MFLLL002@VE.BOGECN.EDU (03/26/91)
To: mflll002 From: OU=VE-GW ON=BITNET Subj: 1/91 TR List The University of Rochester Computer Science Department January 1991 Technical Report Abstract List Listed below are the abstracts of our most recent technical reports. There is a nominal charge for each report. The fee is waived for libraries in non-profit, educational institutions and for institutions with which we have exchange agreements. To order, write to the Computer Science Dept. TR Librarian, 734 Computer Studies Building, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 14627, USA (enclosing a check payable to the University of Rochester), or send electronic mail to (and we will send you a bill). %A Miller, B.W. %T The Rhetorical Knowledge Representation System Reference Manual (for Rhet version 17.9) %R TR 326 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D November 1990 %Z $5.00, 112 pages %X Rhetorical (Rhet) is a programming / knowledge representation system that offers a set of tools for building automated reasoning systems. Its emphasis is on flexibility of representation, allowing the user to decide if the system will basically operate as a theorem prover, a frame-like system, or an associative network. Rhet may be used as the back-end to a user's programming system and handle the knowledge representation chores, or it may be used as a full-blown programming language. Rhet offers two major modes of inference: a horn clause theorem prover (backwards chaining mechanism), and a forward chaining mechanism. Both modes use a common representation of facts, namely horn clauses with universally quantified, potentially type restricted, variables, and use the unification algorithm. Additionally, they both share the following specialized reasoning capabilities: (1) variables may be typed with a fairly general type theory that allows a limited calculus of types including intersection and subtraction; (2) full reasoning about equality between ground terms; (3) reasoning within a context space, with access to axioms and terms in parent contexts; and (4) escapes into Lisp for use as necessary. %A Swain, M.J. %T Parameter learning for Markov random fields with highest confidence first estimation %R TR 350 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D August 1990 %Z $2.00, 17 pages %X We study the problem of learning parameters of a Markov Random Field (MRF) from observations and propose two new approaches suitable for use with Highest Confidence First (HCF) estimation. Both approaches involve estimating local joint probabilities from experience. In one approach the joint probabilities are converted to clique parameters of the Gibbs distribution so that the traditional HCF algorithm can be used. In the other approach the HCF algorithm is modified to run directly with the local probabilities of the MRF instead of the Gibbs distribution. %A Quiroz, C.A. %T Systematic detection of parallelism in ordinary programs (Ph.D. Thesis) %R TR 351 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D February 1991 %Z $5.00, 120 pages %X This dissertation discusses a general model for compilers that take imperative code written for sequential machines (ordinary code) and detect the parallelism in that code that is compatible with the semantics of the underlying programming language. This model is based on the idea of separating the concerns of parallelism detection and parallelism exploitation. This separation is made possible by having the detection component provide an explicit representation of the parallelism available in the original code. This explicitly parallel representation is based on a formalization of the notion of permissible execution sequences for a given mass of code. The model discussed here prescribes the structure of the parallelism detector. This structure depends on (1) recognizing a hierarchical structure on a graph representation of the program, and (2) separately encoding parallelization conditions and effects. Opportunities for parallelization can then be discovered by traversing the hierarchical structure from the bottom up. During this traversal, progressively larger parts of the program are compared against the independently encoded conditions, and transformed when the conditions are satisfied. The hierarchy guarantees that the results of transforming a piece of a program propagate in time to affect the possible parallelization of larger pieces. Although some of the algorithms used have exponential worst cases for general graphs, their observed behavior on real flow graphs is no worse than quadratic on the size of the original program. %A Kyburg, H.E., Jr. %T Giving up certainties %R TR 352 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D September 1990 %Z $2.00, 25 pages %X One of the serious motivations for the development of non-monotonic logics is the fact that, however sure we may be of some set of facts, there can come a time at which at least some of them must be given up. A number of philosophical approaches have stemmed from the study of scientific inference, in which a law or theory, accepted on good evidence at one time, comes to be rejected on the basis of more evidence. These approaches are reviewed, and an alternative approach, whose key idea is