leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (08/28/89)
that they automatically apply to every kind of structure without the user having to take any explicit action when writing print-self methods. A new abbreviation mechanism is introduced which can be used to limit the total number of lines printed. :aim 817 :author A. Hurlbert and T. Poggio :asort Hurlbert, A.; Poggio, T. :title Spotlight on Attention :date April 1985 :cost $2.50 :pages 6 :abstract We review some recent psychophysical, physiological and anatomical data which highlight the important role of attention in visual information processing, and discuss the evidence for a serial spotlight of attention. We point out the connections between the questions raised by the spotlight model and computational results on the intrinsic parallelism of several tasks in vision. :aim 820 :author Michael J. Brooks and Berthold K.P. Horn :asort Brooks, M.J.; Horn, B.K.P. :title Shape and Source from Shading :date January 1985 :cost $2.50 :pages 12 :keywords computer vision, source detection, shape from shading, Lambertian surface :abstract Well-known methods for solving the shape-from-shading problem require knowledge of the reflectance map. Here we show how the shape-from-shading problem can be solved when the reflectance map is not available, but is known to have a given form with some unknown parameters. This happens, for example when the surface is known to be Lambertian, but the direction to the light source is not known. We display an iterative algorithm which alternately estimates the surface shape and the light source direction. Use of the unit normal in the parameterization of the reflectance map, rather than the gradient or stereographic coordinates, simplifies the analysis. Our approach also leads to an iterative scheme for computing shape from shading that adjusts the current estimates of the local normals toward or away from the direction of the light source. The amount of adjustment is proportional to the current difference between the predicted and the observed brightness. Generalizations to less constrained forms of reflectance maps are also developed. :aim 822 :author Michael Brady, Jean Ponce, Alan Yuille, and Haruo Asada :asort Brady, M.; Ponce, J.; Yuille, A.L.; Asada, H. :title Describing Surfaces :date January 1985 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A158940 :pages 33 :keywords computer vision, robotics, 3-D vision, surface description, computer aided design, object recognition :abstract This paper continues our work on visual representations of three-dimensional surfaces [Brady and Yuille 1984b]. The theoretical component of our work is a study of classes of surface curves as a source of constraint on the surface on which they lie, and as a basis for describing it. We analyze bounding contours, surface intersections, lines of curvature, and asymptotes. Our experimental work investigates whether the information suggested by our theoretical study can be computed reliably and efficiently. We demonstrate algorithms that compute lines of curvature of a (Gaussian smoothed) surface; determine planar patches and umbilic regions; extract axes of surfaces of revolution and tube surfaces. We report preliminary results on adapting the curvature primal sketch algorithms of Asada and Brady [1984] to detect and describe surface intersections. :aim 823 :author Jonathan H. Connell and Michael Brady :asort Connell, J.H.; Brady, M. :title Generating and Generalizing Models of Visual Objects :date July 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 24 :adnum AD-A158197 :keywords vision, learning, shape description, representation of shape :abstract We report on initial experiments with an implemented learning system whose inputs are images of two dimensional shapes. The system first builds semantic network descriptions of shapes based on Brady's {\it smoothed local symmetry} representation. It learns shape models from them using a substantially modified version of Winston's ANALOGY program. A generalization of Gray coding enables the representation to be extended and allows a single operation, called {\it ablation}, to achieve the effects of many standard induction heuristics. The program can learn disjunctions, and learn concepts using only positive examples. We discuss learnability and the pervasive importance of representational hierarchies. :aim 824 :author Jean Ponce and Michael Brady :asort Ponce, J.; Brady, M. :title Toward a Surface Primal Sketch :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 30 :ADnum AD-A159693 :keywords vision, edge detection, 3-D vision, robotics, surface representation :abstract This paper reports progress toward the development of a representation of significant surface changes in dense depth maps. We call the representation the {\it surface primal sketch} by analogy with representations of intensity change, image structure, and changes in curvature of planar curves. We describe an implemented program that detects, localizes, and symbolically describes: {\it steps}, where the surface height function is discontinuous; {\it roofs}, where the surface is continuous but the surface normal is discontinuous; {\it smooth joins}, where the surface normal is continuous but a principal curvature is discontinuous and changes sign; and {\it shoulders}, which consist of two roofs and correspond to a STEP viewed obliquely. We illustrate the performance of the program on range maps of objects of varying complexity. :aim 825 :author S. Murray Sherman and Christof Koch :asort Sherman, S.M.; Koch, C. :title The Anatomy and Physiology of Gating Retinal Signals in the Mammalian Lateral Geniculate Nucleus :date June 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 34 :keywords visual system, lateral geniculate nucleus, gating signals, visual attention, top-down processing. :abstract In the mammalian visual system, the lateral geniculate nucleus is commonly thought to act merely as a relay for the transmission of visual