[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/sei90.6C

leff@CSVAX.SEAS.SMU.EDU (Laurence Leff) (07/11/90)

Software Engineering Institute
Information Management

Annotated list of available documents for external distribution.
Part III of VI

1 January 1986 - 29 June 1990

Technical reports that have DTIC numbers are available from the Defense 
Technical Information Center (DTIC) and the National Technical Information 
Service (NTIS). (As an example, ADA169705 is the DTIC number for the 
SEI report Toward a Reform of the Defense Department Software 
Acquisition Policy.) If you wish to request a copy of one of 
the following reports, please contact either DTIC or NTIS directly.

DTIC:	Defense Technical Information Center
	ATTN: FDRA Cameron Station
	Alexandria VA 22304-6145

NTIS:	National Technical Information Service
	U.S. Department of Commerce
	Springfield, VA 22161

CMU/SEI-89-TR-20, ADA192292
Bamberger, J. et al
Version Description and Installation Guide

This document characterizes a specific version of the Distributed 
Ada Real-Time Kernel (DARK) software artifact and supplies documentation 
for its installation and use. This document is geared toward: the 
engineer responsible for installing the Kernel, engineers responsible 
for porting and maintaining the Kernel, and engineers using the Kernel 
Kernel and needing an awareness of changes from the previous release.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-21, ADA219018
Ardis, M. and Ford, G.
1989 SEI Report on Graduate Software Engineering Education

This annual report on graduate software engineering education describes 
recent SEI educational activities, including the 1988 SEI Curriculum 
Design Workshop. A model curriculum for a professional Master of Software 
Engineering degree is presented, including detailed descriptions of 
six core courses. Fifteen university graduate programs in software 
engineering are surveyed.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-22, ADA219020
Borger, M. and Klein, M.,
Real-Time Software Engineering in Ada:  Observations and Guidelines

Two important aspects of developing a real-time system are controlling 
devices and managing concurrency. In this report, we present several 
techniques for controlling devices with Ada and several Ada tasking 
paradigms for managing concurrency. The material presented in this 
report is taken from our experiences in developing a real-time embedded 
system in Ada, and we use examples from this system to illustrate 
the various methods we present. We begin by describing our experiences 
using Ada to control devices. Specifically, we identify issues related 
to accessing device registers and handling interrupts, and present 
techniques for dealing with such issues. We then recount our experiences 
using Ada to manage concurrency. Specifically, we present coding paradigms 
for implementing periodicity and constructing synchronization mechanisms. 
We illustrate analytical methods for determining the schedulability 
of a task set. We then discuss the effect of aperiodic processing 
requirements on the schedulability of a task set.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-23, ADA219326
Weiderman, N.
Hartstone:  Synthetic Benchmark Requirements for Hard Real-Time Applications

The purpose of this paper is to define the operational concept for 
a series of benchmark requirements to be used to test the ability 
of a system to handle hard real-time applications. Implementations 
of such benchmarks would be useful in evaluating scheduling algorithms, 
protocols, and design paradigms, as well as processors, languages, 
compilers, and operating systems. Several Ada programs are under development 
to test standard versions of the benchmark requirements and will be 
released into the public domain.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-24, ADA219019
Wood, W.
Temporal Logic Case Study

This report is a case study applying temporal logic to specify the 
operation of a bank of identical elevators servicing a number of floors 
in a building. The goal of the study was to understand the application 
of temporal logic in a problem domain that is appropriate for the 
method, and to determine some of the strengths and weaknesses of temporal 
logic in this domain. The case study uses a finite state machine language 
to build a model of the system specification, and verifies that the 
temporal logic specifications are consistent using this model. The 
specification aspires to be complete, consistent, and unambiguous.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-25, ADA211573
Wood, W.
Classifying Software Design Methods

