[comp.risks] RISKS DIGEST 10.42

risks@CSL.SRI.COM (RISKS Forum) (09/23/90)

RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest  Saturday 22 September 1990   Volume 10 : Issue 42

   ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator

  Arbitration Myths (Peter Denning)
  Re: Security compromise with SUN's C2 package (Li Gong)
  Re: Expert system in the loop
    (Henry Spencer [2], Steven Philipson [2], Walt Thode)
  Railway Safe Working - large analogue systems (Peter Jones)
  Re: I'm 99% Sure You're A Crook!!! (Jerry Hollombe)
  Book suggestion: Apollo, The Race to the Moon (Martin Minow)
  Re: Knight reference: `Shapes of bugs' (Nancy Leveson)
  ACM Conference on Critical Issues in Computing (Harold S. Stone)

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Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 15:20:25 PDT 
From: Peter Denning <pjd@riacs.edu>
Subject: Arbitration Myths

In RISKS-10.3 of 13 Sept 1990 David Murphy says, "It is completely impossible
to build a fair arbiter or synchroniser."  He also says, "... any digital
design technique is just a way of improving engineering confidence in the
product, not of guaranteeing correctness."  These statements are not true.  I
hear them repeated frequently enough that I surmise they are part of the
folklore.  I write here with an antidote.

First, a definition: An arbiter is a device that selects exactly one out of a
set of requests represented as signals on input channels.  The arbiter must
work even if two or more of its inputs can change simultaneously.  This
behavior is considered "fair" since it does not give preference to any one
input.  Arbiters are used at the ports of memory modules, in the nodes of
interconnection networks, and in interrupt systems.  It is easy to build such

The fundamental theorem of arbiters is: There is no fixed time bound for the
arbiter to make its choice.  The reason is that if two inputs change
simultaneously, the device can enter a metastable state from which it will exit
after a random amount of time (to be precise, the probability that the circuit
persists in the metastable state for more than t seconds is exp(-t/A), where A
is the mean switching time of the circuit).  If we as RISKS readers demand that
every arbitration be performed correctly, we must use asynchronous circuits
that will wait until an arbiter has settled.  These circuits are provably free
of synchronization errors.

But if we build an arbiter into a computer that assumes a fixed time for an
arbiter to reach every decision, there is a chance that the arbiter will not be
settled down and the half-signals at the arbiter's output may cause a
malfunction in the rest of the computer.  Although the probability of this
failure might seem small, failures every few days become very likely at the
clock speeds of modern computers.  If you are interested in reading more about
this, you can take a look at my American Scientist article (1985) and also
Chuck Seitz's chapter in the Mead and Conway book (1980).

Another common misunderstanding about arbitration concerns the lowest level at
which an indivisible operation must be implemented.  Dijkstra's solution to a
concurrent programming problem (1965) was a software arbiter that relied on the
existence of arbitration in the memory addressing circuits for individual
memory locations.  Lamport showed how to achieve fair mutual exclusion without
any requirement that references to memory cells are arbitrated (1974).

Conclusion: we know how to build fair arbiters and how to design
circuits that are free of synchronization errors.


C. L. Seitz, Chapter 7, "System Timing," in Introduction to VLSI Systems, by C.
Mead and L. Conway, Addison-Wesley, 1980.

P. J. Denning, "The Arbitration Problem", American Scientist (Nov-Dec 1985).

L. Lamport, "A new solution of Dijkstra's concurrent programming problem",
Communications of ACM (August 1974), 453-455.


Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 17:24:03 EDT
From: li@diomedes.UUCP (Li Gong)
Subject: Re: Security compromise with SUN's C2 package (Jalali, Risks-10.39)

A related point: the C2 design still allows an intruder to guess user passwords
even if rpc.pwdauthd is not present.  Everyone has a pair of public keys for
authentication, RPC, and the like (public key K+ and corresponding secret key
K-).  In file /etc/publickey which is readable to anybody, there stored (among
other things)

   [user_name, K+, E(p, K-)]

where E(p, K-) is K- encrypted with key p (generated from user password) under
DES.  An intruder can download this file, guess a p' and decrypt the last item
with it to get a K-'.  Then he can choose any text X and verify 
D(K-', E(K+, X)) = X, where D is decryption.  If the above holds, he is quite
certain that p' is the correct password.

