leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (08/27/89)
From ai.mit.edu!deb@uunet.UU.NET Sat Aug 26 04:18:43 1989 Return-Path: <ai.mit.edu!deb@uunet.UU.NET> Received: by smu.edu (5.51/5.0) id AA11610; Sat, 26 Aug 89 04:18:08 CST Received: from life.ai.mit.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP id AA09060; Fri, 25 Aug 89 11:15:51 -0400 Received: from rice-chex (rice-chex.ai.mit.edu) by life.ai.mit.edu (4.1/AI-4.10) id AA03535; Fri, 25 Aug 89 11:04:09 EDT From: ai.mit.edu!deb@uunet.UU.NET (Debra Sterling) Received: by rice-chex (4.0/AI-4.10) id AA01731; Fri, 25 Aug 89 11:03:55 EDT Date: Fri, 25 Aug 89 11:03:55 EDT Message-Id: <8908251503.AA01731@rice-chex> To: jherath@gmuvax.gmu.edu, HAINES@cs.umass.edu, trlist-request@smu.edu Subject: MIT AI Lab Bibliography-Part 1 of 7 Status: R The bibliography of available publications from the AI Lab at MIT follows in seven parts. If you have a moment, would you acknowledge receipt of all parts? Thanks, Deb Sterling, Publications, AI Lab, MIT % Except for the Bibliographies, publications are available in hardcopy % only. % TO ORDER, specify publications number and author and enclose % a check payable to the M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for % the correct amount of U.S. funds. Prices of publications include % surface postage to domestic and overseas addresses. % PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED. Please note on order if check is sent % separately. % Send orders with payment to: % Publications, Room NE43-818 % M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory % 545 Technology Square % Cambridge, MA 02139 USA % For additional information: % Phone number: (617) 253-6773} % Net address: Publications@ai.mit.edu} % Another source for these publications is: % NTIS. Reports assigned an ``AD'' number (such as AD-A123456) are % available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port % Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. NTIS price information can % be obtained by calling (703) 487-4650. % If you would like to receive future updates by e-mail, % please send your net address to publications@wheaties.ai.mit.edu % This is the master list of current AI memos and technical reports. % The format is for the LISP program that generates the bibliography. % Memos are listed first, then technical reports. To jump directly to % the TRs, search for ":tr 474". :aim 191 :author MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory :title Current Publications Bibliography :date updated periodically :reference Available from the MIT AI Lab Publications Office, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139. :cost FREE :aim 501 :title Archived Publications Bibliography :date March 1988, revised August 1988 :pages 17 :cost FREE :abstract This is a list (no abstracts) of old AI Lab memos and technical reports dating approximately from 1958 to 1984. These publications are available only from the MIT Microreproduction Laboratory and/or the National Technical Information Service. Ordering information is included on the cover page. :aim 239 :title {HAKMEM} :author M. Beeler, R. W. Gosper, R. Schroeppel :asort Beeler, M.; Gosper, W.; Schroeppel, R. :date February 1972 :cost $4.50 :pages 105 :abstract Here is some little known data which may be of interest to computer hackers. The items and examples are so sketchy that to decipher them may require more sincerity and curiosity than a non-hacker can muster. Doubtless, little of this is new, but nowadays it's hard to tell. So we must be content to give you an insight, or save you some cycles, and to welcome further contributions of items, new or used. :aim 353 :title {Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative} :author Guy Lewis {Steele, Jr.} and Gerald Jay Sussman :asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J. :date March 1976 :cost $3.25 :pages 41 :ADnum AD-A030751 :abstract We demonstrate how to model the following common programming constructs in terms of an applicative order language similar to LISP: Simple Recursion, Iteration, Compound Statements and Expressions, GO TO and Assignment, Continuation-Passing, Escape Expressions, Fluid Variables, Call by Name, Call by Need, and Call by Reference. The models require only (possibly self-referent) lambda application, conditionals, and (rarely) assignment. No complex data structures such as stacks are used. The models are transparent, involving only local syntactic transformations. Some of these models, such as those for GO TO and assignment, are already well known, and appear in the work of Landin, Reynolds, and others. The models for escape expressions, fluid variables, and call by need with side effects are new. This paper is partly tutorial in intent, gathering all the models together for purposes of context. :aim 379 :title {LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative} :author Guy Lewis {Steele, Jr.