information from the retina to the visual cortex, a relay without significant elaboration in receptive field properties or signal strength. In this paper, we will review the different anatomical pathways and biophysical mechanisms possibly implementing a selective gating of visual information flow from the retina to the visual cortex. We will argue that the lateral geniculate nucleus in mammals is one of the earliest sites where selective, visual attention operates and where general changes in neuronal excitability as a function of the behavioral states of the animal, for instance sleep, paradoxical sleep, arousal, etc., occur. :aim 826 :author Michael Drumheller :asort Drumheller, M. :title Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar :date January 1985 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A158819 :pages 25 :keywords mobile robot, robot navigation, sonar, ultrasonic rangefinding, rangefinding, robot localization, robot positioning, contour matching :abstract This paper describes a method by which range data from a sonar or other type of rangefinder can be used to determine the two-dimensional position and orientation of a mobile robot inside a room. The plan of the room is modeled as a list of segments indicating the positions of walls. The method works by extracting straight segments from the range data and examining all hypotheses about pairings between the segments and walls in the model of the room. Inconsistent pairings are discarded efficiently by using local constraints based on distances between walls, angles between walls, and ranges between walls along their normal vectors. These constraints are used to obtain a small set of possible positions, which is further pruned using a test for physical consistency. The approach is extremely tolerant of noise and clutter. Transient objects such as furniture and people need not be included in the room model, and very noisy, low-resolution sensors can be used. The algorithm's performance is demonstrated using a Polaroid Ultrasonic Rangefinder, which is a low-resolution, high-noise sensor. :aim 828 :author Philip E. Agre :asort Agre, P.E. :title Routines :date May 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 27 :adnum AD-A160481 :keywords routines, planning, process representation :abstract Regularities in the world give rise to regularities in the way in which we deal with the world. That is to say, we fall into routines. I have been studying the phenomena of routinization, the process by which institutionalized patterns of interaction with the world arise and evolve in everyday life. Underlying this evolution is a dialectical process of {\it internalization}: First you build a model of some previosly unarticulated emergent aspect of an existing routine. Armed with an incrementally more global view of the interaction, you can often formulate an incrementally better informed plan of attack. A routine is NOT a plan in the sense of the classical planning literature, except in theoretical limit of the process. I am implementing this theory using {\it running arguments}, a technique for writing rule-based programs for intelligent agents. Because a running argument is compiled into TMS networks as it proceeds, incremental changes in the world require only incremental recomputation of the reasoning about what actions to take next. The system supports a style of programming, {\it dialectical argumentation}, that has many important properties that recommend it as a substrate for large AI systems. One of these might be called {\it additivity}: an agent can modify it's reasoning in a class of situations by adducing arguments as to why it's previous arguments were incorrect in those cases. Because no side-effects are ever required, reflexive systems based on dialectical argumentation ought to be less fragile than intuition and experience might suggest. I outline the remaining implementation problems. :aim 829 :author Kent M. Pitman :asort Pitman, K. :title CREF: An Editing Facility for Managing Structured Text :date February 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 23 :ADnum AD-A158155 :keywords browsing, document preparation, editing environments, information management, knowledge engineering, mail reading, non-linear text, protocol parsing, structured text, text editing :abstract This paper reports work in progress on an experimental text editor called CREF, the Cross Referenced Editing Facility. CREF deals with chunks of text, called segments, which may have associated features such as keywords or various kinds of links to other segments. Text in CREF is organized into linear collections for normal browsing. The use of summary and cross-reference links in CREF allows the imposition of an auxiliary network structure upon the text which can be useful for ``zooming in and out'' or ``non-local transitions.'' Although it was designed as a tool for use in complex protocol analysis by a ``Knowledge Engineer's Assistant,'' CREF has many interesting features which should make it suitable for a wide variety of applications, including browsing, program editing, document preparation, and mail reading. :aim 832 :author A. Verri and A. Yuille :asort Verri, A.; Yuille, A.L. :title Perspective Projection Invariants :date February 1986 :cost $2.50 :pages 15 :adnum AD-A167783 :keywords stereo, registration, perspective projection, zeros of curvature :abstract An important part of stereo vision consists of finding and matching points in two images which correspond to the same physical element in the scene. We show that zeros of curvature of curves are perspective projection invariants and can therefore be used to find corresponding points. They can be used to help solve the registration problem (Longuet-Higgins, 1982) and to obtain the correct depth when a curve enters the forbidden zone (Krol and van de Grind, 1982). They are also relevant to theories for representing image curves. We consider the stability of these zeros of curvature. :aim 833 :author