This kind of attack is called Verifiable-Text Attacks (see my paper in
Proceedings of Infocom '90, June).  It can be conducted off-line, then
you have to use your own CPU of course.

Li GONG,      Odyssey Research Associates, Inc.


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 13:44:13 EDT
From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu
Subject: Re: Expert system in the loop (Philipson, RISKS-10.38)

>In the case of the Vincennes, it cannot be disputed that a mistake
>was made.  The Pentagon found no human responsible for it, so it
>must have been a mechanical error...

I fear Clifford is departing a bit from his usual standards of objectivity and
precision, here, and the distinctions are important.  Was a mistake made?
Clearly, yes, since there was no need to shoot down a civilian airliner.  Was
it a *preventable* mistake?  Now this is a harder question, as is the question
of who should have been responsible for preventing it.  (My vote goes to the
airline and/or pilot who decided to fly an airliner through a combat zone.)  If
I'm not mistaken, the Pentagon's finding was not that nobody was responsible
for the mistake, but that no *blame* was attached to the captain and crew as a
result of it, i.e. their decision was reasonable in the circumstances and no
disciplinary action was in order.  Whether or not this finding was correct, the
general point stands: one should beware of the assumption that there *must* be
a villain, that either some human must be guilty or there must have been a
mechanical failure.

The Vincennes disaster could have been averted if the airliner had followed a
safer route, if the Vincennes had not been in combat (and hence inclined to
treat potential threats as real ones) at the time, if the captain and crew had
been trained to be more skeptical of the computerized reports and more thorough
about cross-checking them, or if the equipment and software had been better
designed.  Which of these is the villain?

(Actually, I agree with Clifford's main point, that meaningful human
decision-making requires sufficient time and adequate independent sources of
information.  It's not clear to me that the Vincennes case is a good example of
total lack of same, however, so much as a case of how conflicting or
doubt-casting evidence gets ignored in a crisis.)

Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology henry@zoo.toronto.edu utzoo!henry


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 14:10:23 EDT
From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu
Subject: Re: Expert system in the loop (Philipson, RISKS-10.38)

>... Military personnel have, by joining or
>accepting induction into armed service, accepted certain risks. 
>Civilians have not.  If there is any doubt whatsoever that the
>approaching plane was hostile, the Captain should have decided not to
>destroy it, accepting the risk of outcome #3, i.e., that his ship might
>come under attack ...  He and his crew signed up for that risk...

One should remember that soldiers are not policemen.  Policemen generally
are required to accept risks themselves rather than passing them on to
civilians; their *job* is reducing civilian risks.  The military are not
in quite the same situation.  Their job is to carry out the policies of
their government, and if innocent people get hurt, that is the policy-
makers' problem.  Military actions often involve injury or death to
innocent civilians, and avoiding this entirely is probably impossible,
although minimizing it is usually desirable.  The captain and crew of
the Vincennes signed up to risk their lives in protecting the United States
(and its allies and interests), not in protecting civilians in general.

>... The passengers of the airliner had accepted no such risk...

Their government had accepted it on their behalf, by initiating warfare
against foreign vessels, for what it presumably considered adequate reason.
Governments in general feel that they have a right to risk the lives of
their citizens -- without their individual consent -- for sufficient cause.
Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology henry@zoo.toronto.edu utzoo!henry


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 15:43:55 -0700
From: stevenp@decwrl.dec.com (Steven Philipson)
Subject: expert systems in battle (Cliff Johnson, RISKS-10.39)

In RISKS-10.39 "Clifford Johnson" <GA.CJJ@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
   writes a response to my post on expert systems.

   First, I request that more care be exercised in the use of quotations.
The excerpt that Clifford used appears to be attributed to me (through
the use of a single greater-than sign) when the excerpt was one that I
was quoting from someone else.  The usage in this article will be a ">"
in the first column to denote quoted material.