A few mature and popular methods are currently being used to specify 
and design real-time embedded systems software, and these methods 
are the basis for a large number of tools automating the process. 
Unfortunately, some of the tools support only parts of a method, while 
others support a mixture of different methods. Because of the large 
number of tools involved, companies selecting tools for their particular 
needs are faced with a significant problem. As a result, the choice 
of tools often depends on the best salesperson rather than on the 
most appropriate method, leading to disappointment on the part of 
end users of the tools. The Software Engineering Institute has had 
a project underway for some time that provides a basis for selecting 
methods and tools. This paper describes some of the results of this 
effort with respect to classifying design methods for Ada-based software.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-26, ADA219066
Humphrey, W.
CASE Planning and the Software Process

Automating a software process both magnifies its strengths and accentuates 
its weaknesses. Automation can make an effective process more effective, 
but it can make a chaotic process even worse--and at considerable 
expense. Anyone who buys expensive tools to solve an ill-defined problem 
is likely to be disappointed. Unless procuring such tools is part 
of a thoughtful software process improvement plan, the purchase could 
be an expensive mistake.

This report discusses software process maturity and its relationship 
to planning and installing computer-aided software engineering (CASE) 
systems. While process is not a magic answer (there isn't one), the 
key issues are discussed from a process perspective, and guidelines 
are given for avoiding the most common pitfalls. Since CASE systems 
can involve significant investment, an economic justification may 
be necessary. The relevant financial considerations are therefore 
discussed, and some basic steps for producing such justifications 
are outlined. Finally, some key considerations for introducing and 
using CASE systems are discussed.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-28, ADA219188
Smith, G. et al
Understanding the Adoption of Ada: A Field Study Report

In 1983, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) established a policy 
requiring the use of Ada for the development of all new DoD mission-critical 
computer applications. A multi-industry field study was conducted 
with seven business units from DoD contractors that have made decisions 
about the adoption and use of Ada. This report examines the extent 
to which the Ada adoption behavior of 
these contractors is influenced by their expectations of the 
technological opportunity provided by Ada, market demand for Ada, 
and appropriability conditions in the product market of firms. Findings 
indicate contractor decisions about adopting Ada are influenced both 
by the technical merits of the language and the economic impact on 
the firm.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-30, ADA219064
Shaw, M. et al
What a Software Engineer Needs to Know:  I.  Program Vocabulary

Software development, like any complex task, requires a wide variety 
of knowledge and skills. We examine one particular kind of knowledge, 
the programming language vocabulary of the programmer, by 
gathering statistics on large bodies of code in three languages. This 
data shows that most of the identifiers in programs are either uses 
of built-in or standard library definitions or highly idiomatic uses 
of local variables. We interpret this result in light of general results 
on expertise and language acquisition. We conclude that tools to support 
the vocabulary component of software development are wanting, and 
this part of an engineer's education is at best haphazard, and we 
recommend ways to improve the situation.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-32, ADA192290
Doubleday, D.
The Durra Application Debugger/Monitor

Durra is a language designed to support the construction of distributed 
applications using concurrent, coarse-grained tasks running on networks 
of heterogeneous processors. An application written in Durra describes 
the tasks to be instantiated and executed as concurrent processes, 
the types of data to be exchanged by the processes, and the intermediate 
queues required to store the data as they move from producer to consumer 

This report describes the Durra application debugger/monitor, a program 
that works in conjunction with the Durra runtime software to help 
the developer locate errors and/or performance bottlenecks in a Durra 

Barbacci, M. et al
Durra:  A Task-Level Description Language User's Manual

Durra is a language designed to support the development of large-grained 
parallel programming applications. This is is the manual for users 
of the Durra compiler, runtime system, and support tools. Additional 
documents that describe the syntax and semantics of the language and 
the runtime environment are cited in the bibliography section.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-34, ADA219293
Barbacci, M. and Wing, J.
Durra:  A Task-Level Description Language Reference Manual

Durra is a language designed to support the development of large-grained 
parallel programming applications. These applications are often computation-int
ensive, or have real-time requirements that require efficient concurrent 
execution of multiple tasks, devoted to specific pieces of the application. 
During execution time the application tasks run on possibly separate 
processors, and communicate with each other by sending messages of 
different types across various communication links. The application 
developer is responsible for prescribing a way to manage all of these 
resources. We call this prescription a task-level application 
description. It describes the tasks to be executed, the 
possible assignments of processes to processors, the data paths 
between the processors, and the intermediate queues required to store 
the data as they move from source to destination processes. Durra 
is a task-level description language, a notation in which 
to write these application descriptions.

