leff@CSVAX.SEAS.SMU.EDU (Laurence Leff) (07/16/90)
Bibliography of Technical Reports Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin April 1990 - June 1990 For copies, send requests to: Technical Report Librarian Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin 1210 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53706 USA %A Ingo Althofer %A Gautam Das %A David Dobkin %A Deborah Joseph %T Generating Sparse Spanners for Weighted Graphs %D October 1989 %R TR 882 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X Given a graph $G$, a subgraph $G'$ is a $t$-spanner of $G$, if for every $u,~v~\(mo~V$, the distance from $u$ to $v$ in $G'$ is at most $t$ times longer than the distance in $G$. In this paper we give a very simple algorithm for constructing sparse spanners for arbitrary weighted graphs. We then apply this algorithm to obtain specific results for planar graphs and Euclidean graphs. We discuss the optimality of our results and present several nearly matching lower bounds. %A M.-C. Chiang %A G.S. Sohi %T Evaluating Design Choices for Shared Bus Multiprocessors in a Throughput-Oriented Environment %D April 1990 %R TR 927 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X This paper considers the evaluation of design choices in multiprocessors with a single, shared bus interconnect operating in a \fIthroughput-oriented\fR, multiprogrammed environment. That is, an environment in which each task is being executed on a single processor and the performance of the multiprocessor is measured by its overall throughput. To evaluate design choices, we develop mean value analysis analytical models and validate our models by comparing their results against the results of a trace-driven simulation analysis for over 5000 multiprocessor configurations. The trace-driven simulation uses actual programs and simulates their execution in a throughput-oriented environment. Using multiprocessor throughput as a performance metric and the mean value analysis models as tools, we evaluate several design choices. We find that: i) cache block sizes that yield the best performance in a multiprocessor differ from the block sizes that yield the best uniprocessor cache-only performance metrics, ii) a larger cache set associativity might be warranted in a multiprocessor even though it might not be warranted in a uniprocessor iii) a split transaction, pipelined bus yields much higher multiprocessor throughput than a circuit switched bus, especially for larger main memory latencies, and iv) increasing the bus width appears to be an effective way of improving multiprocessor throughput. %A Anthony Rich %A Marvin Solomon %T A Logic-Based Approach to System Modelling %D April 1990 %R TR 928 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X Managing a complex software system requires a description of how its components are related to one another. We propose a new approach to this problem based on logic programming. All objects in the system are defined by .i terms that describe their format, functionality, components, and origin. Each of these properties is itself a pattern that can be matched against other object descriptions by the unification algorithm. Thus, for example, the .i format of a Pascal compiler written in C is .q C ; its .i functionality it is to translate an object whose format is .q Pascal into an object with format .q "object code" while preserving functionality. The inference algorithm is sufficiently powerful to describe cross-compiling and bootstrapping (that a compiler can compile itself). Our approach is sufficiently flexible that all aspects of the software configuration can specified in a single language. It allows a complex specification to be split into manageable pieces. For example, the input/output behavior of a compiler can be specified separately from the fact that this behavior is implemented by combining the functionalities of parsing and code generation. We present the approach in detail by working through an extended example. We discuss its advantages and limitations, and outline our plans for further research on its applicability to a variety of problems in system specification and building. %A James R. Larus %T Parallelism in Numeric and Symbolic Programs %D April 1990 %R TR 929 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X This paper explains a new technique for estimating and understanding the speed improvement that results when programs execute on a parallel computer. This approach traces a sequential program to record a small set of significant events. From this compact trace, a parallelism analyzer (\fBllpp\fP) regenerates a full address trace that also identifies events such as loop initiation and termination. The analyzer uses this information to simulate parallel execution of the program's loops. In addition to predicting a program's parallel performance, \fBllpp\fP measures many aspects of the program's dynamic behavior. This paper presents measurements of six substantial C programs. These results indicate that the three symbolic (non-numeric) programs differ substantially from the numeric programs and, as a consequence, cannot be parallelized automatically with the same compilation techniques. %A Donovan Schneider %A David J. DeWitt %T Tradeoffs in Processing Complex Join Queries via Hashing in Multiprocessor Database Machines %D April 1990 %R TR 930 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X During the past five years the design, implementation, and evaluation of join algorithms that exploit large main memories and parallel processors has received a great deal of attention. However, most of this work has addressed the problem of executing joins involving only two relations. In this paper we examine the problem of processing multi-way join queries through hash-based join methods in a shared-nothing database environment. We first discuss how the choice of a format for a complex query can significantly affect performance in a multiprocessor database machine. Experimental results obtained from a simulation study are then presented to demonstrate the tradeoffs of left-deep and right-deep scheduling strategies for complex join query evaluation. These results demonstrate that right-deep scheduling strategies