[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/cmcs.89.1

leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (09/04/89)

PO box 4079
1009 AB  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Listed below is a list of publications of the first half of 1989 of our
institute. These reports are available on exchange basis for your reports or
other publications on corresponding subjects. However, please do not send
any reprints.

They are also available from our Sales Department. The prices (%M) of the
documents - subject to change without prior notice - are given in Dutch
currency. Foreign payments are subject to a surcharge per remittance to cover
bank, postal and handling charges. Where appropriate you will be invoiced
with your order.

If you wish to obtain any of these reports, then print this list, please
encircle the issues that you are interested in and return this list.
Please add your name and address.

Ordering through electronic mail can be done by sending mail to: rob@cwi.nl

The departments are ordered as follows:

Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry
Department of Computer Science
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System Theory

August 1989


%A  J. K. Scholma
%T  Lie-algebraic aspects of the classical nonrelativistic Calogero-Moser models
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8901

%A  G. Alberts
%T  Signific consultation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8902

%A  J. M. A. M. van Neerven
%T  Hahn-Banach type theorems for dual semigroups
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8903

%A  C. Ronse
%A  H. J. A. M. Heijmans
%T  The algebraic basis of mathematical morphology, Pt. II: openings and
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8904

%A  M. Zwaan
%T  Dynamic MRI reconstruction as a moment problem, Pt. I: The beating heart: a
    problem formulation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989-...
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8905

%A  T. H. Koornwinder
%T  The addition formula for little q-Legendre polynomials and the SU(2) quantum
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8906

%A  M. Zwaan
%T  Dynamic MRI reconstruction as a moment problem, Pt. II: Riesz bases in L2-
    spaces of vector valued functions
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry ; R 8907


%A  M. Li
%A  P. M. B. Vitanyi
%T  Kolmogorov complexity and its applications
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 16,50
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8901

%A  J. W. de Bakker
%T  Designing concurrency semantics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8902

%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  A simple definition for parallel composition of prime event structures
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8903

%A  P. America
%A  F. S. de Boer
%T  Proving total correctness of recursive procedures
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8904

%A  A. Ponse
%T  Process expressions and Hoare's logic
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8905

%A  E. Kranakis
%A  D. D. M. Krizanc
%A  L. G. L. T. Meertens
%T  Placing mirrors in grids
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8906

%A  J. C. M. Baeten
%A  F. W. Vaandrager
%T  An algebra for process creation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8907

%A  P. R. H. Hendriks
%T  Lists and associative functions in algebraic specifications
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8908

%A  A. A. M. Kuijk
%A  E. H. Blake
%T  Faster Phong shading via angular interpolation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8909

%A  P. J. W. ten Hagen
%A  I. Herman
%A  J. R. G. de Vries
%T  A dataflow graphics workstation
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8910

%A  R. J. van Glabbeek
%A  W. P. Weijland
%T  Branching time and abstraction in bisimulation semantics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8911

%A  M. Bezem
%T  Characterizing termination of logic programs with level mappings
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8912

%A  K. R. Apt
%A  R. N. Bol
%A  J. W. Klop
%T  On the safe termination of PROLOG programs
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8913

%A  L. G. L. T. Meertens
%T  Constructing a calculus of programs
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8914

%A  M. Li
%A  P. M. B. Vitanyi
%T  Inductive reasoning and Kolmogorov complexity
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8915

%A  M. Li
%A  J. Tromp
%A  P. M. B. Vitanyi
%T  How to share concurrent wait-free variables
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8916

%A  R. Bagai
%A  M. Bezem
%A  M. H. van Emden
%T  On downward closure ordinals of logic programs
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8917

%A  H. Walinska de Hackbeil
%T  Theta-government, thematic government and extraction asymmetries in zero 
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8918

%A  M. Li
%A  P. M. B. Vitanyi
%T  A new approach to formal language theory by Kolmogorov complexity
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8919

%A  I. Herman
%T  2.5 Dimensional graphics systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8921

%A  R. J. van Glabbeek
%A  W. P. Weijland
%T  Refinement in branching time semantics
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8922

%A  Y. Toyama
%A  J. W. Klop
%A  H. P. Barendregt
%T  Termination for direct sums of left-linear complete term rewriting systems
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8923


%A  W. H. Hundsdorfer
%A  J. Schneid
%T  An algebraic characterization of B-convergent Runge-Kutta methods
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8901

%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Increasing the real stability boundary of explicit methods
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8902

%A  W. Hoffmann
%A  K. Potma
%T  NUMVEC FORTRAN library manual
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8903

%A  J. G. Blom
%A  P. A. Zegeling
%T  A moving-grid interface for systems of one-dimensional time-dependent
    partial differential equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 6,40
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8904

%A  P. M. de Zeeuw
%T  Nonlinear multigrid applied to a 1D stationary semiconductor model
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8905

%A  P. J. van der Houwen
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Block Runge-Kutta methods on parallel computers
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8906

%A  J. G. Verwer
%A  W. H. Hundsdorfer
%A  B. P. Sommeijer
%T  Convergence properties of the Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev method
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8907

%A  M. H. Lallemand
%A  B. Koren
%T  Iterative defect correction and multigrid accelerated explicit time stepping
    schemes for the steady Euler equations
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8908

%A  M. Bergman
%T  Testing of elementary functions in ADA
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 7,70
%R  CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8909


%A  R. J. Chitashvili
%T  On the nonexistence of a strong solution in the boundary problem for a
    sticky Brownian motion
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8901

%A  P. R. de Waal
%A  N. M. van Dijk
%T  Monotonicity of performance measures in a processor sharing queue
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8902

%A  M. Kuijper
%A  J. M. Schumacher
%T  Realization of autoregressive equations in pencil and descriptor form
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8903

%A  E. V. Khamaladze
%T  Theory of goodness of fit tests and scanning innovation martingales
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 5,20
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8904

%A  O. J. Boxma
%A  J. A. Weststrate
%T  Waiting times in polling systems with Markovian server routing
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8905

%A  O. J. Boxma
%T  Workloads and waiting times in single-server systems with multiple customer
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8906

%A  J. L. van den Berg
%T  Simple approximations for second moment characteristics of the sojourn time
    in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8907

%A  S. Kalikow
%T  Random Markov processes and uniform martingales
%C  Amsterdam
%D  1989
%M  f 4,--
%R  CWI. Department of Operations Research, Statistics, and System
    Theory ; R 8908

|_|  Please send us the reports marked above on exchange basis.
|_|  Please send us the reports marked above with an invoice

  Institution: ...............................................................

  Address    : ...............................................................



  Date       : .............................         .........................

From leff Mon Sep  4 01:03:58 1989
To: tr-input/cmcs.89.1
Subject: trlist