributed system may change the 
behavior of the system.  For some parallel programs different executions with the same data will result 
in different results even without any attempt to observe the behavior.  Even when the behavior can be 
observed, the lack of a synchronized global clock in many systems makes the results of the observation 
difficult to interpret.  This paper discusses these and other problems related to debugging concurrent 
programs, and presents a survey of current techniques used in debugging concurrent programs.  
Systems using three general techniques are described:  traditional or breakpoint style debuggers, event 
monitoring systems, and static analysis systems.  In addition, techniques for limiting, organizing and 
displaying the large amount of data produced by the debugging systems are discussed.  An annotated 
bibliography of over forty papers is included.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-22}\sp
Joel Ferguson\\
December, 1988;
23 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This report characterizes test sets that detect multiple faults in MOS circuits guided by the 
observation that such circuits are implemented as a network of switches.  This leads to a conceptionally 
simple technique for generating multiple-fault test sets.  Sufficient conditions for the detection of all 
multiple faults are given for any switch network, and it is shown that a test set exists meeting these 
conditions for any irredundant circuit with certain restrictions on input fanout.  Optimal test sets are 
generated for two classes of fanout-free circuits using this procedure.  In the cases where these 
conditions cannot be met, a procedure is given that shows which multiple faults may not be detected by 
a class of "robust" test sets.  The procedures presented in this paper generate superior (100% multiple 
fault coverage with less test vectors) test sets for a large class of MOS complex gates than is possible 
using a gate-level description of the circuit.
{\bf Keywords:}  MOS faults, test vector generation, multiple faults.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-23}\sp
Darrell D.E. Long and Jehan-Francois Paris\\
October, 1988;
8 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The reliability and availability of replicated data can often be increased by generating 
new replicas when some become inaccessible due to system malfunctions.  This technique has been used 
in the Regeneration Algorithm, a replica control protocol based on file regeneration.

The read and write availabilities of replicated data managed by the Regeneration Algorithm are 
evaluated and two new regeneration protocols are presented that over-come some of its limitations.  The 
first protocol combines regeneration and the Available Copy approach to improve availability of 
replicated data.  The second combines regeneration and the Dynamic Voting approach to guarantee data 
consistency in the presence of network partitions while maintaining a high availability.  Expressions 
for the availabilities of replicated data managed by both protocols are derived and found to improve 
significantly on the availability achieved using extant consistency protocols.
{\bf Keywords:}  file consistency, fault-tolerant systems, replicated files, mutual exclusion, performance 

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-24}\sp
Charles Stein and Lewis Hitchner\\
December, 1988\sp
10 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Dissolves from one digital image to another exhibiting many varied special effects can be 
achieved by using the Multiresolution Dissolve.  These effects include cross-dissolves of edge details 
before coarse image features, cross-dissolves of scene illumination before other image details, and a 
new smooth dissolve that reduces the double exposed look of standard cross-dissolves.  Our method 
produces new and interesting results when applied to fading between background and titles or images.  
The Multiresolution Dissolve generates a series of bandpass filtered images of start and end images and 
then produces in-between frames of the dissolve sequence by summing the bandpassed images with 
weights that vary over time and by frequency band.  Computational time and space are greatly reduced 
by use of multiresolution pyramid image processing techniques.

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-25}\sp
Hans L. Bodlaender, Shlomo Moran and Manfred K. Warmuth\\
November,  1988;
16 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The distributed bit complexity of an asynchronous network of processors is a lower bound 
on the worst case bit complexity of computing any non-constant function of the inputs to the 
processors.  This concept attempts to capture the amount of communication required for any "useful" 
computation on the network.

The aim of this kind of research is to characterize networks by their bit complexity.  Moran and 
Warmuth studied the bit complexity of a ring of n processors under the assumption that all the 
processors in the ring are identical (anonymous), i.e. all processors run the same program and the only 
parameter to the program is the input of the processor.  It was shown that for anonymous rings it takes 
W(n logn) bits to compute any non-constant function.  We would like to release the assumption that the 
processors are anonymous by allowing each of the processors to have a distinct identity (which 
becomes a second parameter to the program).  If the set of possible identities grows double 
exponentially in n, then by a simple reduction to the anonymous case one can show that the lower 
bound holds as well.