>In the case of the Vincennes, it cannot be disputed that a mistake
>was made.  The Pentagon found no human responsible for it, so it
>must have been a mechanical error.

   This statement is in error.  Please, READ THE REPORT.  Human error on the
part of two officers was specifically cited, and inadequacies with the systems
were noted.  An error was made by a junior officer in reading both the altitude
and speed of the approaching aircraft.  Error was also attributed to a senior
officer for not confirming the data on his own by checking his own displays.
The board also found that inadequacies in the design of the display increased
the probability for misinterpretation of data under the stress of battle.  The
board found that Captain Rogers made a correct decision to fire based on the
data that he had available to him.

>The assertion that humans have
>time to meaningfully evaluate the computers' information in a few
>minutes is patent nonsense (as proven by the Vincennes)

   I never made that assertion, nor do I hold that it can be done.  In my
previous post I wrote "All this may not be possible to do in practice".
Indeed, it is not reasonable to expect that large bodies of data and rules of
reasoning can be evaluated by a human being within a few seconds.  On the other
hand, the raw data cannot be assessed by a human in that time frame either.
Some amount of processing is going to be done by machine.  A decision as to how
much should be done must be made at some point.  In the case of the Vincennes,
only minimal processing was performed, and the radar data was presented fairly
simply -- as a course and altitude readout.  Even that was misinterpreted under
the stress of battle.

   One must also consider that not all battlefield decisions are made on a time
frame of seconds or even minutes.  Assessments of the enemy's intentions often
occur over periods of days and weeks.  An expert system that finds evidence of
significant activity and reports it could be of great value to commanders if
the time frame is long enough to evaluate those decisions and actions.

>- all humans can do is to *gamble* whether the computers (or their readings
>of the computers' consoles) are right, and so they act as no more nor
>less than randomizing agencies - 

   In a sense, that is correct -- they do gamble that the machines are right,
but we do this every day in all forms of endeavor.  When I drive my car, I
gamble that my speedometer is close to correct, and that by following it I will
avoid getting a speeding ticket.  The gamble is a good one as I have a sense
that the probability of it being correct is high, although it could be wrong
(and has been on occasion).  Likewise, one "gambles" on the correct performance
from more complex systems, but these bets are far from random.  The key point
here is that a computer system does not have to be perfect to be useful, even
when used in critical applications.

>Such decisionmaking is de facto *governed* by computer: without
>computer prompts, no retaliatory decision at all would be taken;

   Again, incorrect.  Decisions to fire were made long before we had computers
-- they are not required to make these decisions.  Data collected by human
observers can be and is interpreted incorrectly as well.  In addition, use of a
computer system does not preclude the consideration of other data points.
Friendly and/or non-hostile craft have been destroyed in the past in cases
where there was no computer involved.  By the way, the use of the word
"retaliatory" is incorrect here.  The decision to fire in this circumstance is
not an act of revenge, but rather of self protection.

   It is a hard reality that decisions must sometimes be made in the midst of
chaos, with few or unreliable data points.  The presence of computers does not
change this.  Computer systems have been involved in cases where the outcome
was not as desired.  There have also been many cases where similar mistakes
were made without the use of computer systems.  The banishment of computers
from critical systems will not stop such the occurrence of such errors.


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 15:43:55 -0700
From: stevenp@decwrl.dec.com (Steven Philipson)
Subject: expert systems in battle (Jeff Johnson, RISKS-10.39)

Jeff Johnson <jjohnson@hpljaj.hpl.hp.com> writes:

>The captain of the Vincennes was faced with a decision that had four
>possible outcomes:

>  1. Destroy approaching plane; plane is hostile (CORRECT OUTCOME)
>  2. Destroy approaching plane; plane is not hostile (ERRONEOUS OUTCOME)
>  3. Don't destroy approaching plane; plane is hostile (ERRONEOUS OUTCOME)
>  4. Don't destroy approaching plane; plane is not hostile (CORRECT 
>     OUTCOME)

   This is an interesting set of rules, but it does not reflect the rules that
were in use in the Gulf.  The above rules assume certainty in the
identification of aircraft.  Actual rules are based on probable identification.

