leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (07/11/89)
Here is the SIGCOMM bibliography for the July 1989 issue of
SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. The bibliography attempts
to record most publications on the subject of data networking
from March through June 1989. The bibliography is in UNIX(tm)
refer format.
SIGCOMM is the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication.
People interested in joining SIGCOMM can contact me at craig@bbn.com
Craig Partridge
Editor, Computer Communication Review
%A John S. Quarterman
%T The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide
%I Digital Press
%C Bedford, MA
%D 1989
%X \fBDescription:\fP
A detailed survey of all known computer networks in the world.
Provides information on connectivity, history, future plans and
key personnel.
%A William Stallings
%A Paul Mockapetris
%A Sue McLeod
%A Anthony Michel
%T Handbook of Computer-Communications Standards, Vol 3: Department of
Defense (DoD) protocol standards
%I Macmillan Publishing Company
%D 1988
%C New York, NY
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 3, March 1989.
%A D. Bertsekas
%A R. Gallager
%T Data Networks
%D 1987
%C Englewood Cliffs, NH
%I Prentice-Hall, Inc.
%O \fBReviews:\fP \fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol. 29, No. 5, May 1988;
\fIIEEE Network\fP, October 1987; \fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol. 30, No. 3,
March 1989.
%A William Stallings
%T Data and Computer Communications (2nd Edition)
%I Macmillan Publishing Co
%C New York, NY
%D 1988
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 3, March 1989.
%A J. Martin
%A K.K. Chapman
%T SNA: IBM's Networking Solution
%I Prentice-Hall
%C Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
%D 1988
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 4, April 1989.
%A H.L. Bodlaender
%T Distributed Computing: Structure and Complexity
%I Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
%C Amsterdam, The Netherlands
%D 1987
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 4, April 1989.
%A W.S. Currie
%T LANs Explained: A guide to local area networks
%I John Wiley and Sons, Inc
%C New York, NY
%D 1988
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 4, April 1989.
%A Pramode K. Verma
%T Performance Estimation of Computer Communication Networks; A Structured
%D 1989
%I Computer Science Press
%C Rockville MD
%A Henry F. Taylor
%T Advances in Fiber Optics Communications
%I Artech House
%C Norwood, MA
%D December 1988
%X \fBDescription:\fP
Fifty papers on the latest work in fiber optics.
%A G. Marcy
%T Telnet X Display Location Option; RFC 1096
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1096
%D March 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This RFC specifies a standard for the Internet community. Hosts on
the Internet that transmit the X display location within the Telnet
protocol are expected to adopt and implement this standard.
%A K. R. Apt
%A N. Francez
%A S. Katz
%T Appraising fairness in languages for distributed programming
%C Amsterdam
%D 1988
%M f 5,20
%R CWI. Department of Computer Science; R 8811
%X [\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from
1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via e-mail from
%A I. J. P. Elshoff
%T A distributed debugger for Amoeba
%C Amsterdam
%D 1988
%M f 4,--
%R CWI. Department of Computer Science; R 8828
%X [\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from
1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via e-mail from
%A J. C. Mulder
%T On the Amoeba protocol
%C Amsterdam
%D 1988
%M f 4,--
%R CWI. Department of Computer Science; R 8827
%X [\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from
1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via e-mail from
%A Michael N. Nelson
%A Brent B. Welch
%A John K. Ousterhout
%T Caching in the Sprite Network File System
%J ACM Trans. Computer Systems
%V 6
%N 1
%D February 1988
%P 134-154
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol 30, No. 3, March 1989.
%T Robbert Van Renesse
%T Hans Van Staveren
%A Andrew S. Tanenbaum
%T The Performance of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System
%J Software - Practice and Experience
%V 19
%N 3
%P 223-234
%D March 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Amoeba is a capability-based distributed operating system designed for
high-performance interactions between clients and servers using the
well-known RPC model. The paper starts out by describing the
architecture of the Amoeba system, which is typified by specialized
components such as workstations, several services, a processor pool,
and gateways that connect other Amoeba systems transparently over
wide-area networks. Next the RPC interface is described. The
paper presents performance measurements of the Amoeba RPC on
unloaded and loaded systems. The time to perform the simplest
RPC between two user processes has been measured to be 1.4 ms.
Compared to SUN 3/50's RPC, Amoeba has one ninth of the delay,
and over three times the throughput. Finally we describe the Amoeba
file server. The Amoeba file server is so
fast that it is limited by the communication bandwidth. To the best
of our knowledge this is the fastest file server yet reported in the
literature for this class of hardware.
%A John I. Davies
%T An Analysis of Requirements for the Management of Distributed Systems
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%E B. Meandzija and J.A. Westcott
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%D May 14-17, 1989
%I North Holland
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper attempts to contribute to the advancement of Distributed Systems
Management (DSM) by bringing together experience and requirements
derived from current practice, recognising
that distributed systems are now being built and used to serve genuine
It presents an analysis of management requirements beginning with general
organisational characteristics and a number of examples drawn from a variety of application sectors.
The objectives are to provide reference material and
checklists to support both more specific analysis of particular management
problems and wider general analysis.
It represents a current view of how to analyse the requirements
for DSM - transmitting experience and providing tools for further analysis.
%A C. Partridge
%T Integrating Network Measurement Agents into the OSI Network Management
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%E B. Meandzija and J.A. Westcott
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%D May 14-17, 1989
%I North Holland
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Network measurement agents, systems or programs that observe and report on
network traffic, are not currently integrated into any major
network management system. This paper presents a general definition
of measurement agents and discusses one way they might be integrated into
the OSI management architecture.
%A Dragan Grebovic
%T A Speed-of-Service Performance Verification System
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%E B. Meandzija and J.A. Westcott
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%D May 14-17, 1989
%I North Holland
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper presents a system for measuring the speed-of-service
performance parameters based on CCITT Recommendations X.130-series.
The system was developed for measurement of actual speed-of-service
and comparison with requirements for national portion type A of
virtual connections that aim to be connected to
international packet switched networks. It allows a network manager
to verify the network quality-of-service satisfies the end-user requirements
under various traffic load conditions. A definition for
``normal busy hour'' load is proposed.
%A N.F. Schneidewind
%T Distributed System Software Design Paradigm with Application to Computer
%J IEEE Trans. Software Engineering
%P 402-412
%D April 1989
%V 15
%N 4
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
A paradigm for the system and software design of distributed
systems is presented with application to an actual large scale
computer network involving both local area networks and a wide
area network. A number of design principles are offered with
particular reference to how they can be applied to the design
of distributed systems. The major contribution of this paper to
the field of distributed systems is an explanation of how to
make design decisions about distributed systems in a way which
will enhance maintainability and understandability of the
software and, at the same time, result in good system
performance. Our aim is to recognize the implications for
software quality of various decisions which must be made in the
process of specifying a distributed system.
