RISKS@KL.SRI.COM (RISKS FORUM, Peter G. Neumann -- Coordinator) (04/06/88)
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Tuesday 5 April 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 55 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Battle of the Virus Hunter (Amos Shapir) Software & War (Chief Dan Roth) A new RISK prevention scheme? (Eric Haines, not John Saponara) Yet Another UnTimely Risk (Paul Cudney) Olde Virus Shoppe (Barry Hayes, Douglas Jones) Re: (c) Brain VIRUS (Chief Dan Roth) Re: Risks in diving computers (Rich Sands) RISKS in philosophyland (David Thomasson) Risks of NOT giving race/ethnicity (David Rogers) Re: More On Race and Ethnicity Questions... (Henry Spencer) April Forgeries (Charles Daffinger, Rahul Dhesi) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. Contributions to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, Requests to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. For Vol i issue j, FTP SRI.COM, CD STRIPE:<RISKS>, GET RISKS-i.j. Volume summaries in (i, max j) = (1,46),(2,57),(3,92),(4,97),(5,85). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Apr 88 21:35:56 GMT From: nsc!taux01!taux01.UUCP!amos@Sun.COM (Amos Shapir) Subject: Battle of the Virus Hunter An interesting wager was made in a live TV interview here this afternoon: A software house has announced a product that can warn users of the presence of a virus - any virus - on their PC. It was written by the guy who discovered the 'Israeli Virus'. Another software house, which produces an 'inoculation' program against that virus, claims that a detection of every type of virus by a single program is impossible, and offered a 10,000 shekel bet (about $6200) against it, which was promptly accepted. They will have a show-down within 2 weeks - this is going to be interesting to watch! Amos Shapir National Semiconductor (Israel) 6 Maskit st. P.O.B. 3007, Herzlia 46104, Israel Tel. +972 52 522261 ------------------------------ From: Chief Dan Roth <chiefdan@vax1.acs.udel.edu> Subject: Software & War Date: 5 Apr 88 01:07:31 GMT According to an article in the Christian Science Monitor, the communist rebels in the Phillipines are being hampered by a virus (CSM's terminology) which was meant as part of a software protection scheme. The rebels have imported a large number of Casio-manufactured laptop computers for coding communications and other "on-the-run" uses in the guerilla war. However, they also have been using pirated software. The software has a built-in "feature" which the rebels are finding quite a disadvantage -- the pirated copies work fine for awhile but then suddenly an "anti-piracy feature" erases all the files on the disk. Not exactly helpful in a battle situation. (The original article was in the Thursday, March 31st CSM.) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Apr 88 11:01:10 EDT From: saponara@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (John Saponara) Subject: A new RISK prevention scheme? Thought you might like this one. I found it on the net, but don't recall where it was. The source is some Cray related magazine, I believe. CRAY - A traditional Shinto ceremony was performed at Cray's systems check-out building in Chippewa Falls to introduce a protective spirit into a new X-MP/24. The ceremony was requested by Century Research Center Corp. (CRC), the Japanese service bureau that ordered the system. There were two purposes to the ceremony: to help protect the system during shipping and to ensure that it will run smoothly once it is installed on site. "The ceremony places a spirit in the computer that ensures the company will prosper as customers use the system." (Tony Hagiwara, manager of the shipping firm that will deliver the system to Japan.) The Shinto ceremony traditionally is performed in Japan as a kind of blessing for significant events, such as an important purchase or the dedication of a new building. Ceremony participants included: the President of Cray Research Japan, Cray's Coordinator of country services, Cray's Director of marketing support, the President of CRC, the Director of CRC's systems engineering division, and an employee of the shipping firm. Each participant laid an evergreen branch on the table before the computer system, bowed, clapped hands twice, and bowed again. When all had finished, the six participants each had a cup of sake and the brief ceremony was over. An easel with the names of Cray Research and CRC written in Japanese, was brought from Japan for the ceremony. It will return to Japan with the Cray system and sit nearby the system once it is installed, so that the spirit will continue to guard the system, helping keep its operation trouble-free. Eric Haines (not John Saponara, no matter what the header of this mail says!) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Apr 88 00:06:55 PST From: cudney@sm.unisys.com (Paul Cudney) Subject: Yet Another UnTimely Risk Before the beginning of computing was time, and with time was change. You might think we would all be familiar enough with calendar time to cope with it easily, even to the point of designing systems to accommodate both the predictable and the politically inevitable. Within the space of two months we have been surprised by reports of problems handling this most pervasive measure of our existence. We have been further surprised by the difficulty in making what most would consider a minor change to a system, such as changing the date Daylight Savings Time goes into effect (or not), as you can see from the following notice. Perhaps the design of a calendar watch algorithim should be required in every software engineering course. I see several lessons here for RISKS readers. Care to volunteer a few? > From sysadmin Mon Apr 4 20:20:53 PST 1988 > Subject: R&D is off by an hour > Date: 4 Apr 88 23:57:58 GMT > Organization: System Development Group, Santa Monica > > The R&D clock has been manually adjusted by an hour to partially > compsensate for a software bug. The problem is that R&D's release of > Berkeley Unix predates the US Congress's decision last year to move up > transition to daylight savings time from the end of April to the beginning > of April. > > A fix isn't easy because it relies on relinking every piece of software > that prints human-readable dates. > > Here's an example session that illustrates the problem. > > R&D-1% date Mon Apr 4 15:57:37 PST 1988 R&D-2% date -u Mon Apr 4 > 23:57:37 GMT 1988 > > It's 3:57pm PDT, even though 'date' says "PST"; the GMT time is off by an > hour because it's really 22:57:37 GMT. > > If your software communicates with the outside world or otherwise relies > on an accurate clock, you should take this into account. For example, the > GMT Date: headers at the start of news articles posted at R&D are all > off by an hour; see the header of this article for an example. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 1988 1352-MST (Monday) From: Barry Hayes <bhayes@cascade.stanford.edu> Subject: Olde Virus Shoppe Way way back in, I think, 1978 or so, we created a bug on the time-sharing system at Dartmouth, DTSS. Not really a classical virus, but a fun bug anyway. There was a kind of file protection called "slave trap programs". You could set up a file so that whenever a program would open that file, a slave trap program would run and its termination status would give the access rights allowed to the program trying the open. Well, one day we played with the consequesnces of this scheme and wrote a program which, when used as its own slave trap, would change its own name and then terminate. The end result was a file, usually called ELUDE-23 since the length of the program was 23 words, which, when you tried to open it, would change its name to ELUDE-NN, where NN would be the seconds in the time of day. This confused people, of course, but also caused problems for a few programs. There was a program which would go into every directory on the system and copy over fragmented files, for instance. It issued a system call that would open every file at once to avoid overhead. The result from this call was, for each file, a directory entry, a status return for an open, and a file descriptor. It wasn't very happy when it started getting "file not found" status. By the way, you out there somewhere Steve? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Apr 88 13:59:20 mst From: Douglas Jones <jones%pyrite.CS%cs.uiowa.edu@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Olde Virus Shoppe One of the classic ways to crash a UNIX system is to create an executable file, call it virus, containing code such as the following: echo "virus" & virus & virus When run, this shell script prints "virus" on the terminal in parallel with starting two more copies of itself. The resulting proliferation of processes quickly fills the process tables of the system. I have used this for years as a test of UNIX systems, since it is faster to type it in than read the manuals to find out how they manage resource exhaustion. On older UNIX systems (with no per-user resource limits), this would crash the system as soon as an essential system process could not be created. On newer systems, this effectively disables the user who starts it, and it is hard to kill. The mess can be ended by renaming or deleting the file, at which point, remaining processes will be unable to create new ones; killing individual processes rarely has a useful effect. I encountered a related problem in an advanced course on fault tolerant computing last spring. We have an Encore multiprocessor at Iowa largely dedicated to running student programming assignments. I assigned a project in which students were to write fault tolerant code on the Encore. The people at the computer center began to notice some very unusual loading on the machine soon after students began working on this project. The skeleton of a typical fault tolerant program is outlined below: loop { one iteration is completed for each failure } if fork = 0 { fork is a UNIX system call to create a process } then { child process begins executing here } loop { until failure is detected in parent } -- code to restore key variables from checkpoint endloop else { parent process continues executing here } loop { until failure is detected in child } -- code doing useful job and being monitored by child -- code to checkpoint key variables in stable storage endloop endif endloop The most obvious problems with this arose when the code to await a failure was wrong and always terminated the loop in question. In this case, huge groups of processes were rapidly created, much like the shell script above. A more subtle problem arose when students got working programs but forgot to include any code to terminate the program when they were done testing. At least one student didn't realize that his processes weren't going away when he was done, and each of his experimental sessions created another fault tolerant team of CPU bound processes. When the system operators noticed these accumulating, they set out to kill them and got quite frustrated when replacements appeared for each process they killed. Douglas W. Jones ------------------------------ From: Chief Dan Roth <chiefdan@vax1.acs.udel.edu> Subject: Re: (c) Brain VIRUS in RISKS DIGEST 6.52 Date: 5 Apr 88 00:57:38 GMT The "(c) Brain" virus is not a new virus. It is a basically harmless virus which first emerged here at the University of Delaware early last fall. I say *basically* harmless, because (unless its been modified) it doesn't attempt to do any harm to the disks. However, those with a better understanding of DOS on the IBM-PC tell me that in certain very specific cases (I believe involving non-standard data formats) some data could be lost. ------------------------------ From: rms@gubba.SPDCC.COM (Rich Sands) Subject: Re: Risks in diving computers Date: 4 Apr 88 15:04:34 GMT Reply-To: gubba!rms@husc6.harvard.edu (Rich Sands) J.M.Hicks comments on dive computers: > Poor human interfaces have been discussed in this forum many times, but >what opinions do people have of users' behaviour when a simple system is >replaced by a complicated system that they do not understand and they >can probably ignore because it takes a conservative view? As a regular diver and user of an Orca 'EDGE' dive computer, I think that these devices are a perfect example of how computer technology can dramatically REDUCE the risk of an inherently risky activity. Using the old-style Navy dive tables is tricky, requires substantial training, and can be fouled up even by experienced divers. The dive computer's user interface is MUCH easier to use and understand than the manual tables. In this case, computers replace a very complicated system with a much simpler system, not the other way around. Sport divers go through a certification program that emphasizes safety, graphically explains what can happen to you if you ignore the rules, and in general produces a very safety-conscious diver. They know that dive computers can keep them safe only if they heed the computer's warnings and understand its operation. I think that most divers would pay a lot of attention to the 'ASCEND MORE SLOWLY' message that their computer flashes at them. There are many other risks in using the EDGE much more serious than this warning message, such as the tendency for the on/off switch to get caught on things, shutting the computer off and losing the accumulated nitrogen absorption data. There will always be people who do not heed safety rules, either on purpose, or from ignorance. The former will abuse dive computers just as surely as they abuse the tables now. The latter will find the computers much less intimidating and understandable than the tables, making them safer. The newest computer by Orca, called the 'Skinny Dipper', replaces the 'ASCEND MORE SLOWLY' message with a red flashing LED. The current depth is not obscured anymore, and the warning is much more noticable since there is almost no red light underwater and anything bright red really gets the diver's attention. It also has a locking on/off switch. Why worry now about the risks of slight imperfections in an otherwise risk-reducing technology? Worry instead about making this excellent safety device inexpensive enough to be in the hands of all sport divers, THEN worry about the details! -- rms UUCP: {ihnp4,harvard,husc6,linus,ima,bbn,m2c}!spdcc!gubba!rms Compuserve: 71360,1067 BIX: richsands ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 Apr 88 00:10:38 EDT From: David Thomasson <ST401405%BROWNVM.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> Subject: RISKS in philosophyland Several recent items in RISKS maintained tenuous connection with computers while discussing the more humanistic issue of discrimination. One writer went at his subject with such vigor that he rounded things off with a battle cry: >Get out there and challenge the bigots! Both you and the society will grow. The same writer then sounded a cautionary note: >I've often wondered *why* the same person who will not accept or tolerate >shoddy work or thinking on the job, will choose to ignore or tolerate or >accept or embrace any shoddy societal norm. Although I'm happy to see RISKS extending its content to include philosophical issues, I continue to blanch at some of the arguments and assertions that are made. For example, the same writer who issued the above-quoted caveat told of being invited to join an officers' club. In a moment of dudgeon, the writer replied to the club: >I TAKE OFFENSE AT AN INVITATION TO JOIN ANY ORGANIZATION WHICH >DISCRIMINATES IN ANY WAY, ...AND DISCRIMINATION BY RANK OR PAY >IS DISCRIMINATION JUST AS SURELY AS DISCRIMINATION BY COLOR, AGE, >ETHNICITY, GENDER OR RELIGION. Why would -- or should -- one disapprove of *any* kind of discrimination? The implicit claim here is that discrimination in any form whatever is morally wrong. And I cannot see how this assumption can be exempted from a charge of shoddy thinking about morality, the same kind of shoddiness that the writer wonders and warns about. Are youth clubs morally suspect because they restrict membership to *youths*? Is Phi Beta Kappa culpable for excluding stupid people? Are ballet companies open to reproach for discriminating against clumsy oafs? (And by the way, what *is* so morally offensive about a club for officers??) I am not trivializing the issue here. If one thinks it is a simple matter of separating the "bad" kinds of discrimination from the "good" (or "acceptable") kinds, try phrasing a general principle that will make that distinction. I find it more than a little disturbing when people who are obviously very bright and extremely competent in their fields (computer science