T. Poggio, H. Voorhees, and A. Yuille :asort Poggio, T.; Voorhees, H.; Yuille, A.L. :title A Regularized Solution to Edge Detection :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A159349 :pages 22 :abstract We consider edge detection as the problem of measuring and localizing changes of light intensity in the image. As discussed by Torre and Poggio (1984), edge detection, when defined in this way, is an ill-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. The regularized solution that arises is then the solution to a variational principle. In the case of exact data, one of the standard regularization methods (see Poggio and Torre, 1984) leads to cubic spline interpolation before differentiation. We show that in the case of regularly-spaced data this solution corresponds to a convolution filter -- to be applied to the signal before differentiation -- which is a cubic spline. In the case of non-exact data, we use another regularization method that leads to a different variational principle. We prove (1) that this variational principle leads to a convolution filter for the problem of one-dimensional edge detection, (2) that the form of this filter is very similar to the gaussian filter, and (3) that the regularizing parameter $\lambda$ in the variational principle effectively controls the scale of the filter. :aim 835 :author John M. Rubin and W.A. Richards :asort Rubin, J.M.; Richards, W.A. :title Boundaries of Visual Motion :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 29 :keywords vision, visual motion, motion recognition, event perception, motion representation, motion perception, motion boundaries. :abstract A representation of visual motion convenient for recognition should make prominent the qualitative differences among simple motions. We argue that the first stage in such a motion representation is to make explicit boundaries that we define as starts, stops and force discontinuities. When one of these boundaries occurs in motion, human observers have the subjective impression that some fleeting, significant event has occurred. We go farther and hypothesize that one of the subjective motion boundaries is seen if and only if one of our defined boundaries occurs. We enumerate all possible motion boundaries and provide evidence that they are psychologically real. :aim 836 :author Robert C. Berwick and Amy S. Weinberg :asort Berwick, R.; Weinberg, A. :title Parsing and Linguistic Explanation :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 32 :adnum AD-A159233 :keywords natural language processing, cognitive modeling, parsing :abstract This article summarizes and extends recent results linking deterministic parsing to observed ``locality principles" in syntax. It also argues that grammatical theories based on explicit phrase structure rules are unlikely to provide comparable explanations of why natural languages are built the way they are. :aim 837 :author Eric Sven Ristad :asort Ristad, E.S. :title GPSG-Recognition is NP-Hard :date March 1985 :cost $2.50 :pages 11 :adnum AD-A162716 :keywords GPSG, parsing, complexity, natural language, linguistics, natural language parsing :abstract Proponents of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) often cite its weak context-free generative power as proof of the computational tractability of GPSG-Recognition. It is well known that context-free languages can be parsed by a wide range of algorithms. Hence, it might be thought that GPSG's weak context-free generative power should guarantee that it, too, is efficiently parsible. This widely-assumed GPSG ``efficient parsibility" result is false: A reduction from 3-Satisfiability proves that GPSG-Recognition is in the class NP-hard, and likely to be intractable. :aim 838 :author Jean Ponce :asort Ponce, J. :title Prism Trees: An Efficient Representation for Manipulating and Displaying Polyhedra With Many Faces :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 22 :ADnum AD-A162601 :keywords computer graphics, hierarchical structures, set operations between solids, geometric modelling, ray casting display. :abstract Computing surface and/or object intersections is a corner-stone of many algorithms in geometric modeling and computer graphics, for example set operations between solids, or surfaces ray casting display. We present an object centered, information preserving, hierarchial representation for polyhedra called {\it Prism Tree}. We use the representation to decompose the intersection algorithms into two steps: the {\it localization} of intersections, and their {\it processing}. When dealing with polyhedra with many faces (typically more than one thousand), the first step is by far the most expensive. The {\it Prism Tree} structure is used to compute efficiently this localization step. A preliminary implementation of the set operations and ray casting algorithims has been constructed. :aim 839 :author J.L.Marroquin :asort Marroquin, J.L. :title Optimal Bayesian Estimators For Image Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction :date April 1985 :cost $2.50 :pages 17 :adnum AD-A159692 :keywords Bayesian estimation, Markov random fields, image segmentation, surface reconstruction, image restoration :abstract A very fruitful approach to the solution of image segmentation and surface reconstruction tasks is their formulation as estimation problems via the use of Markov random field models and Bayes theory. However, the Maximuma Posteriori (MAP) estimate, which is the one most frequently used, is suboptimal in these cases. We show that for segmentation problems the optimal Bayesian estimator is the maximizer of the posterior marginals, while for reconstruction tasks, the threshold posterior mean has the best possible performance. We present efficient distributed algorithms for approximating these estimates in the general case. Based on these results, we develop a maximum likelihood that leads to a parameter-free distributed algorithm for restoring piecewise constant images. To