%A O. Frieder
%A G.E. Herman
%T Protocol Verification Using Database Technology
%P 324-334
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A D.M. Topkis
%T Performance Analysis of Information Dissemination by Flooding
%P 335-340
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A K.-Y. Whang
%A S. Brady
%T High-Performance Expert Systems - DBMS Interface for Network
Management and Control
%P 408-417
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A K. Murakami
%A M. Katoh
%T Control Architecture for Next-Generation Communication Networks Based
on Distributed Databases
%P 418-423
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A P. Gburzynski
%A P. Rudnicki
%T A Note on the Performance of ENET II
%P 424-426
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A M.K. Molloy
%T Comments on ``A Note on the Performance of ENET II''
%P 427-430
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas Communications
%V 7
%N 3
%A D.K. Gifford
%A N. Glasser
%T Remote Pipes and Procedures for Efficient Distributed Communication
%J ACM Trans. on Computer Systems
%V 6
%N 3
%D August 1988
%P 258-283
%O \fBReviews:\fP
\fIComputing Reviews\fP, Vol. 30, No. 4, April 1989.
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
[See October '88 issue of \fICCR\fP]
%T The Common Management Information Services and Protocol over TCP/IP (CMOT); RFC 1095
%A Unnikrishnan Warrier
%A Larry Besaw
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1095
%D April 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This memo defines a network management architecture that uses the
International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Common
Management Information Services/Common Management Information
Protocol (CMIS/CMIP) in a TCP/IP environment. This architecture
provides a means by which control and monitoring information can be
exchanged between a manager and a remote network element. In
particular, this memo defines the means for implementing the Draft
International Standard (DIS) version of CMIS/CMIP on top of Internet
transport protocols for the purpose of carrying management
information defined in the Internet-standard management information
base. DIS CMIS/CMIP is suitable for deployment in TCP/IP networks
while CMIS/CMIP moves toward becoming an International Standard.
Together with the relevant ISO standards and the companion RFCs that
describe the initial structure of management information and
management information base, these documents provide the basis for a
comprehensive architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based
internets, and in particular the Internet.
.sp 0.4
The Internet Activities Board (IAB) has designated two different
network management protocols with the same status of ``Draft Standard''
and ``Recommended.''
.sp 0.4
The two protocols are the Common Management Information Services and
Protocol over TCP/IP (CMOT) (this memo) and the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
.sp 0.4
The IAB intends each of these two protocols to receive the attention
of implementors and experimenters. The IAB seeks reports of
experience with these two protocols from system builders and users.
.sp 0.4
By this action, the IAB recommends that all IP and TCP
implementations be network manageable (e.g., implement the Internet
MIB, and that implementations that are network manageable are
expected to adopt and implement at least one of these two Internet
Draft Standards.
%T A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP); RFC 1098
%A J. Case
%A M. Fedor
%A M. Schoffstall
%A C. Davin
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1098
%D April 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This RFC is a re-release of RFC 1067, with a changed ``Status of this
Memo'' section. This memo defines a simple protocol by which
management information for a network element may be inspected or
altered by logically remote users. In particular, together with its
companion memos which describe the structure of management
information along with the initial management information base, these
documents provide a simple, workable architecture and system for
managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular the Internet.
.sp 0.4
The Internet Activities Board (IAB) has designated two different
network management protocols with the same status of ``Draft Standard''
and ``Recommended.''
.sp 0.4
The two protocols are the Common Management Information Services and
Protocol over TCP/IP (CMOT), and the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) (this memo).
.sp 0.4
The IAB intends each of these two protocols to receive the attention
of implementors and experimenters. The IAB seeks reports of
experience with these two protocols from system builders and users.
.sp 0.4
By this action, the IAB recommends that all IP and TCP
implementations be network manageable (e.g., implement the Internet
MIB) and that the implementations that are network manageable are
expected to adopt and implement at least one of these two Internet
Draft Standards.
%J Internet Request for Comments
%A B. Miller
%T Telnet Subliminal-Message Option; RFC 1097
%N 1097
%D April 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This RFC specifies a standard for the Internet community. Hosts on the
Internet that display subliminal messages within the Telnet protocol are
expected to adopt and implement this standard.
%A Y.-N. Shen
%A F. Lombardi
%A A.T. Dahbura
%T Protocol Conformance Testing Using Multiple UIO Sequences
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper presents new results for automatically generating
conformance test sequences for communication protocols
by means of Unique Input/Output (UIO) sequences. UIO
sequences, in combination with an optimization technique
known as the Rural Chinese Postman Algorithm, have been
shown to be effective and efficient in checking the conformance
of a protocol implementation to its specification.
The contribution of this paper is to show that if multiple
minimum-length UIO sequences are computed for each state of
the FSM specification then the length of the resulting test
sequence is significantly reduced without an appreciable
increase in the time needed to compute the sequence. An
algorithm for optimal assignment of the multiple UIO
sequences is given which is based on network flow and is
polynomial in the number of states and transitions of the
%A Jeffrey C. Mogul
%T Simple and Flexible Datagram Access Controls for Unix-based Gateways
%J Proc. 1989 Summer USENIX Conference
%C San Francisco, California
%D June 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Internetworks that connect multiple organizations create potential
security problems that cannot be solved simply by internal
administrative procedures. Organizations would like to restrict
inter-organization access to specific restricted hosts and
applications, in order to limit the potential for damage and to reduce
the number of systems that must be secured against attack. One way to
restrict access is to prevent certain packets from entering or leaving
an organization through its gateways. This paper describes simple,
flexible, and moderately efficient mechanisms for screening the packets
that flow through a Unix-based gateway.