} :asort Steele, G.L., Jr. :date November 1976 :cost $3.75 :pages 47 :ADnum AD-A034090 :keywords environments, lambda calculus, procedurally defined data, data types, optimizing compilers, control structures, function invocation, temporary variables, continuation passing, actors, lexical scoping, dynamic binding :abstract In this paper, a sequel to ``Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative,`` a new view of LAMBDA as a {\it renaming} operator is presented and contrasted with the usual functional view taken by LISP. This view, combined with the view of function invocation as a kind of generalized GOTO, leads to several new insights into the nature of the LISP evaluation mechanism and the symmetry between form and function, evaluation and application, and control and environment. :aim 453 :title {The Art of the Interpreter or, The Modularity Complex (Parts Zero, One, and Two)} :author Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman :asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J. :date May 1978 :cost $4.00 :pages 75 :ADnum AD-A062925 :keywords abstraction, actors, applicative order, bindings, control structures, debugging, dynamic scoping, environments, fluid variables, FUNARG problem, functional objects, interactive programming, lambda calculus, lexical scoping, LISP, modularity, procedural data, recursion equations, referential transparency, SCHEME, side effects, static scoping, structured programming :abstract We examine the effects of various language design decisions on the programming styles available to a user of the language, with particular emphasis on the ability to incrementally construct modular systems. At each step we exhibit an interactive meta-circular interpreter for the language under consideration. Each new interpreter is the result of an incremental change to a previous interpreter. The interpreters we exhibit are all written in a simple dialect of LISP, and all implement LISP-like languages. A subset of these interpreters constitute a partial historical reconstruction of the actual evolution of LISP. :aim 502A :title {Constraints - A Language for Expressing Almost-Hierarchical Descriptions} :author Gerald Jay Sussman and Guy Lewis {Steele, Jr.} :asort Sussman, G.J.; Steele, G.L., Jr. :date August 1981 :cost $3.25 :pages 40 :reference Replaces Memos 433 and 502. {See {\it Artificial Intelligence Journal}, Vol. 14, pp. 1-39, 1980.} :abstract We present an interactive system organized around networks of constraints rather than the programs which manipulate them. We describe a language of hierarchical constraint networks. We describe one method of deriving useful consequences of a set of constraints which we call propagation. Dependence analysis is used to spot and track down inconsistent subsets of a constraint set. Propagation of constraints is most flexible and useful when coupled with the ability to perform symbolic manipulations on algebraic expressions. Such manipulations are in turn best expressed as alterations or augmentations of the constraint network. Almost-Hierarchical Constraint Networks can be constructed to represent the multiple viewpoints used by engineers in the synthesis and analysis of electrical networks. These multiple viewpoints are used in terminal equivalence and power arguments to reduce the apparent synergy in a circuit so that it can be attacked algebraically. :aim 519A :title {EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting Display Editor} :author Richard M. Stallman :asort Stallman, R.M. :date June 1979 :reference Revised March 1981. :cost $3.25 :pages 29 :ADnum AD-A097914 :keywords display, editor, extensible, interactive, self-documenting :abstract EMACS is a display editor which is implemented in an interpreted high level language. This allows users to extend the editor by replacing parts of it, to experiment with alternative command languages, and to share extensions which are generally useful. The ease of extension has contributed to the growth of a large set of useful features. This paper describes the organization of the EMACS system, emphasizing the way in which extensibility is achieved and used. :aim 551 :title {An Outlook On Truth Maintenance} :author David A. McAllester :asort McAllester, D.A. :date August 1980 :cost $3.75 :pages 47 :ADnum AD-A093190 :keywords theorem proving, automated deduction, dependencies, relevance, truth maintenance, backtracking, assumptions, likelihood :abstract Truth maintenance systems have been used in several recent problem solving systems to record justifications for deduced assertions, to track down the assumptions which underlie contradictions when they arise, and to incrementally modify assertional data structures when assumptions are retracted. A TMS algorithm is described here that is substantially different from previous systems. :end :aim 555 :title {EMACS Manual for TWENEX Users} :author Richard M. Stallman :asort Stallman, R.M. :date September 1980 :reference Revised May 1981, October 1981, March 1983. :cost $4.50 :pages 241 :ADnum AD-A093886 :abstract This manual documents the use and simple customization of the display editor EMACS with the Twenex (officially known as ``TOPS-20") operating system. The reader is not expected to be a programmer. Even simple customizations do not require programming skill, but the user who is not interested in customizing can ignore the scattered customization hints. This is primarily a reference manual, but can be used as a primer. :end :aim 556 :title {Phantom Stacks: If you look too hard, they aren't there} :author Richard M. Stallman :asort Stallman, R.M. :date July 1980 :cost $2.50 :pages 12 :ADnum AD-A093189 :abstract A stack is a very efficient way of allocating and de-allocating memory, but it works only with a restricted pattern of usage. Garbage collection is completely flexible but comparatively costly. The implementation of powerful control structures naturally uses memory which usually fits in with stack allocation but must have the flexibility to do otherwise from time to time. How can we manage memory which only once in a while violates stack restrictions, without paying a price the rest of the time? This paper provides an extremely simple way of doing so, in which only the part of the system which actually uses the stack needs to know anything about the stack. We call them Phantom Stacks because they are liable to vanish if subjected to close scrutiny. Phantom Stacks will be used in the next version of the Artificial Intelligence Lab's Scheme microprocessor chip. :end :aim 642 :title {Semantics of Inheritance and Attributions in the Description System Omega} :author Giuseppe Attardi