   This can be seen directly in the transcripts from the Vincennes, where crew
members used terms such as "probable hostile" and "possible comm-air".  The
captain of the Vincennes had a primary responsibility to protect his ship.  In
this case, given a "probable hostile" aircraft on a probable attack profile,
the correct decision is to fire.  What's more, the destruction of a non-hostile
aircraft is NOT an erroneous outcome.  This isn't to say that it isn't a
terrible tragedy -- it is.  It is however, a correct action given the military
doctrine in use.

   US fighter pilots in World War II made a point of staying well clear of ALL
ships (not just enemy vessels) as they were likely to be fired upon if they got
too close.  The pilots knew that the rule of operation for the ships was
"better to shoot down a friendly aircraft in error than to lose a ship".  The
captain of the Vincennes was operating by the same rule.  This was a major
factor in his being found to have made the correct firing decision.  Whether
this value judgment is a good one or not is a completely different question.

>  Military personnel have, by joining or accepting induction into 
> armed service, accepted certain risks. Civilians have not.  If there
> is any doubt whatsoever that the approaching plane was hostile, the
> Captain should have decided not to destroy it, accepting the risk of
> outcome #3, i.e., that his ship might come under attack (Note:  not
> even necessarily that his ship or crew would sustain any injuries).

   These are reasonable statements, but irrelevant.  We can argue about what
the rules of engagement should have been, and even whether either US warships
or civilian traffic should have been there at all, but that will not change the
situation that occurred nor rules that were in effect.  The rules did not state
"fire only if *sure* of hostile intent", but rather "US warships will fire to
protect themselves if threatened".  Part of the reason for this is that the US
had already suffered casualties in the Gulf in the case of the Stark.  The
board of inquiry found that the captain acted in accordance with the rules and
his orders.

   I heartily recommend that all persons who are concerned with the issues of
computer systems in critical applications read the Vincennes report.  Many
insights can be gained through examination of the performance of both humans
and machines.  There is much of value here for those who design systems,
whether they include humans, computers, or both.


Date: 20 September 1990 1316-PDT (Thursday)
From: thode@nprdc.navy.mil (Walt Thode)
Subject: Re: Expert system in the loop (Whose fault was the Vincennes...?)

There seems to be a fair amount of interest about who is to blame for the
mistaken destruction by the USS Vincennes of a civilian airliner.  There are
various points of view.

Clifford Johnson (in RISKS-10.39) suggests that 
>                         (...) it cannot be disputed that a mistake
> was made.  The Pentagon found no human responsible for it, so it
> must have been a mechanical error.  (Recently, Captain Rogers was
> awarded a special medal of honor for his courage in commanding the
> Vincennes through the shootdown.)

I hope he meant the above with considerable tongue in cheek.  Suggesting that
the Pentagon's findings in a controversial case like this would be altruistic
is naive at best.  A possible indicator of the Pentagon's actual response is
that Capt. Rogers, despite his impressive credentials up to the time of this
tragedy, is now unlikely to be promoted to the Flag rank (Admiral) that was
probably a foregone conclusion before this incident.  (This is not necessarily
a logical decision, however; the Navy tends to sidetrack any career that
becomes besmirched with controversy or scandal, and the Captain is always
responsible for the events in his command, even when he in fact often may have
little control.)

Johnson's further comment is right on:
>                                      The assertion that humans have
> time to meaningfully evaluate the computers' information in a few
> minutes is patent nonsense (as proven by the Vincennes) - all
> humans can do is to *gamble* whether the computers (or their readings
> of the computers' consoles) are right, and so they act as no more nor
> less than randomizing agencies - i.e. one would get the same level
> of "judgment" by card shuffling.