%A Barry Shein
%A Mike Callahan
%A Paul Woodbury
%T NFSstone: A Network File Server Performance Benchmark
%J Proc. 1989 Summer USENIX Conference
%C San Francisco, California
%D June 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Network file servers are becoming a critical facility in modern
computing environments. With the growth in their popularity and the
emergence of multiple vendors providing software products which adhere
to the same standards comes a need for relative performance
measurement of different configurations. We have designed a benchmark
and report our experiences with it on different configurations of
servers and clients. The benchmark was designed to be portable
(between networked file system protocols) and tunable to reflect
different disk traffic patterns if desired. The default parameters
used were chosen to be similar to the traffic patterns of typical
networked file system environments as earlier reported in
%A Roger Needham
%A Andrew Herbert
%T Report on the Third European SIGOPS Workshop: ``Autonomy or
Interdependence in Distributed Systems''
%J Operating Systems Review
%V 23
%N 2
%D April 1989
%P 3-19
%A R. E. Kessler
%A Miron Livny
%T An Analysis of Distributed Shared Memory Algorithms
%D February 1989
%R TR 825
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper describes results obtained in a study of algorithms to
implement a Distributed Shared Memory in a distributed (loosely coupled)
environment. Distributed Shared Memory is the implementation of shared memory
across multiple nodes in a distributed system. This is accomplished
using only the private memories of the nodes by controlling access
to the pages of the shared memory and transferring data to and from the private
memories when necessary. We analyze alternative algorithms to implement
Distributed Shared Memory, all of them based on the ideas presented in
kai li dissertation
The Distributed Shared Memory algorithms are analyzed and compared over
a wide range of conditions. Application characteristics are identified which
can be exploited by the Distributed Shared Memory algorithms. We
will show the conditions under which the algorithms analyzed in this paper
perform better or worse than the other alternatives. Results are obtained
via simulation using a synthetic reference generator.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from Technical Report Librarian,
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
1210 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706 USA]
%A Michael J. Carey
%A Miron Livny
%T Conflict Detection Tradeoffs for Replicated Data
%D March 1989
%R TR 826
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Many concurrency control algorithms have been proposed for use in
distributed database systems. Despite the large number of available
algorithms, and the fact that distributed database systems are becoming
a commercial reality, distributed concurrency control performance
tradeoffs are still not well understood. In this paper we examine
some of these tradeoffs by using a detailed model of a distributed DBMS
to study a set of representative algorithms, including several derivatives
of the two-phase locking, timestamp ordering, and optimistic approaches
to distributed concurrency control. In particular, we examine the
performance of these algorithms as a function of data contention for
various levels of data replication and ``distributedness'' of accesses
to replicated data. The results provide some interesting insights into
how the tradeoffs between early and late conflict detection vary as a
function of message cost, and should prove useful to distributed
database system designers.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from Technical Report Librarian,
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
1210 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706 USA]
%A David L. Cohrs
%A Barton P. Miller
%T Specification and Verification of Network Managers for Large Internets
%D March 1989
%R TR 832
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Large internet environments are increasing the difficulty of network
management. Integrating increasing numbers of autonomous subnetworks
(each with an increasing number of hosts)
makes it more difficult to determine if the network managers of
the subnetworks will interoperate correctly.
We propose a high level, formal specification language,
NMSL, as an aid in solving this problem. NMSL has two modes of operation,
a descriptive mode and a prescriptive mode. In its descriptive mode, NMSL
specifies abstractions for the network components and their instantiations,
and verifies the consistency of such a specification. The abstractions
include the data objects and processes in a network management system.
These abstractions are instantiated on network elements. Network
elements are grouped together in the specification of
domains of administration. An extension mechanism is provided
to allow for the specification of new management characteristics that
the basic language cannot express. In its prescriptive mode,
NMSL generates configuration information directly from a consistent
specification. This information is used to configure network management
processes to make their operation consistent with their specifications.
Standard management protocols (such as the emerging ISO or IETF standards)
can be used to incorporate the configuration information into
running management processes.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from Technical Report Librarian,
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
1210 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706 USA]
%A Paul D. Amer
%A Darren New
%T Adding Graphics and Animation to Estelle
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
GROPE (Graphical representation of protocols in Estelle) is a tool for graphically
animating the dynamic execution of an Estelle formal specification.
Developed in Smalltalk-80 and based on a SUN 3/110 workstation, GROPE is a
window-based system that pictorially represents a protocol's architecture,
animates transitions firing and the exchange of interactions between modules,
graphically displays a module's extended finite state machine and the changing of states, etc.
GROPE is a tool that assists the original protocol specifier in the design
and debugging process, promotes faster understanding of protocols by those
then learning it for the first time, and facilitates the development of effective
test scenarios.
%A Gregor v. Bochmann
%A Michel Deslauriers
%T Combining ASN.1 support with the Lotos language
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The ASN.1 notation is widely used for the definition of OSI
Application layer protocols. Formal description techniques (FDT's)
have been developed for writing complete formal specifications of
OSI protocols and services. This paper discusses various
approaches for relating ASN.1 and FDT specifications in the case of
the Lotos FDT. Using an abbreviated notation for commonly used
data structures in Lotos, the paper presents a translation
approach between ASN.1 and Lotos which can be used to relate ASN.1
definitions of PDU's and the data type definitions used in the
corresponding Lotos protocol specification. It can also be used as
a basis for combining ASN.1 and Lotos tools, as demonstrated by an
experimental system which is described.
%A Qiang Gao
%A Gegor v. Bochmann
%T Distributed Implementation of Lotos Multi-Rendezvous
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The paper presents an approach to the distributed implementation
of Lotos multiple rendezvous, including the dynamic creating of new processes.
The approach is based on a so-called activity tree which reflects the dynamic
relationships between the active processes within the system, and a virtual
ring algorithm for the distributed implementation of a set of rendezvous,
which was originally developed for a static set of processes. A new dynamic
ring establishment algorithm is presented which serves as a bridge between
the activity tree and the virtual ring algorithm. When growing the activity
tree, the algorithm establishes for each Lotos gate a virtual ring over which
the rendezvous algorithm is applied.
%A Rance Cleaveland
%A Joachim Parrow
%A Bernhard Steffen
%T A Semantics Based Verification Tool for Finite State Systems
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The Concurrency Workbench is an automated tool that caters for the
analysis of concurrent finite-state processes expressed in Milner's
Calculus of Communicating Systems. Its key feature is its scope: a
variety of different verification methods, including equivalence
checking, preorder checking, and model checking, are supported for
several different process semantics. One experience from our work is
that a large number of interesting verification methods can be
formulated as combinations of a small number of primitive algorithms.
The Workbench has been applied to examples involving the verification
of communications protocols and mutual exclusion algorithms and has
proven a valuable aid in teaching and research. We will present the
architecture of the Workbench and illustrate the verification methods
through some simple examples.
%A P.V. Mockapetris
%T DNS Encoding of Network Names and Other Types; RFC 1101
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1101
%D April 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This RFC proposes two extensions to the Domain Name System:
.sp 0.2
.in +0.2i
\- A specific method for entering and retrieving RRs which map
between network names and numbers.
.sp 0.2
- Ideas for a general method for describing mappings between
arbitrary identifiers and numbers.
.in -0.2i
.sp 0.2
The method for mapping between network names and addresses is a
proposed standard, the ideas for a general method are experimental.
.sp 0.2
This RFC assumes that the reader is familiar with the DNS [RFCs 1034
and 1035] and its use. The data shown is for pedagogical use and does
not necessarily reflect the real Internet.
%T IAB Official Protocol Standards; RFC 1100
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1100
%D April 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used in
the Internet as determined by the Internet Activities Board (IAB). An
overview of the standards procedures is presented first, followed by
discussions of the standardization process and the RFC document
series, then the explanation of the terms is presented, the lists of
protocols in each stage of standardization follows, and finally
pointers to references and contacts for further information.
.sp 0.2
This memo is issued quarterly, please be sure the copy you are reading
is dated within the last three months. Current copies may be obtained
from the Network Information Center or from the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (see the contact information at the end of this
memo). Do not use this memo after 31-July-89.