and Maria Simi :asort Attardi, G.; Simi, M. :date August 1981 :cost $3.75 :pages 38 :ADnum AD-A104776 :keywords description, inheritance, semantic networks, model, attribute, knowledge representation, logic, consistency :abstract Omega is a description system for knowledge embedding which incorporates some of the attractive modes of expression in natural language. Omega represents an investigation both on logic formalisms more expressive than first order predicate logic and on the foundations of knowledge representation. As a logic, Omega achieves the goal of an intuitively sound and consistent theory of classes which permits unrestricted abstraction within a powerful logic system. Description abstraction is the construct provided in Omega corresponding to set abstraction. Attributions and inheritance are the basic mechanisms for knowledge structuring. Semantic models are provided, and axiomatization is derived and the consistency and completeness of the logic is established. :aim 647 :title {Nature Abhors an Empty Vacuum} :author Marvin Minsky :asort Minsky, M. :date August 1981 :cost $2.50 :pages 13 :ADnum AD-A106362 :keywords discrete-physics, quantum, Heisenberg, vacuum :abstract Imagine a crystalline world of tiny, discrete ``cells", each knowing only what its nearest neighbors do. Each volume of space contains only a finite amount of information, because space and time come in discrete units. In such a universe, we'll construct analogs of particles and fields -- and ask what it would mean for these to satisfy constraints like conservation of momentum. In each case classical mechanics will break down -- on scales both small and large, and strange phenomena emerge: a maximal velocity, a slowing of internal clocks, a bound on simultaneous measurement, and quantum-like effects in very weak, or intense fields. :end :aim 673 :author Ken Haase :asort Haase, K.W. :title CAULDRONS: An Abstraction For Concurrent Problem Solving :date September 1986 :pages 44 :cost $3.75 :adnum AD-A194128 :keywords cauldrons, problem solving, distributed AI :abstract This research extends a tradition of distributed theories of {\it mind} into the implementation of a distributed problem solver. In this problem solver a number of ideas from Minsky's {\bf Society of Mind} are implemented and are found to provide powerful abstractions for the programming of distributed systems. These abstractions are the {\it cauldron}, a mechanism for instantiating reasoning contexts, the {\it frame}, a way of modularly describing those contexts and the {\it goal-node}, a mechanism for bringing a particular context to bear on a specific task. The implementation of both these abstractions and the distributed problem solver in which they run is described, accompanied by examples of their application to various domains. :aim 679 :title {Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedents} :author Patrick H. Winston, Thomas O. Binford, Boris Katz, and Michael Lowry :asort Winston, P.H.; Binford, T.O.; Katz, B.; Lowry, M. :date November 1982 :reference Revised January 1983. :cost $3.25 :pages 23 :ADnum AD-A127047 :keywords learning, form and function :abstract It is too hard to tell vision systems what things look like. It is easier to talk about purpose and what things are for. Consequently, we want vision systems to use functional descriptions to identify things, when necessary, and we want them to learn physical descriptions for themselves, when possible. This paper describes a theory that explains how to make such systems work. The theory is a synthesis of two sets of ideas: ideas about learning from precedents and exercises developed at MIT, and ideas about physical description developed at Stanford. The strength of the synthesis is illustrated by way of representative experiments. All of these experiments have been performed with an implemented system. :end :aim 683 :title {Visual Algorithms} :author Tomaso Poggio :asort Poggio, T. :date May 1982 :cost $3.25 :pages 28 :ADnum AD-A127251 :keywords polynomial algorithms, parallel/serial, neural hardware, perceptrons, nonlinear mappings :abstract Nonlinear, local and highly parallel algorithms can perform several simple but important visual computations. I study here the class of polynomial algorithms to exemplify some of the important issues for visual processing like linear vs. nonlinear and local vs. global. I also consider how algorithms of this type could be implemented in nervous hardware, in terms of synaptic interactions strategically located in a dendritic tree. In the appendix, another (nonlinear) differential operator, the second directional derivative along the gradient, is briefly discussed as an alternative to the Laplacian. :aim 691 :title {Open Systems} :author Carl Hewitt, Peter de Jong :asort Hewitt, C.; de Jong, P. :date December 1982 :cost $3.25 :pages 28 :keywords open systems, conceptual modeling, actors, sprites, description, semantics, problem solving :abstract This paper describes some problems and opportunities associated with conceptual modeling for the kind of ``open systems" we foresee must and will be increasingly recognized as a central line of computer system development. Computer applications will be based on communication between sub-systems which will have been developed separately and independently. The only thing that all the various sub-systems hold in common is the ability to communicate with each other. In this paper we study Open Systems from the viewpoint of Message Passing Semantics, a research program to explore issues in the semantics of communication in parallel systems such as negotiation, transaction management, problem solving, change, and self-knowledge. :end :aim 701 :title {Computational Introspection} :author John Batali :asort Batali, J. :date February 