In this paper we show that the W(n logn) bit lower bound for computing any non-constant function 
holds even if the set of possible identities is very small, that is n 1+e, for any positive e.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-26}\sp
Leonard Pitt and Manfred K. Warmuth\\
November, 1988;
38 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSRACT:}  Consider the following question: Given examples of words accepted and rejected by an 
unknown automaton, is there an algorithm that in a feasible amount of time will learn to predict which 
words will be accepted by the automaton?  We develop a notion of prediction-preserving reducibility, 
and show that if DFAs are predictable, then so are all languages accepted in logarithmic space.  In 
particular, the predictability of DFAs implies the predictability of all Boolean formulas.  Similarly, 
predictability of NFAs, PDAs (or CFGs), and alternating DFAs implies predictability of all languages in 
nondeterministic logspace, logcfl, and polynomial time, respectively.  We give relationships between 
the complexity of the membership problem for a class of automata, and the complexity of the prediction 
problem.  Using prediction-preserving reductions, we determine the relative complexity of a number of 
additional prediction problems.

Examples are given of prediction problems that are "prediction-complete" for P, i.e. whose 
predictability would imply the predictability of all languages accepted in polynomial time.  It follows, 
under the assumption that there exists cryptographically secure pseudorandom bit generators that all 
such prediction problems are not polynomially predictable, even under a relaxed definition of 

We discuss recent related results of Kearns and Valiant which show that Boolean formulas and DFAs 
are not polynomially predictable based on certain cryptographic assumptions such as the intractability 
of factoring Blum integers.

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-27}\sp
Paul A. Monte and R. Michael Tanner\\
November, 1988;
30 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Tanner has presented a transform theory that permits the construction and analysis of a 
large class of group-invariant codes.  A subclass of these codes are shortened and punctured BCH codes, 
in which both information symbols and parity-check symbols have been deleted.  A truncated BCH code 
is constructed such that 1) the BCH bound provides a lower bound on the minimum distance of the code, 
2) the code rate and length are easily determined, and 3) the code can be decoded to its BCH design 
distance using any of the standard decoding algorithms for BCH codes, such as the Berlekamp-Massey 
algorithm.  This paper presents a table of selected truncated binary BCH codes found on fields GF(212) 
and smaller with minimum distances less than 50.  The codes included are significantly better than 
shortened primitive BCH codes; many have parameters that approach or surpass those of the best codes 
in the tables of MacWilliams and Sloane and of T. Verhoeff.
{\bf Keywords:}  error-correction, codes, BCH, quasi-cyclic, shortened, group-invariant.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-28}\sp
Kevin Karplus\\
November,  1988;
24 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This article describes the use of binary decision diagrams (BDDs) and if-then-else DAGs for 
representing and manipulating Boolean functions. 

Two-cuts are defined for binary decision diagrams, and the relationship is exhibited between 
general if-then-else expressions and the two-cuts of a BDD for the same function.  An algorithm for 
computing all two-cuts of a BDD in O(n2) time is given.

A new canonical form for if-then-else DAGs, analogous to Bryant's canonical form for BDDs, is 
introduced.  The canonical form is based on representing the lowest non-trivial two-cut in the 
corresponding BDD, while Bryant's canonical form represents the highest two-cut.  Expressions in 
Bryant's canonical form or in the new canonical form are shown to be prime and irredundant.

Some applications of if-then-else DAGs to multi-level logic minimization are given, and the 
Printform transformations for reducing the complexity of if-then-else DAGs are presented.
{\bf Keywords:}  Boolean functions, Binary decision diagrams, if-then-else trees, if-then-else DAGs, 
two-cuts, Bryant's canonical form.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-29}\sp
Kevin Karplus\\
November,  1988;
21 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  This article describes the use of if-then-else DAGs for multi-level logic minimization.

A new canonical form for if-then-else DAGs, analogous to Bryant's canonical form for binary 
decision diagrams (BDDs), is introduced.  Two-cuts are defined for binary decision diagrams, and a 
relationship is exhibited between general if-then-else expressions and the two-cuts of a BDD for the 
same function.  The canonical form is based on representing the lowest non-trivial two-cut in the 
corresponding BDD, instead of the highest two-cut, as in Bryant's canonical form.

