leff@smu.UUCP (Laurence Leff) (12/14/89)
SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY Department of Computer Science and Engineering Dallas, TX 75275-0122 Technical Reports issued January 1988 - September 1989 Quantitities are limited and will be supplied until copies are exhausted. Please remit cost for reports ordered. (Checks payable to Southern Methodist University.) There is no charge to those institutions with whom we have a reciprocal gratis agreement with the exceptions of 88-CSE-16,~25,~32,~36. We appreciate your ordering those of current interest, rather than one of each. Please mail to Technical Report Secretary at above address. *The charge to institutions with a reciprocal agreement are: 88-CSE-16, 88-CSE-25 -- $5.00; 88-CSE-32 -- $3.00; 88-CSE-36 -- $2.00.