%A Gokhan Gercek
%T Limited Service Token Ring with Local Message Priorities
%P 122-126
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A K. Thrampoulidis
%A V. Makios
%T Distributed Reconfiguration Algorithm for a Unidirectional Optional
Bus Local Area Network
%P 127-132
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A P. Camarda
%A M. Gerla
%T Fault-Tolerance in Multichannel Local Area Networks
%P 133-137
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A R.L. Borchardt
%A M.A. Boyana
%A T.T. Ha
%T CSMA and CMSA/CD with Random Signal Powers
%P 138-143
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A R.L. Borchardt
%A T.T. Ha
%T Packet Communications in a Multipath Fading Mobile Radio Network
%P 160-165
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A C.C. Wang
%A U. Cheng
%A T.-Y. Yan
%T Novel Network Test-Bed Simulators
%P 166-170
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A P. McKinley
%A J.W.S. Liu
%T Multicast Tree Construction in Bus-Based Networks
%P 171-177
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A S. Bederman
%T Inactivity Detection on an ISDN B-Channel
%P 178-182
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A Y. Hayashida
%A M. Komatsu
%A N. Sugimachi
%A Y. Yoshida
%T Go-Back-N System with Limited Retransmissions
%P 183-189
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A T. Welzel
%T FDDI and BWN Backbone Networks: A Performance Comparison Based on
%P 190-194
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A M. Sgarkhani
%A K. Pawlikowski
%T Simulation Studies of Mixed Traffic on Satellite Channels Using
TDMA-Reservation Protocol
%P 195-200
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A S.S. Gaitonde
%A D.W. Jacobson
%A A.V. Pohm
%T Bounding Delay on a Token Ring Network with Voice, Data and Facsimile
Applications: A Simulation Study
%P 201-206
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A J.H. Eu
%T A Sampling Approach to Real-Time Performance Monitoring of Digital
Transmission Systems
%P 207-213
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A T.Y. Chung
%A S. Rai
%A D.P. Agrawal
%T A Routing Scheme for Datagram and Virtual Circuit Services in the MSN
%P 214-218
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A T.L. Mitchell
%A A.A. Nilsson
%T Analytical Results for the Error Free Spiral Computer Network Topology
%P 219-223
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A P. Papantoni-Kazakos
%T Interconnection Algorithms in Multi-hop Packet Radio Topologies
%P 224-230
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A S. Chowdhury
%T On Message Resequencing in Computer Networks
%P 231-237
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A C. Oestereicher
%T TCP/IP - XNS - X.25 Gateways
%P 238-241
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A D.A. Ross
%T Theory of Nonoverlapping Packet Arrivals
%P 242-247
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A C.Y. Chao
%A M. Ilyas
%T Fast Reconfigurable Communication Networks
%P 248-252
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A V. Rahuraman
%A H.R. Sirisena
%T Dynamic Entry-to-Exit Flow Control for Virtual Circuit Networks
%P 253-259
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A C-H. Jo
%A D.D. Fisher
%A K.M. George
%T Abstraction and Specification of Local Area Networks
%P 337-343
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A Ted Eisenberg
%A David Gries
%A Juris Hartmanis
%A Don Holcomb
%A M. Stuart Lynn
%A Thomas Santoro
%T The Computer Worm: A Report to the Provost of Cornell University on
an Investigation Conducted by the Commission of Preliminary Enquiry
%I Cornell University
%D February 6, 1989
%C Ithaca, NY
%X \fBNote:\fP The Cornell Report on the Morris worm. For more information
on the report call Cornell at 607-255-3324. Portions reprinted in the
June issue of \fICommunications of the ACM\fP.
%A Claude Jard
%A Jean-Marc Jezequel
%T A Multi-Processor ESTELLE-to-C Compiler to Prototype
Distributed Algorithms on Parallel Machines
%T A Semantics Based Verification Tool for Finite State Systems
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper presents a first attempt to generate parallel code from
Estelle descriptions.
We have dealt with a simple context in which only a static subset of
Estelle and an homogeneous target machine are considered.
We begin to present and justify the concept of experimentation on
distributed algorithms for which our Estelle compiler has been designed.
Then we discuss how the Estelle constructs are mapped onto C structures
and how they are interpreted by a distributed runtime kernel.
A technical annex gives an idea of the current version of the tool,
named Echidna.
%A David R. Boggs
%A Jeffrey C. Mogul
%A Christopher A. Kent
%T Errata for ``Measured Capacity of an Ethernet: Myths and Reality''
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%P 10
%X \fBNote:\fP
A correction to a paper in \fIProc. ACM SIGCOMM '88\fP.
%A David A. Borman
%T Implementing TCP/IP on a Cray Computer
%P 11-15
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A Bill Nowicki
%T Transport Issues in the Network File System
%P 16-20
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A Larry L. Peterson
%T An Overview of UNP
%P 21-31
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A S.M. Bellovin
%T Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
%P 32-48
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A A. Lyman Chapin
%T Status of OSI Standards
%P 49-66
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A Hans W. Barz
%T Notable Abbreviations in Telecommunications \(em Second Edition
%P 67-85
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A R. Braden
%A D. Borman
%A C. Partridge
%T Computing the Internet Checksum
%P 86-94
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A William W. Plummer
%T TCP Checksum Function Design
%P 95-101
%J Computer Communication Review
%D April 1989
%V 19
%N 2
%A I. Stavrakakis
%A D. Kazakos
%T A Limited Sensing Protocol for Multiuser Packet Radio Systems
%P 353-359
%J IEEE Trans. Communications
%V 37
%N 4
%D April 1989
%A G.J. Simmons
%T A Protocol to Provide Verifiable Proof of Identity and Unforgeable
Transaction Receipts
%P 435-447
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A R.A. Kemmerer
%T Analyzing Encryption Protocols Using Formal Verification Techniques
%P 448-457
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A T. Beth
%A D. Gollmann
%T Algorithm Engineering for Public Key Algorithms
%P 458-466
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A S. Tsujii
%A T. Itoh
%T An ID-Based Cryptosystem Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem
%P 467-473
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%T Key Distributed System Based on Identification Information
%A E. Okamoto
%A K. Tanaka
%P 481-485
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A D. Estrin
%A J.C. Mogul
%A G. Tsudik
%T Visa Protocols for Controlling Interorganizational Datagram Flow
%P 486-498
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A G. Tsudik
%T Datagram Authentication in Internet Gateways: Implications of Fragmentation
and Dynamic Routing
%P 499-504
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A K. Nakao
%A K. Suzuki
%T Proposal on a Secure Communications Service Element (SCSE) in the OSI
Application Layer
%P 505-516
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A C. Mitchell
%A M. Walker
%A D. Rush
%T CCITT/ISO Standards for Secure Message Handling
%P 517-524
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A B. Khasnabish
%T A Bound of Deception Capability in Multiuser Computer Networks
%P 590-594
%J IEEE Jour. Selected Areas in Communications
%V 7
%N 4
%D May 1989
%A V.S. Sunderam
%T An Experiment with Network Shared Libraries
%J Proc. 1989 Summer USENIX Conference
%C San Francisco, California
%D June 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Library routines, ranging from isolated formatters to complete
software packages are used by virtually every program. Under
several circumstances, it is beneficial and even desirable
for a `library server' on a remote machine to provide such
functions to multiple clients that share this service. This
paper describes the design, implementation and experience gained
in the deployment of such a server on a local network of
independent workstations. While the network shared library
is premised on the basic RPC concept,
extensions have been needed to support the preservation of state
across calls, client and server failures, and server multiplexing.