The definitions of prime and irredundant expressions are extended to if-then-else DAGs.  
Expressions in Bryant's canonical form or in the new canonical form can be shown to be prime and 

Objective functions for minimization are discussed, and estimators for predicting the area and delay 
of the circuit produces after technology mapping are proposed.

A brief discussion of methods for applying don't-care information and for factoring expressions is 
{\bf Keyword:}  Logic minimization.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-30}\sp
Alexandre Brandwajn\\
November,  1988;
16 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  In recent months, several mainframe disk manufacturers have introduced or announced a 
number of DASD products, including new cached disk controllers, such as the IBM 3990 Model 3 or the 
Amdahl 6100 Storage Processor.  Among the several striking performance feature of these new 
generation controllers is their number of internal transfer paths, and the resulting degree of 
concurrency of I/O operations.

The use of multiple cache access ports is expected to reduce  storage path contention, and hence, I/O 
service time, since a number of cache hits can be served overlapped with the "hidden" portion of 
staging during which the remainder of the track following the missing record is read into the cache.  
Such an overlap may be limited to I/Os involving different devices (this seems to be the case in current 
cache controllers), or it may be extended to include hit-staging overlap for the same logical device.

The goal of this note is twofold.  First, to present an assessment of the expected performance impact 
of both limited and extended overlap between staging and cache hits using numerical results obtained 
from discrete-event simulations.  The second goal is to propose an analytical model for path and device 
contention with overlaps.  The accuracy of our model, believed to be novel, is also discussed.
{\bf Keywords:}  Disk subsystems, cached I/O, multiple cache ports, service overlaps, performance modeling, 
queueing models.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-31}\sp
Phokion G. Kolaitis and Moshe Y. Vardi\\
December, 1988;
35 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The probability of a property of the collection of all finite relational structures is the limit 
as n -> 0 of the fraction of structures with n elements satisfying the property, provided the limit exists.  
It is known that a 0-1 law holds for any property expressible in first-order logic, i.e. the probability of 
any such property exists and is either 0 or 1.  Moreover, the associated decision problem for the 
probabilities is PSPACE-complete.

We investigate here fragments of existential second-order in which we restrict the patterns of first-
order quantifiers.  We focus on the class S 1  existential second-order sentences in which the first-order 
part belongs to the Ackermann class, i.e., it contains at most one universal first-order quantifier.  All 
properties expressible by S 1 sentences are NP-computable and there are natural NP-complete 
properties, such as SATISFIABILITY, that are expressible by such sentences.  We establish that the 0-1 
law holds for the class S 1  and show that the associated decision problem in NEXTTIME-complete.  We also 
show that the 0-1 law fails for other fragments of existential second-order logic in which the first-order 
part belongs to certain prefix classes with an unsolvable decision problem.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-32
Allen Van Gelder\\
June, 1988;
21 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  An algorithm for satisfiability testing in the propositional calculus with a worst case 
running time that grows at a rate less than 2(0.25 + e)  L is described. where L can be either the length of 
the input expression or the number of occurences of literals (i.e., leaves) in it.  This represents a new 
upper bound on the complexity of non-clausal satisfiability testing.  The performance is achieved by 
using lemmas concerning assignments and pruning that preserve satisfiability, together with choosing 
a "good" variable upon which to recur.  For expressions in conjunctive normal form, it is shown that an 
upper bound is 21.28 L.

This report appeared in Information and Computation, Vol. 79, No.1, October 1988.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-33}\sp
Aleksandar Milosavljevic\\
December, 1988;
35 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  By the principle of cognitive economy, the goal of learning is the minimization of 
cognitive effort in saving a set of observations.  The simpler the knowledge structure that results from 
learning, the lower the cognitive effort.  A knowledge structure consists of a set of prototypes that 
capture the structure in the observations.

We propose a class of models of unsupervised learning that is based on the principle of cognitive 
economy.  A model of learning from that class is obtained by choosing a particular measure of cognitive 

There are many possible measures of cognitive effort.  For a class of discrete probability distributions
and for particular choices of the measure of cognitive effort we obtain models of learning 
identical to maximum likelihood and bayesian estimators.

