[comp.risks] RISKS DIGEST 9.5

RISKS@KL.SRI.COM (RISKS FORUM, Peter G. Neumann -- Coordinator) (07/16/89)

RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest  Saturday 15 July 1989   Volume 9 : Issue 5

   ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator

  UK Defence Software Standard (Dave Parnas, Nancy Leveson, Dave Parnas)
  DARPA contract: use AI to select targets during nuclear war (Jon Jacky)
  "Flying the Electric Skies" (Steve Philipson)
  Automobile Electronic Performance management (Pete Lucas)

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Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 22:07:37 EDT
From: parnas@qucis.queensu.ca (Dave Parnas)
Subject: UK Defence Software Standard (Nancy Leveson, RISKS-9.3)

Nancy Leveson suggests that eliminating dynamic memory allocation, recursion,
interrupts and multi-processing is done in safety critical systems to make them
deterministic.  I disagree.  Software that uses those techniques can be just as
deterministic as software that does not.  Further, software without any of
those features can be non-deterministic in its behaviour.  For example, the
non-determinism associated with interrupt handling comes from the unknown
timing of the external events and is not affected by the replacement of
interrupts with polling.

The MOD restrictions do not rule out non-determinism.  Further, they do not
rule out bad programming.  If I am forbidden to use compilers or operating
systems with dynamic memory allocation and consequently write complex programs
that use "static" variables for many different purposes I am likely to
introduce more mistakes than would have been present in the mature dynamic
allocation system that I was not allowed to use.  If, because I am forbidden to
use recursion, I write a complex program that does the stacking and
backtracking hidden by recursion, I am likely to introduce more errors than
were present in the compiler's well-tested implementation of recursion.
Similarly, if I introduce busy waiting and polling in my programs because I
cannot use interrupts, I may again make things worse rather than better.

Nancy is right in saying that "it is simply untrue that these limitations rule
out real systems."  Many perfectly horrible real-systems have been written
without any of those features.

Nor, would I agree that non-determinism is bad.  Non-determinism has been
demonstrated by Dijkstra (and much earlier by Robert Floyd) to allow programs
that are much more easily verified than some deterministic ones.

These regulations remind me of the old story about a man found looking
carefully under a street lamp.  When asked, he said he was looking for a coin
he had dropped on the other side of the street.  When asked why he was looking
on this side, rather than where he dropped the coin, he replied that it was too
dark over there.

Regulations of this sort are imposed not because they are the right
restrictions but because they are easily enforced by people who do not want to
read programs carefully.  It is much easier to verify that recursion and
interrupts have not been used than to verify that the program is
well-structured, well-documented, systematically inspected (verified), and
adequately tested.  Just as it is easier to look for a ring under a street
light, it is easier to check for the absence of features than the presence of

All my knowledge of the Therac software comes from discussions with Nancy.
However, from her description the problem with that software was not the use of
multi-tasking but the failure to use well-known (and well-understood) ways of
making multi-tasking verifiable.

As Nancy says, "The most effective way to increase the reliability of software
that we currently know about is simply to make it understandable and
predictable."  "Sophisticated programming techniques", properly used, can do
just that.  Unfortunately, we cannot make regulations that define "properly
used" so some of us are throwing the baby out with the bath water.

David L. Parnas


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 16:08:56 -0700 
From: Nancy Leveson <nancy@ICS.UCI.EDU>
Subject: UK Defence Software Standard

I have great regard for David Parnas and his opinions, but we do have a 
difference of opinion with respect to this issue.

Perhaps I am using the term "non-deterministic" incorrectly.  When interrupts
are used, it is not possible to pre-determine in exactly what sequence 
the statements of the software will be executed because the interrupt-handling
code can be executed at any time.  When using polling, the programmer has
more control over when the input-handling code is executed.  It is possible
to use priorities to ensure that the code to abort a missile launch is not 
interrupted, for example, but this just complicates things further and 
introduces the possibility of different types of errors.  At the least, 
limiting the possible execution sequences allows for more extensive testing 
given a fixed amount of testing resources.  It also allows for more reliable 
timing analysis as pointed out by someone in a previous posting to Risks.  Am 
I misunderstanding something here?