1983 :cost $4.00 :pages 68 :ADnum AD-A127132 :keywords problem solving, reflection, action, philosophy of mind, introspection, LISP, representation :abstract Introspection is the process of thinking about one's own thoughts and feelings. In this paper, I discuss recent attempts to make computational systems that exhibit introspective behavior: [Smith, 1982], [Weyhrauch, 1978], and [Doyle, 1980]. Each presents a system capable of manipulating representations of its own program and current context. I argue that introspective ability is crucial for intelligent systems -- without it an agent cannot represent certain problems that it must be able to solve. A theory of intelligent action would describe how and why certain actions intelligently achieve an agent's goals. The agent would both embody and represent this theory: it would be implemented as the program for the agent; and the importance of introspection suggests that the agent represent its theory of action to itself. :end :aim 702 :title {Representations for Reasoning About Change} :author Reid G. Simmons and Randall Davis :asort Simmons, R.G.; Davis, R. :date April 1983 :cost $3.75 :pages 54 :reference See SIGART Proc., April 1983, Workshop on Motion, Toronto, Canada. :ADnum AD-A131649 :keywords processes, action, knowledge representation, expert systems, qualitative reasoning :abstract This paper explores representations used to reason about objects which change over time and the processes which cause changes. Specifically, we are interested in solving a problem known as geologic interpretation. To help solve this problem, we have developed a simulation technique, which we call {\it imagining}. Imagining takes a sequence of events and simulates them by drawing diagrams In order to do this imagining, we have developed two representations of objects, one involving {\it histories} and the other involving {\it diagrams} and two corresponding representations of physical processes, each suited to reasoning about one of the object representations. :aim 747 :title A Structural Approach to Analogy :author Hormoz Mansour :asort Mansour, H. :date November 1983 :pages 28 :cost $3.25 :keywords structural analogy, contextual analogy, knowledge acquisition, nested frames, automatic acquisition :abstract There are multiple sorts of reasoning by analogy between two domains; the one with which we are concerned is a type of contextual analogy. The purpose of this paper is to see whether two domains that look analogous would be analogous in all aspects and contexts. To perform this, we analyse the domain according to different particularities. For each particularity or context we continue the analysis and search for another one within the same domain. In this way we create a kind of structure for the different domains. This sort of analysis is represented by frames and frames which are nested within each other. This paper describes this concept of structural analogy and an implemented system based on it called* ``MULTI-ANALOG,'' a limited example of knowledge-acquisition, problem solving, and automatic-acquisition. :aim 750 :title {Design Issues in Parallel Architecture for Artificial Intelligence} :author Carl Hewitt and Henry Lieberman :asort Hewitt, C.; Lieberman, H. :date November 1983 :cost $2.50 :pages 15 :adnum AD-A142482 :keywords architecture, parallelism, actors, Act2, artificial intelligence, Apiary, message passing, reasoning :abstract Development of highly intelligent computers requires a conceptual foundation that will overcome the limitations of the von Neumann architecture. Architectures for such a foundation should meet the following design goals: *) Address the fundamental organizational issues of large-scale parallelism and sharing in a fully integrated way. This means attention to organizational principles, as well as hardware and software. *) Serve as an experimental apparatus for testing large-scale artificial intelligence systems. *) Explore the feasibility of an architecture based on abstractions, which serve as natural computational primitives for parallel processing. Such abstractions should be logically independent of their software and hardware host implementations. In this paper we lay out some of the fundamental design issues in parallel architectures for Artificial Intelligence, delineate limitations of previous parallel architectures, and outline a new approach that we are pursuing. :aim 751 :title Analog ``Neuronal" Networks in Early Vision :author Christof Koch, Jose Marroquin, and Alan Yuille :asort Koch, C.; Marroquin, J.L.; Yuille, A.L. :date June 1985 :pages 17 :cost $2.50 :keywords analog networks, analog-digital hardware, parallel computers, surface interpolation, surface reconstruction, optimization problem, regularization theory, early vision :abstract Hopfield and Tank (1985) have shown that networks of nonlinear analog ``neurons" can be effective in computing the solution of optimization problems in early vision. In this paper, we show how these networks can be generalized to solve the non-convex energy functionals of early vision. We illustrate this approach by implementing a specific network solving the problem of reconstructing a smooth surface while preserving its discontinuities from sparsely sampled data (Geman and Geman, 1984; Terzopoulos, 1984). These results suggest a novel computational strategy for solving such problems for both biological and artificial vision systems. :aim 755 :title The Copycat Project: An Experiment in Nondeterminism and Creative Analogies :author Douglas Hofstadter :asort Hofstadter, D. :date January 1984 :cost $3.75 :pages 47 :adnum AD-A142744 :keywords analogy, nondeterminism, parallelism, randomness, statistically emergent mentality, semanticity, slippability, computational temperature :abstract A