the control of observational error for the purpose of predictive adequacy, is developed. %A Dietz, P.F %T Finding ancestors in trees %R TR 354 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D October 1990 %Z $2.00, 10 pages %X We examine the problem of answering ancestor queries on trees; that is, questions of the form "what is the ith ancestor of vertex v?" We solve this problem when the tree is static with linear preprocessing time and constant time per query, and when the tree is growing by the addition of leaves (the addleaf operation), where updates and queries take constant amortized time. In both cases, the machine model is the RAM with logarithmic word size. The related problem of finding nearest common ancestors on growing trees has been addressed by Harel and Tarjan. They present an algorithm for the static case in which, after #O(n)# preprocessing, nca queries take constant time, and also give a linear time algorithm for trees that are linked at the roots. Gabow gave a linear time algorithm for the case of trees growing by addition of leaves, and an #O(m alpha (m,n) +n)# amortized time algorithm (#m# the total number of operations, #n# the size of the forest) for arbitrary link operations (which cause the root of one tree to be a child of a vertex in another tree). The results in this paper make extensive use of the techniques presented by Gabow. %A Hartman, L. %T Decision theory and the cost of planning (Ph.D. Thesis) %R TR 355 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D September 1990 %Z $2.75, 72 pages %X This thesis shows how it is possible for a planner to make decisions that are sensitive to the computational resources that it expends. The main feature of the approach is to ignore the distinction between planning and executing and interpret planning procedures as actions with uncertain outcomes. A planner can then use standard decision theoretic techniques to select which among a set of alternative procedures is a better gamble. The hypotheses that underlie this work are that an autonomous agent must monitor its resource expenditure in order to be successful and that computation is an important and valuable resource. The main points of this thesis are: (1) it is possible for planners to make local inexpensive decisions that account for essentially their entire resource expenditure; (2) there are limitations to what a planner is able to infer about optimal strategies; and (3) it is possible for planners to be sensitive to the statistical properties of their problem-solving environments. %A Cox, A.L. %A Fowler, R.J. %A Veenstra, J.E. %T Interprocessor invocation on a NUMA multiprocessor %R TR 356 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D October 1990 %Z $2.00, 12 pages %X In a distributed shared memory machine, the problem of minimizing accesses to remote memory modules is crucial for obtaining high performance. We describe an object-based, parallel programming system called OSMIUM to support experiments with mechanisms for performing invocations on remote objects. The mechanisms we have studied include: non-cached access to remote memory, data migration, and function-shipping using an interprocessor invocation protocol (IIP). Our analyses and experiments indicate that IIP competes well with the alternatives, especially when the structure of user programs requires synchronized access to data structures. While these results are obtained on a NUMA multiprocessor, they are also applicable to systems that use hardware cache coherency techniques. %A Jain, S. %T Learning in the presence of additional information and inaccurate information (Ph.D. Thesis) %R TR 357 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D September 1990 %Z $4.00, 113 pages %X Inductive inference machines (IIMs) model language and scientific learning. In the classical model, a machine attempts to construct an explanation about a phenomenon as it is receiving data about that phenomenon. The machine is said to be successful if it ultimately succeeds in explaining the phenomenon. This is a naive model of science. For one thing, a scientist has more information available than just the result of experiments. For example, a scientist may have some knowledge about the complexity of the phenomenon he (she) is trying to learn. For another, the result of the scientist's investigation need not be the final theory. Finally, a scientist may already have some approximate explanation of the phenomenon. The study of such additional information constitutes the first part of this thesis. In the real world our input is rarely free of error. Inputs usually suffer from noise and missing data. The study of different notions of such inaccuracies in the input is the focus of the second part of this thesis. %A Allender, E. %A Hemachandra, L.A. %A Ogiwara, M. %A Watanabe, O. %T Relating equivalence and reducibility to sparse sets %R TR 358 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D October 1990 %Z $2.00, 28 pages %X For various polynomial-time reducibilities #r#, this paper asks whether being #r#-reducible to a sparse set is a broader notion than being #r#-equivalent to a sparse set. Although distinguishing equivalence and reducibility to sparse sets, for many-one or 1-truth-table reductions, would imply that #P != NP#, this paper shows that for #k#-truth-table reductions, #k >= 2#, equivalence and reducibility to sparse sets provably differ. Though Gavalda and Watanabe have shown that, for any polynomial-time computable unbounded function #f(cdot)#, some sets #f(n)#-truth-table reducible to sparse sets are not even Turing equivalent to sparse sets, this paper shows that extending their result to the 2-truth-table case would provide a proof that #P !