An important issue here is not mentioned.  Systems are designed by people, and
often people do not design man-machine interfaces very well.  The interface
should maximize the chances of making a good decision in a case like this, and
should minimize the chances of making a bad one.  It's often the case that
systems are designed, developed, and fielded with poor man-machine interfaces.
(I don't have extensive knowledge of the AEGIS or other Vincennes systems, so
I'm not in a position to judge them in particular.)  I suspect that there is
much to yet be learned about what comprises a good man-machine interface in
instances like this one.

--Walt Thode   thode@nprdc.navy.mil   {everywhere_else}!ucsd!nprdc!thode


Date: 	Wed, 19 Sep 90 15:28:56 EDT
From: Peter Jones <MAINT@UQAM.bitnet>
Subject: Railway Safe Working - large analogue systems (skill, RISKS-10.36)

>outside the train (by climbing down to the trip and manually resetting it).

In the Canadian climate, this would introduce a risk of the driver slipping and
falling in conditions of snow, ice or sleet. Not a procedure to be taken

>...   signal box interlocks are implemented by requiring two largish pieces of
>metal to occupy the same space for conflicting events to occur. The only
>failure mode here is severe deformation of the metal rods.

Or a failure in the linkage to the signal.

>                                    These drop in sequence at a rate which
>reduces the train speed to around 20 km/h.

I think the elevated in Chicago has (or had in 1970) a system like this to
regulate train speed at an 'S' bend around 39th South. A train would encounter
a red at the the start of the 'S', which would change to yellow as the train
arrived. Then, there was a series of signals that would change from red to
yellow as the train proceeded slowly through the 'S'.  Speed control appeared
to be done manually under the driver's control.

>long distance diesels have a vigilance button which must be pressed every
>sixty seconds to keep the brakes off. It's a good thing that brakes are
>applied automatically because it is commonly believed that old hands can press 
>this button even when sleeping. I've observed the automaton-like way that 
>drivers press this button and I have no doubt that it happens.

In 1968, I saw a film of the SNCF (French Rail) workers explaining their
dead-man system. Originally, it was a kind of steering wheel that had to
be held up. When the SNCF discovered the drivers were holding it up with
a piece of string, they changed the system so the driver had to raise the
steering wheel every 20 seconds. Drivers found this exhausting. I'm
wondering if a less obtrusive system couldn't be used. Maybe a throttle
with a light feel but requiring almost continuous holding. The safety
system would detect the natural "dither" of the driver's hand.

I'm also surprised at the number of cars fitted with cruise control, and
NO vigilance system. Some drivers, to avoid the hassle of re-engaging the
cruise control, allow themselves to almost plough into the next vehicle,
rather that reduce speed slightly. Many controls will maintain the
preset speed, but seem to lack a throttle-like means of reducing speed
by say 5-10 kph.

>Mind you, it all seems very safe compared to Canada where express passenger
>trains are managed using CTC and walkie-talkie radios. I've seen passenger

The Mulroney government seems to be using a probabilistic approach: make
accidents less likely by cutting back drastically on the number of
passenger trains :-)

Peter Jones  UUCP: ...psuvax1!uqam.bitnet!maint (514)-987-3542


Date: 19 Sep 90 23:43:48 GMT
From: hollombe@ttidca.tti.com (The Polymath)
Subject: Re: I'm 99% Sure You're A Crook!!! (mmm, RISKS-10.39)

}[To me, it seems like there is quite a range of quality in the machines used
}to verify my credit.  Some are solid-looking hardware from NCR or IBM with
}expensive keyswitches and plasma displays.  Others are cheapo stuff with LED
}displays and calculator-style keypads.  I guess PW went with the system from 
}Ma & Pa Kettle POS Systems.  mmm]

This is more a marketing risk than a computer risk, but still something to
consider. "Solid-looking hardware" with apparently expensive switches and
displays may well mask shoddy hardware and software internals.  I've
particularly noticed this technique in electronic products from a certain
Japanese manufacturer.  Their smaller boom-boxes, for example, have slabs of
metal bolted to the inside of the plastic chassis, apparently serving no other
purpose than to give the feel of solid, heavy quality to an otherwise cheap and
mediocre piece of equipment.