A network shared library for the X Window System\(tm has been
implemented and tested; with the server on a fast processor,
multiple clients have been observed to run at higher speeds
with the added benefits of reduced memory and processing overheads
on the client machines.
%A Ronald G. Minnich
%A David J. Farber
%T Mether: A Distributed Shared Memory for SunOS 4.0
%J Proc. 1989 Summer USENIX Conference
%C San Francisco, California
%D June 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Mether is a Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) that runs on Sun workstations
under the SunOS 4.0 operating system. User programs access the Mether
address space in a way indistinguishable from other memory. Mether was
inspired by the MemNet DSM, but unlike MemNet, Mether consists
of software communicating over a conventional Ethernet. The kernel
part of Mether actually does no data transmission over the network.
Data transmission is accomplished by a user-level server. The kernel
driver has no preference for a server, and indeed does not know that
servers exist. The kernel driver has been made very safe, and in fact,
\fIpanic\fP is not in its dictionary.
%A Stephen Rago
%T Out-Of-Band Communications in STREAMS
%J Proc. 1989 Summer USENIX Conference
%C San Francisco, California
%D June 1989
%A William L. Gewirtz
%A Peter H. Stuntebeck
%T Data Networking Directions
%P 7-22
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%A Kwame A. Boakye
%A James C. Kaufeld, Jr.
%A John W. Palmer
%T AT&T Data Networking Architecture
%P 23-34
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper presents an overview of AT&T's data networking architecture,
called the \fIintegrated data architecture\fP (IDA). IDA specifies a
flexible networking scheme, compatible with the Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN), that addresses the needs of users into the 1990s.
The architecture specifies the functional capabilities and interfaces that
provide a total end-to-end networking solution that is applicable to
premises-based and wide-area networks, or combinations of both. In this paper,
we describe the major trends that shaped IDA, the functional entities
and interfaces that form IDA, and examples of IDA-compatible networks.
%A Bharat T. Doshi
%A Han Q. Nguyen
%T Congestion Control in ISDN Frame-Relay Networks
%P 35-46
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Like X.25 packet networks, ISDN frame-relay networks require effective
congestion control mechanisms to cope with unanticipated network component
failures and overloads. Unlike X.25 packet networks, ISDN frame
relay-networks perform the requisite packet-switching function \fIwithout\fP
terminating the link and network layer data-transfer protocols. They
therefore cannot used delayed acknowledgement and/or receiver-not-ready
indications embedded in these protocols for congestion control. This
paper reviews the measures that can be used to control congestion effectively
in ISDN frame-relay networks.
%A Diane D. Sheng
%T Virtual Private-Line Performance and Customer Cost Impacts
%P 47-68
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
There has been considerable activity in the data networking area to
develop architectures for virtual private-line networks as alternatives to
private-line networks. This paper provides a comparative performance
report of virtual private-line networks and private-line networks for
SNA/SDLC and 3270 BSC applications. (SNA is a trademark of IBM Corporation).
In particular, we discuss the effects on end-to-end performance of various
virtual private line protocol-handling capabilities in terms of the degree
to which they produce better or worse network performance levels than
private-line networks. Beyond performance optimization, it is also
important to understand the customer's view of the economic impact
of the various protocol-handling capabilities of virtual private-line
networks. So, we also discuss the effects of these
virtual private-line networking capabilities and suggest that they can lower
a customer's facilities, modem, and data service unit costs.
%A Jin-Der Wang
%A Ender Ayanoglu
%T Priority Statistical Multiplexer Design for SNA/SDLC Access to
A Virtual-Circuit Packet Network
%P 69-86
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper addresses the design of a statistical multiplexer as
customer-premises equipment to concentrate data from multiple input
ports for access to a virtual-circuit packet network based on the LAPD
protocol. It is assumed that the multiplexer will be adjacent to
the fron-end processor of hosts employing synchronous (and, possibly,
asynchronous) data link layer protocols, with emphasis on SDLC. With
an overall objective of reducing end-to-end delay, we propose and
analyze a priority queue solution with three queues. In this
scheme, polls from the synchronous links go to the highest-priority
queue (unless messages to the same cluster controller
are in the queue); priority between the other two queues is set
by the urgency of the application. The priority of asynchronous
traffic is based on message size and favors short messages, such
as echo-plex. Numerical results show that giving polls priority reduces
end-to-end delay significantly - even for applications with low
urgency. This is because of the reduction in polling overhead,
which is valid for all messages.
%A Muyyad Al-Chalabi
%A William J. Liss
%T Design of the Bank of America California Data Network
%P 87-106
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%T ISDN Data Networking Applications In The Corporate Environment
%A John P. Delatore
%A Patrick Krause
%A Randall J. Wilson
%P 107-120
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%A Roberta S. Cohen
%A Hsin K. Kan
%A Raymond J. Pennotti
%T Unified Network Management from AT&T
%P 121-136
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This article describes AT&T's \fIUnified Network Management
Architecture\fP (UNMA), a blueprint for common, end-to-end network
management of complex data, voice, and combined networks using AT&T
and other vendor's equipment and services. In this article, we
introduce the target network management functional areas and present
details of the overall architecture, including the \fInetwork management
protocol\fP that serves as the standard interface among interconnected
management systems. We present examples of element management systems
functions, including configuration and fault management for modems
and multiplexers, and we show how, by coordinating a network-wide
configuration database with data from each element management system,
a network management integrator can provide superior, end-to-end network
management capabilities.
%A Todd E. Marques
%T Starkeeper\(rg Network Trouble-Shooter: An Expert System Product
%P 137-154
%J AT&T Technical Jour.
%N 6
%V 67
%D November/December 1988
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
StarKeeper network trouble shooter is a real-time interactive expert system
that assists clerks, technicians, and network administrators with
varying skill and experience levels in isolating and correcting faults in
Datakit\(rg virtual-circuit switch networks. The system interrogates
and manipulates network components via a standard login to an existing
element management system. Given a symptom description and minimal
background information, the system can automatically isolate and correct
network faults. It provides detailed corrective procedures in cases where
human intervention is required. Feedback mechanisms let the system
adapt to different networks and to individual operators.
%A D. Ferrari
%T Guaranteeing Performance for Real-Time Communications in Wide-Area Networks
%R Technical Report 89/485
%I UC Berkeley CS Division
%D January 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
An algorithm for implementing channels (w/ various types of
performance guarantees) in an Internetwork.
%A David P. Anderson
%A Robert Wahbe
%T A Framework for Multimedia Communication in a General-Purpose Distributed System
%J Technical Report 89/498
%I UC Berkeley CS Division
%D March 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Motivates the design given in TR 88/462, gives some comparisons,
and discusses implications for protocol and local system design.
Description of channel parameters supercedes TR 88/462.
