risks@CSL.SRI.COM (RISKS Forum) (12/20/90)
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Wednesday 19 December 1990 Volume 10 : Issue 71 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Re: "Computer Models Leave U.S. Leaders Sure of Victory" (Marcus J. Ranum, Karl Lehenbauer, Bob Estell) Compass Airlines disrupted by possible computer attack (Sarge) Punny user interface [anonymous] Process control risks discussed in IEEE Software (Andy Oram) Unexpected effects of PC's (P.J. Karafiol, ark) Missing reference (Jerry Leichter) A semi-folk tale on the risks of being well-known (Daniel P Dern) Re: the risks of being well known (Scott Schwartz) Re: Organizational Aspects of Safety (Charlie Martin) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line. Others ignored! REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.com<CR>login anonymous<CR>AnyNonNullPW<CR> CD RISKS:<CR>GET RISKS-i.j<CR>; j is TWO digits. Vol summaries in risks-i.00 (j=0); "dir risks-*.*<CR>" gives directory; bye logs out. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 00:26:20 -0500 From: mjr@decuac.DEC.COM (Marcus J. Ranum) Subject: Re: "Computer Models Leave U.S. Leaders Sure of Victory" I've always been particularly interested in wargaming, and was really happy on the occasion I managed to game with a guy who also did occasional work with Navy wargames systems. His descriptions of how gaming parameters are derived may have been (I hope!) exaggerated, but I don't think I'd place much confidence in the results the games give. They may reflect a battle - but it's more likely the game will reflect the relative lobbying skills of the various groups who set the parameters. I gather that some arguments put forward run along the lines of: "It's impossible to sink a carrier in this scenario," say the carrier drivers. "Well, ok," reply the submariners, "then the probability of detecting a sub in case X is only Y%". The end result is a game - but does it have anything to do with even the situation it is supposed to be simulating (which does not address the fact that in a real war, you are *never* presented with the situation you think you will be). Apparently many of the parameters for weapons systems, etc, are drawn from manufacturer's specs, and the "actual" combat capability is extrapolated from published MTBFs, etc. This doesn't always take into account little things like grains of sand that may skew a value. There's also the story of the wargame developed ("Firefight" by Jim Dunnigan I think it was) for the U.S. Army designed to train in infantry fire fight tactics. Apparently it was almost impossible by game rules for the OPFOR to win. (The game has been released as a commercial boardgame, with the values "fixed" - or "unfixed"). If you're interested in the subject, there's a pretty good book entitled, "_War_Games_", by Thomas B. Allen that glosses over the military's flirtation with game theory. It looks like another sad case of trying to make a "science" out of something, without having any real scientific way of quantifying the experimental subject. How *do* you make a meaningful statement about the result of a battle? It sure would be rich if we learn years down the road that some white-tower theoretical soldiers in the Soviet Union were the REAL driving force behind perestroika because they couldn't get a 100% win in a conventional war simulation in Europe, because all their specs were drawn from the malarkey glossies defense contractors give the Pentagon. mjr. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 90 09:34:58 CST (Wed) From: Karl Lehenbauer <karl@ficc.ferranti.com> Subject: Re: Computer Models Leave U.S. Leaders Sure of Victory No doubt this article is going to generate a lot of responses. Peter da Silva finds this reminiscent of the infamous Club Of Rome models that assigned pollution to a single numerical value and predicted that we'd all be dead by now. Rolling the clock back twenty years or so, had the ADE been around we could be fairly certain that the assigned ADE of US Forces in Viet Nam far exceeded that of the enemy and that, therefore, a quick victory would be certain. For a more recent example, consider that the ADE of the USSR forces in Afghanistan surely exceeded that of the Afghan rebels, yet they lost. -- uunet!sugar!ficc!karl (wk) ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 90 10:04:00 PDT From: "FIDLER::ESTELL" <estell%fidler.decnet@scfb.nwc.navy.mil> Subject: Risks of believing war game models A comment on the RISKS-FORUM Digest item of Tuesday 18 December 1990 RE: "Computer Models Leave U.S. Leaders Sure of Victory" is in order. 