illustrate these ideas, the reconstruction of binary patterns is discussed in detail. :aim 840 :title Inferring 3D Shapes from 2D Codons :author Whitman Richards, Jan J. Koenderink, D.D. Hoffman :asort Richards, W.A.; Koenderink, J.J.; Hoffman, D.D. :date April 1985 :pages 19 :cost $2.50 :keywords vision, recognition, visual representation, object perception, figure-ground, 3-D shape :abstract All plane curves can be described at an abstract level by a sequence of five primitive elemental shapes, called ``codons", which capture the sequential relations between the singular points of curvature. The codon description provides a basis for enumerating all smooth 2D curves. Let each of these smooth plane curves be considered as the silhouette of an opaque object. Clearly an infinity of 3D objects can generate any one of our ``codon" silhouettes. How then can we predict which 3D object corresponds to a given 2D silhouette? To restrict the infinity of choices, we impose three math- matical properties of smooth surfaces plus one simple viewing constraint. The constraint is an extension of the notion of general position, and seems to drive our preferred inferences of 3D shapes, given only the 2D contour. :aim 841 :author W. Eric L. Grimson and Tom\'as Lozano-P\'erez :asort Grimson, W.E.L.; Lozano-P\'erez, T. :title Recognition and Localization of Overlapping Parts From Sparse Data :date June 1985 :cost $3.75 :pages 41 :reference Also published as "Localizing Overlapping Parts by Seaching the Interpretation Tree," {\it IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis, and Machine Intelligence,} vol. PAMI-9, no. 4, July 1987. :ADnum AD-A158394 :keywords object recognition, sensor interpretations :abstract This paper discusses how sparse local measurements of positions and surface normals may be used to identify and locate overlapping objects. The objects are modeled as polyhedra (or polygons) having up to six degrees of positional freedom relative to the sensors. The approach operates by examining all hypotheses about pairings between sensed data and object surfaces and efficiently discarding inconsistent ones by using local constraints on: distances between faces, angles between face normals, and angles (relative to the surface normals) of vectors between sensed points. The method described here is an extension of a method for recognition and localization of non-overlapping parts previously described in [Grimson and Lozano-P\'erez 84] and [Gaston and Lozano-P\'erez 84]. :aim 842 :author Tom\'as Lozano-P\'erez and Rodney A. Brooks :asort Lozano-P\'erez, T.; Brooks, R.A. :title An Approach To Automatic Robot Programming :date April 1985 :cost $3.25 :pages 35 :adnum AD-A161120 :keywords robotics, task planning, robot programming :abstract In this paper we propose an architecture for a new task level system, which we call TWAIN. Task-level programming attempts to simplify the robot programming process by requiring that the user specify only goals for the physical relationships among objects, rather than the motions needed to achieve those goals. A task-level specification is meant to be completely robot independent; no positions or paths that depend on the robot geometry or kinematics are specified by the user. We have two goals for this paper. The first is to present a more unified treatment of some individual pieces of research in task planning, whose relationship has not previously been described. The second is to provide a new framework for further research in task-planning. This is a slightly modified version of a paper that appeared in {\it Proceedings of Solid Modeling by Computers: From Theory to Applications}, Research Laboratories Symposium Series, sponsored by General Motors, Warren, MI, September, 1983. :aim 845 :author Norberto M. Grzywacz and Ellen C. Hildreth :asort Grzywacz, N.M.; Hildreth, E. :title The Incremental Rigidity Scheme for Recovering Structure from Motion: Position vs. Velocity Based Formulations :date October 1985 :pages 53 :cost $3.75 :reference Also in {\it Journal of Optical Society of America A}, vol. 4, 1987, pages 503-518. :adnum AD-A196214 :keywords motion analysis, structure from motion, image analysis, 3-D analysis, velocity field, rigidity assumption. :abstract Perceptual studies suggest that the visual system uses the ``rigidity" assumption to recover three-dimensional structure from motion. Ullman (1984) recently proposed a computational scheme, the {\it incremental rigidity scheme}, which uses the rigidity assumption to recover the structure of rigid and non-rigid objects in motion. The scheme assumes the input to be discrete positions of elements in motion, under orthographic projection. We present formulations of Ullman's method that use velocity information and perspective projection in the recovery of structure. Theoretical and computer analysis show that the velocity based formulations provide a rough estimate of structure quickly, but are not robust over an extended time period. The stable long term recovery of structure requires disparate views of moving objects. Our analysis raises interesting questions regarding the recovery of structure from motion in the human visual system. :aim 846 :author Ellen C. Hildreth and John M. Hollerbach :asort Hildreth, E.; Hollerbach, J.M. :title The Computational Approach to Vision and Motor Control :date August 1985 :pages 84 :cost $4.00 :reference C.B.I.P. Memo 014; also published in {\it Handbook of Physiology, Section 1: The Nervous System, Vol. V Higher Functions of the Brain, Part II}, F. Plum, ed., American Physiological Society, Bethesda, Maryland, 1987. :keywords vision, robotics, motor control, natural computation, computational approach, artificial intelligence :abstract Over the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that to understand the brain, we must study not only its biochemical and biophysical mechanisms and its outward perceptual and physical behavior. We must also study the brain at a theoretical level that investigates