[comp.protocols.misc] addresses for standards bodies

nga@root.co.uk (Nick Armitage) (07/09/87)

I am looking for the addresses of computer-related standards
bodies in both Europe and the USA (where else??). Specifically
I am interested in standards bodies which deal with communications
protocols. Our own illustrious British Standards Institute seem
to be unwilling or unable to divulge addresses where I can obtain
publications lists. What I was looking for from the main bodies
were publications lists as provided by the US National Bureau
of Standards which they helpfully send out with every enquiry.

Please respond by email directly to me and if there is interest
I will happily mail people what I have collected or summarise
for the net.

Thanks in advance

Nick Armitage, Root Technical Systems, 3 Hayne Street, London, EC1A 9HH.
phone:  +44 1 606 7799   fax:  +44 1 726 8158   telex:  885995 ROOT G
My opinions do not necessarily represent those of any ROOT-Unisoft company.

stanwyck@drutx.ATT.COM (Don Stanwyck) (07/13/87)

in article <368@root44.co.uk>, nga@root.co.uk (Nick Armitage) says:
> I am looking for the addresses of computer-related standards
> bodies in both Europe and the USA (where else??). Specifically
> I am interested in standards bodies which deal with communications
> protocols.
> Nick Armitage, Root Technical Systems, 3 Hayne Street, London, EC1A 9HH.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018 USA
Telephone +1 212 642 4900
Telex 424296 ANSI UI
Fax +1 212 302 1286

Association Francaise de Normalization (AFNOR)
Tour Europe - Cedex 7
92080 Paris La Defense, FRANCE
Telephone +33 14 778 1326
Telex 611 974 AFNOR F
Fax +33 1 774 8490

British Standards Institute (BSI)
2 Park Street
Telephone +44 1 629 9000
Telex 266933 BSI G
Fax +44 1 629 0506

Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
178 Rexdale Boulevard
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R9
Telephone +1 416 747 4363
Telex 06-989344
Fax +1 416 747 4149

Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
2001 Eye Street NW
Washington, DC 20006 USA
Telephone +1 202 457 4966
Telex 710-822-0148 EIA WSH
Fax +1 202 457 4985

European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)
Rue de Rhone 114
CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone +41 22 353634
Telex 22 288 ECMA CH

Institute Of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY  10017 USA
Telephone +1 212 705 7960

International Organization for Standards
1, Rue de Varembe
Case Postale 56
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Telephone +41 22 341240
Telex 23 88 7 ISO CH
Fax +41 22 333430

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
International Telegraph and Telephone Consutative Committee (CCITT)
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 22 995111
Telex 421000 UIT CH

National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
Technology Building 225
Gathersburg, MD 20899 USA
(  National Technical Information Service
(  5285 Port Royal Road
(  Springfield, VA 22161  USA
(  Telephone +1 703 487 4600

Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige
Tegnergatan 11
Box 3 295
S-103 66 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone +468 230400
Telex 17453 SIS S


Hope this helps.  If you need any further information on any of these
contact me and I will see what I can do.


Don Stanwyck  :  ISDN Standards Rep. for AT&T  (CCITT/ANSI/ECMA)
	      :  Graduate Instructor, Telecomunications Standards @
		 Univ. of Colorado, Boulder