legg@sirius.ua.oz.au (Christian Legg) (12/11/89)
Greetings netters. I am looking for some information about a program called ECONFIG. This program is meant to allow the use of TCP on top of IPX, so that it is possible for (say) an IBM PC connected to a Novell network to use both its Novell connection and (say) a Telnet connection without need to reboot the machine. I would like to know... 1 - where said program is available 2 - is it in the public domain? and 3 - if anyone out there has had any experiences with this program (does it do what it claims to do, etc..) Any information about this program, or a similar program that could modify the IPX to allow TCP packets to travel would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance Christian Legg ****************************************************************************** * Christian Legg, * * * University Computing Services, * 'The man who can smile when things go * * University of Adelaide, * wrong has thought of someone he can * * South Australia. * blame it on' * * * Phone : +61 8 228 5549 * * * ACSnet : legg@sirius.ua.oz * Jones's Law * * FAX : +61 8 224 0464 * * ******************************************************************************