the {\it computations} that are necessary to perform its functions. The control of movements such as reaching, grasping and manipulating objects requires complex mechanisms that elaborate information from many sensors and control the forces generated by a large number of muscles. The act of seeing, which intuitively seems so simple and effortless, requires information processing whose complexity we are just beginning to grasp. A {\it computational approach} to the study of vision and motor control has evolved within the field of Artificial Intelligence, which inquires directly into the nature of the information processing that is required to perform complex visual and motor tasks. This paper discusses a particular view of the computational approach and its relevance to experimental neuroscience. :aim 848a :title ${\rm \bf Revised}^3$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme :author Jonathan Rees and William Clinger (editors), H. Abelson, N.I. Adams IV, D. Bartley, G. Brooks, R.K. Dybvig, D.P. Friedman, R. Halstead, C. Hanson, C.T. Haynes, E. Kohlbecker, D. Oxley, K.M. Pitman, G.J. Rozas, G.J. Sussman, M. Wand :asort Abelson, H.; Adams, N.; Bartley, D.; Brooks, G.; Clinger, W.D.; Dybvig, D.P.; Friedman, D.; Halstead, R.; Hanson, C.; Haynes, C.; Kohlbecker, E.; Oxley, D.; Pitman, K.; Rees, J.; Rozas, B.; Sussman, G.J.; Wand, M. :date September 1986 :pages 66 :cost $6.00 :reference Indiana University Computer Science Dept. Technical Report 174, October, 1986; {\it SIGPLAN Notices} 21 (12) December 1986. :keywords SCHEME, LISP, functional programming, computer languages :abstract \halign{\indent\indent#\hfil\cr Data and procedures and the values they amass,\cr Higher order functions to combine and mix and match,\cr Objects with their local state, the messages they pass,\cr A property, a package, the control point for a catch-\cr In the Lambda Order they are all first-class.\cr One Thing to name them all, One Thing to define them,\cr One Thing to place them in environments and bind them,\cr In the Lambda Order they are all first-class.\cr} :aim 849 :author John M. Hollerbach and Christopher G. Atkeson :asort Hollerbach, J.M.; Atkeson, C.G. :title Characterization of Joint-Interpolated Arm Movements :date June 1985 :cost $2.50 :pages 19 :reference {{\it Generation and Modulation of Action Patterns}, H. Heuer and C. Fromm, editors, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1986.} :keywords arm control, kinematics, trajectory planning :abstract Two possible sets of planning variables for human arm movement are joint angles and hand position. Although one might expect these possibilities to be mutually exclusive, recently an apparently contradictory set of data has appeared that indicates straight-line trajectories in both hand space and joint space at the same time. To assist in distinguishing between these viewpoints applied to the same data, we have theoretically characterized the set of trajectories derivable from a joint based planning strategy and have compared them to experimental measurements. We conclude that the apparent straight lines in joint space happen to be artifacts of movement kinematics near the workspace boundary. :aim 854 :title A Closed Form Solution for Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulator with Redundancy :author Pyung H. Chang :asort Chang, P. :date March 1986 :pages 25 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A167850 :keywords inverse kinematics, manipulator with redundancy, singularity avoidance :abstract A closed form equation for inverse kinematics of manipulator with redundancy is derived, using the Lagrangian multiplier method. The proposed equation is proved to provide the exact equilibrium state for the resolved motion method, and is shown to be a general expression that yields the extended Jacobian method. The repeatability problem in the resolved motion method does not exist in the proposed equation. The equation is demonstrated to give more accurate trajectories than the resolved motion method. :aim 855 :title Sensing Strategies for Disambiguating Among Multiple Objects in Known Poses :author Grimson, W. Eric L. :asort Grimson, W.E.L. :date August 1985 :pages 36 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A165912 :keywords sensing strategies, object recognition, computer vision, tactile sensing :abstract The need for intelligent interaction of a robot with its environment frequently requires sensing of the environment. Further, the need for rapid execution requires that the interaction between sensing and action take place using as little sensory data as possible, while still being reliable. Previous work has developed a technique for rapidly determining the feasible poses of an object from sparse, noisy, occluded sensory data. In this paper, we examine techniques for acquiring position and surface orientation data about points on the surfaces of objects, with the intent of selecting sensory points that will force a unique interpretation of the pose of the object with as few data points as possible. Under some simple assumptions about the sensing geometry, we derive a technique for predicting optimal sensing positions. The technique has been implemented and tested. To fully specify the algorithm, we need estimates of the error in estimating the position and orientation of the object, and we derive analytic expressions for such error for the case of one particular approach to object recognition. :aim 856 :title The Computational Complexity of Two-Level Morphology :author G. Edward {Barton, Jr.