[comp.doc.techreports] Tech. Reports -- Tampere, Finland


P.O. Box  607
SF-33101  Tampere, Finland

Listed below are some of the latest technical reports of our department.
Single copies are available free of charge. Quantities are limited and
orders will be filled as long as reports are available.

A-1990-12 Erkki Makinen, On pure context-free languages and left Szilard
   languages, November 1990.
A-1990-11 Timo Niemi and Kalervo Jarvelin, Deductive database queries
   based on transitive relationships and entity types, November 1990.
A-1990-9 Timo Niemi and Kalervo Jarvelin, The rule-based prototype
   implementation for the operation-oriented recursive query language
   approach and its integration with relational databases, October 1990.
A-1990-8 Erkki Makinen, On drawing regular bipartite graphs, August 1990.
A-1990-7 Erkki Makinen, Remarks on the assignment heuristic for drawing
   bipartite graphs. August 1990.
A-1990-6 Kalervo Jarvelin and Timo Niemi, Entity-based query construction
   for relational database access, August 1990.
A-1990-3 Kimmo Kauranen and Erkki Makinen, A note on Cohen's formal model
   for computer viruses, May 1990.
A-1990-2 Timo Niemi and Kalervo Jarvelin, Operation-oriented query language
   approach for recursive queries, March 1990.
A-1990-1 Jyrki Nummenmaa, Constructing compact rectilinear planar layouts
   using canonical representation of planar graphs, February 1990.
A-1989-6 Pertti Jarvinen (ed.), Dictionary of computing: Finnish-Spannish-
   English, December 1989.
A-1988-10 Hannu Kangassalo, COMIC - a system for conceptual modelling and
   information construction, December 1988.
A-1987-5 Timo Niemi, A systematic specification schema based on attribute
   grammars for multi-level database applications, March 1987.

E-mail orders: em@cs.uta.fi.
Please, do not forget to give your postal address!!