%A O. Babaoglu
%A P. Stephenson
%A R. Drummond
%T Reliable broadcasts and communication models: tradeoffs and lower bounds
%P 177-189
%J Distributed Computing
%V 2
%N 4
%D 1988
%I Springer International
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
\fIReliable Broadcast\fP is a mechanism by which a processor in a
distributed system disseminates a value to all other processors in
the presence of both communication and processor failures.
Protocols to achieve Reliable Broadcast are at the heart of most
fault-tolerant applications. We characterize the execution time
of Reliable Broadcast protocols as a function of the communication
model. This model includes familiar communication structures
such as fully-connected point-to-point graphs, linear chains, rings
broadcast networks (such as Ethernet) and buses. We derive a parameterized
protocol that implements Reliable Broadcast for any member within this
class. We obtain lower bound results that show the optimality
of our protocols. The lower bound results identify
a time complexity gap between systems where processors
may only fail to send messages, and systems where
processor may fail both to send and to receive messages.
The tradeoffs that our results reveal between performance,
resilieancy and network cost offer many new
alternatives previously not considered in designed fault-tolerant
%A P. Ancilotti
%A A. Bertolino
%A M. Fusani
%T An approach to efficient distributed transactions
%P 201-212
%J Distributed Computing
%V 2
%N 4
%D 1988
%I Springer International
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Most distributed systems proposed on the basis of atomic action or
transaction strongly limit parallelism, thus reducing their level
of efficiency. In this paper, features of efficiency in a
distributed transaction system are investigated.
.sp 0.2
Two mechanisms are proposed in order to enhance potential concurrency
both among different transactions and within a single transaction
during the commit phase:
.in +0.2i
\(em a synchronization mechanism has been designed which suggests
an approach to concurrency control by allowing the release of acquired
locks before transaction completion. The possibility of exploiting
this mechanism to implement nested transactions is also discussed.
.sp 0.2
\(em a distributed commit protocol is developed which enhances concurrency
among the participants in an atomic action, thus achieving quick execution
with high modularity.
.in -0.2i
%A Emmanuel A. Arnould
%A Francois J. Bitz
%A Eric C. Cooper
%A H. T. Kung,
%A Robert D. Sansom
%A Peter A. Steenkiste
%T The Design of Nectar: A Network Backplane for Heterogeneous
%J Proc. Third Intl. Conf. on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
%P 205-216
%C Boston
%D April 1989.
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Nectar is a ``network backplane'' for use in heterogeneous
The initial system consists of a star-shaped fiber-optic network with an
aggregate bandwidth of 1.6 gigabits/second and a switching latency of 700
nanoseconds. The system can be scaled up by connecting hundreds of these
networks together.
.sp 0.2
The Nectar architecture provides a flexible way to handle heterogeneity
task-level parallelism. A wide variety of machines can be connected as
Nectar nodes and the Nectar system software allows applications to
communicate at a high level. Protocol processing is off-loaded to
communication processors so that nodes do not have to support a suite of
network protocols.
.sp 0.2
We have designed and built a prototype Nectar system that has been
operational since November 1988. This paper presents the motivation and
goals for Nectar and describes its hardware and software. The
presentation emphasizes how the goals influenced the design decisions
and led to the novel aspects of Nectar.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Also available as Technical Report CMU-CS-89-101,
School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213.]
%A A. Hac
%A X. Jin
%A J.-H. Soo
%T A Performance Comparison of Deadlock Prevention and Detection Algorithms
%P 473-480
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A A. Corradi
%A P. Mello
%A A. Natali
%T Error Recovery Mechanism for Remote Procedure Call-Based Systems
%P 502-509
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A D. Kumar
%T Systems Whose Distributed Simulation Requires Low Overhead
%P 520-527
%J Proc. 8th Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications
%D March 22-24, 1989
%C Scottsdale, Arizona
%A Raj Jain
%T A Delay-Based Approach for Congestion Avoidance in
Interconnected Heterogeneous Computer Networks
%R DEC-TR-566
%I Digital Equipment Corporation
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
In heterogeneous networks, achieving congestion avoidance is difficult
because the congestion feedback from one subnetwork may have no meaning to
sources on other subnetworks. We propose using changes in round-trip delay
as an implicit feedback. Using a black-box model of the network, we derive
an expression for the optimal window as a function of the gradient of the
delay-window curve.
.sp 0.2
The problems of selfish optimum and social optimum are also addressed. It
is shown that without a careful design, it is possible to get into a race
condition during heavy congestion, where each user wants more resources
than others, thereby leading to a diverging condition.
.sp 0.2
It is shown that congestion avoidance using round-trip delay is a promising
approach. The approach has the advantage that there is absolutely no
overhead for the network itself. It is exemplified by a simple scheme.
The performance of the scheme is analyzed using a simulation model. The
scheme is shown to be efficient, fair, convergent, and adaptive to changes
in network configuration.
.sp 0.2
The scheme as described works only for networks which can be modeled with
queueing servers with constant service times. Further research is required
to extend it for implementation in practical networks. Several directions
for future research have been suggested.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from the author at jain%erlang.dec@decwrl.dec.com]
%A Raj Jain
%T Characteristics of Destination Address Locality in Computer Networks:
A Comparison of Caching Schemes
%R DEC-TR-592
%I Digital Equipment Corporation
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The size of computer networks, along with their bandwidths, is growing
exponentially. To support these large, high-speed networks, it is
necessary to be able to forward packets in a few microseconds. One part of
the forwarding operation consists of searching through a large address
database. This problem is encountered in the design of adapters, bridges,
routers, gateways, and name servers.
.sp 0.2
Caching can reduce the lookup time if there is a locality in the address
reference pattern. Using a destination reference trace measured on an
extended local area network, we attempt to see if the destination
references do have a significant locality.
.sp 0.2
We compared the performance of MIN, LRU, FIFO, and random cache replacement
algorithms and found that the interactive (terminal) traffic in our sample
had quite different locality behavior than that of the noninteractive
traffic. The interactive traffic did not follow the LRU stack model while
the noninteractive traffic did. Examples are shown of the environments in
which caching can help as well as those in which caching can hurt, unless
the cache size is large.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from the author at jain%erlang.dec@decwrl.dec.com]
%A Raj Jain
%T A Comparison of Hashing Schemes for Address Lookup in Computer Networks
%R DEC-TR-566
%I Digital Equipment Corporation
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The trend toward networks becoming larger and faster, and addresses
increasing in size, has impelled a need to explore alternatives for fast
address recognition. Hashing is one such alternative which can help
minimize the address search time in adapters, bridges, routers, gateways,
and name servers.
.sp 0.2
Using a trace of address references, we compared the efficiency of several
different hashing functions and found that the cyclic redundancy checking
(CRC) polynomials provide excellent hashing functions. For software
implementation, Fletcher checksum provides a good hashing function.
Straightforward folding of address octets using the exclusive-or operation
is also a good hashing function. For some applications, bit extraction
from the address can be used.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Available from the author at jain%erlang.dec@decwrl.dec.com]
%A Peter van Eijk
%T LOTOS Tools based on the Cornell Synthesizer Generator
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper describes how the Cornell Synthesizer Generator, a system for
constructing language-based editors, was used to construct a variety of
interactive tools for the specification language LOTOS.