} :asort Barton, G.E., Jr. :date November 1985 :pages 37 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A165991 :keywords finite-state machines, morphological analysis, natural language, two-level morphology, KIMMO system, computational complexity, NP-completeness :abstract Morphological analysis requires knowledge of the stems, affixes, combinatory patterns, and spelling-change processes of a language. The computational difficulty of the task can be clarified by investigating the computational characteristics of specific models of morphological processing. The use of finite-state machinery in the ``two-level" model by Kimmo Koskenniemi gives it the appearance of computational efficiency, but closed examination shows the model does not guarantee efficient processing. Reductions of the satisfiability problem show that finding the proper lexical-surface correspondence in a two-level generation or recognition problem can be computationally difficult. However, another source of complexity in the existing algorithms can be sharply reduced by changing the implementation of the dictionary component. A merged dictionary with bit-vectors reduces the number of choices among alternative dictionary subdivisions by allowing several subdivisions to be searched at once. :aim 857 :author Ryszard S. Michalski and Patrick H. Winston :asort Michalski, R.S.; Winston, P.H. :title Variable Precision Logic :date August 1985 :pages 26 :cost $3.25 :keywords reasoning, inference, variable precision logic :abstract Variable precision logic is concerned with problems of reasoning with incomplete information and under time constraints. It offers mechanisms for handling trade-offs between the precision of inferences and the computational efficiency of deriving them. Of the two aspects of precision, the {\it specificity} of conclusions and the {\it certainty} of belief in them, we address here primarily the latter, and employ {\it censored production rules} as an underlying representational and computational mechanism. Such rules are created by augmenting ordinary production rules with an {\it exception} condition, and are written in the form {\it if A then B unless C}, where {\it C} is the exception condition. :aim 858 :title Edge Detection :author Ellen C. Hildreth :asort Hildreth, E. :date September 1985 :pages 22 :cost $3.25 :ADnum AD-A162662 :reference {{\it Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence}, S. Shapiro, editor, John Wiley \& Sons, New York, NY, 1987.} :keywords edge detection, computer vision, image processing, image filtering, intensity changes, Gaussian filtering, multi-resolution image analysis, zero crossings :abstract For both biological systems and machines, vision begins with a large and unwieldy array of measurements of the amount of light reflected from surfaces in the environment. The goal of vision is to recover physical properties of objects in the scene, such as the location of object boundaries and the structure, color and texture of object surfaces, from the two-dimensional image that is projected onto the eye or camera. This goal is not achieved in a single step; vision proceeds in stages, with each stage producing increasingly more useful descriptions of the image and then the scene. The first clues about the physical properties of the scene are provided by the {\it changes of intensity} in the image. The importance of intensity changes and edges in early visual processing has led to extensive research on their detection, description and use, both in computer and biological vision systems. This article reviews some of the theory that underlies the detection of edges, and the methods used to carry out this analysis. :aim 861 :author Van-Duc Nguyen :asort Nguyen, V. :title The Synthesis of Force-Closure Grasps :date September 1985 :pages 48 :cost $3.75 :adnum AD-A162635 :keywords planar grasps, force-closure, grasp planning, grasp synthesis :abstract This paper addresses the problem of synthesizing planar grasps that have force closure. A grasp on an object is a force closure grasp if and only if we can exert, through the set of contacts, arbitrary force and moment on this object. Equivalently, any motion of the object is resisted by a contact force, that is the object cannot break contact with the finger tips without some non-zero external work. The force closure constraint is addressed from three different points of view: mathematics, physics, and computational geometry. The last formulation results in fast and simple polynomial time algorithms for directly constructing force closure grasps. We can also find grasps where each finger has an independent region of contact on the set of edges. :aim 862 :author Nguyen, Van-Duc :asort Nguyen, V. :title The Synthesis of Stable Grasps in the Plane :date October 1985 :pages 24 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A165903 :keywords grasp planning, stable grasp, grasp synthesis, active compliance :abstract This paper addresses the problem of synthesizing stable grasps on arbitrary planar polygons. Each finger is a virtual spring whose stiffness and compression can be programmed. The contacts between the finger tips and the object are point contacts without friction. We prove that all force-closure grasps can be made stable, and it costs {\it O(n)} time to synthesize a set of {\it n} virtual springs such that a given force-closure grasp is stable. We can choose the compliance center and the stiffness matrix of the grasp, and so choose the compliant behavior of the grasped object about its equilibrium. The planning and execution of grasps and assembly operations become easier and less sensitive to errors. :aim 863 :author Shahriar Negahdaripour :asort Negahdaripour, S. :title Direct Passive Navigation: Analytical Solutions for Planes and Curved Surfaces :date August 1985 :pages 17 :cost $2.50 :adnum AD-A161046 :keywords passive navigation, optical flow, structure and motion, planar surfaces, least squares :abstract In this paper, we derive a closed form solution for recovering the motion of an observer relative to a planar surface directly from image brightness derivatives. We do not compute the optical flow as an intermediate step, only the spatial and temporal intensity gradients at a minimum of 9 points. We solve a linear matrix equation for the elements of a 3X3 matrix whose eigenvalue decomposition is used to compute the motion parameters and plane orientation. We also show