microworld is described, in which many analogies involving strikingly different concepts and levels of subtlety can be made. The question ``What differentiates the good ones from the bad ones?" is discussed, and then the problem of how to implement a computational model of the human ability to come up with such analogies (and to have a sense for their quality) is considered. :aim 768 :author V. Torre and T. Poggio :asort Torre, V.; Poggio, T. :title On Edge Detection :date August 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A148573 :pages 41 :keywords numerical differentiation, zero crossings, regularization :abstract This paper discusses the critical, intermediate goal of edge detection, which is the detection and characterization of significant intensity change. To characterize the types of intensity changes derivatives of different types, and possibly different scales, are needed. Thus, we consider this part of edge detection as a problem in numerical differentiation. We show that numerical differentiation of images is an ill-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. Differentiation needs to be {\it regularized} by a regularizing filtering operation before differentiation. This shows that this part of edge detection consists of two steps, a {\it filtering} step and a {\it differentiation} step. Following this perspective, the paper discusses in detail the following theoretical aspects of edge detection: (1) The properties of different types of filters are derived. (2) Relationships among several 2-D differential operators are established. (3) Geometrical and topological properties of the zero crossings of differential operators are studied in terms of transversality and Morse theory. We discuss recent results on the behavior and the information content of zero crossings obtained with filters of different sizes. Finally, some of the existing local edge detector schemes are briefly outlined in the perspective of our theoretical results. :aim 773 :author Tomaso Poggio and Vincent Torre :asort Poggio, T.; Torre, V. :title Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization Analysis in Early Vision :date April 1984 :cost $2.50 :adnum AD-A147753 :pages 14 :reference Also, C.B.I.P. Paper 001 :keywords early vision, regularization theory, edge detection, ill-posed problems, motion analysis, variational problems :abstract One of the best definitions of early vision is that it is inverse optics -- a set of computational problems that both machines and biological organisms have to solve. While in classical optics the problem is to determine the images of physical objects, vision is confronted with the inverse problem of recovering three-dimensional shape from the light distribution in the image. Most processes of early vision such as stereomatching, computation of motion and all the ``structure from" processes can be regarded as solutions to inverse problems. This common characteristic of early vision can be formalized - {\it most early vision problems are ``ill-posed problems" in the sense of Hadamard}. We will show that a mathematical theory developed for regularizing ill-posed problems leads in a natural way to the solution of early vision problems in terms of variational principles of a certain class. This is a new theoretical framework for some of the variational solutions already obtained in the analysis of early vision processes. It also shows how several other problems in early vision can be approached and solved. :aim 774 :author Gerald Roylance :asort Roylance, G. :title Some Scientific Subroutines in LISP :date September 1984 :cost $2.50 :adnum AD-A147889 :pages 12 :lisp, math subroutines :abstract Here's a LISP Library of Mathematical functions that calculate hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions. Bessel functions, elliptic integrals, the gamma and beta functions, and the incomplete gamma and beta functions. There are probability density functions, cumulative distributions, and random number generators for the normal, Poisson, chi-square, Student's T, and Snedecor's F functions. Multiple linear regression, Fletcher-Powell unconstrained minimization, numerical integration, root finding, and convergence. Code to factor numbers and to do the Solovay-Strassen probabilistic prime test. :aim 783 :author Tomaso Poggio and Christof Koch :asort Poggio, T.; Koch, C. :title An Analog Model of Computation for the Ill-Posed Problems of Early Vision :date May 1984 :cost $2.50 :adnum AD-A147726 :pages 16 :reference Also C.B.I.P. Paper 002; and {\it Journal of Robotics Research}, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1986. :keywords early vision, parallel processing, elect./chem./neuronal networks, regularization analysis, neural hardware, analog computation, motion analysis, variational problems :abstract A large gap exists at present between computational theories of vision and their possible implementation in neural hardware. The model of computation provided by the digital computer is clearly unsatisfactory for the neurobiologist, given the increasing evidence that neurons are complex devices, very different from simple digital switches. It is especially difficult to imagine how networks of neurons may solve the equations involved in vision algorithms in a way similar to digital computers. In this paper, we suggest an analog model of computation in electrical or chemical networks for a large class of vision problems, that maps more easily into biologically plausible mechanisms. Poggio and Torre (1984) have recently recognized that early vision problems such as motion analysis (Horn and Schunck, 1981; Hildreth, 1984a,b), edge detection (Torre and Poggio, 1984), surface interpolation (Grimson, 1981; Terzopoulos, 1984), shape-from-shading (Ikeuchi and Horn, 1981) and stereomatching can be characterized as mathematically ill-posed problems in the sense of Hadamard (1923). Ill-posed problems can be ``solved", according to regularization theories, by variational principles of a specific type. A natural way of implementing variational problems are electrical, chemical or neuronal networks. We present specific networks for solving several low-level vision problems, such as the computation of visual motion and edge detection. :aim 788 :author G. Edward {Barton, Jr.