- NP#. Additionally, this paper studies the relative power of different notions of reducibility, and proves that disjunctive and conjunctive truth-table reductions to sparse sets are surprisingly powerful, refuting a conjecture of Ko. %A Crowl, L.A. %A LeBlanc, T.J. %T Architectural adaptability in parallel programming via control abstraction %R TR 359 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D January 1991 %Z $2.00, 38 pages %X Parallel programming involves finding the potential parallelism in an application, choosing an algorithm, and mapping it to the architecture at hand. Since a typical algorithm has much more potential parallelism than any single architecture can effectively exploit, we usually program the parallelism that the available control constructs easily express and that the given architecture efficiently exploits. This approach produces programs that exhibit much less parallelism than the original algorithm and whose performance depends entirely on the underlying architecture. To port such a program to a new architecture, we must rewrite the program to remove any ineffective parallelism and to recover any lost parallelism appropriate for the new machine. In this paper we show how to adapt a parallel program to different architectures using control abstraction. With control abstraction we can define and use a rich variety of control constructs to represent an algorithm's potential parallelism. Since control abstraction separates the definition of a construct from its implementation, a construct may have several different implementations, each exploiting a diferent subset of the parallelism admitted by the construct. By selecting an implementation for each control construct using annotations, we can vary the parallelism we choose to exploit without otherwise changing the source code. This approach produces programs that exhibit most of, if not all, the potential parallelism in an algorithm, and whose performance can be tuned for a specific architecture simply by choosing among the various implementations for the control constructs in use. %A Swain, M.J. %T Color indexing (Ph.D. Thesis) %R TR 360 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D November 1990 %Z $8.00, 89 pages %X Computer vision is embracing a new research focus in which the aim is to develop visual skills for robots that allow them to interact with a dynamic, realistic environment. To achieve this aim, new kinds of vision algorithms need to be developed that run in real time and subserve the robot's goals. Two fundamental goals are determining the identity of an object with a known location and determining the location of a known object. Color can be successfully used for both tasks. This dissertation demonstrates that color histograms of multicolored objects provide a robust, efficient cue for indexing into a large database of models. It shows that color histograms are stable object representations in the presence of occlusion and over change in view, and that they can differentiate among a large number of objects. For solving the identification problem, it introduces a technique called histogram intersection, which matches model and image histograms, and a fast incremental version of histogram intersection which allows real-time indexing into a large database of stored models. It demonstrates techniques for dealing with crowded scenes and with models with similar color signatures. For solving the location problem it introduces an algorithm called histogram backprojection, which performs this task efficiently in crowded scenes. %A Hemachandra, L.A. %A Hoene, A. %T Collapsing degrees via strong computation %R TR 361 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D November 1990 %Z $2.00, 18 pages %X Though Berman and others have provided powerful techniques to collapse nondeterministic degrees at and above nondeterministic linear space, and Immerman and Szelepcsenyi have provided techniques that collapse even sublinear nondeterministic space classes, it has remained an open problem whether any collapses could be proven for sublinear nondeterministic space degrees. This paper provides the first such collapses. For nondeterministic space classes #C# above #NL#, we show that all #<= sup {1-L} sub m#-complete sets for #C# collapse to a single #<= sup {1-L} sub {1li}# degree (i.e., all #<= sup {1-L} sub m#-complete sets for #C# are #<= sup {1-L} sub {1li}#-equivalent), and that all #<= sup {1-NL} sub m#-complete sets for #C# are #NL#-isomorphic (and thus #P#-isomorphic). Our techniques sharply improve previous results for PSPACE. %A Krizanc, D. %T A note on off-line permutation routing on a mesh-connected processor array %R TR 362 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D November 1990 %Z $2.00, 5 pages %X We show how to