With respect to Therac, it is true that the errors were involved in 
multi-tasking and its poor implementation.  But the use of the "well-known
and well-understood ways of implementing multi-tasking" do not guarantee 
errors will not be introduced.  You are assuming that they would implement 
those features correctly.  Although I have great confidence that David 
Parnas or Edsgar Dijkstra could use ANY techniques with great skill, I 
have less confidence that this is true for all the programmers writing 
military software.  

David is obviously right that using recursive constructs is safer than 
implementing recursion oneself with stacks and backtracking.  But it would be 
safest (in terms of all types of potential faults including run-time 
stack overflows) to try to find a simple, non-recursive algorithm to 
accomplish the same thing.  If one does not exist, then the argument for
this should be included in the certification procedure.  It is easier to 
grant dispensations to standards when someone provides an argument that 
it is safer to do so than it is to try to check all software to ensure 
that superfluous complexity has not been introduced.  The person arguing 
to certify their software must then provide good arguments for introducing 
complexity rather than the certifier having to determine whether simpler 
designs exist.  Remember, we are talking about a potential nuclear 
armageddon here and with certifiers who may be no more knowledgeable 
than the programmers.  

David is also right that it is better to check for the presence of 
quality than the absence of features.  I would hope that standards would
require that quality be built-in and assessed and not just include these 
simple rules.  Unfortunately, I have no way of looking at a program, even 
a well-designed one, and guaranteeing that there are no errors in it.  I 
do have more confidence that people will make fewer mistakes when their 
programs are simpler and when they use techniques that rule out various 
common types of errors.  For example, if the design they choose does not 
involve the potential for deadlock, then I need not worry about it 
occurring.  If the man had carried his coin safely ensconced in his
wallet, he would not have had to look for it on either side of the street. 
Sure, as David says, "perfectly horrible real-systems have been written 
without any of these features."  That is exactly why such standards should 
contain more than just simplistic rules.  But that does not mean that 
rules are not also useful in the context of an imperfect world.

I guess our disagreement comes down to the following:  Assuming David's
belief that these techniques, properly used, can increase reliability, 
is it more likely that errors will be introduced (1) because they are 
improperly used or (2) because they are not used at all?  Until we have
experimental data on this, it remains a matter of personal opinion.

It would be nice if the people who introduce these programming techniques
and argue that they increase reliability would do comparative studies to 
confirm their claims.  This type of experimentation is very difficult
(as we have found out by trying to do it), but long overdue in our field.

Nancy G. Leveson


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 22:05:28 EDT 
From: parnas@qucis.queensu.ca (Dave Parnas)
Subject: UK Defence Software Standard 

I have great respect for Nancy Leveson's work and for the great effort she has
put into increase everyone's awareness of safety issues, but we continue to
have a difference of opinion here.

1)  In fact, hardware interrupts are simply hardware implemented polling
and the use of interrupts gives the programmer  control (because 
of more rapid response) than can usually be achieved by software polling.
Nancy's impression that the programmer loses control comes from the fact
that we often use interrupt response code written by others (operating
system code) and consequently feel that we have less control.  If we allowed
someone else to write the polling code, and the code to respond when 
an event was detected, we would be in exactly the same situation, except
that there would be a slower reaction time.  Both software polling and 
interrupt handling can be done badly and both can be done well. 

Edsger Dijkstra's 1968 papers showed how an interrupt handling system could be
set up in a way that the programmers could restrict the order of events as much
as they wish.  Moreover, the beauty of his approach was that most of the
software was unaffected by the choice between interrupts and software polling.
The P and V interface hid the difference between events detected by hardware
and those detected by software.  Twenty years later I meet people who are
called "software engineers" but have no knowledge of that work or understanding
of similar techniques.  Today's hardware and software technology would allow us
to do even better than was possible in 1968.

2) Nancy is wrong when she states that I am assuming that programmers would
implement those ideas correctly.  I have too much experience to make such an
assumption.  She could equally well be accused of assuming that programmers
will avoid those ideas "correctly".  There is no idea so good that it cannot be
used badly.  

3) No one is more in favour of the use of "simple algorithms than I.  My vitae
carries a quote from A.  Einstein, "Everything should be as simple as possible,
but not simpler".  Further, I don't even believe that there are such things as
recursive programs.  They are all iterative programs in disguise.  I do however
find that recursive descriptions of programs programs are often simpler, and
easier to verify, than iterative descriptions of the same algorithm.  We must
never forget the "but not simpler" phrase in Einstein's remark.