how the procedure can be extended to curved surfaces that are locally approximatable by quadratic patches. In this case, a minimum of 18 independent points are required to uniquely determine the elements of two 3X3 matrices that are used to solve for the surface structure and motion parameters. :aim 864 :author Rodney A. Brooks :asort Brooks, R.A. :title A Robust Layered Control System For A Mobile Robot :date September 1985 :pages 25 :ADnum AD-A160833 :cost $3.25 :keywords mobile robot, robot control :abstract We describe a new architecture for controlling mobile robots. Layers of control system are built to let the robot operate at increasing levels of competence. Layers are made up of asynchronous modules which communicate over low bandwidth channels. Each module is an instance of a fairly simple computational machine. Higher level layers can subsume the roles of lower levels by suppressing their outputs. However, lower levels continue to function as higher levels are added. The result is a robust and flexible robot control system. The system is intended to control a robot that wanders the office areas of our laboratory, building maps of its surroundings. In this paper we demonstrate the system controlling a detailed simulation of the robot. :aim 865 :author Gul Agha and Carl Hewitt :asort Agha, G.; Hewitt, C. :title Concurrent Programming Using Actors: Exploiting Large-Scale Parallelism :date October 1985 :pages 20 :cost $2.50 :adnum AD-A162422 :keywords concurrency, distributed computing, programming languages, object-oriented programming, actors, functional programming, parallel processing, open systems :abstract We argue that the ability to model shared objects with changing local states, dynamic reconfigurability, and inherent parallelism are desirable properties of any model of concurrency. The {\it actor model} addresses these issues in a uniform framework. This paper briefly describes the concurrent programming language {\it Act3} and the principles that have guided its development. {\it Act3} advances the state of the art in programming languages by combining the advantages of object-oriented programming with those of functional programming. We also discuss considerations relevant to large-scale parallelism in the context of {\it open systems}, and define an abstract model which establishes the equivalence of systems defined by actor programs. :aim 867 :author Daniel P. Huttenlocher :asort Huttenlocher, D.P. :title Exploiting Sequential Phonetic Constraints In Recognizing Spoken Words :date October 1985 :pages 26 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A165913 :keywords natural constraints, partial information, word recognition, speech recognition :abstract Machine recognition of spoken language requires developing more robust recognition algorithms. A recent study by Shipman and Zue suggest using partial descriptions of speech sounds to eliminate all but a handful of word candidates from a large lexicon. The current paper extends their work by investigating the power of partial phonetic descriptions for developing recognition algorithms. First, we demonstrate that sequences of manner of articulation classes are more reliable and provide more constraint than certain other classes. Alone these are of limited utility, due to the high degree of variability in natural speech. This variability is not uniform however, as most modifications and deletions occur in unstressed syllables. Comparing the relative constraint provided by sounds in stressed syllables, we discover that the stressed syllables provide substantially more constraint. This indicates that recognition algorithms can be made more robust by exploiting the manner of articulation information in stressed syllables. :aim 868 :author Brian C. Williams :asort Williams, B.C. :title Circumscribing Circumscription: A Guide to Relevance and Incompleteness :date October 1985 :pages 46 :cost $3.75 :adnum AD-A166241 :keywords circumscription, common sense reasoning, nonmonotonic reasoning, conjectural reasoning, resource limitations, relevance, completeness. :abstract Intelligent agents in the physical world must work from incomplete information due to partial knowledge and limited resources. An agent copes with these limitations by applying rules of conjecture to make reasonable assumptions about what is known. Circumscription, proposed by McCarthy, is the formalization of a particularly important rule of conjecture likened to Occam's razor. That is, the set of all objects satisfying a certain property is the smallest set of objects that is consistent with what is known. This paper examines closely the properties and the semantics underlying circumscription, considering both its expressive power and limitations. In addition we study circumscription's relationship to several related formalisms, such as negation by failure, the closed world assumption, default reasoning and Planner's THNOT. In the discussion a number of extensions to circumscription are proposed,allowing one to tightly focus its scope of applicability. In addition, several new rules of conjecture are proposed based on the notions of revelance and minimality. Finally, a synthesis between the approaches of McCarthy and Konoglie is used to extend circumscription, as well as several other rules of conjecture, to account for resource limitations. :aim 869 :author John Batali :asort Batali, J. :title A Vision Chip :date May 1981 :pages 53 :cost $3.75 :adnum AD-A162536 :keywords VLSI design, vision hardware, early vision :abstract Some well understood and well justified algorithms for early visual processing must be implemented in hardware for later visual processing to be studied. This paper describes the design and hardware implementation of a particular operator of visual processing. I constructed an NMOS VLSI circuit that computes the gradient, and detects zero-crossings, in a digital video image in real time. The algorithms employed by the chip, the design process that led to it, and its