[comp.doc.techreports] tr-input/sei90.6D

leff@CSVAX.SEAS.SMU.EDU (Laurence Leff) (07/13/90)

Software Engineering Institute
Information Management
Annotated list of available documents for external distribution.
Part IV of VI: 1990 technical reports

1 January 1986 - 29 June 1990

Technical reports that have DTIC numbers are available from the Defense 
Technical Information Center (DTIC) and the National Technical Information 
Service (NTIS). (As an example, ADA169705 is the DTIC number for the 
SEI report Toward a Reform of the Defense Department Software 
Acquisition Policy.) If you wish to request a copy of one of 
the following reports, please contact either DTIC or NTIS directly.

DTIC:	Defense Technical Information Center
	ATTN: FDRA Cameron Station
	Alexandria VA 22304-6145

NTIS:	National Technical Information Service
	U.S. Department of Commerce
	Springfield, VA 22161

Ford, G.
1990 SEI Report on Undergraduate Software Engineering Education

Fundamental issues of software engineering education are presented 
and discussed in the context of undergraduate programs. Included are 
discussions of the definition of software engineering and its differences 
from computer science, the need for undergraduate software engineering 
education, possible accreditation of undergraduate programs, and prospects 
for professional certification and licensing of software engineers. 
The objectives and content of an undergraduate program are described, 
as are strategies for the evolution and implementation of such programs. 
An appendix presents a report on the 1989 SEI Workshop on an Undergraduate 
Software Engineering Curriculum.

McSteen, W. et al
Software Engineering Education Directory

This directory provides information about software engineering courses 
and software engineering degree programs offered by universities, 
primarily in the United States.

Place, P. et al
Survey of Formal Specification Techniques for Reactive Systems

Formal methods are being considered for the description of many systems 
including systems with real-time constraints and multiple concurrently 
executing processes.  This report develops a set of evaluation criteria 
and evaluates Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), the Vienna 
Development Method (VDM), and temporal logic.  The evaluation is based 
on specifications, written with each of the techniques, of an example 
avionics system.

Sprunt, B. and Sha, L.
Implementing Sporadic Servers in Ada

The purpose of this paper is to present the data structures and algorithms 
for implementing sporadic servers  in real-time systems programmed 
in Ada.  The sporadic server algorithm is an extension of 
the rate monotonic scheduling algorithm.  Sporadic servers are 
tasks created to provide limited and usually high-priority service 
for other tasks, especially aperiodic tasks.  Sporadic servers can 
be used to guarantee deadlines for hard-deadline aperiodic tasks and 
provide substantial improvements in average response times for soft-deadline 
aperiodic tasks over polling techniques.  Sporadic servers also provide 
a mechanism for implementing the Period Transformation technique that 
can guarantee that a critical set of periodic tasks will always meet 
their deadlines during a transient overload.  Sporadic servers can 
also aid fault detection and containment in a real-time system by 
limiting the maximum execution time consumed by a task and detecting 
attempts to exceed a specified limit.  This paper discusses two types 
of implementations for the sporadic server algorithm: (1) a partial 
implementation using an Ada task that requires no modifications to 
the Ada runtime system and (2) a full implementation within the Ada 
runtime system.  The overhead due to the runtime sporadic server implementation 
and options for reducing this overhead are discussed.  The interaction 
of sporadic servers and the priority ceiling protocol is also defined.

Siegel, J. et al
National Software Capacity: Near-Term Study

This study provides an initial assessment of the U.S.'s industrial 
capacity to produce MCCR software.  A survey of senior government 
and industry people showed that 90 percent of them expected a serious 
problem with the nation's capacity to produce military software over 
the next 5 years.  They ranked acquisition and labor factors as contributing 
most to the failure of military system development contracts to meet 
schedule or costs.  The study team also analyzed available data about 
the supply of labor (new graduates and experienced scientists and 
engineers) and three aspects of demand (Ada systems, PDSS, and related 
commercial applications) before concluding there is a serious capacity 
problem.  The report describes labor, organizational, and technological 
issues affecting software production capacity and concludes with some 
preliminary recommendations for DoD and industry initiatives.