This document is a revised version of the original reference manual. 
It describes the syntax and semantics of the language and incorporates 
all the language changes introduced as a result of our experiences 
writing task and application descriptions in Durra. A companion document, 
Durra: A Task-Level Description Language User's Manual describes 
how to use the compiler, runtime environment, and support tools.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-35, ADA219294
Landherr, S. et al
Inertial Navigation System Simulator: Behavioral Specification

The Real-Time Embedded Systems Testbed (REST) Project at the Software 
Engineering Institute is specifying and developing a representative 
real-time application. This document augments an original set of specifications 
written by a Navy affiliate. The purpose of this behavioral specification 
is to clarify and augment the original.

CMU/SEI-89-TR-36, ADA219187
Wood, D. and Wood, W.
Comparative Evaluations of Four Specification Methods for Real-Time 

A number of methods have been proposed in the last decade for the 
specification of system and software requirements for time-critical 
systems. The emerging CASE technology is based heavily on a subset 
of these methods; yet little objective attention has been 
paid to the methods themselves. This report describes our objective 
evaluation of four methods (identified as ESML, Harel, Hatley-Pirbhai
, and Ward-Mellor), from identification through detailed 
assessment. We have avoided the use of small sample problems as the 
sole basis of our evaluation. We depart from this approach by involving 
software developers from various application domains, including extended 
interviews of those who have applied the methods to large-scale projects. 
The resulting recommendations and conclusions focus on method selection 
criteria, and on the large-grained impact of using these methods on 
a given project.

The primary audience of this report is the software development practitioner 
involved in the method selection or adoption process. The paper attempts 
to provide proper context to assist the practitioner in making appropriate 
method adoption decisions. Secondarily, the results of the paper also 
should be of  to tool vendors, method developers, and program managers.

Fowler, K.
Inertial Navigation System Simulator Program: Top-Level Design

Hard-real time systems have consistently proven to be some of the 
most difficult for successful software implementation. Attributes 
often associated with the intractable nature of real-time are concurrency, 
severe timing constraints, the complexity of real-world devices, and 
limited resources. In this experiment, an actual embedded hard real-time 
application (Inertial Navigation Set, AN/WSN-5) is simulated and ported 
to a variety of target processors. The effort is specifically directed 
at investigating the capability of Ada for providing program development 
solutions in the hard real-time regime. Special emphasis is focused 
on applying the built-in concurrency capabilities of Ada. The effort 
contends with typical cross-targeting issues such as board-level execution 
memory configuration, device communications, and runtime debugging 
of the application. This report presents the top-level design of the 
application and addresses the solution in terms of a concurrency abstraction. 
Beginning with a classical data flow analysis of the requirements, 
Ada tasks are derived from analyzable categories, specifically periodics, 
aperiodics, and servers. This classification scheme is predicated 
on work actively being conducted on a scheduling technique that quantifies 
the effect of task preemption and blocking, behavior fundamental to 
the concept of parallelism in Ada. In a corollary report [Borger, 
M. 89], a schedulability analysis of the INS is described within the 
framework of the task set developed in this top-level design. 

CMU/SEI-89-TR-40, ADA219291
Bamberger, J. et al
Dark Porting and Extension Guide Kernel Version 3.0

This document describes the modifications made to the Distributed 
Ada Real-Time Kernel (DARK) software when porting it form its original 
execution environment, the 68020-based testbed built at the Software 
Engineering Institute, to a VAX/VMS system. This document also contains 
information about logical extensions to the Kernel, and the impacts 
thereof, should the Kernel be used in operational systems.