capabilites and limitations are discussed. For hardware to be a useful tool for AI, designing it must be as much like programming as possible. This paper concludes with some discussion of how such a goal can be met. :aim 870 :author Shimon Ullman :asort Ullman, S. :title The Optical Flow of Planar Surfaces :date December 1985 :pages 17 :cost $2.50 :keywords motion, structure from motion, moving planes, optical flow, planar surfaces :abstract The human visual system can recover the 3-D shape of moving objects on the basis of motion information alone. Computational studies of this capacity have considered primarily non-planar rigid objects. With respect to moving planar surfaces, previous studies by Hay (1966), Tsai and Huang (1981), Longuet-Higgins (1984), have shown that the planar velocity field has in general a two-fold ambiguity: there are two different planes engaged in different motions that can induce the same velocity field. The current analysis extends the analysis of the planar velocity field in four directions: (1) the use of flow parameters of the type suggested by Koenderink and van Doorn (1975), (2) the exclusion of confusable non-planar solutions, (3) a new proof and a new method for computing the 3-D motion and surface orientation (4) a comparison with the information available in orthographic velocity fields, which is important for determining the stability of the 3-D recovery process. :aim 871 :author John C. Mallery, Roger Hurwitz, Gavan Duffy :asort Mallery, J.C.; Hurwitz, R.; Duffy, G. :title Hermeneutics: From Textual Explication to Computer Understanding? :date May 1986 :pages 41 :cost $3.75 :reference See also updated version, ``Hermeneutics,'' {\it Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence}, vol. 1, editor, S.C. Shapiro, New York: John Wiley \& Sons, 1987, pages 362-376. :abstract Hermeneutics, a branch of continental European philosophy concerned with human understanding and the interpretation of written texts, offers insights that may contribute to the understanding of meaning, translation, architectures for natural language understanding, and even to the methods suitable for scientific inquiry in AI. After briefly reviewing the historical development of hermeneutics as a method of interpretation, this article examines the contributions of hermeneutics to the human sciences. This background provides perspective for a review of recent hermeneutically-oriented AI research, including the Alker, Lehnert and Schneider computer-assisted techniques for coding the affective structure of narratives, the earlier positive proposal by Winograd and Bateman, the later pessimism of Winograd and Flores on the possibility of AI, as well as the system-building efforts of Duffey and Mallery. :aim 873 :author Fanya Montalvo :asort Montalvo, F. :title Diagram Understanding: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Graphics :date November 1985 :pages 35 :cost $3.25 :reference Also ``Diagram Understanding: Associating symbolic descriptions with images,'' Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, June 1986, Dallas, TX; and ``Diagram Understanding: The symbolic descriptions behind the scenes,'' in R.R. Korfhage, T. Ichikawa, and E. Jungert (eds.), {\it Visual Languages II}, Plenum Press, New York, 1989 forthcoming. :keywords vision, graphics, representation, shape, diagram understanding, knowledge-based graphics, knowledge acquisition :abstract A problem common to Computer Vision and Computer Graphics is identified. It is the problem of representing, acquiring, and validating symbolic descriptions of visual properties. The intersection of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics provides a basis for {\it diagrammatic conversations} between users and systems. I call this problem domain {\it Diagram Understanding} because of its analogy with Natural Language Understanding. The recognition and generation of visual objects from symbolic descriptions are two sides of the same coin. A paradigm for the discovery and validation of higher-level visual properties is introduced. The paradigm involves two aspects. One is the notion of {\it denotation}: the map between symbolic descriptions and visual properties. The second aspect involves a method for discovering a natural and rich set of visual primitives. The notion of visual property is expanded, and the paradigm is further illustrated with a traditional business graphics example. :aim 875 :author Ra\'ul Vald\'es-P\'erez :asort Vald\'es-P\'erez, R. :title Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Linear Inequalitites :date May 1986 :pages 33 :cost $3.25 :adnum AD-A176659 :keywords spatial reasoning, constraint networks, layout, temporal reasoning, problem solving :abstract Time and space are sufficiently similar to warrant in certain cases a common representation in AI problem-solving systems. What is represented is often the constraints that hold between objects, and a concern is the overall consistency of a set of such constraints. This paper scrutinizes two current approaches to spatio-temporal reasoning. The suitableness of Allen's temporal algebra for constraint networks is influenced directly by the mathematical properties of the algebra. These properties are extracted by a formulation as a network of set-theoretic relations, such that some previous theorems due to Montanari apply. Some new theorems concerning consistency of these temporal constraint networks are also presented. It is argued that the linear programming approach to reasoning in time and space is needlessly complex, and is otherwise unsuitable as a submodule for a task that performs search. In the spirit of the thematic tradeoff between expressivity and tractability, simple linear inequalities are adequately expressive and provide known algorithms which are amenable to a search regimen. Moreover, another known algorithm captures the real physical constraint of {\it disjointness}, and is therefore
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