and related fields) burst onto the philosophical scene and start shooting out the lights. Consider another recent RISKS item about discrimination. The writer says he applied for a driver's license and noticed that the application asked for his race. "It seemed to me that my race had nothing to do with driving a car, so I left it blank." By the same reasoning, one might just as well refuse to give one's name, sex and address, since they too have nothing to do with driving a car. Perhaps -- *perhaps* -- including such information on a driver's license could be justified on some ground other than driving competence. Perhaps? I am not out to toss cold water on RISKS' recent ventures into such issues as discrimination. By all means, challenge bigots. But for God's sake get down off old Rosinante and do it with a little more style and intelligence. ------------------------------ From: drogers@riacs.edu (David Rogers) Subject: Risks of NOT giving race/ethnicity Date: 4 Apr 88 20:12:39 GMT Organization: RIACS, Moffett Field, CA 94035 Most financial aid forms ask for ethnicity (the modern way to phrase `race' questions). When I was at Berkeley, I, in my fervor, refused to answer such things, or at the minimum, checked OTHER. (At least they gave an OTHER box!) They would happily accept any such forms, probably because they were tired of arguing with students like me. The risk? I later asked an aid officer what they did with these forms: they just assign all such people to the `white' group for the purposes of calculating aid, since that is the `least desirable' ethnicity when it comes to calculating aid. When open conflict arises about the answers to questions on forms, that is usually better than this much more insidious procedure, that of assigning the user an `answer' which is (usually) the least desirable of the options. The use of computers will make this `when in doubt, assume the worst' type of defaulting even more common, and nearly impossible to detect. David Rogers ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Apr 88 13:12:16 EDT From: mnetor!utzoo!henry@uunet.UU.NET Subject: Re: More On Race and Ethnicity Questions... > ... If you *really, really* think about it, there is no way to justify a > RACE or ETHNICITY question, unless you accept the notions of quotas... In fairness, it should be mentioned that in a community with discrimination problems, security-clearance forms (and no others) might have real reason to ask such a question, for the same reason that they have legitimate reason to ask about unorthodox sexual habits: blackmail potential. Mind you, I admit that (a) it's harder to get a good blackmail threat out of racial issues, (b) if we assume, for example, the southern US some decades ago, such a question really ought to be something like "any Negro ancestry?" rather than just "race?", and (c) fortunately, this sort of nonsense isn't much of an issue any more. But in the wrong place at the wrong time, I can see how a real security issue could arise. It's not inherently ridiculous, although in the examples cited it certainly is silly. Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,decvax,pyramid}!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Apr 88 23:17:09 EST From: Charles Daffinger <cdaf@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu> Subject: April Forgeries (Re: RISKS-6.52) [Most of you have chortled appropriately at the Spafford Spoof. Charles' message is apparently intended for those of you who need more explicit references to the self-referential evidence left by the forged forgery warning. By the way, Charles neglected to remark that RISKS-6.52 was not put out on 1 April either. PGN] Here's the article warning about forgeries: Note the strange date, note that spaf's message is dated *after* the message it was enclosed in, and a couple of self-references in the posting! Enjoy! In article <12386860573.13.NEUMANN@KL.SRI.COM> you write: >RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Friday 1 April 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 52 > >Contents: > April Fool's warning from Usenet (Gene Spafford via Cliff Stoll) >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 12:17:48 PST ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >From: cliff@Csa5.LBL.Gov (Cliff Stoll) >Subject: April Fool's warning from Usenet > >Here's the warning from USENET's news.announce.important: > >From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) ================================== >Subject: Warning: April Fools Time again (forged messages on the loose!) >Date: 1 Apr 88 00:00:00 GMT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ. > >Warning: April 1 is rapidly approaching, and with it comes a USENET >tradition. On April Fools day comes a series of forged, tongue-in-cheek >messages, either from non-existent sites or using the name of a Well Known ============================== >USENET person. In general, these messages are harmless and meant as a joke, ======= [...] > > o Posted dates. Almost invariably, the date of the posting is forged > to be April 1. ================================= ============= ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Apr 88 23:25:38 EST From: iuvax!bsu-cs!dhesi@rutgers.edu (Rahul Dhesi) Subject: April Forgeries (Re: RISKS-6.52) Organization: CS Dept, Ball St U, Muncie, Indiana ... Of course, it's possible that it was a double-forgery, i.e., that Gene Spafford forged it himself. -- Rahul Dhesi [Sorry. Not THIS TIME. PGN] ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest ************************ -------