Two examples are discussed in detail.
One is an editor for the full LOTOS language, incorporating static semantics
checks as well as a `menu'-function, which allows investigation of the
dynamic behaviour of a specification.
The other is a tool that supports interactive equivalence proof by
For presentation purposes only a CCS version of this tool is treated.
%A I.J. Hayes
%A M. Mowbray
%A G.A. Rose
%T Signalling System No. 7, The Network Layer
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%T Block Acknowledgement: Redesigning the Window Protocol
%A G. M. Brown
%A M. G. Gouda
%A R. E. Miller
%D March 1989
%R TR-89-02
%I University of Texas, Austin
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
We describe a new version of the window protocol
where message sequence numbers are taken from a finite domain
and where both message disorder and loss can be tolerated.
Most existing window protocols achieve only one of these two
goals. Our protocol is based on a new method of acknowledgement,
called block acknowledgement, where each acknowledgement
message has two numbers m and n to acknowledge the reception of
all data messages with sequence numbers ranging from m to n.
Using this method of acknowledgement, the proposed protocol
achieves the two goals while maintaining the same data
transmission capability of the traditional window protocol.
[\fIEd. Note:\fP Report is available for $1.50
from Department of Computer Sciences, Technical Report Center,
Taylor Hall 2.124, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
%R TR-89-04
%T Distributed File Systems
%A Eliezer Levy
%A Abraham Silberschatz
%D March 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Distributed File Systems are essential for sharing of
data and storage space in a distributed system. A viewpoint
that emphasizes the dispersed structure and decentralization of
both data and control in the design of such systems is established.
The concepts of location transparency, fault tolerance
and scalability are defined and discussed in the context of
Distributed File Systems. It is claimed that the principle of
distributed operation is fundamental for a fault tolerant and
scalable Distributed File System. Alternatives for the
semantics of sharing and methods for providing access to remote
files are also presented. A survey of current systems, namely
Unix United, Locus, Sprite, Sun's Network File System, and
ITC's Andrew, illustrates the discussed concepts and demonstrates
various implementations and design alternatives. Based
on the assessment of these systems, a point is made that a
departure from the approach of extending centralized file systems
over the network is necessary to accomplish sound Distributed
File System design. [\fIEd. Note:\fP Report is available for $3.00
from Department of Computer Sciences, Technical Report Center,
Taylor Hall 2.124, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
%A H.P. Lin
%A H.E. Stoval, III
%T Self-Synchronizing Communications Protocols
%J IEEE Trans. on Computers
%V 38
%N 5
%D May 1989
%P 609-625
%A Karl Kummerle
%A John O. Limb
%A Fouad A. Tobagi
%T Advances in Local Area Networks
%I IEEE Press
%C New York
%D 1987
%O \fIReviews\fP: \fIIEEE Communications\fP, Vol. 27, No. 5, May 1989.
%A Michael O. Rabin
%T Efficient Dispersal of Information for Security, Load Balancing,
and Fault Tolerance
%V 36
%N 2
%D April 1989
%P 335-348
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
An Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA) is developed that breaks a file
F of length L = |F| into n pieces Fi, 1 \(<= i \(<= n, each of length
|Fi| = L/m, so that every m pieces suffice for reconstruction F. Dispersal
and reconstruction are computationally efficient. The sum of the
lengths |Fi| is (n/m) * L. Since n/m can be chose to be close to 1, the
IDA is space efficient. IDA has numerous applications to secure and
reliable storage of information in computer networks and even on single
disks, to fault-tolerant and efficient transmission of information in
networks, and to communications between processors in parallel computers.
For the latter problem provably time-efficient and highly fault-tolerant
routing on the n-cube is achieved, using just constant size buffers.
%A D. Clark
%T Policy Routing in Internet Protocols; RFC 1102
%J Internet Request for Comments
%N 1102
%D May 1989
%I Network Information Center, SRI International
%C Menlo Park, CA
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The purpose of this RFC is to focus discussion on particular problems
in the Internet and possible methods of solution. No proposed
solutions in this document are intended as standards for the Internet.
%A Jan Gustafsson
%A Harry Rudin
%T Including a Queue in a Formal-Description-Driven
Protocol Performance Analysis
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Several investigators have considered the problem of analyzing
the performance of a communications protocol direct from its
formal description. These earlier analyses have been made for
the saturated case, i.e., when there is an overabundance of
offered traffic. If a queue is added to create a
waiting line for the incoming traffic, we show here that direct
analysis can also be made. Results and limitations are
%A John L. Carroll
%A Darrell D. E. Long
%T The Effect of Failure and Repair Distributions on Consistency Protocols
%R Technical Report 88-35
%I University of California, Santa Cruz
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The accessibility of vital information can be enhanced by
replicating the data on several sites, and employing a consistency
control protocol to manage the copies.
.sp 0.4
Various protocols have been proposed to ensure that
only current copies of the data can be accessed. The effect
these protocols have on the accessibility of the replicated
data is investigated by simulating the operation of the network
and measuring the performance. Several strategies for
replica maintenance are considered, and the benefits of each
are analyzed. The details of the simulations are discussed.
Measurements of the reliability and the availability of the
replicated data are compared and contrasted.
.sp 0.4
The sensitivity of the Available Copy and Dynamic-linear
Voting protocols to common patterns of site failures
and repairs is studied in detail. Exponential, Erlang, uniform,
and hyperexponential distributions are considered, and
the effect the second moments have on the results is
analyzed. The relative performance of competing protocols
is shown to be only marginally affected by non-exponential
distributions, validating the robustness of the exponential
[\fIEd. Note\fP: Available for $4 from Technical Report Librarian
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering & Information Sciences,
Applied Sciences Building,
University of California,
Santa Cruz, CA 95064]
%A Darrell D. E. Long
%A Jehan-Francois Paris
%A John L. Carroll
%T Reliability of Replicated Data Objects
%R Technical Report 88-34
%I University of California, Santa Cruz
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Improved fault tolerance of many applications can be
achieved by replicating data at several sites. This data
redundancy requires a protocol to maintain the consistency
of the data object in the presence of site failures. The
most commonly used scheme is voting. Voting and its variants
are unaffected by network partitions. When network
partitions cannot occur, better performance can be achieved
with available copy protocols.
.sp 0.4
Common measures of dependability include reliability,
which is the probability that a replicated object will
remain constantly available over a fixed time period. We
investigate the reliability of replicated data objects
managed by voting, available copy and their variants. Where
possible, closed-form expressions for the reliability of the
various consistency protocols are derived using standard
Markovian assumptions. In other cases, numerical solutions
are found and validated with simulation results.