We implement a learning algorithm that minimizes a simple measure of cognitive economy.  The 
performance of such algorithm correlates with human performance in a learning experiment.  Also, we 
discover the classes of Alu genetic sequences by applying this algorithm.  Finally, we demonstrate its 
robustness to noisy, irrelevant and missing data.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-34}\sp
Darrell D. E. Long, Jehan-Francois Paris and John L. Carroll\\
December, 1988;
5 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Improved fault tolerance of many applications can be achieved by replicating data at 
several sites.  This data redundancy requires a protocol to maintain the consistency of the data object in 
the presence of site failures.  The most commonly used scheme is voting.  Voting and its variants are 
unaffected by network partitions.  When network partitions cannot occur, better performance can be 
achieved with available copy protocols.

Common measures of dependability include reliability, which is the probability that a replicated 
object will remain constantly available over a fixed time period.  We investigate the reliability of 
replicated data objects managed by voting, available copy and their variants.  Where possible, closed-
form expressions for the reliability of the various consistency protocols are derived using standard 
Markovian assumptions.  In other cases, numerical solutions are found and validated with simulation 
{\bf Keywords:}  replication, fault-tolerance, distributed data bases.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-35}\sp
John L. Carroll and Darrell D. E. Long\\
December, 1988;
13 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The accessibility of vital information can be enhanced by replicating the data on several 
sites, and employing a consistency control protocol to manage the copies.

Various consistency control schemes have been proposed to ensure that out of date information 
cannot be accessed or stored.  The effect these protocols have on the accessibility of the replicated data 
can be investigated by simulating the operation of the network and measuring the performance of 
these consistency control schemes.  Several strategies for replica maintenance are considered, and the 
benefits of each are analyzed.  The details of the simulation are discussed.  Measurements of the mean 
time to failure and the availability of the replicated data are compared and contrasted.

The sensitivity of the Available Copy and Linear-Dynamic Voting protocols and their variants to 
common patterns of site failures and distributions of read and write accesses is studied in detail.  
Constant, Erlang, uniform, and hyperexponential distributions are considered, and the effect the second 
moments have on the results is outlined.  The relative performance of competing protocols is shown to 
be only marginally affected by non-exponential distributions, validating the robustness of the 
exponential approximations.

This paper is to appear in the Twenty-Second Annual Simulation Symposium.
{\bf Keywords:}   replication, fault-tolerance, distributed data bases.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-36}\sp
Eric B. Baum and David Haussler\\
November, 1988;
11 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We address the question of when a network can be expected to generalize from m random 
training examples chosen from some arbitrary probability distribution, assuming that future test 
examples are drawn from the same distribution.  Among our results are the following bounds on 
appropriate sample vs. network size.  Assume 0<e21/8.  We show that if m 3 0(W/e log N/e) random 
examples can be loaded on a feedforward network of linear threshold functions with N nodes and W 
weights, so that at least a fraction 1 - e/2 of the examples are correctly classified, then one has 
confidence approaching certainty that the network will correctly classify a fraction 1 - e of future test 
examples drawn from the same distribution.  Conversely, for fully-connected feedforward nets with one 
hidden layer, any learning algorithm using fewer than W(W/e) random training examples will, for some 
distributions of examples consistent with an appropriate weight choice, fail at least some fixed fraction 
of the time to find a weight choice that will correctly classify more than a 1 - e fraction of the future test 

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-37}\sp
Allen Van Gelder\\
November, 1988;
13 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  Extensions of first order logic by various fixpoint operators have been studied extensively 
for both infinite and finite structures.  Previously studied extensions that provide for a fixpoint 
operator on nonpositive formulas include inductive fixpoint logic (IFP), well-founded fixpoint logic 
(WFP), and others.  We give constructive "simulation" that demonstrates that WFP e IFP (in expressive 
power) when the closure ordinal of the IFP system is at most W.  Experience so far indicates that most 
concepts involving nonmonotonic induction have a more concise and natural expression in WFP than 
in IFP.