4) If Nancy thinks that the danger of deadlock is caused by multi-programming I
must also disagree.  Every program built using pseudo-parallel processes has an
equivalent "sequential program" that can exhibit exactly the same abortive
behaviour as its deadlocking counterpart.  If Nancy, thinking that deadlock is
impossible because there is no multi-programming, does not look for those
errors, she will just be surprised and dismayed when the program enters an
unending loop or a permanent idle state at unexpected times.

I believe that organisations such as MoD would be better advised to introduce
regulations requiring the use of certain good programming techniques, requiring
the use of highly qualified people, requiring systematic, formal, and detailed
documentation, requiring thorough inspection, requiring thorough testing, etc.
than to introduce regulations forbidding out the use of perfectly reasonable

Like Nancy, I wish we had experimental data to confirm or disprove my belief in
the potential of these techniques but I don't expect to get such data.  Other
differences, such as the qualifications and interest of the personnell will
swamp the effect of the techniques that we are debating.  Safety depends
on the use of highly qualified, disciplined personnel for the design,
documentation and inspection of softwre.   By forbidding modern programming
techniques, we could drive those people away and achieve just the opposite.

David L. Parnas.


Date: 14 Jul 1989 17:39:10 EST
Subject: DARPA contract: use AI to select targets during nuclear war

Here is a story from FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK, July 10, 1989, pages 10,11:


The Defense Department plans to improve substantially its planning system
for the targeting of strategic nuclear weapons.  As a first step, it is
about to award a contract for a prototype system that would identify targets,
allocate weapons and specify the timing and modes of weapons delivery.

DOD hopes to reduce the planning-cycle time from 18 months to three days,
reduce personnel requirements by a factor of 10 and increase survivability
by a factor of eight (see chart, below).

The overhaul of the process by which the plans are developed and changed
during conflict reflects a shift away from large-scale use of nuclear weapons
against fixed targets to more limited conflicts involving mobile targets.
It also reflects recent presidential requests for more flexibility in the
use of nuclear weapons.

The project, called Survivable Adaptive Planning Experiment (SAPE), is being
funded jointly by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the
Air Force.  Prime bidders on the job are Harris Corp., McDonnell Douglas
Corp. and IBM Corp.

The United States' plan for nuclear warfare, called the Single Integrated
Operational Plan (SIOP), is produced annually under the direction of the
Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff (JSTPS), an element of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.  The plans are developed at the headquarters of the Strategic
Air Command in Omaha, Neb., using intelligence data, force-status information
and guidance from the president, the secretary of Defense and other

``The president decides in broad terms the types of options and results
he wants, and the JSTPS takes the guidance and produces the SIOP,'' said
Army Lt. Col. Peter W. Sowa, SAPE project manager at DARPA.

SAPE is not intended to replace the initial planning process.  Rather, it
is geared to enabling rapid adaptation of the plan before and during a nuclear
conflict while ensuring the survivability of the planning system.  Sowa
said: ``During a conflict, the situation will be different [from the one
anticipated] especially if tactical nuclear weapons are used.  Something
is sure to be different, so you want to be able to replan quickly.''

It now takes 18 months to create a new plan.  Although it could be done
faster, Sowa said, a completely new plan could not be developed in three
days, which is the SAPE goal.  Another SAPE goal is reducing the time required
to change targets and to configure the planning network.

Retargeting time is of growing importance as the Soviet ballistic missile
force becomes more mobile.  ``Planning to hold fixed targets at risk is
straightforward in concept but exquisitely complex in detail,'' the SAPE
statement of work says.  ``[But] when targets are capable of relocation
over short time periods, accomodating those changes into strategic attack
plans becomes enormously difficult.''

SAPE specifications require the ability to change 600 targets per day during
a nuclear conflict and to reduce the time required to change a target from
eight hours to three minutes.  The system also must be able to generate
plan options involving 2,000 weapons and up to 4,000 targets in 30 minutes.

These objectives can only be overcome by powerful hardware, smart software
and a high-speed communications network --- the cornerstones of SAPE.
According to Sowa, the system will consist of several mobile processing
clusters, each possibly consisting of a large mainframe or supercomputer,
data base machines, parallel processors, and workstations.  Each local cluster
will be able to execute the whole plan, and each will connect to a survivable
communications internetwork through a gateway.