[\fIEd. Note\fP: Available for $4 from Technical Report Librarian
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering & Information Sciences,
Applied Sciences Building,
University of California,
Santa Cruz, CA 95064]
%T Regeneration Protocols for Replicated Objects
%R Technical Report 88-23
%I University of California, Santa Cruz
%A Darrell D. E. Long
%A Jehan-Francois Paris
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The reliability and availability of replicated data can
often be increased by generating new replicas when some
become inaccessible due to system malfunctions. This technique
has been used in the Regeneration Algorithm, a replica
control protocol based on file regeneration.
.sp 0.4
The read and write availabilities of replicated data
managed by the Regeneration Algorithm are evaluated and two
new regeneration protocols are presented that overcome some
of its limitations. The first protocol combines regeneration
and the Available Copy approach to improve availability
of replicated data. The second combines regeneration and
the Dynamic Voting approach to guarantee data consistency in
the presence of network partitions while maintaining a high
availability. Expressions for the availabilities of replicated
data managed by both protocols are derived and found
to improve significantly on the availability achieved using
extant consistency protocols.
[\fIEd. Note\fP: Available for $4 from Technical Report Librarian
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering & Information Sciences,
Applied Sciences Building,
University of California,
Santa Cruz, CA 95064]
%A Darrell D. E. Long
%T The Management of Replication in a Distributed System
%R Technical Report 88-07
%I University of California, Santa Cruz
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The field of consistency control protocols for replicated
data objects has existed for about ten years. Its birth
coincides with the advent of distributed data bases and the
communications technology required to support them. When
data objects are replicated around a computer network, a
protocol must be chosen to ensure a consistent view to an
accessing process. The replicas of the data object are then
said to be mutually consistent. The protocols used to
insure mutual consistency are known as replica control or
consistency control protocols.
.sp 0.4
There are several advantages to a distributed system
over a single processor system. Among these are increased
computing power and the ability to tolerate partial failures
due to the malfunction of individual components. The redundancy
present in a distributed system has been the focus of
much research in the area of distributed data base systems.
Another benefit of this natural redundancy, along with the
relatively independent failure modes of the processors, is
that it allows the system to continue operation even after
some of the processors have failed. This can be used to
construct data objects that are robust in the face of partial
system failures.
.sp 0.4
The focus of this dissertation is the exploitation of
the redundancy present in distributed systems in order to
attain an increased level of fault tolerance for data
objects. The use of replication as a method of increasing
fault tolerance is a well-known technique. Replication
introduces the additional complexity of maintaining mutual
consistency among the replicas of the data object. The protocols
that manage the replicated data and provide the user
with a single consistent view of that data are studied, and
a comprehensive analysis of the fault tolerance provided by
several of the most promising protocols are presented.
Several techniques are employed, including Markov analysis
and discrete event simulation. Simulation is used to confirm
and extend the results obtained using analytic techniques.
[\fIEd. Note\fP: A reprint of the author's Ph.D. thesis at
U.C. San Diego. Available for $10 from Technical Report Librarian
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering & Information Sciences,
Applied Sciences Building,
University of California,
Santa Cruz, CA 95064]
%A A. Hac
%A X. Jin
%A J.-H. Soo
%T A Performance Study of Deadlock Prevention Algorithms in a Distributed
File System
%J Software - Practice and Experience
%V 19
%N 5
%P 461-490
%A Robert P. Kurshan
%A Shlomit S. Pinter
%A Baruch Solomon
%T Extensions of Temporal Logic for Counting with Applications to Model Verification
%J Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
(IFIP WG 6.1)
%D June 6-9
%C Enschede, The Netherlands
%A Paul Brusil
%A Dan Stokesberry
%T Integrated Network Management
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 3-12
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%A Unnikrishnan Warrier
%A Carl Sunshine
%T A Platform for Heterogeneous Interconnection Network Management
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 13-26
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
A comprehensive network management function built into the
interconnection network provides the means of meeting user needs of
fault tolerance, performance, accounting and security. However,
meeting these needs on a heterogeneous interconnection network is several
levels more complex than on a homogeneous network, because of the existence of
multiple protocol stacks for communication. An architecture is proposed in
paper that will solve this problem by analyzing the heterogeneous interconnection
network as a single entity. The paper presents the design issues evaluated
in making the choice of this approach, and thence establishes the need for the
various components in this architecture. An overview is presented of each
of the components, and their place in the architecture pointed out.
The paper thus establishes a platform for the implementation of sophisticated
heterogeneous network management functions.
%A L. Aguilar
%T NCMA, A Management Architecture that Integrates Enterprise Network Assets
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 27-40
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
The value of a computer network, as an enterprise asset, is
determined by the effectiveness in managing the network-computing
environment. This environment is formed by the network's resources and
services, whose main cost is also determined by the management of
their day-to-day operation, rather than by an initial investment on
equipment or software.
The Network Computing Management Architecture (NCMA) can be used to manage
large, heterogeneous network computing environments in a manner that
increases their value and reduces their cost. It integrates
communication and computer assets into an enterprise-networking
platform sustained by the unified management of network configuration,
reliability, performance, security, and accounting. The
architecture is based on database and distributed computing techniques,
and its toolkit lets us build management applications that are
insulated from network heterogeneity, size, and geography. Moreover,
the toolkit orientation facilitates the integration of emerging
network management standards and the implementation of diverse
administration policies. We illustrate the NCMA benefits by
constructing a network event-handling service with the toolkit.
%A L. Fehskens
%T An Architectural Strategy for Enterprise Management
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 41-60
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
This paper discusses the architectural considerations relevant to the
problem of managing a contemporary enterprise's distributed computing
and communications environment. The discussion characterizes both the
management problem thought to be representative of enterprise
requirements for the next decade or so, and the architectural approach
adopted to create a framework for the development of well-integrated
products addressing these requirements. The resulting architecture is
Digital's Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA).
%A C. Strutt
%A D. Shurtleff
%T Architecture for an Integrated, Extensible Enterprise Management Director
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 61-74
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Digital's Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA) includes the
definition of an environment for building a highly integrated and
extensible management system. An implementation of this architecture
is capable of managing a broad set of components, applying a wide
variety of management functions, and using any number of presentations
methods. This paper describes the architecture as it relates to the
construction of an EMA management system (Director).
%A Yoshikazu Kobayashi
%T Standardization Issues in Integrated Network Management
%J Integrated Network Management: Proc. of the IFIP TC 6/WG 6.6 Symp.
on Integrated Network Management
%P 79-92
%C Boston, Massachusetts
%I North-Holland
%D May 14-17, 1989
%X \fBAbstract:\fP
Standardization activities in the area of OSI Management have been
carried forward by SC 21/WG 4 of ISO/IEC JTC 1 on Information
Technology. Its goal is to establish a set of OSI standards for
management of telecommunications networks which comprise various
information processing systems and telecommunications equipment from
multiple vendors in an integrated manner. This paper presents the
current status of the work on OSI Management as developed at the
latest meeting of SC 21/WG 4 in December 1988, and addresses
standardization issues which the author, as the SC 21/WG 4 Convenor,
believes important in order for the OSI Management to be widely
accepted as the solution to the Integrated Network Management in a
multivendor environment.