1. Computer models are usually naive, or even stupid. That does NOT necessarily mean that the one(s) cited in the referenced article were of poor quality; but it DOES mean that these models do NOT speak for intelligent, thoughtful PEOPLE - such as Gen. Colin Powell, Sec. Def. Dick Cheney, Senator San Nunn, etc. 2. How do I know that models are so often naive? First, I have read much available literature, from the RAND Corp., the GAO, etc. (e.g., "DOD SIMULATIONS: Improved Assessment Procedures Would Increase the Credibility of Results", GAO/PEMD-88-3, Dec. 1987; and "Analysis for Military Decisions", E.S. Quade, editor, Rand McNally & Co., 1964; and "Handbook of Systems Analysis", Hugh Miser and E.S. Quade, eds., North-Holland, 1988. Once you get into these, follow the trail that the bibliographies give. Like me, you can focus your interest, and still read three dozen books and conference papers.) Moreover, I have used some of the "better regarded" models, including one that has been "certified" by the Navy. (I found and fixed several fatal bugs in the code; the model has not since been recertified.) Finally, I have designed and written and used my own model; it is as "good" (based on comparison of results) as many of the better known larger, older models. I call it "Ape" because it mimics the others. It is robust and elegant, but no genius. In particular, it is subject to the "garbage in garbage out" syndrome; i.e., if you tell Ape that your aircraft cannot be shot down by their tanks, Ape will let you do that. Mother Nature may not; as the late Richard Feynman noted, She always enforces all of Her rules, even when we (scientists et al) forget. 3. In grad school, one my my profs had worked for Getty Oil, as an Ops Researcher. He told of the rivalry between the Getty half brothers. One had done a "study" to prove something; the other asked my prof to "... prove my brother wrong." They ran "their best model" and it said that the other brother was right; so, they "tuned" the input data and reran the model; and it still said the other brother was right; so ... on the 242nd retry, it finally said that the other brother was wrong. Remarkably, when these "results" (sans the history of 243 runs) were presented to J.P. Getty, he believed them, and cancelled the first brother's plans. Does DoD *ever* do things like that? You read the Wall Street Journal and Aviation Week articles about SDI, B-2, A-12, etc. and draw your own conclusions. My invitation to those so sure of success is, why not go over to Arabia and lead the troops to victory? You could be a hero? Bob ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 90 06:27:48 GMT From: sarge@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au (Sarge) Subject: Compass Airlines disrupted by possible computer attack Compass Airlines, a new airline company in Australia (since deregulation a couple of weeks ago), has reported that there reservation system was being jammed. On one day alone 25,713 calls had been made. The Chief Executive suspects a computer was used to repeatedly dial telephone numbers, which aborted when answered. Note that they do NOT think any rival airline is involved. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 90 From: [anonymous] Subject: Punny user interface While reviewing the design of an important control system, I came across the following (slightly edited): "The OK flags are used to request operator input for an operation. If bit 2 is set by the operation, the keyboard control task displays a message, eg. OPERATION OK? If the operator types Y (yes), bit 1 is set. If (s)he types 9 (no - in German) bit 3 is set." I don't know the full history of this decision to use "9" to represent "no", but it seems to me that someone with a fondness for puns and a lack of concern about the user interface managed to get a little joke included into the design. Please don't accuse me of lacking a sense of humour; if I had come across this in a game program I would have laughed heartily. But the user interface to a critical control system must be as clear and understandable as possible. An operator wanting to abort an operation should not have to remember that for this particular system, the opposite of "Y" is "9". The field of computer programming abounds in little jokes like this. Some can actually be useful (eg. the little trash can on the Macintosh screen which bulges when full) but others are tiresome or actually dangerous. People who want to use computers to accomplish an important job should not have to learn all the "in" jokes of the fraternity of programmers. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 10:37:28 EST From: andyo@westford.ccur.com (Andy Oram) Subject: Process control risks discussed in IEEE Software The following recent article should interest all RISKS readers: Leveson, Nancy G., "The Challenge of Building Process-Control Software," IEEE Software, 7:6, November 1990, pp. 55-62. Her subject matter touches on almost every application where a computer interacts with real-life activities -- including interaction with a user who supposedly has final control over the situation. Compared to some posters on this forum, her premise is an optimistic one: she takes for granted that computers should be used to control airplanes, factory production, power plants, etc. But she's very open about the difficulties of predicting and handling events. The article includes some classic examples of computer-aided processes that went hay-wire. More significantly, she carefully tries to distinguish different levels of human and technological risk, and proposes research areas for dealing with each one. I'm sure others have read this article, since it's in a major journal. Since I'm still a novice in the issues involved, I'd enjoy seeing comments -- please mail them to andyo@westford.ccur.com. Andrew Oram, Concurrent Computer Corporation, One Technology Way, Westford, MA 01886 (508) 392-2865 {harvard,uunet,petsd}!masscomp!andyo This is not an official statement from Concurrent, but my own opinion; therefore you can count on having one person who stands behind it. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 11:55:29 -0400 From: karafiol@husc8.harvard.edu (P.J. Karafiol) Subject: Unexpected effects of PC's In RISKS 10.59, Jerry Leichter says, >each [lawyer] is expected to do most of the word processing for his own jobs. >The comment from a friend - also a lawyer, but one very involved in the >future of the profession - is that any lawyer starting out today had better >learn to use a word processor; it'll be part of his job within a few years >at most I find this somewhat hard to believe. My father is a lawyer at a largish firm, and, indeed, many of the lawyers do some of their own word processing and are encouraged to know how to do it *in case of emergency*. But considering that the average lawyer there bills in the vicinity of $150/hr (if not more!) and the secretaries bill $30/hr to the client, most clients would rather the firm use more secretarial help than have lawyers spend precious time and money word processing. Since these billing schedules are even more skewed in the large NY firms, I hardly think that self-wordprocessing lawyers are going to be a major trend in the legal profession. == pj karafiol ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 15:17:14 EST From: ark@research.att.com Subject: Unexpected effects of PC's I have a lawyer friend who told me that she is forbidden to use a computer, word processor, typewriter, or any other similar labor-saving device. The firm's rationale is that they charge by the hour. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:09:12 EDT From: Jerry Leichter <leichter@lrw.com> Subject: Missing reference An article of mine in RISKS 10.69 referred to another article in the same issue, pointing out the difficulty of tracking down an apparently-solid bibliographic reference given in the latter. However, the second article didn't include the reference! Apparently it was lost in editing. For completeness, that reference was: Business Week, 17 Dec 90, Page 96C/ -- Jerry ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 22:05:56 -0500 From: ddern@world.std.com (Daniel P Dern) Subject: A semi-folk tale on the risks of being well-known Jerry Leichter's (leichter@lrw.com) story on many printers within a network sharing the same name calls to mind a story I heard back when I was at BBN. This was in the period when the company was just starting to market/sell packet networks to commercial customers (i.e., private nets that weren't part of the ARPA/Internet). To initialize the IMP (older name for packet switch), the network installer made a tape from an active ARPAnet machine, and loaded that into the customer's single node. I could all but hear this poor lonely packet switch waking up, as it were, and soliliquizing, "OK, I guess somebody had to restart me. Let's see who else is out there, and tell them I'm awake again. Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there? Hey, where is everybody? Dagnab, I'm a stub again... say, you don't suppose that war broke out and I'm the only one left do you? Ah, here's packets to handle! That's a relief. Yo! Guys! Anybody home! ..." Sure, it worked. But how cruel... Daniel Dern ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 23:37:53 EST From: schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) Subject: Re: the risks of being well known (Leichter, RISKS-10.69) How many machines are there out there named, say, "vax1"? We have one here. There is one at the University of Delaware. I think Digital used to have one. Now of course these all have their names qualifed so that they are unique, but if you happen to have a friendly terminal server that caches recently accessed hosts, and also does name completion, then ``telnet vax1'' may not get you where you expect to be. On a related note, psuvax1 hasn't been a vax for many years, but the name has stayed the same: the machine gateways lots of mail and the system adminstrators wanted to avoid any surprises. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 10:22:19 -0500 From: crm@cs.duke.edu (Charlie Martin) Subject: Re: Organizational Aspects of Safety (Hoffman, RISKS-10.69) Lance Hoffman noted the SCIENCE article pointing out that the cost of fixing structural problems in drill rigs is two orders of magnitude greater than the cost of engineering reviews to catch the problems before construction. It's interesting that this is about the same cost saving reported in software engineering (errors caught early in design versus errors caught during O,E&M). It looks like "it cost 1/100th as much to do it right as it costs to do it over" may be a general rule. Does anyone know of similar cost data in other engineering fields? Charlie Martin (...!mcnc!duke!crm, crm@summanulla.mc.duke.edu) O: NBSR/One University Place/Suite 250/Durham, NC 27707/919-490-1966 [By the way, I noticed yesterday that the ENTIRE Contents section was omitted from the distributed version of RISKS-10.69. I added it to the CRVAX archive copy. Sorry. PGN] ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.71 ************************