off-line route any permutation of an #n times n# mesh-connected processor array in #2.5n-3# steps with at most 6 packets per processor per time step and in #2.25n+3# steps with at most 8 packets per processor per time step. %A Miller, B.W. %T The Rhet Programmers Guide (for Rhet Version 17.9) %R TR 363 (revision of TR 239) %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D December 1990 %Z $4.50, 91 pages %X Rhetorical (Rhet) is a programming/knowledge representation system that offers a set of tools for building an automated reasoning system. Its emphasis is on flexibility of representation. This document extends Technical Report 326 with more information about the internals of the Rhet system. In addition it provides the information needed for users to write their own builtin functions, or better lispfns (that use internally provided library functions). %A Krizanc, D. %A Narayanan, L. %T Randomized selection on the mesh-connected processor array %R TR 364 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D November 1990 %Z $2.00, 12 pages %X We show that selection on an input of size #N = n sup 2# can be performed by an #N# node mesh-connected processor array in #2n + o(n)# steps, with high probability. The best previously known algorithm for this involved sorting, and required #3n + o(n)# steps. %A Rimey, R.D. %A Brown, C.M. %T HMMs and vision: Representing structure and sequences for active vision using hidden Markov models %R TR 366 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D January 1991 %Z $2.00, 25 pages %X Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have rarely been used in computer vision, although they are a key part of modern speech recognition systems. We show how HMMs can be used in a variety of vision related tasks. In all cases, the HMM learns structured knowledge about the world from a set of observation sequences. The HMM can also be used to generate behavior. We present three examples. (1) An aspect graph is learned from foveation sequences. (2) A finite state machine to control visual operations to build a stable representation of an object is learned from sequences of visual (action,result) pairs. (3) Augmented HMMs are used to learn and generate camera motion sequences that are indexed on "what" and "where" information in a scene. In themselves, they are analogous to skilled camera movements, and the AHMM formalism allows the fusion of the learned "what" and "where" representations to create a hybrid skill. %A Allen, J.F. %T Natural language, knowledge representation, and logical form %R TR 367 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D January 1991 %Z $2.00, 30 pages %X Current natural language understanding systems generally maintain a strict division between the parsing processes and the representation that supports general reasoning about the world. This paper examines why these two forms of processing are separated, determines the current advantages and limitations of this approach, and identifies the inherent limitations of the approach. I will point out some fundamental problems with the models as they are defined today and suggest some important directions of research in natural language and knowledge representation. In particular, I will argue that one of the crucial issues facing future natural language systems is the development of knowledge representation formalisms that can effectively handle ambiguity. %A Chaves, Jr., E.M. %A LeBlanc, T.J. %A Marsh, B.D. %A Scott, M.L. %T Kernel-kernel communication in a shared-memory multiprocessor %R TR 368 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D January 1991 %Z $2.00, 12 pages %X In the standard kernel organization on a shared-memory multiprocessor all processors share the code and data of the operating system; explicit synchronization is used to control access to kernel data structures. Distributed-memory multicomputers use an alternative approach, in which each instance of the kernel performs local operations directly and uses remote invocation to perform remote operations. Either approach to inter-kernel communication can be used in a NonUniform Memory Access (NUMA) multiprocessor, although the performance tradeoffs may not be apparent in advance. In this paper we compare the use of remote access and remote invocation in the kernel of a NUMA multiprocessor operating system. We discuss the issues and architectural features that must be considered when choosing an inter-kernel communication scheme, and describe a series of experiments on the BBN Butterfly designed to empirically evaluate the tradeoffs between remote invocation and remote memory access. We conclude that the Butterfly architecture is biased towards the use of remote invocation for most kernel operations, but that a small set of frequently executed operations can benefit from the use of remote access. %A Raman, R. %T Generating random graphs efficiently %R TR 369 %I Univ. of Rochester Computer Science Dept. %D January 1991 %Z $2.00, 16 pages %X We consider the algorithmic complexity of generating labeled (directed and undirected) graphs under various distributions. We describe three natural optimality criteria for graph generating algorithms, and show algorithms that are optimal for many distributions.