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-38}\\
Ira Pohl and Daniel Edelson\\
December, 1988\\
20 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  C++ extends a modern, general purpose programming language into the object oriented 
programming paradigm.  It inherits both benefits and conflicts from its parent language.  Advantages 
and disadvantages of traditional C have been described in "A-Z: C Language Shortcomings" (UCSC 
technical report UCSC-CRL-87-31.)  This paper accesses C++, examining ways in which it is a better 
general purpose programming language.  We discuss how well C++ supports the object oriented 
programming paradigm.

$	1 introduces new C++ features.

$	2 discusses ways C++ improves on C.

$	3 examines philosophical and practical problems with C++ that are not present in C.

$	4 assesses C++.

{\bf Keywords:}  object-oriented programming, language assessment, C, C++.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-39}\sp
David Haussler\\
December, 1988;
25 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  We study the problem of learning conjunctive concepts from examples on structural 
domains like the blocks world.  This class of concepts is formally defined and it is shown that even for 
samples in which each example (positive or negative) is a two-object scene it is NP-complete to 
determine if there is any concept in this class that is consistent with the sample.  We demonstrate how 
this shows that it is unlikely that this class of concepts is polynomially learnable from random examples 
alone in the PAC framework of Valiant.  On the other hand, we show that for any fixed bound on the 
number of objects per scene, this class is polynomially learnable if, in addition to providing random 
examples, we allow the learning algorithm to make subset queries.  In establishing this result, we 
calculate the capacity of the hypothesis space of conjunctive concepts in a structural domain, and use a 
general theorem of Vapnik and Chervonenkis.  This latter result can also be used to estimate a sample 
size sufficient for heuristic learning techniques that do not use queries.

This paper is in part a revised version of Technical Report UCSC-CRL-87-1, UC Santa Cruz, February, 

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-40}\sp
Harwood Kolsky and Douglas Hellinger\\
December, 1988;
70 pages (\$6.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  As part of a Jointly Defined Effort between IBM and UCSC, a set of numerically-intensive 
computations were solicited from members of the UCSC faculty and their graduate students.  The selected 
principal investigators were given grants of computer time and other facilities, including the 
opportunity to use the UCSC home-built set of parallel processors (called SC-2), in exchange for sharing 
their experiences and giving their recommendations.  This report is a collection of descriptions of the 
projects from various scientific disciplines as they were originally submitted, together with comments 
concerning parallelization, etc.\\
{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-41}\sp
Jean-Guilhem Cailton (Master Thesis)\\
June, 1988;
35 pages (\$5.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  In the last few years, there has been a strong renewal of interest in the interdisciplinary 
field of "artificial neural networks".  A combination of reasons seems to explain this phenomenon.  The 
appearance of parallel machines at the same time provides efficient implementation and encourages 
research for a better understanding of massive parallelism.  The limitations of "classical" artificial 
intelligence in the domains of perception and learning stimulate interest in different methods and 
theoretical frameworks to tackle these problems.  The discovery of new learning algorithms overcomes 
the limitations of earlier models.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-42}\sp
Daniel Ratner and Manfred Warmuth\\
December, 1988;
24 pages (\$4.00)\\

{\bf ABSTRACT:}  The 8-puzzle and the 15-puzzle have been used for many years as a domain for testing 
heuristic search techniques.  From experience it is known that these puzzles are "difficult" and 
therefore useful for testing search techniques.  In this paper we give strong evidence that these puzzles 
are indeed good test problems.  We extend the 8-puzzle and the 15-puzzle to an nxn board and show that 
finding a shortest solution for the extended puzzle is NP-hard and is thus believed to be computationally 

We also sketch an approximation algorithm for transforming boards that is guaranteed to use no 
more than a constant times the minimum number of moves, where the constant is independent of the 
given boards and their size n.

The studied puzzles are instances of planar relocation problems where the reachability question is 
polynomial but efficient relocation is NP-hard.  Such problems are natural robotics problems:  A robot 
needs to efficiently relocate packages in the plane.  Our research encourages the study of polynomial 
approximation algorithms for related robotics problems.\\

{\bf UCSC-CRL-88-43}\sp
Bernard Riff  (Master Thesis)\\
December, 1988;
120 pages (\$10.00)\\