can provide significant performance advantages in large multiprocessor database machines, even when memory is limited. %A W. Brent Seales %A Charles R. Dyer %T Modeling the Rim Appearance %D May 1990 %R TR 931 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X Representing the rim of a 3D solid shape and the occluding contour that it generates is a difficult problem because of their dependence on viewpoint and on the local and global geometry of the shape. Describing how the rim and occluding contour change as a function of viewpoint organizes the features of the occluding contour for indexing and matching. This organization makes the features of the occluding contour explicit for matching in a dynamic context where image features are changing over time, and in a static context where matching methods must iteratively refine an estimation of viewpoint. This paper introduces a novel, viewer-centered approach to modeling the geometry of the visible occluding contour of solid 3D shape. The \fIrim appearance representation\fR models the exact appearance of the occluding contour formed by the edges of a polyhedron which is assumed to be an approximation of a smooth shape. An algorithm is presented for constructing the rim appearance representation. Bounds on space and time are given, and implementation results show that the rim appearance representation is significantly smaller than the aspect graph or the aspect representation. %A Gary L. Schultz %A Robert R. Meyer %T A Three-Phase Algorithm for Block-Structured Optimization %D May 1990 %R TR 932 %I COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN %C MADISON, WI %X We develop a decomposition method, based on barrier functions, for solving block angular linear programs. The convergence properties of the method are briefly described. We then present promising computational results for one of the largest classes of linear programming models occurring in the literature, a set of multicommodity flow problems with up to 100,000 constraints and 300,000 variables. %A Robert Hartley Clark %T The Efficient Parallel Solution of Generalized Network Flow Problems %D May 1990 %R TR 933 %X This thesis is principally concerned with the discussion of two efficient parallel codes for the generalized network flow problem. Both of the codes are variants of the primal simplex method for generalized networks, and both were implemented by the author on a shared memory multiprocessor, the Sequent Symmetry S81. PGRNET, the first code, exploits parallelism in the pivoting and the pricing operation. Parallel pivoting is made possible by the disjoint nature of the basis graphs. Two processors may execute pivots simultaneously if the pivots involve updating different basis components (quasi-trees), and locking is used to ensure that processors have exclusive access to quasi-trees during the execution of a pivot. The second code, TPGRNET, exploits parallelism in the pricing operation and overlaps pricing and pivoting. Pivots are executed serially by a host processor, pivot arcs are selected from a collection of shared candidate lists by a selecting processor, and all remaining processors compute reduced costs in parallel and store pivot-eligible arcs in the shared candidate lists. TPGRNET is more efficient than PGRNET for problems having only a few quasi-trees in an optimal basis. Computational results for PGRNET for transportation problems with 30,000 nodes and over 320,000 arcs are given, and speedups over GRNET2, a state-of-the-art serial program range from 3.8 to 11.1 on 19 processors. Results for TPGRNET are given for large scale transportation and transshipment problems,and speedups over GRNET2 range from 2.6 to 8.8. A hybrid algorithm that can invoke PGRNET or TPGRNET is briefly described, and results are given, with speedups ranging from 6.1 to 13.2. Two test problems with more than a million variables were solved by PGRNET with speedups ranging from 7.0 to 11.0. This thesis develops a technique for testing the "parallelizability" of a problem instance to determine a lower bound for the number of disjoint quasi-trees in any optimal basis of the problem. A technique is also given that can be used to generate a problem instance that is guaranteed to have a certain minimum number of quasi-trees in any optimal basis. %A Gary L. Schultz %A Robert R. Meyer %T A Structured Interior Point Method %D May 1990 %R TR 934 %X We develop a structured interior point method for block angular optimization and describe the convergence properties of the method. Excellent computational results are presented for a class of large-scale linear programming models. These models are multicommodity flow problems that arise from an Air Force MAC application and generate problems as large as 100,000 rows and 300,000 columns. %A Mark Allmen %A Charles R. Dyer %T Computing Spatiotemporal Surface Flow %D May 1990 %R TR 935 %X Spatiotemporal surface flow is the natural extension of optic flow to spatiotemporal surfaces. For every point on a surface, the instantaneous velocity of that point on the surface is recovered. This paper presents a method for making full use of the information available in a spatiotemporal surface. Using the low-level structure of spatiotemporal surfaces, translational and rotational motion parallel to the image plane is recovered. Rather than use the partial derivatives of the surface as done in most gradient-based optic flow methods, we use the gradient of a function on the spatiotemporal surface. It is observed that arc length of a contour does not change if that contour is moved in the direction of motion on the surface. Motivated by this observation, a function measuring arc length change is defined on a spatiotemporal surface. The direction of motion of a contour undergoing motion parallel to the image plane is shown to be perpendicular to the gradient of this function. It is also shown that this gradient approximates the direction of motion when object motion in the scene is not parallel to the image plane. This method is used to compute the spatiotemporal surface flow in sequences of edge images and gray level images. %A David J. DeWitt %A Philippe Futtersack %A David Maier %A Fernando Velez %T A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems %D May 1990 %R TR 936 %X In the engineering and scientific marketplaces, the workstation-server model of computing is emerging as the standard of the 1990s. Implementing an object-oriented database system in this environment immediately presents the design choice of how to partition database functionality between the server and workstation processors. To better understand the alternatives to this fundamental design decision, we analyze three different workstation-server architectures, evaluating them both qualitatively and through benchmarking of prototypes. The three approaches are labeled .i "object server" , in which individual objects pass between the server and workstation, .i "page server" , in which a disk page is the unit of transport and the server buffers pages, and .i "file server", where whole pages are transferred as well, but they are accessed directly by the workstation process via a remote file service (namely, NFS). We built prototypes of all three architectures, using a stripped-down version of the WiSS storage system as a starting point. To compare the performance of the prototypes, and to experiment with sensitivity to data placement and cache sizes, we developed our own object manager benchmark, the .i "Altair Complex-Object Benchmark" (ACOB). This benchmark supports experiments that vary both clustering (inter-object locality) and smearing (intra-object locality). The test suite of benchmarks includes queries for scanning the entire database and traversing and updating complex objects. We present the results of several experiments run using ACOB on the three prototypes, along with results from a single-server version of WiSS that serves as a reference point. Our main conclusions are that the page-server and file-server architectures benefit most from clustering, that the relative performance of the page- and object-server architectures is very sensitive to the degree of database clustering and the size of the workstation's buffer pool relative to the size of the database, and that, while the file-server architecture dominates the page-server architecture on read-intensive operations, the opposite is true on write-intensive operations. .ig XXX These results point to a hybrid architecture to maximize performance: direct reads of pages by the workstation process with buffering of writes on the server. The success of this hybrid approach, however, is contingent on avoiding high message traffic for lock and space-allocation requests. .XXX %A Michael Carey %A Eugene Shekita %A George Lapis %A Bruce Lindsay %A John McPherson %T An Incremental Join Attachment for Starburst %D June 1990 %R TR 937 %X In this paper we describe the design, implementation, and performance of an incremental join facility that has been added as an extension to the Starburst extensible DBMS. This facility provides an efficient access path for joins that materialize many-to-one relationships, and it works by maintaining hidden pointer fields embedded in related tuples. The facility was constructed for two reasons: as an experiment in using pointers in the internals of a relational DBMS, and as a stress-test of the Starburst extension architecture. In addition to describing the join facility and its performance, we also summarize what it taught us about extensibility both in Starburst and in general. %A Daniel Ralph %T Rank-1 Support Functionals and the Rank-1 Generalized Jacobian, Piecewise Linear Homeomorphisms %D May 1990 %R TR 938 %X This research consists of two main topics broadly related as studies of nondifferentiable systems. The first, involving convex and nonsmooth analysis, is aimed at extending the classical Jacobian to nondifferentiable vector functions. The second is on a characterization of the homeomorphisms in a certain class of piecewise linear mappings. This is useful eg. in approximating certain piecewise smooth systems. For the first, let $X$,$Y$ be separated, locally convex topological vector spaces over $IR$ with $Y$ semi-reflexive; $X sup *$, $Y sup *$ be the respective topological dual spaces of $X$, $Y$; and $CL(X,Y)$ be the space of continuous linear mappings from $X$ to $Y$. We introduce the .i rank-1 support functionals .r of sets $GAMMA~subset~CL(X,Y)$ .EQ sigma sub GAMMA sup 1~~:~~X~times~Y sup * ->~~IR~union~"{" inf "}"~:~ ( x , lambda )~->~{roman "sup"} from {A \(mo GAMMA }~lambda~A~x .EN and characterize the extended real functions on $X~times~Y sup *$ which are rank-1 support functions. The proof uses H$o dotdot$rmander's [H$o dotdot$r] characterization of classical support functions. As an immediate application we characterize the fans [Iof81, Iof82] which are, up to closed values, spanned by their handles. Now assume $X$,$Y$ are normed spaces and let $g~:~X~->~Y$ be Lipschitz near $x sub *~\(mo~X$. The .i rank-1 generalized Jacobian .r of $g$, a set valued derivative for $g$ at points where the classical Jacobian may not exist, is studied. We show existence (nonemptiness) of the rank-1 generalized Jacobian .EQ \(pd sup 1 g (x sub * ) sub = sup def "{" A\(mo CL(X,Y)~|~ \(fa~(u,~ lambda )~\(mo ~ X ~ times ~ Y sup * "," ~ lambda ~ Au ~\(<=~"("~ lambda ~g~ ")" sup omicron "(" x sub * ; u")" "}" .EN where $"("lambda g ")"sup omicron "(" x sub *~; \(m. ")"$ is the Clarke generalized directional derivative [Cla] of the real function $lambda g$. We actually show that the mapping $"(" u,~ lambda ")" ~ -> ~ "("lambda g")" sup omicron "("x sub *~;u~")"$ is a rank-1 support function of a nonempty set. Existence extends readily to more general spaces. This is a considerable advance on the most general previous existence result in this area, due to Thibault [Thi82]. Some basic properties of the rank-1 generalized Jacobian are explored. In our second topic we study a class of piecewise linear maps from $IR sup n$ to $IR sup n$ called .i pl-normal .r maps. These are the normal maps [Rob90] induced by linear mappings and polyhedral convex sets. Solving such systems is important in many optimization and equilibrium problems. Robinson's [Rob90] homeomorphism theorem characterizes the pl-normal maps that are homeomorphisms, i.e.\ gives conditions for unique continuous solvability of such systems. We provide a new and shorter proof of this result.