With the advent of systems like NeXT that make the building of impressive
graphic user interfaces relatively simple, we need to learn to worry about what
internal software sins those GUI's cover.

(A related risk has been around for some time: Modern word processors and
printers make rough drafts look like finished products).

The Polymath, Jerry Hollombe, Citicorp, 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, CA
90405 (213) 450-9111, x2483 {csun | philabs | psivax}!ttidca!hollombe


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 07:18:19 PDT
From: "Cheap, fast, good; choose two  19-Sep-1990 1004" <minow@bolt.enet.dec.com>
Subject: Book suggestion: Apollo, The Race to the Moon

	Apollo, The Race to the Moon
	Charles Murray & Catherine Bly Cox
	Simon & Shuster, ISBN 0-671-61101-1

RISKS folk will probably find this book interesting: it's a history of the
Apollo project told mostly from the viewpoint of the engineers (and especially
the flight controllers and back-room support staff). It is not a history of the

There is a great deal of emphasis on safety issues, including second-by-second
descriptions of some of the emergencies: the launch-pad fire, the Apollo 11
landing computer overload, the Apollo 12 lightning strike, and -- especially
-- the Apollo 13 rescue.

The book is journalism, not science; so RISKS readers will have to determine
for themselves how the lessons of Apollo are applicable to their work (and how
many have been lost since the Apollo project).

I found a hard-bound edition in the remainder pile in a Cambridge (MA)
bookstore; so you might have to dig around for it.

Martin Minow				minow@bolt.enet.dec.com


Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 12:28:11 -0700
From: Nancy Leveson <nancy@murphy.ICS.UCI.EDU>
Subject: Re:   Knight reference: `Shapes of bugs' (Mellor, RISK-10.40)

       > However, they cross-refer another paper which describes these faults:
       > S.S. Brilliant, J.C. Knight, N.G. Leveson: `Analysis of faults in 
       > an N-version software experiment', University of Virginia Technical 
       > Report No. TR-86-20, September 1986.

This paper appeared in IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, February, 1990.


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 09:22:13 EDT 
From: "Harold S. Stone" <HSTONE@IBM.COM>
Subject: ACM Conference on Critical Issues in Computing

The ACM Conference on Critical Issues (6-7 November 1990, Hyatt Regency,
Crystal City VA) is unique in the following ways:

   It is a summit meeting.

       The attendees will include key decision makers, IS executives,
       researchers, and users.  AT&T, IBM, TRW, and other Fortune
       500 companies will be represented.

   It is devoted to two important practical issues

       The critical issues are modeling reality and managing the complexity of
       large systems.

   It is a working meeting with audience participation.

       The attendees will spend one day in working together in small groups.

   It will produce an action agenda.

       The joint work of the audience will identify the
       specific problems to be attacked and who should address
       these problems.  The output will be an agenda of actions
       that could help to resolve the issues raised in the years to come.

Besides the technical speakers listed on the program, there will be a keynote
address by Dr. Gene Wong who is now on Allan Bromley's staff in the OSTP of the
White House while on leave from UC Berkeley.  I am sure that you will be
interested in his comments in regard to the government's role in setting
strategic directions in computing for the future.  The dinner speaker will be
Oliver Selfridge whose talk is entitled ``We can't go on programming like
this.''  Other speakers of note on the technical program are David Parnas, Jay
Forrester, and Stuart Dreyfus.


Modeling Reality Section

   Speakers:  Stuart Dreyfus, Jay W. Forrester, John C. Kunz, Eleanor Wynn

   Panelists: Jay David Bolter, Peter Denning

Managing Complexity Section

   Speakers:  David Parnas, Rod Leddy, Edward Chevers

   Panelists:  Robert Charette, Peter G. Neumann

       [Interested people should contact Fred Aronson at ACM HQ, 11 W 42, 
       NY NY 10036, 212-869-7440, or send mail to issues@acmvm.bitnet .]


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.42