} :asort Barton, G.E., Jr. :title Toward A Principle-Based Parser :date July 1984 :cost $3.75 :adnum AD-A147637 :pages 47 :keywords natural language, parsing, syntax, linguistics, generative grammar, GB-theory, metarules, modularity :abstract Parser design lags behind linguistic theory. While modern transformational grammar has largely abandoned complex, language-specific rules systems in favor of modular subsystems of principles and parameters, the rule systems that underlie existing natural-language parsers are still large, detailed, and complicated. The shift to modular theories in linguistics took place because of the scientific disadvantages of such rule systems. Those scientific ills translate into engineering maladies that make building natural-language systems difficult. The cure for these problems should be the same in parser design as it was in linguistic theory. The shift to modular theories of syntax should be replicated in parsing practice; a parser should base its actions on interacting modules of principles and parameters rather than a complex, monolithic rule system. If it can be successfully carried out, the shift will make it easier to build natural-language systems because it will shorten and simplify the language descriptions that are needed for parsing. It will also allow parser design to track new developments in linguistic theory. :aim 792 :author J.L. Marroquin :asort Marroquin, J.L. :title Surface Reconstruction Preserving Discontinuities :date August 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A146741 :pages 25 :keywords surface reconstruction, discontinuities, Markov random fields, Bayesian estimation :abstract This paper presents some experimental results that indicate the plausibility of using non-convex variational principles to reconstruct piecewise smooth surfaces from sparse and noisy data. This method uses prior generic knowledge about the geometry of the discontinuities to prevent the blurring of the boundaries between continuous subregions. We include examples of the application of this approach to the reconstruction of synthetic surfaces, and to the interpolation of disparity data from the stereo processing of real images. :aim 795 :author Christof Koch and Tomaso Poggio :asort Koch, C.; Poggio, T. :title Biophysics of Computation: Neurons, Synapses and Membranes :date October 1984 :cost $4.00 :pages 73 :reference C.B.I.P. Paper 008; and {\it Synaptic Function}, G.M. Edelman, W.E. Gall and W.M. Cowan, editor, John Wiley \& Sons, New York, NY, 1987. :keywords computational systems, biophysics, information processing, AND-NOT, spikes, spines, active processes :abstract Synapses, membranes and neurotransmitter play an important role in processing information in the nervous system. We do not know, however, what biophysical mechanisms are critical for neuronal computations, what elementary information processing operations they implement, and which sensory or motor computations they underlie. In this paper, we outline an approach to these problems. We review a number of different biophysical mechanisms, such as synaptic interactions between excitation and inhibition, dendritic spines, non-impulse generating membrane nonlinearities and transmitter-regulated voltage channels. For each one, we discuss the information processing operations that may be implemented. All of these mechanisms act either within a few milliseconds, such as the action potential or synaptic transmission, or over several hundred milliseconds or even seconds, modulating some property of the circuit. In some cases we will suggest specific examples where a biophysical mechanism underlies a given computation. In particular, we will discuss the neuronal operation, and their implementation, underlying direction selectivity in the vertebrate retina. :aim 796 :author Alan Bawden and Philip E. Agre :asort Bawden, A.; Agre, P.E. :title What a parallel programming language has to let you say :date September 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A147854 :pages 26 :keywords Connection Machine, programming languages, parallel computers, compiler theory, message passing :abstract We have implemented in simulation a prototype language for the Connection Machine called CL1. CL1 is an extrapolation of serial machine programming language technology: in CL1 one programs the individual processors to perform local computations and talk to the communications network. We present details of the largest of our experiments with CL1, an interpreter for Scheme (a dialect of LISP) that allows a large number of different Scheme programs to be run in parallel on the otherwise SIMD Connection Machine. Our aim was not to propose Scheme as a language for Connection Machine programming, but to gain experience using CL1 to implement an interesting and familiar algorithm. Consideration of the difficulties we encountered led us to the conclusion that CL1 programs do not capture enough of the causal structure of the processes they describe. Starting from this observation, we have designed a successor language call CGL (for Connection Graph Language). :aim 798 :author Hormoz Mansour :asort Mansour, H. :title The Use of Censors for Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Analogy in Medical Decision-Making :date November 1985 :pages 43 :cost $3.75 :keywords censor, analogy, non-monotonic logic, learning, thyroid diseases, neuroendocrinology :abstract A patient rarely has a single, isolated disease. The situation is usually much more complex since the different parts of the human organism and metabolism interact with each other and follow several feedback patterns. These interactions and feedback patterns become more important with the addition of the external environment. When a disease is present, the first steps of the medical diagnosis should be to research and to determine whether another disease interacts with (``Censors'') or changes the significant symptoms, syndromes, or results of the laboratory tests of the first disease. Understanding of this interaction and the appropriate reasoning is based on a type of non-monotonic logic. We will try, within this paper, to see the effect of two diseases on each other. One important part of the effect of two diseases on each other is the entrancing effect of what we call ``Censors.'' In addition, causal reasoning, reasoning by analogy, and learning from precedents are important and necessary for a human-like expert in medicine. Some aspects of their application to thyroid diseases, with an implementation system, are considered in this paper. :aim 800 :author Demetri Terzopoulos :asort Terzopoulos, D. :title Computing Visible-Surface Representations :date March 1985 :cost $3.75 :pages 61 :adnum AD-A160602 :keywords vision, multiresolution reconstruction, finite elements, discontinuities, surface representation, variational principles, generalized splines, regularization :abstract The low-level interpretation of images provides contraints on 3-D surface shape at multiple resolutions, but typically only at scattered locations over the visual field. Subsequent visual processing can be facilitated substantially if the scattered shape constraints are immediately transformed into visible-surface representations that unambiguously specify surface shape at every image point. The required transformation is shown to lead to an ill-posed surface reconstruction problem. A well posed variational principle formulation is obtained by invoking ``controlled continuity," a physically nonrestrictive (generic) assumption about surfaces which is nonetheless strong enough to guarantee unique solutions. The variational principle, which admits an appealing physical interpretation, is locally discretized by applying the finite element method to a piecewise, finite element representation of surfaces. This forms the mathematical basis of a unified and general framework for computing visible-surface representations. An efficient surface reconstruction algorithm is developed. :aim 801 :author Kent Pitman :asort Pitman, K. :title The Description of Large Systems :date September 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A148072 :pages 32 :keywords compilation, large systems, LISP, system maintenance :abstract In this paper, we discuss the problems associated with the description and manipulation of large systems when their sources are not maintained as single files. We show why and how tools that address these issues, such as Unix MAKE and Lisp Machine DEFSYSTEM, have evolved. :aim 803 :author Demetri Terzopoulos :asort Terzopoulos, D. :title Multigrid Relaxation Methods and the Analysis of Lightness, Shading and Flow :date October 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A158173 :pages 23 :keywords computer vision, lightness, optical flow, partial differential equations, multigrid relaxation, shape from shading, variational principles, parallel :abstract Image analysis problems posed mathematically as variational principles or as partial differential equations, are amenable to numerical solution by relaxation algorithms that are local, iterative, and often parallel. Although they are well suited structurally for implementation on massively parallel, locally-interconnected computational architectures, such distributed algorithms are seriously handicapped by an inherent inefficiency at propagating constraints between widely separated processing elements. Hence, they converge extremely slowly when confronted by the large representation necessary for low-level vision. Application of multigrid methods can overcome this drawback, as we established in previous work on 3-D surface reconstruction. In this paper, we develop efficient multiresolution iterative algorithms for computing lightness, shape-from-shading, and optical flow, and we evaluate the performance of these algorithms on synthetic images. The multigrid methodology that we describe is broadly applicable in low-level vision. Notably, it is an appealing strategy to use in conjunction with regularization analysis for the efficient solution of a wide range of ill-posed visual reconstruction problems. :aim 806 :author John Canny :asort Canny, J. :title Collision Detection for Moving Polyhedra :date October 1984 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A148961 :pages 17 :keywords collision detection, collision avoidance, motion planning, robotics, geometric modelling :abstract We consider the problem of moving a three dimensional solid object among polyhedral obstacles. The traditional formulation of configuration space for this problem uses three translational parameters and three {\it angles} (typically Euler angles), and the constraints between the object and obstacles involve transcendental functions. We show that a quaternion representation of rotation yields constraints which are purely algebraic in a higher-dimensional space. By simple manipulation, the constraints may be projected down into a six dimensional space with no increase in complexity. Using this formulation, we derive an efficient {\it exact} intersection test for an object which is