The core software, most likely written in Ada and Lisp, will consist of
mathematical algorithms and artificial-intelligence techniques, Sowa said.
``It will be a software development effort and an expert-knowledge-building
effort.  A lot of interviewing experts will be needed.'' 

But the smart software will be of little use if the system is damaged during
hostilities.  By using redundant, distributed and mobile parts, DARPA aims
to increase the system's tolerance to loss from 10 percent to 83 percent
and its communications connectivity during a conflict from 10 percent to
50 percent.

According to Sowa, the benefits of the more flexible SIOPs include the

	o Enhanced deterrence through the ability to hit mobile targets.

	o More efficient use of weapons.  ``If you don't shoot at empty
	  holes, you don't need as many weapons,'' Sowa said.

	o Smarter wargaming.  The system could be used to conduct what-if
	  analyses - predicting the effects of different options --- as
	  part of planning or negotiating processes.

Sowa said SAPE, which will require $20 million to $30 million over five
years, is a demonstration project and is not intended to field a system.
Some or all may be deployed, or the existing system might be enhanced in
some other way, he said.

A contract will be awarded in about a month, and it will call for the design
and development of an engineering development model.  The model must be
able to rapidly retarget and generate new options in an environment before
a nuclear conflict.  In subsequent phases, the model will be expanded to
include those functions needed during a nuclear conflict and to create a
new nuclear strike plan at the end of hostilities.

(This table accompanied the article:)



Number of primary nodes		1		7
Time to replan full SIOP	18 months	3 days
Personnel resources		500 persons	50 persons
Retarget actions		10 per day	1000 per day
Time to retarget		8 hours		5 minutes
System tolerance to loss	10 percent	83 percent

Communications connectivity
	Pre-SIOP		99 percent	99 percent
	Trans-SIOP		10 percent	50 percent
	Post-SIOP		30 percent	90 percent

Reconfiguration time		Hours		Seconds
(end of excerpts from FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK)

- Jonathan Jacky, University of Washington


Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 18:29:02 PDT
From: Steve Philipson <steve@eos.arc.nasa.gov>
Subject: "Flying the Electric Skies" (RISKS-9.4)

>  [...]  Airbus [doesn't agree.  They think their stuff is great and saves
>weight and can't fail; but]... the A320 does have a partial backup system: 

   "Can't fail"?  This is pretty amusing.  It's my understanding (possibly
incorrect) that Airbus made this same argument about the A-320 control
system before the manual backup systems were in place.  The US FAA indicated
that the A-320 would not be certified without those backups, no matter how
reliable Airbus claimed the fly-by-wire system to be.  Airbus gave in.  
During flight tests, the "can't fail" system suffered a total failure, and 
the A-320 prototype was flown using "peanut" self-powered flight instruments 
and the back-up manual controls (this event was reported in Aviation Week).

    Airbus reports that the failure was a freak, they've fixed the problem,
and that it won't ever happen again.  Now it really can't fail.  Right.  Do
we know that their analysis can't fail... again?

>No matter how desperately he or shell hauls back on that sidestick, the
>envelope protection system will not let the airplane respond beyond a certain
>rate: namely, the rate that limits stress on the airframe to... 2.5G.

   This is indeed a problem.  There are situations where the crew may elect
to damage the airframe in return for avoiding a worse alternative.  The
protection system will not let them do this.  It's not clear whether we'll
lose more people from not having such a system or because of it.  One point
worth considering is that second generation fly-by-wire systems for fighters
are now being designed to allow maneuvering beyond critical alpha as the
disadvantages (high drag, loss of airspeed, structural risk) may allow the
pilot to shoot first and thus survive.

   [re: the 747 loss of control incident]
>Airbus, not surprisingly, responds that an A320 never would have [entered the
>dive] in the first place. 

   This contention may be incorrect.  The flight control laws prevent a 
pilot from deliberatly maneuvering the aircraft to a control departure, but 
they don't prevent one from occuring under all conditions.  

   As part of a previous job, I occasionally flew an advanced cockpit flight 
simulator.  I was curious as to the flight limits, and found them rather 
rapidly.  The flight control laws would not allow me to roll the airplane 
beyond 70 degrees of bank.  It seemed obvious to me that an aerodynamic 
departure could result in a maneuver that would exceed the control law 
limits.  I brought the aircraft to the limiting angle of attack, then 
reduced thrust on one engine to idle.  The resulting asymmetric thrust 
produced a rolling moment that caused the aircraft to exceed the control 
limits by a considerable margin.  This is virtually the same situation as 
occured on the 747 mentioned above, and could conceivably occur on an Airbus 
aircraft with control-law limits.