translating and rotating among obstacles. :aim 811 :author Richard J. Doyle :asort Doyle, R.J. :title Hypothesizing and Refining Causal Models :date December 1984 :cost $4.50 :ADnum AD-A158165 :pages 108 :keywords learning, causal reasoning, qualitative reasoning, telelogical reasoning, theory formation, planning, analogy, quantities. :abstract An important common sense competence is the ability to hypothesize causal relations. This report presents a set of constraints which make the problem of formulating causal hypotheses about simple physical systems a tractable one. The constraints include a temporal and physical proximity requirement and a set of abstract causal explanations for changes in physical systems in terms of dependences between quantities. These constraints were embedded in a learning system which was tested in two domains: a sink and a toaster. Inaccurate predictions indicate deficiencies in the causal models and the need to rehypothesize. The learning system successfully generates and refines naive causal models of these simple physical systems. :aim 813 :author Berthold K.P. Horn and Michael J. Brooks :asort Horn, B.K.P.; Brooks, M.J. :title The Variational Approach to Shape from Shading :date March 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 33 :reference {{\it Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing}, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1986.} :keywords calculus of variations, parallel iteration, regularization, shading, shape, shape from shading :abstract We develop a systematic approach to the discovery of parallel iterative schemes for solving the shape-from-shading problem on a grid. A standard procedure for finding such schemes is outlined, and subsequently used to derive several new ones. The shape-from-shading problem is known to be mathematically equivalent to a nonlinear first-order partial differential equation in surface elevation. To avoid the problems inherent in methods used to solve such equations, we follow previous work in reformulating the problem as one of finding a surface orientation field that minimizes the integral of the brightness error. The calculus of variations is then employed to derive the appropriate Euler equations on which iterative schemes can be based. Different schemes result if one uses different parameters to describe surface orientation. We derive two new schemes, using unit surface normals, that facilitate the incorporation of the occluding boundary information. These schemes, while more complex, have several advantages over previous ones. :aim 815 :author Kenneth Man-Kam Yip :asort Yip, K. :title Tense, Aspect and Cognitive Representation of Time :date December 1984 :cost $3.25 :ADnum AD-A159306 :pages 26 :keywords temporal logic, linguistic constraints, learnability, tense and aspect, processing constraints, markedness :abstract This paper explores the relationships between a computational theory of temporal representation (as develped by James Allen) and a formal linguistic theory of tense (as developed by Norbert Hornstein) and aspect. It aims to provide explicit answers to four fundamental questions: (1) what is the computational justification for the primitives of a linguistic theory; (2) what is the computational explanation of the formal grammatical constraints; (3) what are the processing constraints imposed on the learnability and markedness of these theoretical constructs; and (4) what are the constraints that a linguistic theory imposes on representation. We show that one can effectively exploit the interface between the language faculty and the cognitive faculties by using linguistic constraints to determine restrictions on the cognitive representations and {\it vice versa}. Three main results are obtained: (1) We derive an explanation of an observed grammatical constraint on tense -- the Linear Order Constraint -- from the information monotonicity property of the constraint propagation algorithm of Allen's temporal system: (2) We formulate a principle of markedness for the basic tense structures based on the computational efficiency of the temporal representations; and (3) We show Allen's interval-based temporal system is not arbitrary, but it can be used to explain independently motivated linguistic constraints on tense and aspect interpretations. We also claim that the methodology of research developed in this study -- ``cross-level" investigation of independently motivated formal grammatical theory and computational models -- is a powerful paradigm with which to attack representational problems in basic cognitive domains, e.g. space, time, causality, etc. :aim 816 :author Richard C. Waters :asort Waters, R.C. :title PP: A Lisp Pretty Printing System :date December 1984 :cost $3.25 :ADnum AD-A157092 :pages 37 :keywords pretty printing, formatted output, abbreviated output, LISP :abstract The PP system provides an efficient implementation of the Common Lisp pretty printing function PPRINT. In addition, PP goes beyond ordinary pretty printers by providing mechanisms which allow the user to control the exact form of pretty printed output. This is done by extending Lisp in two ways. First, several new FORMAT directives are provided which support dynamic decisions about the placement of newlines based on the line width available for output. Second, the concept of print-self methods is extended so that it can be applied to lists as well as to objects which can receive messages. Together, these extensions support pretty printing of both programs and data structures. The PP system also modifies the way that the Lisp printer handles the abbreviation of output. The traditional mechanisms for abbreviating lists based on nesting depth and length are extended so
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