   One more anecdote:  Several years ago an Air Florida 737 crashed into the
Potomac River.  One of the contributing causes was faulty engine power
indication.  The crew believed that maximum power was being applied, but their
indications showed considerably more power was being generated than was
actually being produced.  There was nothing preventing them from advancing the
power levels beyond the "max power" setting other than training that
predisposed them to not do this.  It is now regarded as correct procedure to
exceed such limits in an emergency if doing so might save the aircraft.  You
can always replace the engines after the emergency landing.  If you would have
crashed without such power application, the engines (among other things) would
be lost anyway.  If they fail from excessive power application, well, you were
going to crash anyway.  This is, after all, an effort of last resort.

   It is a classic error to design systems to handle the majority of cases
correctly but omit the handing of limit cases.  Advanced systems are intended
to increase safety and efficiency.  It would be an error to design-out
application of control in limit cases that might be necessary to save lives.


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 10:23:11 BST
From: "Pete Lucas, NERC Swindon UK." <PJML@ibma.nerc-wallingford.ac.uk>
Subject: Automobile Electronic Performance management

There has recently been some considerable discussion of the potential risks
associated with 'fly by wire' systems in airplanes, and the way in which the
electronics prevent excursions outside a pre-defined `performance envelope'.
This sort of thing is not only found in planes - there are now on the market
(in the United Kingdom at least, not sure about the States) quite a number of
high performance automobiles which do much the same thing.

Examples are: electronic monitoring of turbocharger boost/charge temperature
to prevent detonation, monitoring of engine speed (prevents overspeed),
control of auto transmissions (to prevent shifts to low gears at high
road speeds) etc.

Most of these limitations are done to prevent possibly hazardous and damaging
operation of the vehicle, others are done to comply with the national or
regional restrictions on exhaust emissions, or to adapt to the local fuel
octane availability.  They do, in many cases, mean that the vehicle is also
operated well within its design limitations, hence helping to reduce
manufacturers warranty claims.

There are several organisations in Europe which have, by devious means, gained
access to the control programs of these microprocessors (either by
disassembling, or by blatant and unashamed bribery of the software writers) and
are thus able to modify the software and produce what they then sell as
`Superchips' that, for a couple of hundred pounds and ten minutes effort with a
chip-puller, can transform the performance of an already rapid car - examples
given in UK literature are as follows::

   Sierra/Merkur Cosworth - 388 brake horsepower
   Volvo turbos - 280 brake horsepower
   Mazda 323    - 180 brake horsepower
   Nissan 300ZX - 370 brake horsepower
   SAAB turbos  - 280 brake horsepower.

Now apart from the potential hazards of improperly programmed microprocessors
leading to the destruction of engines/transmissions due to excessive stress
that the manufacturer/designer did not forsee, i wonder about the legal
position of the car should you be involved in an accident. Cars in Europe have
to be 'Type approved', that is to say, there are national testing authorities
who oversee the safety of production cars and prevent the sale or import of
those vehicles that fail to reach certain standards.  Any modifications to a
type-approved vehicle should strictly only incorporate parts that have been
themselves type-approved.  In this context, 'software' is a rather tenuous
'part', again lawyers lagging decades behind technology.....  There are, as far
as i am aware, no provisions for policing the status of on-board software, nor
to prevent its alteration.  Since the changes are visually undetectable (who
walks round their local friendly used car lot with a signature analyser and an
EPROM blower in their pocket?)  it would be very hard to spot, either by the
licensing authorities, or the insurers who may be asked to meet claims
resulting from accidents.

Don't any of you think i am against the enhancement of performance of vehicles
- i want my 70-90 acceleration times to be as short as is humanly possible (and
anyone who has driven the motorway network here will agree on that!), its just
that i can forsee potential problems in the future (like what is the risk if
you sell such a modified vehicle and fail to disclose the modifications and the
purchaser then smashes himself up - can he sue you for failing to tell him
about the changes???)
                                          Pete Lucas.  PHONE: +44 793 411665 


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 9.5